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Page information on f86v4

f86v4 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Cosmological
Quire: N
Page in quire: I
Currier language: B
Currier hand: 3
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-04 20:30:11 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f86v4 = NI (Rene) = p167 (Stolfi)
Folio: f86
Panels: f86v4
Bifolio: bN1 = f85+f86
Quire: N (Rene) = XIV (Beinecke)

This page comes after page 171 in Landini's file.

This is the back side of the top center panel of a 12-panel fold-out. It is visible when the horizontal fold is closed but the vertical fold is open. The bottom side of panel is the folio's edge. The top side of the panel is the horizontal crease.


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 3 (Currier)
Subsets: C (Rene), cos (Stolfi)
Subject: cosmological
Colors: ??? (Reeds)


The page contains a circular diagram, and under it a single paragraph of text (5 lines, the last one short and centered).

The diagram is framed by two faint mechanically dawn circles, and four rings of text — one betweent the two circles, the other three just inside the second circle. A wide gap in all four rings at 09:00 suggests an obviosu starting point, confirmed by four radial strokes across the first ring (that may be modern scribbles in the copy, however).

(There are other simultaneous gaps in all four rings at 01:00 and 05:00, so the four rings may actually be two or three paragraphs side by side.)

At the center of the diagram there is an uncolored disk, bounded by a mechanically drawn circle, containing a small moon—with a dark crescent shadow on the left side, and a human face with neutral expression on the right.

Just outside this central disk there is a wide decorated band containing four small human figures. The decoration looks like a perspective drawing of a flat field, bent around the inner disk with the innermost edge being closer to the observer. In the "field" there are five parallel rows (concentric rings) of elements, shaped like tombstones with rounded top. The "tombstones" are painted in various colors, and some have dots, borders, or other simple decoration. In the innermost ring, which is unobstructed, the elements are fused together at the base.

Between these rows of "tombstones", the field is packed with round objects (which could be bushes, leaves, pebbles, bubbles, etc.).

The "tombstones" in the first four rows are packed tight, and a larger "tombstone" is inserted every 3-6 standard ones. The last row (outermost ring) has only small tombstones, painted with alternating colors, some distance apart (with some blades of "grass" in between).

The third row of tombstones is interrupted at 11:30, 02:30, 05:30, and 08:30 by four human figures. The human figures are hidden by the "bushes" from the waist down. The North figure is barely visible, because of a a crease in the vellum. The West and South figures are female (with visible breasts), and the same may be true of the other two. They wear a white dress with ring collar and broad sleeves, apparently tied at the wrists. Their hair is dark but not black, and is just long enough to cover the ears. The South, West, and North figures have both arms spread out like a "W", with hands open; East has only the left arm up, in the same position.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "Circular text around diagram"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 06:02:15 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.

Transcription clockwise from wide gap at 09:00
"{sync gap}" is the simultaneous gap in all four rings at 01:00.

