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Page information on f86v6

f86v6 preview
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Illustration type: Cosmological
Quire: N
Page in quire: J
Currier language: B
Currier hand: 3
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

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Last edited on 1998-10-09 04:16:53 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f86v6 = NJ (Rene) = p168 (Stolfi)
Folio: f86
Panels: f86v6
Bifolio: bN1 = f85+f86
Quire: N (Rene) = XIV (Beinecke)

This page is the back side of the top right panel of a 12-panel fold-out. It is visible when the horizontal fold is closed but the vertical fold is open. The bottom and right sides of the panel are folio edges. The top side of the panel is the horizontal crease. The left side of the panel is a vertical valley crease.

This page comes after page 171 and 168 in Landini's file.


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 3 (Currier)
Subsets: C (Rene), cos (Stolfi)
Subject: unknown (text only)
Colors: ??? (Reeds)




All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-19 22:45:15 by stolfi

First study group:

<f86v6.P.1;F> pchey. pchdar. opar. cphy. ches. aiin. ofy. chedy. otedalol. orairody. qotchdaiin. q*{torn off}-
<f86v6.P.2;F> ochody. chol. chey. qotchdy. kchdy. qopchd. chpchy. qopchy. qoky. chedy. qokol. lray-
<f86v6.P.3;F> qolchy. olkeedy. chdal. chedy. chor. ar. arody. qokchdy. chdal. okar. chdy. otaiin-
<f86v6.P.4;F> dshor. shdy. shor. olaiin. olkeedy. shdal. oteor. chdar. lkarches. olkar. dalam-
<f86v6.P.5;F> tar. lol. chol. olkar. daiin. chear. or. otshey. qokar. opchey. taimy. qokar-
<f86v6.P.6;F> daiin. sheol. keear. or. chedy. orsheen. qotaiin. odaiin. olkeshar. qokar. ar-
<f86v6.P.7;F> qokaiin. ylchedar. or. aiin. olor. olkal. or. shedy. qokal. sar. orchey. dy-
<f86v6.P.8;F> ykaiin. odaiin. chal. sair. ytar. chody. ldaly. chdal. ykchedy. ltchedy. dar-
<f86v6.P.9;F> dshor. ykaiin. dar. sheey. qokol. cheol. otar. ar. aiin. qoteeos. aiin-
<f86v6.P.10;F> sarar. ykaiin. saldam. sheol. qckhy. dalor. olaiin. olkaiin. qodar. oxy-
<f86v6.P.11;F> qokaiin. olkeey. qokear. or. cheeaiin. yteedy. qoko. lchdol. or. chcphar. ar-
<f86v6.P.12;F> ykeealar. qokal. otar. ykairolky=
<f86v6.P.13;F> ctholcthy. qopaiin. ypchdy. cphol. kaiin. cholfchy. qopar. aroiin. opchedy. opaly-
<f86v6.P.14;F> ykchy. chol. kaiin. chey. ykeedy. okal. or. checfhy. lkey. okar. dar. olaiin-
<f86v6.P.15;F> shol. shotaiin. shckhor. olaiin. chdy. qokain. odaiin. cheor. olkaiin. chey-
<f86v6.P.16;F> taiin. okaiin. qokaiin. yteey. otaiin. chey. okam. qokar. qokaiin. okaiin-
<f86v6.P.17;F> par. oraiin. dar. aiin. qckhear. shocfhy. qotedy. opchdy. olaiin. ar. alkar. am-
<f86v6.P.18;F> ytaiin. ytair. dalol. ytal. dar. aiin. chol. olkchey. lkar. otal. qotar. dam-
<f86v6.P.19;F> pol. sheopchey. pchcfhy. or. aiin. qokaiin. cholkar=
<f86v6.P.20;F> pdainy. otol. podaiin. ocphey. opchor. olkshed. qofod. opdaiin. adar. dairody-
<f86v6.P.21;F> oreeey. lkeeor. daiin. olteody. tar. oty. teeodaiin. yty. sheey. tar. ar. am. ody-
<f86v6.P.22;F> lshechy. t*y. qokeedy. kain. ytaiin. chees. tairoor. qotar. tackhy. dam. am-
