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Page information on f90r2

f90r2 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: O
Page in quire: J
Currier language: A
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 04:36:06 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f90r2 = OJ (Rene) = p186 (Stolfi)
Folio: f90
Panels: f90r2
Bifolio: bO1 = f87+f90
Quire: O (Rene) = XV (Beinecke)

This is the outermost recto panel of a four-panel fold-out.


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: ??? (Reeds)


another plant page. again, plant drawn first. a tuber. note nodular roots.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 07:37:45 by stolfi

First study group:

<f90r2.P.1;F> toealchs. shakol. sheo. qockhey- {plant}soeeol. qoteody-
<f90r2.P.2;F> saiin. ckheo. saiin. qockhey. s. ykeeody- {plant}scheey. chor. ckhs-
<f90r2.P.3;F> dsheeos. qokeod. qokeo. chol. ol. okal- {plant}saiin. ctheos. ar-
<f90r2.P.4;F> al. saiin. cheo. ro. sokeey. qokeear- {plant}al. ar. al. oyr-
<f90r2.P.5;F> ychor. ckhor. qoeeor. okaiin. dom- {plant}ol. cheo. ro. daiin-
<f90r2.P.5a;F> daiin. qokor. okoiin. daiin=

Don Latham:

<f90r2.P.1;L> to*alchs. shokol. sheo. qo*keey- {plant}soeeol. qoteody-
<f90r2.P.2;L> saiin. ckheo. saiin. qockhey. s. ykeeody- {plant}s. cheey. chor. ckhs-
<f90r2.P.3;L> dsheeor. qokeod. qokeo. chol. ol. okal- {plant}saiin. ctheo. s. ar-
<f90r2.P.4;L> al. s. ain. cheo. ro. sokeey. qokeeos- {plant}al. aral. oys-
<f90r2.P.5;L> ychor. ckhor. qoeeor. okaiin. dom- {plant}olcheo. sodaiin-
<f90r2.P.5a;L> daiin. qokor. ookoiin. daiin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f90r2.P.1;H> toealchs. shokol. sheo. qoekeey- {plant}soeeol. qoteody-
<f90r2.P.2;H> saiin. ckheo. saiin. qockhey. s. ykeeody- {plant}s. cheey. chor. ckhs-
<f90r2.P.3;H> dsheeor. qokeod. qokeo. chol. ol. okal- {plant}saiin. ctheo. s. ar-
<f90r2.P.4;H> al. s. ain. cheo. ro. sokeey. qokeeos- {plant}al. aral. oys-
<f90r2.P.5;H> ychor. ckhor. qoeeor. okaiin. dom- {plant}ol. cheo. ro. daiin-
<f90r2.P.5a;H> daiin. qokor. okoiin. daiin=