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Page information on f99r

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Parsable information
Illustration type: Pharmaceutical
Quire: S
Page in quire: A
Currier language: A
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 05:01:01 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f99r = SA (Rene) = p199 (Stolfi)
Folio: f99
Panels: f99r
Bifolio: bS1 = f99+f102
Quire: S (Rene) = XVII (Beinecke)

Kraus plate XXXI


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: P (Rene), pha (Stolfi)
Subject: pharmaceutical
Colors: red,tan,green (Reeds)



All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "Labels - top row"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 08:13:46 by stolfi

This row of labeled plants is actually two sub-rows.
There are 9 labels and 9 roots in the top sub-row, alternating.
There are 3 labels and 3 roots (one with leaf) in the bottom sub-row.

lid of container

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f99r.L1.0;H> okoramog=
<f99r.L1.1;H> okary=
<f99r.L1.2;H> darar=
<f99r.L1.3;H> oky=
<f99r.L1.4;H> salo=
<f99r.L1.5;H> oro-
<f99r.L1.5a;H> ain=
<f99r.L1.6;H> okor=
<f99r.L1.7;H> salol=
<f99r.L1.8;H> skeeal=
<f99r.L1.9;H> okary=
<f99r.L1.10;H> okolo=
<f99r.L1.11;H> otalam=
<f99r.L1.12;H> otoldy=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f99r.L1.0;U> okaroram=
<f99r.L1.1;U> okar. y=
<f99r.L1.2;U> darar=
<f99r.L1.3;U> oky=
<f99r.L1.4;U> ***=
<f99r.L1.5;U> ora-
<f99r.L1.5a;U> ain=
<f99r.L1.6;U> okor=
<f99r.L1.7;U> salol=
<f99r.L1.8;U> skeeal=
<f99r.L1.9;U> okary=
<f99r.L1.10;U> okalo=
<f99r.L1.11;U> otalam=
<f99r.L1.12;U> otoldy=

John Grove:

<f99r.L1.0;V> okaramog=
<f99r.L1.1;V> okar. y=
<f99r.L1.2;V> darar=
<f99r.L1.3;V> oky=
<f99r.L1.5;V> oro-
<f99r.L1.5a;V> ain=
<f99r.L1.6;V> okar=
<f99r.L1.7;V> salol=
<f99r.L1.8;V> skeeal=
<f99r.L1.9;V> okary=
<f99r.L1.10;V> okolo=
<f99r.L1.11;V> otalam=
<f99r.L1.12;V> otaldy=

Unit: "text - first block"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 08:22:41 by stolfi

First study group:

<f99r.P1.1;F> {container}pcheody. oteody. daiin. cpheey. tshol. dal. cfheol. olaiin. rar-
<f99r.P1.2;F> raroshy. shor. sshor. cheol. kol. sheol. *oeol. chol. kol. ckhol. ckhory-
<f99r.P1.3;F> dcheor. chs. al. yckhy. okeol. ckhor. oraiin. chor. qokeeor. chory-
<f99r.P1.4;F> qokeor. chol. ykol. cheey. chody. ckhol. daiin. okeoly. daiin. ckhy=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f99r.P1.1;H> {container}pcheody. oteody. daiin. cpheey. tshol. dal. cfheol. olaiin. rar-
<f99r.P1.2;H> raroshy. shor. sshor. sheol. kol. sheol. qoeol. shol. kol. ckhol. ckhory-
<f99r.P1.3;H> dcheor. chs. al. yckhy. okeol. ckhor. oraiin. chor. qokeeor. chory-
<f99r.P1.4;H> qokeor. chol. ykol. cheey. chody. ckhol. daiin. okeoly. daiin. ckhy=

Unit: "Labels - second row"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 08:16:08 by stolfi

There are 7 plants and 8 labels - not clear how to pair them up

container - label on lid

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f99r.L2.0;H> oparal=
<f99r.L2.1;H> oaro=
<f99r.L2.2;H> aloly=
<f99r.L2.3;H> ooror=
<f99r.L2.4;H> choky=
<f99r.L2.5;H> oky- {spikes}
<f99r.L2.5a;H> okeoly=
<f99r.L2.6;H> yteold=
<f99r.L2.7;H> cheotchy=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f99r.L2.0;U> ***arch*=
<f99r.L2.1;U> oaro=
<f99r.L2.2;U> alolo=
<f99r.L2.3;U> aorar=
<f99r.L2.4;U> choky=
<f99r.L2.5;U> oky- {spikes}
<f99r.L2.5a;U> okeoly=
<f99r.L2.6;U> yteold=
<f99r.L2.7;U> cheotchy=

John Grove:

<f99r.L2.1;V> oalo=
<f99r.L2.2;V> aloly=
<f99r.L2.3;V> oarar=
<f99r.L2.4;V> choky=
<f99r.L2.5;V> oky- {spikes}
<f99r.L2.5a;V> okeoly=
<f99r.L2.6;V> ykeolm=
<f99r.L2.7;V> cheotchy=

Unit: "text - second block"

Last edited on 1998-12-01 07:15:51 by stolfi

First study group:

<f99r.P2.5;F> kodaiin. opchey. qoky. dar. otchor. opsha. okeol. sheol. oteoefol-
<f99r.P2.6;F> dsheol. ckhey. ckheol. okeol. ctheol. qokey. ckhol. okeol. okeey. dald-
<f99r.P2.7;F> tol. cheody. qokol. okoly. okoldy. qokoly. qokal. okchol. qokold-
<f99r.P2.8;F> chees. okeey. qotol. cheol. daiin. qotol. okeol=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f99r.P2.5;H> kodaiin. opchey. qoky. dor. otchor. opsho. okeol. sheol. oteoefol-
<f99r.P2.6;H> dsheol. ckhey. ckheol. okeol. ctheol. qokey. ckhol. okeol. okeey. dald-
<f99r.P2.7;H> tol. cheody. qokol. okoly. okoldy. qokoly. qokal. okchol. qokold-
<f99r.P2.8;H> chees. okeey. qotol. sheol. daiin. qotol. okeol=

Unit: "Labels - row 3"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 08:20:38 by stolfi

Besides the label on the container, there are 8 labels alternating with 7 roots.
It is not clear how to pair them up.

