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Page information on f86v5

f86v5 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Cosmological
Quire: N
Page in quire: K
Currier language: B
Currier hand: 3
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

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Last edited on 1998-10-09 04:17:57 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f86v5 = NK (Rene) = p175 (Stolfi)
Folio: f86
Panels: f86v5
Bifolio: bN1 = f85+f86
Quire: N (Rene) = XIV (Beinecke)

This is the back side of the bottom right panel of a 12-panel fold-out. The left and bottom sides of the panel are folio edges. The top side of the panel is the horizontal crease. The right side of the panel is a vertical ridge crease.


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 3 (Currier)
Subsets: C (Rene), unk (Stolfi)
Subject: unknown (text only)
Colors: ??? (Reeds)


folio mark 86



All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-19 22:46:00 by stolfi

First study group:

<f86v5.P.1;F> pshdal. chaky. sheody. lfchy. fyshey. qoky. opy. ypar. oraiin. ytor. aiin. opy-
<f86v5.P.2;F> losair. ytody. qokar. shy. qokar. shor. qopchol. tal. ol. ytal. otam. otam-
<f86v5.P.3;F> shedy. chdy. qokar. okeeey. sheokaiin. cheoky. oteeodail. otaiin. otaiin-
<f86v5.P.4;F> ypchesy. oky. sheey. qoty. qotaiin. saiin. chepy. ltedy. dar. olkar. am-
<f86v5.P.5;F> daiin. or. otol. otchey. otal. olkey. chcthody. ytar. dal. ar. okary-
<f86v5.P.6;F> olkeedy. shety. ytar. ytaiin. shdam. araiin. ytaiin=
<f86v5.P.7;F> pdaiin. qoteedy. opchey. qopor. otol. kshdy. qopcheey. shdar. fchcfhy-
<f86v5.P.8;F> octhal. shckhy. otshey. opor. shey. tor. ar. otar. aiin. chdy. tar. cheem-
<f86v5.P.9;F> lkaiin. otain. r. al. ykain% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % -
<f86v5.P.9a;F> kar. olkal. kar. shedy. shor. qokar. chor. or. ykaiin. otam. ytam-
<f86v5.P.10;F> taral. okar. octhey. sal. kaiin. ytal. chey. otal. aiin. olkam=
<f86v5.P.11;F> poraiindy. otshs. al. ar. shey. tair. sheody. qopchesy. lfar. air. amom-
<f86v5.P.12;F> daiin. shar. otam. ytaiin. otal. teody. cthy. or. aiin. otar. aiin-
<f86v5.P.13;F> qoar. aiin. al. ody. ar. aiin. qokeeey. cheey. qotaiin. ykar. acthy-
<f86v5.P.14;F> ykar. ar. alody. or. eees. aiin. okar. qokaiin. ykar. a. ol. chsky-
<f86v5.P.15;F> dchey. taiin. qoka. daiin. ykal. kain. ykar. alkaiin. dal. kaly. tam-
<f86v5.P.16;F> ockhedy. chedy. taiin. ykaiin. qotal. yshey. otaiin. olkam=
<f86v5.P.17;F> poldaiin. shea. tesaiin. otcha. lkaiin. os. al. ody. qotar. ytedy. daiin-
<f86v5.P.18;F> ycheey. tydaiin. ykeeo. chey. shckhy% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % -
