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Page information on f89v2

f89v2 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Pharmaceutical
Quire: O
Page in quire: G
Currier language: A
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-28 04:52:13 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f89v2 = OG (Rene) = p183 (Stolfi)
Folio: f89
Panels: f89v3, f89v2
Bifolio: bO2 = f88+f89
Quire: O (Rene) = XV (Beinecke)

This page comprises the two outermost verso panels (f89v3 and f89v2) of a six-panel fold-out. Panel f89v3 has half-width. The paragraph lines span both panels, across the fold.


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: P (Rene), pha (Stolfi)
Subject: pharmaceutical
Colors: ??? (Reeds)


This page contains 3 rows of plants (next to the top edge, across the middle, and next to the bottom edge), separated by two blocks of text.

The plant rows contain 5, 3, and 4 plants, respectively. Crammed into the left margin, next to each row of plants, is a "container"—an object resembling a decorated jar with pedestal. Each container and each plant has a "label" written next to it (units "L1","L2", and "L3"). From the position of the labels it seems pretty clear which label goes with which figure.

The first block of text (unit "P1") consists of a single paragraph with 3.6 lines. The second block (unit "P2") contains two paragraphs, both with 3.8 lines.

There is a vertical crease in the vellum, about 1cm to the left of the fold that separates panels f89v3 and f89v2. The crease extends from the second line of the top paragraph down to the bottom edge of the page. Eacept for the first line of the first paragraph, the text carefully avoids that (clean and undamaged) crease, but runs over the (dirty and worn-out) fold as if it was not there. The crease has a similar effect on the recto side (page f89r2).

Near plant [2,3] there seems to be a slit-like defect in the vellum, flanked by two alternating rows of dots. This defect is visible on the verso side too.

Plant descriptions:

ROW 1:

  [1,0] (Container) [To be written]

  [1,1] [To be written]

  [1,2] [To be written]

  [1,3] [To be written]

  [1,4] [To be written]

  [1,5] [To be written]

ROW 2:

  [2,0] (Container) [To be written]

  [2,1] [To be written]

  [2,2] [To be written]

  [2,3] [To be written]

ROW 3:

  [3,0] (Container) [To be written]

  [3,1] [To be written]

  [3,2] [To be written]

  [3,3] [To be written]

  [3,4] [To be written]


[some drawings repeated in herbal]

[label "odor" from f101v2 mentioned here.]

From the layout of the text relative to the crease and fold, it looks as if the crease was a defect of the vellum, already present when the page was written; but the fold was neither present nor explicitly planned for.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "top row of labels"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 07:21:14 by stolfi

There are 6 labels and 5 plants.

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.
"V" transcription by John Grove.
was previously called <f89v2.t>


Don Latham:

<f89v2.L1.0;L> choeesy= {was <f89v2. t. 1;L>}
<f89v2.L1.1;L> ok**l= {was <f89v2. t. 2;L>}
<f89v2.L1.2;L> {fold}oarcheos= {was <f89v2. t. 3;L>}
<f89v2.L1.3;L> chokaro= {was <f89v2. t. 4;L>}
<f89v2.L1.4;L> sheol= {was <f89v2. t. 5;L>}
<f89v2.L1.5;L> cho*a*= {was <f89v2. t. 6;L>}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f89v2.L1.0;H> choeesy=
<f89v2.L1.1;H> okam=
<f89v2.L1.2;H> {fold}darcheos=
<f89v2.L1.3;H> chokaro=
<f89v2.L1.4;H> sheol=
<f89v2.L1.5;H> chokam=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f89v2.L1.0;U> choeesy=
<f89v2.L1.1;U> okam=
<f89v2.L1.2;U> {fold}darcheos=
<f89v2.L1.3;U> chokaro=
<f89v2.L1.4;U> sheol=
<f89v2.L1.5;U> chotam=

John Grove:

<f89v2.L1.0;V> choeesy= {was <f89v2. t. 1;V>}
<f89v2.L1.1;V> okaim= {was <f89v2. t. 2;V>}
<f89v2.L1.2;V> {fold}darcheor= {was <f89v2. t. 3;V>}
<f89v2.L1.3;V> chokaro= {was <f89v2. t. 4;V>}
<f89v2.L1.4;V> sheol= {was <f89v2. t. 5;V>}
<f89v2.L1.5;V> chotam= {was <f89v2. t. 6;V>}

