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Page information on f96v

f96v preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: Q
Page in quire: J
Currier language: A
Currier hand: 4
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 04:52:58 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f96v = QJ (Rene) = p198 (Stolfi)
Folio: f96
Panels: f96v
Bifolio: bQ1 = f93+f96
Quire: Q (Rene) = XVI (Beinecke)


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: 4 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: green,tan,red (Reeds)


gathering mark 17


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 08:04:55 by stolfi

First study group:

<f96v.P.1;F> psheas. sheeor. qoepsheody. odar. ocpheo- {plant}opar. ysar. aso*-
<f96v.P.2;F> ytear. yteor. olcheey. dteodaiin- {plant}saro- {plant}qoches. ycheom-
<f96v.P.3;F> dcheoteos. cpheos. sar. chcthosy- {plant}cth- {plant}ytch*y. daiin-
<f96v.P.4;F> dsheos. sheey. teo. cthy. ctheodody-
<f96v.P.5;F> tockhy. cthey. ckheeody. ar. chey. key- {plant}
<f96v.P.6;F> yteeody. teodar. alchey. sy- {plant}
<f96v.P.7;F> sheodal. chor. ary. cthol- {plant}
<f96v.P.8;F> ycheey. ckheal. daiins- {plant}
<f96v.P.9;F> oeol. ckheor. cheor. aiin- {plant}
<f96v.P.10;F> ctheor. oral. char. ckhey- {plant}
<f96v.P.11;F> sar. os. checkhey. socth- {plant}
<f96v.P.12;F> sosar. cheekeo. daiin- {plant}
<f96v.P.13;F> soy. sar. cheor=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f96v.P.1;H> psheoas. sheeor. qoepsheody. odar. ocpheo- {plant}opar. ysarasod-
<f96v.P.2;H> ytear. yteor. olcheey. dteodoiin- {plant}saro- {plant}qoches. ycheom-
<f96v.P.3;H> dcheoteos. cpheos. sor. chcthosy- {plant}cth- {plant}ytchey. daiin-
<f96v.P.4;H> dsheos. sheey. teo. cthy. ctheodody-
<f96v.P.5;H> tockhy. cthey. ckheeody. ar. cheykey- {plant}
<f96v.P.6;H> yteeody. teodar. alchey. sy- {plant}
<f96v.P.7;H> sheodal. chor. ory. ct{&T}ol- {plant}
<f96v.P.8;H> ycheey. ckheol. daiin. s- {plant}
<f96v.P.9;H> eol. ckheor. cheor. aiin- {plant}
<f96v.P.10;H> ctheor. oral. chor. ckhey- {plant}
<f96v.P.11;H> sar. os. checkhey. socthh- {plant}
<f96v.P.12;H> sosar. cheekeo. dain- {plant}
<f96v.P.13;H> soy. sar. cheor=