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Page information on f95v2

f95v2 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: Q
Page in quire: G
Currier language: B
Currier hand: 5
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-10 02:48:35 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f95v2 = QG (Rene) = p195 (Stolfi)
Folio: f95
Panels: f95v2
Bifolio: bQ2 = f94+f95
Quire: Q (Rene) = XVI (Beinecke)

This page is the outermost verso panel of a four-panel fold-out.

Attention: the RZCD image may be wrong.


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 5 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), heb (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: brown,green,blue (Reeds)




All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-19 22:51:02 by stolfi

First study group:

<f95v2.P.1;F> tchody. podar. shody. qofaiin. ofchdy. otedy. qotedaiin. shor. olsaiin-
<f95v2.P.2;F> sol. shedy. qotchey. alor. chdy. ty. olor. okod% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % -
<f95v2.P.2a;F> % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ekaiin. okar. or. aiin. chckhy. okal. otaiin. okal. ody-
<f95v2.P.3;F> daiin. ool. kaiin. qokan. shar. sheky. dy. daiin. alkaiin- {plant}okalaiins-
<f95v2.P.4;F> tar. fcheey. shos. aiin. okar. olkaiin. otalaiin- {plant}okaiin. ar-
<f95v2.P.5;F> daiin. ykaly. chals- {plant}shedaiin. olaiiny- {plant}okaiin. ldy-
<f95v2.P.6;F> qokeey. dar. chdy. koiin- {plant}ytasal. otaiin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f95v2.P.1;H> tchody. podar. shody. qofaiin. ofchdy. otedy. qotedaiin. shor. olsain-
<f95v2.P.2;H> sol. shedy. qotchey. olor. chdy. ty. olor. okody. chody. qotaiin. ykaipy-
<f95v2.P.2a;H> arcsy. taiin. shekain. okar. or. aiin. chckhy. okal. otain. okal. ody-
<f95v2.P.3;H> daiin. olkain. qokan. shar. shekydy. dain. alkain- {plant}okal. aiin. s-
<f95v2.P.4;H> tar. fcheey. shos. aiin. okar. olkaiin. otalain- {plant}okaiin. ar-
<f95v2.P.5;H> dain. ykaly. chals- {plant}shedain. olaiin. y- {plant}okain. ldy-
<f95v2.P.6;H> qokeey. dar. chdy. kain- {plant}ytasal. otain=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f95v2.P.1;U> tchody. podar. shody. qofaiin. ofchdy. otedy. qotedaiin. shor. olsain-
<f95v2.P.2;U> sol. shedy. qotchsy. olor. chdy, ty. olor. okady. chody. qotaiin. y. kaipy-
<f95v2.P.2a;U> archy, taiin. chekaiin. okar. or. aiin. chckhy. okal. otain. okal, ody-
<f95v2.P.3;U> daiin. ol. kaiin. qokan. shar. sheky. dy. daiin. alkain- {plant}okal, aiin, s-
<f95v2.P.4;U> tar. fcheey. shos. aiin. okar. olkaiin. otalain- {plant}okaiin. ar-
<f95v2.P.5;U> dain. ykaly. chols- {plant}shedain. olaiin. y- {plant}okain. ldy-
<f95v2.P.6;U> qokeey. dar. chdykain- {plant}ytar, al. otaiin=