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Page information on f105r

f105r preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Stars
Quire: T
Page in quire: E
Currier language: B
Currier hand: Y
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 05:19:51 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f105r = TE (Rene) = p215 (Stolfi)
Folio: f105
Panels: f105r
Bifolio: bT3 = f105+f114
Quire: T (Rene) = XVIII (Beinecke)


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: Y (Currier)
Subsets: S (Rene), str (Stolfi)
Subject: unknown (text only)
Colors: red(stars),yellow(stars) (Reeds)



All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text - parags 1-2"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 08:42:00 by stolfi

First study group:

<f105r.P1.1;F> eey. saraisl. aiin. cheedy. kaiin. arody-
<f105r.P1.2;F> dshees. yey. cheey. raiin. otchdy. qodo. ches. or. cheey. okees. odar. cheody. qody-
<f105r.P1.3;F> olshey. qodan. odeey. kcheody. cheeo. ar. yteey. ytchy. otedy. qokeedy. qokeey. rol-
<f105r.P1.4;F> ykaiin. olkeedy. odaiin. okar. eeeodaiin. yteey. ochedy. qokeeey. oy. teedy. qotam-
<f105r.P1.5;F> daiin. yteedy. yteeody. yl. cheod. ar. ainsockhy. otchdy. otey=
<f105r.P1.6;F> par. arody. shedeeey. qopchedy. qody. qoteody. aiin. yteody. qokor. olpshedy-
<f105r.P1.7;F> ysheeody. ykeeos. or. aiin. shey. qodaiin. qokeed. qokeey. raiin. aiirody-
<f105r.P1.8;F> sheey. oleeey. or. air. qokaiin. chey. qokeedy. qokedy. oteedy. lchedy. oesal-
<f105r.P1.9;F> oeeolchy. okeeady. okeey. okchey=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f105r.P1.1;H> paiin. dar. chcphy. qokeey. qopaiin. ypcheeey. saraisl. in. cheedy. kaiin. arody-
<f105r.P1.2;H> dshees. yey. cheey. raiin. otchdy. qodos. ches. or. cheey. okees. odar. cheody. qody-
<f105r.P1.3;H> olshey. qodan. odeey. kcheody. cheeo. ar. yteey. ytchy. otedy. qokeedy. qokeey. rol-
<f105r.P1.4;H> ykaiin. olkeedy. odaiin. okar. eeeodaiin. yteey. ochedy. qokeeey. oy. teedy. qotam-
<f105r.P1.5;H> doiin. yteedy. yteeeody. yl. cheod. or. aiisockhy. otchdy. otey=
<f105r.P1.6;H> por. arody. shedeeey. qopchedy. qody. qoteody. aiin. yteody. qokor. olpshedy-
<f105r.P1.7;H> ysheeody. ykeeos. or. aiiin. shey. qodaiiin. qokeed. qokeey. raiin. aiirody-
<f105r.P1.8;H> sheey. oleeey. or. air. qokaiin. chey. qokeedy. qokedy. oteedy. lchedy. oesal-
<f105r.P1.9;H> oeeolchy. okeeody. okeey. okchey=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f105r.P1.1;U> paiin. dar. chcphy. qokeey. qopaiin. ypcheeey. sarairl. aiin. cheedy. kaiin. arody-

Unit: "title"

Last edited on 1998-12-12 17:35:25 by stolfi

This "title" is a half-line of text, right-justified,
squeezed between two paragraphs.  The title is interrupted by
the tops of two gallows from the following line.

