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Page information on f87r

f87r preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: O
Page in quire: A
Currier language: A
Currier hand: 4
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 04:22:43 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f87r = OA (Rene) = p177 (Stolfi)
Folio: f87
Panels: f87r
Bifolio: bO1 = f87+f90
Quire: O (Rene) = XV (Beinecke)


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: 4 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: tan,green,blue (Reeds)


Faint scribbles?


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 06:17:48 by stolfi

First study group:

<f87r.P.1;F> poal. shsal. shocphor. ypcho. cpheo. saiin. oteodal. saiin- {plant}
<f87r.P.2;F> dchee. ckhos. chety. cthodal. yteodam. cphecthy. syty-
<f87r.P.3;F> tchos. oteedy. ykeey. ctheody. keos. shee. kchey. saindy- {plant}
<f87r.P.4;F> soraiin. qockhos. cheodor. ckheokey. chcthody. s. odas- {plant}
<f87r.P.5;F> daiin. ctheey. ckheckhy. cthody. chor. sal. dar. chor- {plant}
<f87r.P.6;F> tos. she. keodaiin. pcheos. sheo. so. shkeody. soraiin- {plant}
<f87r.P.7;F> yteeodal. cho. keeady. shy. kol. sals. chekal- {plant}
<f87r.P.8;F> sol. sheor. ysaiin. chor. cheory. kchody- {plant}
<f87r.P.9;F> sor. sho. cthey. oteody. dchol. saraiin- {plant}
<f87r.P.9a;F> sho. cthos. cheodal. ctheody. qoty= {plant}
<f87r.P.10;F> psheodshy. dal. shee. saldal. shol. aldy- {plant}
<f87r.P.11;F> ysheees. chetchy. teodar. otsheol. tockhy- {plant}
<f87r.P.12;F> keor. ckheey. shody. qoeeety. schody. daiin- {plant}
<f87r.P.13;F> daiin. shol. cthey. okeol. cheor. okeeo. daiim- {plant}
<f87r.P.14;F> shos. cheol. cheos. ckhey. saiin. qockheol. daiin- {plant}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f87r.P.1;H> poalshsal. shocphor. ypchocpheosaiin. oteodal. saiin- {plant}
<f87r.P.2;H> dcheeckhos. chety. cthodal. yteodam. cpheckhy. syty-
<f87r.P.3;H> tchos. oteedy. ykeey. ctheody. keos. shee. kchey. saiidy- {plant}
<f87r.P.4;H> soraiin. qockhos. cheodor. ckheokey. chcthody. s. odar- {plant}
<f87r.P.5;H> daiin. ctheey. ckheckhy. cthody. chor. sal. dar. chor- {plant}
<f87r.P.6;H> tos. she. keodaiin. fcheos. sheo. so. shkeody. soraiin- {plant}
<f87r.P.7;H> yteeodal. chokeeody. shy. kol. sals. chekol- {plant}
<f87r.P.8;H> sol. sheor. ysaiin. chor. cheory. kchody- {plant}
<f87r.P.9;H> sor. shocthey. oteody. dchol. soraiin- {plant}
<f87r.P.9a;H> sho. cthos. cheodal. ctheody. qoty= {plant}
<f87r.P.10;H> psheodshy. dal. shee. saldal. shol. aldy- {plant}
<f87r.P.11;H> ysheees. chetchy. teodar. otcheol. tockhy- {plant}
<f87r.P.12;H> keor. ckheey. shody. qoeeeety. schody. daiin- {plant}
<f87r.P.13;H> daiin. shol. cthey. okeol. cheor. okeeo. daiim- {plant}
<f87r.P.14;H> shos. cheol. cheos. ckhey. saiin. qockheol. daiin- {plant}
<f87r.P.15;H> yteeos. cheol. dcheeol=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f87r.P.15;U> yteeos. cheol. dchchol=