Label on container

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f99r.L3.0;H> tsholdy=
<f99r.L3.1;H> okos=
<f99r.L3.2;H> oekey=
<f99r.L3.3;H> dor= {plant}
<f99r.L3.3a;H> chockhhy=
<f99r.L3.4;H> rchey. ot=
<f99r.L3.5;H> saiiny=
<f99r.L3.6;H> rory=
<f99r.L3.7;H> dam=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f99r.L3.0;U> ***ol**=
<f99r.L3.1;U> okos=
<f99r.L3.2;U> oekey=
<f99r.L3.3;U> dar= {plant}
<f99r.L3.3a;U> chockhey=
<f99r.L3.4;U> s. chey. et=
<f99r.L3.5;U> saiiny=
<f99r.L3.6;U> sory=
<f99r.L3.7;U> dam=

John Grove:

<f99r.L3.0;V> tsholdy=
<f99r.L3.1;V> okos=
<f99r.L3.2;V> oekey=
<f99r.L3.3;V> dar= {plant}
<f99r.L3.3a;V> chockhhy=
<f99r.L3.4;V> s. chey. et=
<f99r.L3.5;V> saiiny=
<f99r.L3.6;V> sary=
<f99r.L3.7;V> dam=

Unit: "text - third block"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:20:45 by stolfi

First study group:

<f99r.P3.9;F> tsheeor. cpheol. ckhy. pchol. ckhey. ypchol. chor. choly. qotocthey. qkary-
<f99r.P3.10;F> sol. sheol. keshey. qokeeey. chs. chey. dal. chey. ctheey. daiin. cheom-
<f99r.P3.11;F> daiin. cheeokeey. checkhey. dar. oldy. sheey. keody. okeeey. saiin. ols- {plant}
<f99r.P3.12;F> qokey. chkeey. chey. ckhey. ckhey. ykeey. aiin. air. chody. oeksa= {plant}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f99r.P3.9;H> tsheeor. cpheol. ckey. pchol. ckhey. ypchol. chor. choly. qotocthey. qkory-
<f99r.P3.10;H> sol. sheol. keshey. qokeeey. chs. chey. dolchey. ctheey. daiin. cheom-
<f99r.P3.11;H> daiin. cheeokeey. checkhey. dor. oldy. sheey. keody. okeeey. s. aiin. ols- {plant}
<f99r.P3.12;H> qokey. chkeey. chey. ckhey. ckhey. ykeey. oiin. air. chody. oeksa= {plant}

Unit: "Labels - bottom row"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 08:22:00 by stolfi

Label on container

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f99r.L4.0;H> yteoldy=
<f99r.L4.1;H> tolsasy=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f99r.L4.1;U> tolshes, y=

John Grove:

<f99r.L4.0;V> ykalg*=
<f99r.L4.1;V> tolsasy=

Unit: "text - fourth block"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 08:24:42 by stolfi

First study group:

<f99r.P4.13;F> tol. keey. ctheey- {plant}
<f99r.P4.14;F> ykeol. okeol. ockheo. chol. cheodal. okeor. alcheem. orar- {plant}
<f99r.P4.15;F> okeeey. keey. keeor. okeey. daiin. okeols. aiin. olaiir. oolshl- {plant}
<f99r.P4.16;F> qokeeo. okeey. qokeey. okisy. qokeeo. sar. sheseky. or. al- {plant}
<f99r.P4.17;F> **aiin. ckhey. acthey. dy. daiin. okor. okeey. shcth*sh- {plant}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f99r.P4.13;H> tol. keey. ctheey- {plant}
<f99r.P4.14;H> ykeol. okeol. o. ckheo. chol. cheodal. okeo. r. olcheem. orar- {plant}
<f99r.P4.15;H> okeeey. keey. keeor. okeey. daiin. okeols. aiin. olaiir. oolsal- {plant}
<f99r.P4.16;H> qokeeo. okeey. qokeey. okesy. qokeeo. sar. sheseky. or. al- {plant}
<f99r.P4.17;H> yshain. y{&Y}khey. octhey. dy. daiin. okor. okeey. shct{&T}y. sh- {plant}
<f99r.P4.18;H> ychor. ols. or. am. air. om=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f99r.P4.13;U> tol, keey. ctheey- {plant}
<f99r.P4.14;U> ykeol. okeol. o, ckhey. chol. cheodal. okeor. alcheem, orar- {plant}
<f99r.P4.15;U> okeeey. keey. keeor. okeey. daiin. okeol, s. aiin. olaiir. o, olsal- {plant}
<f99r.P4.16;U> qokeeo. okeey. qokeey. okesy. qokeeo, sar. sheseky. or. al- {plant}
<f99r.P4.17;U> shain. ykeey. acthey. dy. daiin. okor. okeey. she*y, sh- {plant}
<f99r.P4.18;U> ychor. ols. or. am, airam=