First study group:

<f105r.T1.9a;F> sairy- {gal}ore- {gal}daiindy. ytam=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f105r.T1.9a;H> sairy- {gal}ore- {gal}daiindy. ytam=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f105r.T1.9a;U> sairy- {gal}ore- {gal}daiindy. ytam=

Unit: "text - block 2"

Last edited on 1998-12-19 23:02:14 by stolfi

First study group:

<f105r.P2.10;F> pdaro. shedy. otcheos. oiin. al. tchedar. chy. fchosaiin. olaiin. olteeey. dyaiin-
<f105r.P2.11;F> yair. yteeody. qoeeody. qoeedy. kchedy. qotchdy. otcheey. chey. teeor. ykedy. ry-
<f105r.P2.12;F> dyteey. qokdy. chedy. chedy. dal. qoked. shedy. qoteody. cheedy. ot=
<f105r.P2.13;F> kesoar. qoeeedy. keeody. dlls. air. shckhy. oekeody. cheody. oeey. qokeeody. sheol. keey-
<f105r.P2.14;F> lksheey. ol. raiin. okeedy. olkeeody. lkaiin. okeeol. oteeol. shod. daiin. aral-
<f105r.P2.15;F> yteody. oteeeor. aiin. odal. o*r. okeedy. oral=
<f105r.P2.16;F> lteedy. okeeddl. sheoked. % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % daiin. okedy. qlky-
<f105r.P2.17;F> sheoy. oleedy. daiin. al. chedy. okeeey. chdaiin. otedy. cheoty. oteedy. oteey. chdy-
<f105r.P2.18;F> dshchey. oteol. daiindy. saiin. chedy. laiin. okeeody. okeey. teedy. odaiin. aiiral-
<f105r.P2.19;F> saiin. chey. teol. ykair. pair. olkaiin. olfaiin. odar. al. airody. al. tchdar. dam-
<f105r.P2.20;F> ycheo. lkedy. qoeey. qokedy. qokedal. saiin. otol. shody. chedy. okaiin. chekaim-
<f105r.P2.21;F> olkcho. keedy. ypair. opaiin. opail. oteodl. eeol. keey. raiin. ylkaiin. am. ols-
<f105r.P2.22;F> dchees. opchey. aeeodchy. chefchey=
<f105r.P2.23;F> pcheor. aiin. ckheey. okeeey. paiin. araiin. chpainkey. sheo. pcheey. dal. daiin. dam-
<f105r.P2.24;F> deeedy. cheodkedy. chedy. decthdy. daiinls. airols=
<f105r.P2.25;F> pdal. sheey. yqopchy. airal. sheey. fchdy. qopchdy. rais. oky. chdedy. qodchdy. qokedy-
<f105r.P2.26;F> dair. cho. al. r*al. cheesy. cphedy=
<f105r.P2.27;F> pchsed. sheefy. opchey. qoteedy. qoeey. qokeedy. laiin. odaiin. aiir. opair. kechedy-
<f105r.P2.28;F> oees. olkeedy. qockhy. raiin. chol. okair. oteedy. qopchedy. odaiin. ypchedy. ytam-
<f105r.P2.29;F> oleedar. aiildy. dar. aiin. yteey. tair. cheody. qokolky. cheol. kary=
<f105r.P2.30;F> kodeey. lchl. shox. ar. aiindy. cpheshy. okal. lkedy. lkar. chedy. qokaiin. or. fchoky-
<f105r.P2.31;F> ycheochy. lkeol. daiin. qkair. olkchey. dar. qopchdy. dair. otar. a*. adam-
<f105r.P2.32;F> okeeo. dair. oteey. lkeey. teeol. teedy. ot. okal. oraiin. qokaiin. ar. airod-
<f105r.P2.33;F> dor. ail. cheky. kar. odaiin. ykl. al. oees. al. aralkam=
<f105r.P2.34;F> ypchedy. okaiir. opcheedy. qokair. dar. kal. otar. ol. qokal. kor. orol. pchey. ofory-
