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Page information on f102r1

f102r1 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Pharmaceutical
Quire: S
Page in quire: I
Currier language: A
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 05:10:39 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f102r1 = SI (Rene) = p207 (Stolfi)
Folio: f102
Panels: f102r1
Bifolio: bS1 = f99+f102
Quire: S (Rene) = XVII (Beinecke)

This page is the innermost recto panel of a six-panel fold-out.


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: P (Rene), pha (Stolfi)
Subject: pharmaceutical
Colors: red,green,blue,tan (Reeds)


Three paragraphs of text with three rows of plants:

[1,1] above the text;
[2,1] beween paragraphs 1 and 2;
[3,1]..[3,2] below the text.

Plant [1,1] is labeled.

There are also three containers (unlabeled?) crammed into the left margin; they look as if they were added as an afterthought.

"Fair copies" of some of these drawings are found elsewhere:

f102r1[3,1] = ... (herbal).
f102r1[3,2] = f1v (herbal).


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "Labels on plant"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 07:26:30 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J.Stolfi from unidentified image
"V" transcription by John Grove

Top container?

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f102r1.L1.0a;H> dordod=
<f102r1.L1.0b;H> orolaly=
<f102r1.L1.0c;H> dardsh=
<f102r1.L1.1;H> otodeeodor=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f102r1.L1.0a;U> ******=
<f102r1.L1.0b;U> *******=
<f102r1.L1.0c;U> ******=
<f102r1.L1.1;U> otodeeodor=

John Grove:

<f102r1.L1.1;V> otodeeodor=

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-19 22:55:07 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J.Stolfi from unidentified image

First study group:

<f102r1.P.1;F> polaiin. shocthy. qoteol. loiin. oteeor. cpheodar. shol. daiin-
<f102r1.P.2;F> dsheody. okeeoy. kody. chkeeody. daraiin. ctheoly. qokchol. olaiin-
<f102r1.P.3;F> ytol. sheol. she. olaiin. oraiin. orar. oekeol. chol. ekey. qokol. dain-
<f102r1.P.3a;F> % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % =
<f102r1.P.4;F> pshodaiin. qoorar. chopy- {plant}chofol. daiin. oteol. qoteol. doly-
<f102r1.P.5;F> daiin. orsheoldy. qokeol- {plant}oteeody. lshody. keodal. qokshdy. sy-
<f102r1.P.6;F> ycheol. sholdy. chol. chol. ykeeol. dol. doleodain*. dal. cthedy-
<f102r1.P.7;F> dcheo. qockhy. sol. sheey. okeody. qokeodal. shockhey. oleeol=
<f102r1.P.8;F> teesody. qoeol. olcheor. qokey. okshey. qokeol. sheo. fol. cfhey-
<f102r1.P.9;F> doey. keeol. qokeo. daor. shey. qoteol. okal. chos. sor. oeeaiin-
<f102r1.P.10;F> or. chol. daiin. dykeor. sheey. qokeody. dor. os. ykeey. kam-
<f102r1.P.11;F> ddor. chordam- {plant}soraiin. ykchy. dy. okeol. doeoear- {plant}saral. dor-
<f102r1.P.12;F> ydar. arody- {plant}oldaiin. sody. chockhy. oly=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f102r1.P.1;H> polaiin. shocthy. qoteol. loiiin. oteeor. cpheodar. sholdaiin-
<f102r1.P.2;H> dsheody. okeeoy. kody. chkeeody. daraiiin. ctheoly. qokcheo. lolain-
<f102r1.P.3;H> ytol. sheol. she. olaiin. orain. oraroekeol. chol. ekey. qokol. dain-
<f102r1.P.3a;H> daiin. ykeeol. oldy. okodaiin=
<f102r1.P.4;H> pshodaiin. qoorar. chopy- {plant}chofol. daiin. oteol. qoteol. doly-
<f102r1.P.5;H> daiin. orsheoldy. qokeol- {plant}oteeody. lshody. keodal. qokshdy. sy-
<f102r1.P.6;H> ycheol. sholdy. chol. chol. ykeeol. dol. doleodaiin. dol. cthedy-
<f102r1.P.7;H> dcheo. qockhy. sol. sheey. okeody. qokeodol. shockhey. oleeol=
<f102r1.P.8;H> teesody. qoeol. olcheor. qokey. okshey. qokeol. sheo. folcfhhy-
<f102r1.P.9;H> doeey. keeol. qokeo. daor. shey. qoteol. okol. chos. sor. oeeaiin-
<f102r1.P.10;H> or. chol. daiin. dykeor. sheey. qokeody. dor. os. ykeey. kam-
<f102r1.P.11;H> ddor. chordom- {plant}soraiin. ykeey. dy. okeol. doeoeas- {plant}saral. dor-
<f102r1.P.12;H> ydar. arody- {plant}oldaiin. sody. chockhy. oly=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f102r1.P.1;U> polaiin. shocthy. qoteol. loiiin. oteeor. cpheodar. shol, daiin-
<f102r1.P.2;U> dsheody. okeeoy. kody. chkeeody. daraiiin. ctheoly. qokcheol, olain-
<f102r1.P.3;U> ytol. sheol. she. olaiin. orain. orarockhol. chol. ckhy. qokol. dain-
<f102r1.P.3a;U> daiin. ykeeol. oldy. okodaiin=
<f102r1.P.4;U> pshodaiin. qoorar. chopy- {plant}chofol. daiin. oteol. qoteol. doly-
<f102r1.P.5;U> daiin. orsheoldy. qokeol- {plant}oteeody. lshody, keodal. qokshdy. sy-
<f102r1.P.6;U> ycheol. sholdy. chol. chol. ykeeol. dol. doleodain*. dal. cthedy-
<f102r1.P.7;U> dcheo. qockhy. sol. sheey. okeody. qokeodol. shockhey. oleeol=
<f102r1.P.8;U> teesody. qoeol. olcheor. qokey. okshey. qokeol. sheo. fol, cfhey-
<f102r1.P.9;U> doeey. keeol. qokeo. daor. shey. qoteol. okal. chos. sor. oeeaiin-
<f102r1.P.10;U> or. chol. daiin. dykeor. sheey. qokeody. dor. or. ykeey, kam-
<f102r1.P.11;U> ddor. chordam- {plant}soraiin. ykeey, dy. okeol. doeoear- {plant}s. aral. dor-
<f102r1.P.12;U> ydar. arody- {plant}oldaiin. sody. chockhy. oly=