<f86v6.P.23;F> qokar. olkedy. otar. chedy. qokar. opchedy. dar. okar. ar. dair. ain. ol. kea. dar-
<f86v6.P.24;F> chey. keody. choty. dal. ody. qokeedy. pchedy. ytshy. tody. dal. tchedy. qokar. oly-
<f86v6.P.25;F> yteedy. qokar. olkar. qodar. ykaiin. orokeeeey. ofchedy. qokaiin. araram-
<f86v6.P.26;F> saiin. shor. shekaiin. chedy. cholkeod. qokchy. orchcthy. olteedy. dar. otar. aim-
<f86v6.P.27;F> alshdr. lkar. dal. kshd. shdar. shedy. qody. sheey. qotedy. olkeey. qokchdy. ramshy-
<f86v6.P.28;F> qokaiin. qokar. okar. qotar. lor. qokchdy. dar. shey. dytshedy. qotol. dytshy. dy-
<f86v6.P.29;F> dchedy. chcthdy. shol. oky. ytaiin. ykaiin. chedy. dy. dal. shdaiin=
<f86v6.P.30;F> polkchy. tshed. qopchey. paroiin. chcfhy. qopar. qopchedy. qopydaiin. qopary-
<f86v6.P.31;F> dair. chcphy. qokaiin. olkar. olkchdy. okaral. dar. olkchey. otytam. orom-
<f86v6.P.32;F> qokeey. qoeear. chshy. oky. qokar. orchey. qotar. olkchedy. qokaiin. am-
<f86v6.P.33;F> dar. olkaiin. ydy. lkchedy. okeeey. kchy. dl. ld. lol. sheey. qokshey. taiin. m-
<f86v6.P.34;F> soraiin. ar. shey. qoteody. or. aiin. oeey. ldaiin. or. ora. ol. kaiin-
<f86v6.P.35;F> sar. aiin. otar% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % iin. okar. ol-
<f86v6.P.36;F> dairal. daiin. qokar. chol. tal. cthdy. qokeey. lkaiin. olkaiin. araiin-
<f86v6.P.37;F> lshear. okar. qoeedy. qotar. otal. olky. qokal. ol. kaiin. octhair. lo-
<f86v6.P.38;F> poiin. otal. kal. toror. olaiin. okeockhey. olkeey. qoedy. lkaiin. oltam-
<f86v6.P.39;F> yaiin. dar. otol. qokaiin. qoky. lkor. dal. oraiin. cheoty. qotaiin. olkam-
<f86v6.P.40;F> daiin. ar. qotal. tshdy. otar. shcthdy. qokol. chotal. kar. olkar. alky-
<f86v6.P.41;F> qokaiin. octhy. oltchey. qotal. lkalol. sheol. qotaiin. ytaiin. ytody-
<f86v6.P.42;F> otaiin. qokaiin. otal. otal. lt. al. lkar. chdy. qotal. qokaiin-
<f86v6.P.43;F> qokaiin. choty. ytaiin. chokaiin. chocthy. chy. taiin. okaiin. okan-
<f86v6.P.44;F> shor. qoky. chorolk. chakaiin. qoal. kaiin. qoaiin. or. aiin. ykedy-
<f86v6.P.45;F> paiin. otar. otol. kshy. qok. shey. ar. otalky. chear. aiadam=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f86v6.P.1;H> pchey. pchdar. opor. cphy. cher. aiin. ofy. chedy. otedalol. orairody. qotchdain. qopy-
<f86v6.P.2;H> ochody. chol. chey. qotchdy. kchdy. qopchd. chpchy. qopchy. qoky. chedy. qokol. lram-
<f86v6.P.3;H> qolchy. olkeedy. chdal. chedy. chor. ar. arody. qokchdy. chdal. okar. chdy. otaiin-
<f86v6.P.4;H> dshor. shdy. shor. ol. aiin. olkeedy. shdal. oteor. chdar. lkarchees. olkar. dalam-
<f86v6.P.5;H> tar. lol. chol. olkar. daiin. chear. or. otshey. qokar. opchey. taiky. qokar-
<f86v6.P.6;H> daiin. sheol. keear. or. chedy. orsheeen. qotain. odaiin. olkeshar. qokar. ar-
<f86v6.P.7;H> qokaiin. ylchedor. or. aiin. ol. or. olkal. or. shedy. qokal. sar. orchey. dy-
<f86v6.P.8;H> ykaiin. odaiin. chal. sair. ytar. chody. ldaly. chdal. ykchedy. lkchedy. dam-
<f86v6.P.9;H> dshor. ykaiin. dar. sheey. qokol. cheol. otar. ar. aiiin. qoteeos. aiin-
<f86v6.P.10;H> sarar. ykaiin. saldam. sheol. qckhy. dalor. olaiin. olkaiin. qodar. oxy-
<f86v6.P.11;H> qokaiin. olkeey. qokear. or. cheeaiin. yteedy. qoko. lchdol. or. chcphar. ar-