Unit: "panel 89v2, top block of text"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 07:32:23 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.

the following para is horribly hard to read! [D Latham]

First study group:

<f89v2.P1.1;F> kosar. sheol. raiin. koiin. chtodaiin. pd{fold}in. choty. qofoiin. dy. qopdal. dair. ofaiin. ol. cfheol. dam- {plant}
<f89v2.P1.2;F> dain. ykodaiin. okor. chear- {crease}otees. {fold}ckhy. saiin. ckhey. otaiin. okar. daiin. okal. ol. chor. dar- {plant}
<f89v2.P1.3;F> ychey. okeey. qo*l. daiin- {crease}chor. ch{fold}s. cheos. qol. cheey. dal. chody. cheor. chey. qoaiin. chody- {plant}
<f89v2.P1.4;F> dair. or. cheol. chom. qol- {crease}cheol{fold}. lor. cheo. daiin. chkam=

Don Latham:

<f89v2.P1.1;L> kosar. sheol. s. aiin. koiin. chkodaiin. pd{fold}aiin. chot*. qofoiin. *y. qopdal. doiir. *aiin. olcfheol. da*- {plant}
<f89v2.P1.2;L> daiin. ykodair. okor. char- {crease}otee*. {fold}**oy. s. aiin. ckhay. otaiin. okar. dain. okol. al. chor. dar- {plant}
<f89v2.P1.3;L> y***. ok*y. qoeol. daiin- {crease}chor. ch{fold}**. cheos. qolee**y. dal. chody. cheor. ch*y. qoaiin. chody- {plant}
<f89v2.P1.4;L> chor. ol. choy. qol- {crease}cheol{fold}. lor. cheo. daiinchkal=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f89v2.P1.1;H> kosar. sheol. s. aiin. koiin. chtodaiin. pd{fold}an. choto. qofoiin. dy. qopdol. doiir. ofaiin. ol. cfheol. dam- {plant}
<f89v2.P1.2;H> daiin. ykodair. okor. chear- {crease}oteee. {fold}eeckhy. s. aiin. ckhey. otaiin. okar. dain. okol. al. chor. dar- {plant}
<f89v2.P1.3;H> yched. okeey. qoeol. daiin- {crease}chor. ch{fold}or. cheos. qol. eeeey. dal. chody. cheor. chey. qoaiin. chody- {plant}
<f89v2.P1.4;H> dair. or. cheol. chom- {crease}qol. cheo. lch{fold}eo. lor. cheo. daiin. chkam=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f89v2.P1.1;U> kosar. sheol. r, aiin. koiin. chtodaiin. p*{fold}n. choty. qofoiin. dy. qopdal. daiir. ofaiin. ol, cfheol. dam- {plant}
<f89v2.P1.2;U> da***. *kodair. okor. chear- {crease}otees. {fold}ckhy. s. aiin. ckhey. otaiin. okar. dain. okol. al. chor. dar- {plant}
<f89v2.P1.3;U> ychey. okeey. qoeol. daiin- {crease}chor. ch{fold}r. cheos. qol, cheey. dal. chody. cheor. chey. qoaiin. chody- {plant}
<f89v2.P1.4;U> dair. or. cheol. chom. qol- {crease}cheo, l, *{fold}*. l, or, cheo, daiin. chkam=

Unit: "panel 89v2, middle group of labels"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:15:32 by stolfi

There are 4 labels alternating with 3 plants

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.
"V" transcription by John Grove.
was previously called <f89v2.m>


Don Latham:

<f89v2.L2.0;L> okary= {was <f89v2. m. 1;L>}
<f89v2.L2.1;L> otair. chody= {was <f89v2. m. 2;L>}
<f89v2.L2.2;L> dydariin= {was <f89v2. m. 3;L>}
<f89v2.L2.3;L> opchaday= {was <f89v2. m. 4;L>}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f89v2.L2.0;H> okory=
<f89v2.L2.1;H> otair. chody=
<f89v2.L2.2;H> dydariin=
<f89v2.L2.3;H> opcheedoy=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f89v2.L2.0;U> otary=
<f89v2.L2.1;U> otair, chody=
<f89v2.L2.2;U> dykaran=
<f89v2.L2.3;U> opchedey=