<f86v5.P.18a;F> shr. aiin. ytaly. otaiin. ykaiin. otal. ytar. aiin. ytaiinm-
<f86v5.P.19;F> oar. araiin. okaiin. yteey. ytaiin. qokees. aiin. yteey. qotey. lkey-
<f86v5.P.20;F> ykaiin. ykeey. ykal. chod. aiin. oeey. teod. kaiin. oto. daiin. okaiin-
<f86v5.P.21;F> ykaiin. or. aiin. okol. chokar. sheol. qokar. cheey. oraiin. ody-
<f86v5.P.22;F> oar. aiin. ykaiin. okal. kcho. dy. chckhy. otaiin. olkar. otaiin-
<f86v5.P.23;F> sair. kain. aralosheey. qoeey. lkshy=
<f86v5.P.24;F> pochor. air. shoar. pshody. shody. qopchy. ocfhdy. dar. olpshy. dam. shey-
<f86v5.P.25;F> pchor. ypchor. aiin. otar. shody. pchykar. ytar. odar. oches. aral. om-
<f86v5.P.26;F> odaiin. oal. kar. ar. or. ytdar. qokeeey. teody. tey. tara*. ytarar-
<f86v5.P.27;F> ysheoar. qoteody. qokar. shody. qokal. tchey. ytchy. tal. tar-
<f86v5.P.28;F> odaiin. otches. chey. chodaiin. shedy. otal. kchol. shy. olkeeeary-
<f86v5.P.29;F> tol. kaiin. ytchdy. chol. ytedy. ytaiin. qodaiin. ytody. ykeshy. ar-
<f86v5.P.30;F> dshey. ytchy. dy. qotal. shdy. or. aiin. chody. chey. ol. teody. aiin-
<f86v5.P.31;F> qokeey. ol. kaiin. ol. kaiin. olkeedy. qopcheey. oty. daiin. otam-
<f86v5.P.32;F> oteey. ol. tey. choaiin. ysheedy. ychedy. ytaiin. otam. aiiin-
<f86v5.P.33;F> ychey. or. aiin. ytair. ytaim. otal. shod. qokchy. qoody. saim-
<f86v5.P.34;F> shody. qoty. chody. ytody. olkey. otol. oty. oltal. oky. dam-
<f86v5.P.35;F> dchol. chedy. qotaiin. otaiin. ol. cheody. olkeeody. oreeem-
<f86v5.P.36;F> sol. odaiin. ykeeshy. ytchey. lchody. ykar. shey. ytaiin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f86v5.P.1;H> pshdal. choky. sheody. lfchy. fyshey. qoky. opy. ypar. oraiin. ytor. aiin. opy-
<f86v5.P.2;H> losair. yteody. qokar. shy. qokar. shor. qopchol. tal. ol. ytal. otam. otam-
<f86v5.P.3;H> shedy. chdy. qokar. okeeey. sheokaiin. cheoky. oteeodail. otaiin. otain-
<f86v5.P.4;H> ypchery. oky. sheeey. qoty. qotaiin. sain. chepy. ltedy. dar. olkar. am-
<f86v5.P.5;H> daiin. or. otol. otshey. otal. olkey. chcthody. ytar. dal. ar. okary-
<f86v5.P.6;H> olkeedy. shety. ytar. ytaiin. shdam. araiin. ytaiin=
<f86v5.P.7;H> pdaiin. qoteedy. opchey. qopor. otol. kshdy. qopcheey. shdar. fchcfhy-
<f86v5.P.8;H> octhal. shckhy. otshey. opor. shey. tor. ar. otar. aiin. chdy. tar. cheeg-
<f86v5.P.9;H> lkaiin. otain. r. al. ykain. chaiin. ykal. ykaiin. otal. or. alkam-
<f86v5.P.9a;H> ykar. olkal. kar. shedy. shor. qokar. chor. or. ykaiin. otam. ytam-
<f86v5.P.10;H> taral. okar. octhey. sal. kaiin. ytal. chey. otal. aiiin. olkam=
<f86v5.P.11;H> poraiiindy. otshs. al. ar. shey. tair. sheody. qopchesy. lfar. air. amod-
<f86v5.P.12;H> daiin. shar. otam. ytaiin. otal. teody. cthy. or. aiin. otar. aiiin-