<f86v6.P.12;H> ykeealar. qokal. otar. ykairolky=
<f86v6.P.13;H> ctholcthy. qopaiin. ypchdy. cpholkaiin. cholfchy. qopar. aroiin. opchedy. opoly-
<f86v6.P.14;H> ykchy. cholkaiin. chey. ykeeedy. okal. or. checfhy. lkey. okar. dar. ol. ain-
<f86v6.P.15;H> shol. shotaiin. shckhor. olaiin. chdy. qokain. odaiiin. cheor. olkain. chey-
<f86v6.P.16;H> taiin. okaiin. qokaiin. yteey. otain. chey. okam. qokar. qokain. okaiin-
<f86v6.P.17;H> par. or. aiin. dar. aiiin. qckhear. shoifhy. qotedy. opchdy. olain. ar. alkar. am-
<f86v6.P.18;H> ytaiin. ytair. dalol. ytal. dar. aiiin. chol. olkchey. lkar. otal. qotar. dam-
<f86v6.P.19;H> pol. shopchey. pchecfhey. or. aiiin. qokaiin. cholkar=
<f86v6.P.20;H> pdaiin. otol. podaiin. ocphey. opchor. olkshed. qofod. opdaiin. adar. dairody-
<f86v6.P.21;H> oreeey. lkeeor. daiin. olteody. tar. otyteeodain. yty. sheey. tar. ar. am. ody-
<f86v6.P.22;H> lshechy. tshy. qokeedy. kain. ytaiin. chees. tairoor. qotar. taikhy. damom-
<f86v6.P.23;H> qokar. olkedy. otor. chedy. qokar. opchedy. dar. okar. ar. dair. ain. ol. keodar-
<f86v6.P.24;H> chey. keody. choty. dal. ody. qokeedy. pchedy. ytshy. tody. dal. tchedy. qokar. oly-
<f86v6.P.25;H> yteedy. qokar. olkar. qodar. ykaiin. orokeeeey. ofchedy. qokaiin. araram-
<f86v6.P.26;H> saiin. shor. shekaiin. chedy. cholkeod. qokchy. orchcthy. olteedy. dar. otar. aim-
<f86v6.P.27;H> alshdr. lkar. dal. kshd. shdar. shedy. qody. sheey. qotedy. olkeey. qokchdy. ramshy-
<f86v6.P.28;H> qokaiin. qokar. okar. qotar. lor. qokchdy. dar. shey. dytshedy. qotol. dytshy. dy-
<f86v6.P.29;H> dchedy. chcthdy. shol. oky. ytaiin. ykain. chedy. dy. dal. shdaiin=
<f86v6.P.30;H> polkchy. tshed. qopchey. paroiin. chefchy. qopar. qopchedy. qopydaiin. qopary-
<f86v6.P.31;H> dair. chepy. qokaiin. olkar. olkchdy. okaral. dar. olkchey. otytam. orom-
<f86v6.P.32;H> qokeey. qoeear. chsey. oky. qokar. orchey. qotar. olkchedy. qokaiin. am-
<f86v6.P.33;H> dar. olkaiin. ydy. lkchedy. okeeeykchy. dl. ld. lol. sheey. qokshey. tain. g-
<f86v6.P.34;H> sor. aiin. ar. shey. qoteody. or. aiiin. oeey. ldaiiin. or. oro. ol. kaiiin-
<f86v6.P.35;H> sas. aiin. otariin. otar. cheody. qotaiin. qokaiin. ol. tey. qokaiin. otar. ol-
<f86v6.P.36;H> dairal. daiin. qokar. choltal. cthdy. qokeey. lkaiin. olkaiin. araiin-
<f86v6.P.37;H> lshar. okar. qoeedy. qotar. otal. olky. qokal. ol. kaiin. octhair. lo-
<f86v6.P.38;H> poiin. otal. kal. toror. olaiin. okeockhey. olkeey. qoedy. lkaiin. oltam-
<f86v6.P.39;H> yaiin. dar. otol. qokain. qoky. lkor. dal. oraiin. cheoty. qotaiin. olkam-
<f86v6.P.40;H> daiin. ar. qotal. kshdy. otar. shcthdy. qokol. chotal. kar. olkar. alky-
<f86v6.P.41;H> qokaiin. octhy. oltchey. qotal. lkalol. sheol. qotaiin. ytain. ytody-
<f86v6.P.42;H> otaiin. qokain. otal. otal. lt. al. lkar. chdy. qotol. qokain-
<f86v6.P.43;H> qokaiin. choty. ytaiin. chokain. chocthy. chy. taiin. okaiin. okan-
<f86v6.P.44;H> shor. qoky. chorolk. chokaiin. qoolkaiin. qoaiin. or. aiiin. ykedy-
<f86v6.P.45;H> paiin. otar. otolkshy. qokshey. ar. otalky. chear. aiodam=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f86v6.P.35;U> sas. aiin. otar. cheody. qotaiin. qokaiin. ol. tey. qokaiin. otar. ol-