John Grove:

<f89v2.L2.0;V> otary= {was <f89v2. m. 1;V>}
<f89v2.L2.1;V> otair. chody= {was <f89v2. m. 2;V>}
<f89v2.L2.2;V> dymainan= {was <f89v2. m. 3;V>}
<f89v2.L2.3;V> opchesdey= {was <f89v2. m. 4;V>}

Unit: "panel 89v2, bottom block of text"

Last edited on 1998-12-19 22:49:23 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.

First study group:

<f89v2.P2.5;F> {plant}sar. oairar. shecthy- {crease}chod{fold}. skory. oeear. eair. sheo. taiin. ytodaiin- {plant}
<f89v2.P2.6;F> {plant}octhor. okains. okeos- {crease}dar. s. *{fold}*. ykeody. dar. okal. dal. doral. dar. am- {plant}
<f89v2.P2.7;F> ysho. qokeeol. chey. sair- {crease}dam. ch{fold}ypor. opodaiin. dam. sary. qodam. yteos. aiin- {plant}
<f89v2.P2.8;F> yokor. chor. cthy. daiin- {crease}chos. c{fold}hey. dar. aiin. choeer. okar. chcthy. darails=
<f89v2.P2.9;F> toar. qokeeody. docphshey- {crease}dairy{fold}. sheos. pkeoepoain. daiin. qokor. okeor. otol. sheey. dal. daiin-
<f89v2.P2.10;F> dol. dair. chey. okaiin. shy- {crease}daiin. o{fold}dor. sheos. aiin. daikeody. qokorar. sheody. qoko. ltcheody. otal-
<f89v2.P2.12;F> dar. qockhy. qotal. okeoy- {crease}chockhy{fold}. daiin. odaiin. ykeody. okols. sheey. keeody. daiin. qokos. okeom-
<f89v2.P2.13;F> ockhody. daiin. ykam. s- {crease}chcthy. ch{fold}y. cthey. dair. *r. chool. loy. dair. cheo. daiin=

Don Latham:

<f89v2.P2.5;L> {plant}sar. oairar. cheety- {crease}****{fold}. tory. oyar. *air. cheotaiin. ytodaiin- {plant}
<f89v2.P2.6;L> {plant}octhos. okaiin. ok*s- {crease}dar. *{fold}**iin. ak**dy. dar. ot*l. dal. dosal. dar. am- {plant}
<f89v2.P2.7;L> y*ey. qokaol. chey. dair- {crease}dam. **{fold}*. fo*. opodaiin. da*. rary. qodal. yteos. aiin- {plant}
<f89v2.P2.8;L> qokor. chor. cthey. daiin- {crease}chos. *{fold}*y. dor. a**. *oeeas. okar. chotey. daraids=
<f89v2.P2.9;L> toar. qokeeody. doefsh*y- {crease}dainy{fold}% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % -
<f89v2.P2.10;L> dol. dair. e*ey. okaiin. shy- {crease}daiin. o{fold}dor. sheos. aiin. da*keody. *okorar. sheody. qoko. ltcheody. otal-
<f89v2.P2.12;L> dar. qockhy. qokal. okoy- {crease}****{fold}. daiin. odaiin. ykeod. okol. *eey. keeody. daiin. qokos. okeoy-
<f89v2.P2.13;L> ockhody. daiin. okam. s- {crease}**ee. ***ee. dairyir. chool. loy. dair. cheodaiin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f89v2.P2.5;H> {plant}sor. oairar. sheety- {crease}chod{fold}. s. kory. ochar. eair. sheotain. ytodaiin- {plant}
<f89v2.P2.6;H> {plant}octhos. okaiir. okeos- {crease}dar. s. *{fold}ain. ykeody. dar. okal. dal. doral. dar. am- {plant}
<f89v2.P2.7;H> y*eo. qokeeol. chey. sair- {crease}dam. *{fold}*yfor. opodaiin. dam. sary. qodam. yteos. aiin- {plant}
<f89v2.P2.8;H> qokor. chor. cthy. daiin- {crease}chos. *{fold}eey. dar. aiin. choeees. okar. chcthy. darams=
<f89v2.P2.9;H> toar. qokeeody. doefshey- {crease}dairy{fold}. sheos. psheoepoain. dain. qekor. ykeor. otol. sheey. daldaiin-
<f89v2.P2.10;H> dol. dair. chey. okaiin. shy- {crease}daiir. o{fold}dor. sheos. aiin. daikeody. qokorar. sheody. qoko. ltcheody. otal-
<f89v2.P2.12;H> dar. qockhy. qokal. okeoy- {crease}cho***{fold}. daiin. odaiin. ykeoda. okols. sheey. keeody. daiin. qokos. okeom-
<f89v2.P2.13;H> ockhody. daiin. ykam. s- {crease}chty. ch{fold}y. cthey. dairair. chool. loy. dair. cheodaiin=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f89v2.P2.5;U> {plant}sar. oairar. sheety- {crease}chod**{fold}. kory. oeear. eair. sheotain. ytodaiin- {plant}
<f89v2.P2.6;U> {plant}octhor. okaiir. okeos- {crease}dar. s. *{fold}iin. ykeody. dar. okal. dal. doral. dar. am- {plant}
<f89v2.P2.7;U> ysho. qokeeol. chey. sair- {crease}dam. ch{fold}y, for. opodaiin. da*. sary. qodam. yteor. aiin- {plant}
<f89v2.P2.8;U> qokor. chor. cthy. daiin- {crease}chos. *{fold}*ey. dar. aiin. choeees. okar. chcthy. daraids=
<f89v2.P2.9;U> toar. qokeeody. doef. sh*y- {crease}dairol{fold}, sheos. psheoep, oain. dain. qekor. okeor. otol. sheey. dal, daiin-
<f89v2.P2.10;U> dol. dair. chey. okaiin. shy- {crease}daiin. o{fold}dor. sheos, aiin. daikeody. qokorar. sheody. qoko, ltcheody. otal-
<f89v2.P2.12;U> dar. qockhy. qokal. okeoy- {crease}chockh*{fold}. daiin. odaiin. ykeody. okol, s, sheey. keeody. daiin. qokos. okeoy-
<f89v2.P2.13;U> ockhody. daiin. y, kam. s- {crease}chty. ch{fold}y. cthey. dair, air. cho, ol. loy. dair. cheo, daiin=

Unit: "panel 89v2, bottom group of labels"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:16:33 by stolfi

There are 5 labels and 4 plants.

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.
"V" transcription by John Grove.
was previously called <f89v2.b>


This label is higher than the rest:

Don Latham:

<f89v2.L3.0;L> opaloiiry= {was <f89v2. b. 1;L>}
<f89v2.L3.1;L> otaram= {was <f89v2. b. 2;L>}
<f89v2.L3.2;L> *t**y= {was <f89v2. b. 3;L>}
<f89v2.L3.3b;L> r**y= {was <f89v2. b. 4;L>}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f89v2.L3.0;H> opaloiiry=
<f89v2.L3.1;H> otaram=
<f89v2.L3.2;H> chtody=
<f89v2.L3.3a;H> *ds**o=
<f89v2.L3.3b;H> rady=
<f89v2.L3.4;H> dareky=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f89v2.L3.0;U> opaloiiry=
<f89v2.L3.1;U> otor, am=
<f89v2.L3.2;U> chtchy=
<f89v2.L3.3a;U> *loto=
<f89v2.L3.3b;U> sa**y=
<f89v2.L3.4;U> dareky=

John Grove:

<f89v2.L3.0;V> opaloiiry= {was <f89v2. b. 1;V>}
<f89v2.L3.1;V> otaram= {was <f89v2. b. 2;V>}
<f89v2.L3.2;V> chtedy= {was <f89v2. b. 3;V>}
<f89v2.L3.4;V> daineky= {was <f89v2. b. 4;V>}