<f86v5.P.13;H> qoar. aiiin. al. ody. ar. aiin. qokeeey. cheey. qotaiin. ykar. aithy-
<f86v5.P.14;H> ykar. ar. alody. or. eees. aiin. okar. qokaiin. ykar. al. ol. chsky-
<f86v5.P.15;H> dcheytain. qoko. daiin. ykalkain. ykar. alkaiin. dalkalytam-
<f86v5.P.16;H> ockhedy. ched. ytaiin. ykaiin. qotal. yshey. otaiin. olkam=
<f86v5.P.17;H> poldaiin. sheo. tesaiin. otcho. lkaiin. os. al. ody. qotar. ytedy. daiin-
<f86v5.P.18;H> ycheeytydaiin. ykeeo. chey. shckhy. shoky. oty. oty. otain. olkchdy-
<f86v5.P.18a;H> ychor. ar. aiin. ytaly. otaiin. ykaiin. otar. ytar. aiin. ytaiim-
<f86v5.P.19;H> oar. ar. aiin. okaiin. yteey. ytaiin. qokees. aiin. yteey. qotey. lkey-
<f86v5.P.20;H> ykaiin. ykeey. ykal. chod. aiin. oeey. teodkaiin. otodaiin. okain-
<f86v5.P.21;H> ykaiin. or. aiin. okol. chokar. sheol. qokar. cheey. oraiiin. ody-
<f86v5.P.22;H> oar. aiin. ykain. okal. kchody. chckhy. otaiin. olkar. otaiin-
<f86v5.P.23;H> sair. kain. ar. alosheey. qoeey. lkesy=
<f86v5.P.24;H> pochor. air. shoar. pshody. shody. qopchy. ocfhdy. dar. olpshy. dam. shey-
<f86v5.P.25;H> pchor. ypchor. aiin. otar. shody. pchykar. ytar. odar. oeees. aral. om-
<f86v5.P.26;H> odaiin. oal. kar. ar. or. ytdar. qokeeey. teodyteytar. an. ytarar-
<f86v5.P.27;H> ysheoar. qoteody. qokar. shody. qokal. tchey. ytchy. tal. tar-
<f86v5.P.28;H> odaiin. otches. chey. chodaiin. shedy. otal. kchol. shy. olkeeeary-
<f86v5.P.29;H> tol. kaiin. ytchdy. chol. ytedy. ytain. qodaiin. ytody. ykeshy. ar-
<f86v5.P.30;H> dshey. ytchy. dy. qotal. shdy. or. aiin. chody. chey. ol. teody. aiin-
<f86v5.P.31;H> qokeey. ol. kaiin. ol. kain. olkeedy. qopcheey. oty. daiin. otam-
<f86v5.P.32;H> oteey. ol. tey. choaiin. ysheedy. ychedy. ytaiin. otam. aiin-
<f86v5.P.33;H> ychey. or. aiin. ytair. ytaim. otal. shod. qokchy. qoody. saim-
<f86v5.P.34;H> shody. qoty. chody. ytody. olkey. otoloty. oltal. oky. dam-
<f86v5.P.35;H> dchol. chedy. qotain. otaiin. ol. cheody. olkeeody. oreeem-
<f86v5.P.36;H> sol. odaiin. ykeeshy. ytchey. lchody. ykar. shey. ytaiin=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f86v5.P.9;U> lkaiin. otain. r. al. ykain. chaiin. y, kal. ykaiin. otal. or. alkam-
<f86v5.P.9a;U> ykar. alkal. kar, shedy. shor. qokar. chor. or. ykaiin. otam. ytam-
<f86v5.P.18;U> ycheey, tydaiin. ykeeo, chey. shckhy. shoky. oty. oty. otain. olkady-
<f86v5.P.18a;U> ychor. ar. aiin. ytaly. otaiin. ykaiin. otal. ytar. aiin. ytaiim-

Unit: "title"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 05:43:11 by stolfi

First study group:

<f86v5.T.37;F> yteody. chedy. qoteey. octhy. dy=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f86v5.T.37;H> yteody. chedy. qoteey. octhy. dy=