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Page information on f6v

f6v preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: A
Page in quire: L
Currier language: A
Currier hand: 1
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 01:12:53 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f6v = AL (Rene) = p012 (Stolfi)
Folio: f6
Panels: f6v
Bifolio: bA5 = f3+f6
Quire: A (Rene) = I (Beinecke)


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: 1 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: green,b (Reeds)
Plant: 11 (Petersen)


One plant, that takes up most of the right half of the page.

Two paragraphs (4.8 and 15.8 lines) at the top, left-justified, ending at mid-page. The first is right-justified too, and two of its lines are interrupted by a flower. The second follows the plant's outline on the right.



All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-06 13:24:03 by stolfi


<f6v.P.1;C> koarysaroeeekar. qoad. shor. chapchy. s. chear. char. otchy-
<f6v.P.2;C> oees. chor. chckhy. qokchas. cheas. odaiiin. kchey. chor. chaiin-
<f6v.P.3;C> qoeir. ckhy. chol. **eockhy. chekchoy. ckhy. okol- {plant}rychos-
<f6v.P.4;C> yshckhy. ykchoy. s. os. y. dajy. dchy. dey. okody- {plant}ytody-
<f6v.P.5;C> dain. **. chodam. dam. okor. oty. doldom=
<f6v.P.6;C> tchody. shocthol. chocthey. s- {plant}
<f6v.P.7;C> ychos. ychol. daiin. cthol. dol- {plant}
<f6v.P.8;C> ychor. chor. okchey. qokom- {plant}
<f6v.P.9;C> oeeodal. chor. cthom. s- {plant}
<f6v.P.10;C> qokchod. ychear. kchdy- {plant}
<f6v.P.11;C> lorchar. otam. ctho. mdy- {plant}
<f6v.P.12;C> ytchos. shy. qokam. cthy- {plant}
<f6v.P.13;C> yodaiin. cthy. s. chor. oees. or- {plant}
<f6v.P.14;C> qokor. chol. cthol. tchalody- {plant}
<f6v.P.15;C> chockhy. s. or. chy. sain. or- {plant}
<f6v.P.16;C> ochy. cthar. cthor. cthy- {plant}
<f6v.P.17;C> y. chaiir. ckhal. cthodam. dy- {plant}
<f6v.P.18;C> ytchocthol. ches. cthor-
<f6v.P.19;C> ocholykchos. chy. dor-
<f6v.P.20;C> dchor. choldar. okol. daiin-
<f6v.P.21;C> ycheor. chor. octham=

Currier, second choice:

<f6v.P.1;D> koarysarcheekar. qoad. shor. chapchy. s. chear. char. otchy-
<f6v.P.4;D> yshckhy. ykchoy. s. os. y. jajy. dchy. dey. okody- {plant}ytody-
<f6v.P.8;D> ychor. chor. okchey. qokog- {plant}
<f6v.P.11;D> lorchor. otam. ctho. mdy- {plant}
<f6v.P.13;D> yodaiin. cthy. s. chos. oees. or- {plant}
<f6v.P.14;D> qokor. chol. cthol. tcholody- {plant}
<f6v.P.16;D> ochy. cthar. cthar. cthy- {plant}
<f6v.P.17;D> y. chaier. ckhal. cthodam. da- {plant}

First study group:

<f6v.P.1;F> koary. sar. cheekar. qoor. shor. chapchy. s. chear. char. otchy-
<f6v.P.2;F> oees. chor. chckhy. qoekchar. cheas. odaiin. kchey. chor. chaiin-
<f6v.P.3;F> qoair. ckhy. chol. oochockhy. chekchoy. ckhy. okol- {plant}sychos-
<f6v.P.4;F> ychckhy. ytchoy. sos. y. dady. dchy. dey. okody- {plant}ytody-
<f6v.P.5;F> dain. sh**. chodam. dam. okor. oty. dol. dom=
<f6v.P.6;F> tchody. shocthol. chocthy. s- {plant}
<f6v.P.7;F> ychos. ychol. daiin. cthol. dol- {plant}
<f6v.P.8;F> ychor. chor. okchey. qokom- {plant}
<f6v.P.9;F> oeeo. dal. chor. cthom. s- {plant}
<f6v.P.10;F> qokchod. ychear. kchdy- {plant}
<f6v.P.11;F> lor. char. otam. cthom. dy- {plant}
<f6v.P.12;F> ytchor. shy. qokam. cthy- {plant}
<f6v.P.13;F> yodaiin. cthy. s. chor. oees. or- {plant}
<f6v.P.14;F> qokor. chol. cthol. tchalody- {plant}
<f6v.P.15;F> chockhy. s. os. chy. sain. or- {plant}
<f6v.P.16;F> ochy. cthar. cthar. cthy- {plant}
<f6v.P.17;F> ychaiin. ckhal. cthodam. dy- {plant}
<f6v.P.18;F> ytcho. cthol. ches. cthor-
<f6v.P.19;F> ocholy. kchor. chy. dor-
<f6v.P.20;F> dchor. choldar. okol. daiin-
<f6v.P.21;F> ycheor. chor. octham=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f6v.P.1;H> koar. y. sar. oheekar. qoar. shor. chapchy. s. chear. char. otchy-
<f6v.P.2;H> oees. chor. chckhy. qoekchar. cheas. odaiin. kchey. chor. chaiin-
<f6v.P.3;H> qoair. ckhy. chol. oochockhy. chekchoy. ckhy. okol- {plant}rychos-
<f6v.P.4;H> y. shckhy. ytchoy. sos. y. dady. dchy. dey. okody- {plant}ytody-
<f6v.P.5;H> dair. cshe. chodam. dam. okor. oty. doldom=
<f6v.P.6;H> tchody. shocthol. chocthey. s- {plant}
<f6v.P.7;H> ychos. ychol. daiin. cthol. dol- {plant}
<f6v.P.8;H> ychor. chor. okchey. qokom- {plant}
<f6v.P.9;H> oeeo. dal. chor. cthom. s- {plant}
<f6v.P.10;H> qokche*. ychear. kchdy- {plant}
<f6v.P.11;H> lor. char. otam. cthom. dy- {plant}
<f6v.P.12;H> ytchos. shy. qokam. cthy- {plant}
<f6v.P.13;H> yodaiin. cthy. s. chor. oees. or- {plant}
<f6v.P.14;H> qokor. chol. cthol. tchalody- {plant}
<f6v.P.15;H> chockhy. s. os. chy. sain. or- {plant}
<f6v.P.16;H> ochy. cthar. cthar. cthy- {plant}
<f6v.P.17;H> y. chaiir. ckhal. cthodam. dy- {plant}
<f6v.P.18;H> ytcho. cthol. ches. cthor-
<f6v.P.19;H> ocholy. kchos. chy. dor-
<f6v.P.20;H> dchor. choldar. okol. daiin-
<f6v.P.21;H> ycheor. chor. octham=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f6v.P.1;U> koary. sar. cheekar. qoar. shor. chapchy. s. chear. char. otchy-
<f6v.P.2;U> oiir. chor. chckhy. qokchar. cheas. odaiiin. kchey. chor. chaiin-
<f6v.P.3;U> qoair. ckhy. chol. qochockhy. chetchoy. ckhy. okol- {plant}rychos-
<f6v.P.4;U> yshckhy. ytchoy. sos. y. dady. dchy. dey. okody- {plant}ytody-
<f6v.P.5;U> dair. sha. chodam. dam. okor. oty- dol. dom=
<f6v.P.6;U> tchody. shocthol. chocthey. s- {plant}
<f6v.P.7;U> ychos. ychol. daiin. cthol. dol- {plant}
<f6v.P.8;U> ychor. chor. okchey. qokom- {plant}
<f6v.P.9;U> oeeo. dal. chor. cthom. s- {plant}
<f6v.P.10;U> qokchod. ychear. kchdy- {plant}
<f6v.P.11;U> lor. char. otam. cthom. dy- {plant}
<f6v.P.12;U> ytchos. shy. qokam. cthy- {plant}
<f6v.P.13;U> yodaiin. cthy. s. chor. oees. or- {plant}
<f6v.P.14;U> qotor. chol. cthol. tchalody- {plant}
<f6v.P.15;U> chockhy. s. or. chy. s. ain. ar- {plant}
<f6v.P.16;U> ochy. cthar. cthar. cthy- {plant}
<f6v.P.17;U> ychaiin. ckhal. cthodam. dy- {plant}
<f6v.P.18;U> ytchocthol. ches. cthor-
<f6v.P.19;U> ocholy. kchor. chy. dor-
<f6v.P.20;U> dchor. choldar. okol. daiin-
<f6v.P.21;U> ycheor. chor. octham=