<f105r.P2.35;F> dyteey. otedaiin. otar. ol. chedy. ted. qotar. oteodar. otam. ytedy. otaiin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f105r.P2.10;H> pdar. oshedy. otcheos. oiiin. al. tchedar. chy. fchosaiin. polaiin. polkeeey. dyaiin-
<f105r.P2.11;H> yaiir. yteeody. qoeeody. qoeedy. kchedy. qotchdy. otcheey. chey. teeor. ykedy. ry-
<f105r.P2.12;H> dyteey. qokdy. chedy. chedy. dol. qoked. shedy. qoteody. cheedy. ot=
<f105r.P2.13;H> kesoar. qoeeedy. keeody. dlls. air. shckhy. oekeody. cheody. oeey. qokeeody. sheolkeey-
<f105r.P2.14;H> lksheey. ol. r. aiin. okeedy. olkeeody. lkaiin. okeeol. oteeol. shod. daiin. aral-
<f105r.P2.15;H> yteody. oteeeos. aiin. odal. oiir. oteedy. oral=
<f105r.P2.16;H> lteedy. okeeddl. sheoked. qokedy. shol. kol. aiirol. qopchedy. daiin. okedy. qlky-
<f105r.P2.17;H> sheoy. oleedy. daiin. al. chedy. okeeey. chdaiin. otedy. cheoty. oteedy. oteey. chdy-
<f105r.P2.18;H> dsechey. oteol. daiindy. saiin. chedy. laiin. okeeody. okeeyteedy. odaiin. aiiral-
<f105r.P2.19;H> saiin. chey. teol. ykair. paiir. olkaiin. olfaiin. odar. al. airody. al. teedar. dam-
<f105r.P2.20;H> ycheo. lkedy. qoeey. qokedy. qokedal. saiin. otol. shody. chedy. okaiin. chekaim-
<f105r.P2.21;H> olkchokeedy. ypair. opaiin. opail. oteodl. eeol. keey. raiin. ylkaiin. am. ols-
<f105r.P2.22;H> dchees. opchey. aeeodeey. chefchey=
<f105r.P2.23;H> pcheor. ain. ckheey. okeeey. paiin. ar. aiiin. chpaiikey. sheo. pcheey. dal. daiin. dam-
<f105r.P2.24;H> deeedy. cheodkedy. chedy. decthdy. daiiils. airols=
<f105r.P2.25;H> pdal. sheey. yqopchy. airal. sheey. fchdy. qopchdy. raiis. oky. chdedy. qodeedy. qokedy-
<f105r.P2.26;H> dair. cho. al. r. lal. cheesy. cphedy=
<f105r.P2.27;H> pchsed. sheefy. opchey. qoteedy. qoeey. qokeedy. laiiin. odeaiin. aiir. opair. kechedy-
<f105r.P2.28;H> oees. olkeedy. qockhy. raiin. chol. okair. oteedy. qopchedy. odaiin. ypchedy. ykam-
<f105r.P2.29;H> oleedar. aiildy. dar. oiin. yteey. tair. cheody. qokolky. cheolkary=
<f105r.P2.30;H> kodeey. lchl. shx. ar. aiidy. cpheesy. okal. lkedy. lkor. chedy. qokaiin. or. fchoky-
<f105r.P2.31;H> ycheochy. lkeol. daiin. ykair. olkchey. dar. qopchdy. dair. otar. ar. adam-
<f105r.P2.32;H> okeeodair. oteey. lkeey. teeolteedy. otokal. oraiiin. qokaiin. ar. airod-
<f105r.P2.33;H> dor. ail. cheky. kar. odaiin. ykl. al. oees. al. ar. alkam=
<f105r.P2.34;H> ypchedy. okaiir. opcheedy. qokair. dar. kol. otar. ol. qokal. kor. orol. pchey. ofory-
<f105r.P2.35;H> dyteey. otedaiin. otar. ol. chedy. ted. qotar. oteodar. otam. ytedy. otaiin=

Unit: "title 2"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 08:46:58 by stolfi

First study group:

<f105r.T2.36;F> otaiir. chedaiin. otair. otaly=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f105r.T2.36;H> otoiis. chedaiin. otair. otaly=