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Page information on f5v

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Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: A
Page in quire: J
Currier language: A
Currier hand: 1
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-10 03:18:21 by stolfi


Title: "Tennis racket plant"
Page: f5v = AJ (Rene) = p010 (Stolfi)
Folio: f5
Panels: f5v
Bifolio: bA4 = f4+f5
Quire: A (Rene) = I (Beinecke)


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: 1 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: red,green,b (Reeds)
Plant: 9 (Petersen)


One branching plant that takes up the lower 3/4 of the page.

Root: two dark-painted potato-shaped tubers next to the stem,
  with a few medium-length "mousetail" roots shooting from them.
Stem: straight and vertical, light under(?)color, with a fantastic
  loop at the top. The stem's base is wrapped with a short uncolored
Branches: several, diagonal, mostly straight.
Leaves: four lobes with serrated edges, naturalistically curved.
  each lobe has a central vein. Stalks: medium-short, thin, look like
  branches. Light coulored, many of them with crudely overpainted
  dark splotches.
Flowers: several, medium-small, mostly upright, some drooping.
  Stalk: short, sometimes bent by weight.  Chalyx: rounded, light
  colored, like a rose's but on the fat side.  Sepals: short and
  pointed, light colored.  Petals: half a dozen, small,
  tongue-shaped, spread out; dark overpaint almost but not
  quite fills their outline.

One paragraph (5.5 lines) above the plant, left- and right-justified.


The plant looks fairly normal, except for the fantastic loop in the stalk. Leaves and flowers are very naturalistic, but some are spoiled by the crude dark overpaint.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 12:28:04 by stolfi


<f5v.P.1;C> kocheor. chor. ytchey. pshod. chols. chodaiin. ytoiiin. daiin-
<f5v.P.2;C> dchol. **. chol. otaiin. dain. cthor. chot*. ychopordg-
<f5v.P.3;C> qotcho. ytor. daiin. daiin. otchor. daiin. qo*. darchor. dd-
<f5v.P.4;C> qotor. shees. otol. ykoiin. shol. daiin. cthor. okchykaiin-
<f5v.P.5;C> shokeeol. chor. cheotol. otchol. daiin. dal. chol. chotaiin-
<f5v.P.6;C> otol. chol. dairodg=

First study group:

<f5v.P.1;F> k. o. cheor. chor. ytchey. pshod. chols. chodaiin. ytoiiin. daiin-
<f5v.P.2;F> dchol. shy. chol. otaiin. dain. cthor. chots. ychopordm-
<f5v.P.3;F> qotcho. ytor. daiin. daiin. otchor. daiin. qo. darchor. do-
<f5v.P.4;F> qotor. shees. otof. ykoiin. shol. daiin. cthor. okchy. taiin-
<f5v.P.5;F> shokeeol. chor. cheotol. otchol. daiin. dal. chol. chotaiin-
<f5v.P.6;F> otof. chol. dairodd=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f5v.P.1;H> kocheor. chor. ytchey. pshod. chols. chodaiin. ytoiiin. daiin-
<f5v.P.2;H> dchol. s{&S}y. chol. otaiin. dain. cthor. chots. ychopordg-
<f5v.P.3;H> qotcho. ytor. daiin. daiin. otchor. daiir. qo. darchor. do-
<f5v.P.4;H> qotor. shees. otol. ykoiin. shol. daiin. cthor. okchy. taiin-
<f5v.P.5;H> shokeeol. chor. cheotol. otchol. daiin. dal. chol. chotaiin-
<f5v.P.6;H> otol. chol. dairodg=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f5v.P.1;U> kocheor. char. ytchey. pshod. chols. chodaiin. ytoiiin. daiin-
<f5v.P.2;U> dchol. s{&S}y. chol. otaiin. dain. cthor. chot*. ychopor. dm-
<f5v.P.3;U> qotcho. ytor. daiin. daiin. otchor. daiin. qo. darchor. do-
<f5v.P.4;U> qotor. shees. otol. ykoiin. shol. daiin. cthor. okchy. taiin-
<f5v.P.5;U> shokeeol. chor. cheotol. otchol. daiin. dal. chol. chotaiin-
<f5v.P.6;U> otol. chol. dairodm=