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f86v4.C.1;H> opor. os. sheody. pchedar. odsheo. qody. cheepchdy. lpchedy. olkar. shdar. dchdor- {sync gap}qopcher. cher. oseeedar. odaiin. pcheodar. chdair. orarorchy. shar. opchsey. otedy. chcphhy. chedy. sar. shed. odar. sheey. scheor. al. cheefar. shetchy. qoteol. otor. shar. qoteshy. doi{crease}n. ofor. arar. dl-
<f86v4.C.2;H> oeeey. o*daiin. otedaiin. otedy. oteey. chedaiin. octhedy. chy. shedaiin- {sync gap}chotaiin. oraiin. otodeeeo. or. yteeody. oteedar. aiin. shedaiin. chdar. shedy. qotedain. chedy. tchdy. chetdy. chedy. qotor. chedy. chckhy. daiin. otedy. schsdy. {crease}tchy. sam-
<f86v4.C.3;H> kchey. dair. alody. shes. qeeor. or. odarchdy. chdy. olcheos. orain- {sync gap}or. oteed. chedees. oteedy. qoty. otedy. shedy. otedy. dar. shd. shyy. scody. chdchdy. dodar. aiin. or. aiin. sar. orchedy. qotchdy. deedes. ar. sheody. opcho. fchsom-
<f86v4.C.4;H> pchedar. ar. oepor. oteer. o. cs. aiin. olkeor. dar. air. dery. doeedey- {sync gap}opchedy. shedaiin. dar. otedy. dain. otey. dam. otedy. daiin. chocthy. dtedair. chody. sheos. otedos. qokechy. pchdeedy. dan. ol. dol. oty. sho. pol. otoldyl=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f86v4.C.1;U> opos. os. sheody. pch*dar. odsheo. qody. cheepchedy. *pchedy. olkar. shdar. dchdor- {sync gap}qopches, ches. or, eeedar. odaiin. pcheodar. chdair. or, arorchey. shar. opchshy. otedy. chcphey. chedy. sas, shed. odar. sheey. scheor, al. cheefar. shetchy. qoteol. otor. shar. qoteshy. da{crease}r. ofar. aror. dl-
<f86v4.C.2;U> *eeey. o. ***n. otedaiin. otedy. oteey. chedaiin. octhhdy. chey. shedaiin- {sync gap}chotaiin. oraiin. otad***, or. yteeody. oteedaraiin. shedaiin. chdar. shedy. qotedain. shedy. tchdy. chetdy. chedy. qotar. chedy. chckhy. daiinotedy. s, chedy. {crease}oteey. sam-
<f86v4.C.3;U> tchedy. dain. arody. shes. qoeor. or. odare*dy. chdy. olcheos. osain- {sync gap}or. oteed. chedeesoteedy. qoty. otedy. shedy. otedy. dar. shd. shy, y. schdy. chdady. ddodar. aiin. or. aiin. sar, oschedy. qotchdy. dchdes. ar. sheody. opchy. fcheam-
<f86v4.C.4;U> pchedar. ar. ocpor. otees. oes, aiin. olkeor. dar. air, dshy. doeedey- {sync gap}opchedy. shedaiin. dar. otedy. dain. otey. dam. otedy. daiin. chocthy. dtodair. chody. sheos. otedor. qokechy. pchdady. dan. ol. dol. oty. sho. pol. opoldyl=

Unit: "Text under diagram"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 05:40:13 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image

First study group:

<f86v4.P.1;F> chsodar. oedy. qokeol. qoeol- {diagram}oqokeol. dar. ol. olairam-
<f86v4.P.2;F> cheol. tar. ol. olsheey. qokey. or. aiin. sheeor. sar. al. ol. sheey. qockheey-
<f86v4.P.3;F> tol. shsor. aiin. ol. keeod. lcheody. okedy. qokeody. qoaino**=
<f86v4.P.4;F> daiin. olkeedy. otar. olshedy. okol. aiin. okal. cheockhy. shocthey. daiin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f86v4.P.1;H> pchsodar. oedy. qokeol. qoeol- {diagram}oqokeol. dar. ol. olair. am-
<f86v4.P.2;H> ycseol. tar. ol. olsheey. qokey. or. aiin. sheeor. sar. al. ol. sheey. qockheey-
<f86v4.P.3;H> tol. shs. or. aiin. ol. keeod. lcheody. okedy. qokeody. qoaiin. al=
<f86v4.P.4;H> dain. ol. keedy. otar. olshedy. okol. aiin. okal. cheockhy. shockhhy. daiin=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f86v4.P.1;U> pcheodar. oedy. qokeol. qoeol- {diagram}oqokeol. dar. ol. ol, air, am-
<f86v4.P.2;U> ycheol, tar. ol. ol, sheey. qokey. or. aiin. sheeor. sar. al. ol. sheey. qockheey-
<f86v4.P.3;U> tol. shes, or. aiin. ol. keeod. lcheody. okedy. qokeody. qoain, ar=
<f86v4.P.4;U> daiin. ol, keedy. otar. olshedy. okol, aiin. okal, cheockhy. shockhey. daiin=

Unit: "centered title (last line of paragraph?)"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 05:38:57 by stolfi

First study group:

<f86v4.T.5;F> dar. oleey. olyy=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f86v4.T.5;H> dar. oleey. ol. yy=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f86v4.T.5;U> dar. oleeey. ol, yy=

John Grove:

<f86v4.T.5;V> dar. oleeey. ol. yy= {was <f85r2. T. 1;V>}