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Page information on f86v3

f86v3 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Cosmological
Quire: N
Page in quire: L
Currier language: B
Currier hand: 3
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 04:21:11 by stolfi


Title: "T-O Map and
Page: f86v3 = NL (Rene) = p176 (Stolfi)
Folio: f86
Panels: f86v3
Bifolio: bN1 = f85+f86
Quire: N (Rene) = XIV (Beinecke)

Newbold plate VII, calls it f86v SciAm Brumbaugh p54, calls it f85r Same as or includes page 174?

This is the back side of the bottom center panel of a 12-panel fold-out. The bottom side of the panel is a folio edge. The top side of the panel is the horizontal crease. The left side of the panel is a vertical ridge crease. The right side of the panel is the binding gutter.


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 3 (Currier)
Subsets: C (Rene), cos (Stolfi)
Subject: cosmological
Colors: ??? (Reeds)


Gathering mark 14.

Text and drawing take up most of the page, right up to the edges, except for some white space left in the middle.

Four tapering, densely decorated "biological" structures grow from the four corners of the page towards the center.

Between these structures there are four paragraphs of normal-looking text. right next to the respective edge, to be read clockwise. In the rectangular area bounded by them, there are two more paragraphs, interrupted by part of the Northwest structure.

At the very center of the page, below the two extra paragraphs, there is a mechanically drawn "T-O map"—a circle cut into three sectors by a diameter (from 09:30 to 03:30) and a perpendicular radius (at 00:30).

At the left of the T-O map, and partly over it, there is a faint irregular (pencil?) scribble, mostly illegible, resembling a young child's scrawl. With some imagination, the first row can be read as two EVA <l> (larger than normal), a latin "n" with acute accent, and a latin "F"; below them is an EVA <s>, with very dark <c> and lighter plume. But none of these readings can be considered significant.

In the structure descriptions that follow, "up" means towards the center of the page, "down" means towards its corner, "left" is clockwise and "right" is counter-clockwise.

The Northeast structure looks like a chalyx with thick stem, covered with rounded, upward-pointing scales (or close-packed leaves). From its hollow there comes forth a converging bundle of lines, like a strong water jet (or a bundle of stalks). Halfway though the "jet" but in front of it there is a bird with outspread wings. The "jet" ends bruptly after a short distance, to be replaced by a dotted band (dust? droplets? seeds?).

The Southeast structure has the shape of a light bulb, with the narrow end pointing up . The base (wider end) is wrapped in a leaf-like chalyx. The bulb is decorated with several bands of knobs, hatchings, and upwards-growing scales. The narrow end (nearest to the center of the page) ends in a hole with dotted lip. Coming out from the hole we see the head of another bird, with its ouspread wings partly visible, and three curved "stalks" carrying three corncob-like objects.

The Southwest structure has a base that looks like a flattened flower, whose petals are made of thick riveted metal plate. On top of that "flower" there are three similar "stages", each smaller than the previous one. Each "stage" looks like a ribbed stalk, short and broad, ending with a multilobed sleeve which holds a heap of round objects with dots at their centers. From the third stage there grows a short "jet" (or a fourth ribbed stalk) that opens out into a funnel or corolla with serrated borders. The right half of this funnel is dotted.

The Northwest structure looks like a wide and short cylindrical base with a band of scales or flaps around its top part, pointing down. On top of this base is a short conical dome covered with scales or leaves. Each scale has a dot. From the very tip of the dome there sprouts a divergent bundle of lines that ends with a cloud of dots, like a water jet.

Behind the Northwest structure there is a human figure with light long hair, probably a woman. Only her head and hand are visible, just to the right of the "water jet".

Behind the Southwest structure there is another human figure with short dark hair, probably a man. Only his right arm, part of his breast, and half of his face are visible, on the left side of the structure.

The man's right hand seems to be holding a short tube, pointed towards the woman. Issuing from it is a short jet of dots that ends abruptly after a couple of feet. (The man may also be throwing things at the woman, and the "tube" could then be the motion traces.) The woman seems to be waving at the man.



All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "Paragraphs on North side of page"

Last edited on 1998-12-19 22:46:23 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.


<f86v3.P1.1;C> tchedy. qokeedy. qoedy. qopchy. raiin. olpchey. qokaiin-
<f86v3.P1.2;C> sain. ychedy. qoeeey. otair. cheody. ytain. qotaiin=
<f86v3.P1.3;C> taiin. ytaiin. ytaiin. ytaiin. or. or. ytar. am-
<f86v3.P1.4;C> ytaiin. qoeedy. qor. aiin. yteeey. ar. aiin. aram- {figure}
<f86v3.P1.5;C> ysheey. qotaiin. chdy. ypsheor. ytain. otain. ytam- {figure}
<f86v3.P1.6;C> daiinls. aiin. chcthy. ykaiin. ykaiin. chdar. araiin- {figure}
<f86v3.P1.7;C> sain. ytaiin. ytapy. odeeey. dal. dar. ytam-
<f86v3.P1.8;C> sodaiin. otey. otain=

First study group:

<f86v3.P1.1;F> tchedy. qokeedy. qoedy. qopchy. raiin. olpchey. qokaiin-
<f86v3.P1.2;F> raiin. ychedy. qoeey. otair. echody. ytaiin. qokaiin=
<f86v3.P1.3;F> taiin. qtaiin. ytaiin. ytaiin. or. ar. ytar. am-
<f86v3.P1.4;F> ykaiin% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % m- {figure}
<f86v3.P1.5;F> yshey. qotaiin. chdy. ypsheor. ytaiin. otaiin. ytam- {figure}
<f86v3.P1.6;F> daiin. ls. aiin. chcthy. ykaiin. ykaiin. chdar. araiin- {figure}
<f86v3.P1.7;F> saiin. ytaiin. ytapy. odeeey. dal. dair. ytam-
<f86v3.P1.8;F> sar. aiin. ot*y. otair=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f86v3.P1.1;H> tchedy. qokeedy. qoedy. qopchy. raiin. olpchey. qokaiin-
<f86v3.P1.2;H> sain. ychedy. qoeeey. otair. cheody. ytain. qokaiin=
<f86v3.P1.3;H> taiin. ytaiin. ytaiin. ytaiin. or. ar. ytar. am-
<f86v3.P1.4;H> ykaiin. qoeedy. qor. aiin. ytechy. ar. aiin. aram- {figure}
<f86v3.P1.5;H> ysheey. qotaiin. chdy. ypsheor. ytain. otain. ytam- {figure}
<f86v3.P1.6;H> daiinls. aiin. chcthy. ykaiin. ykaiin. chdar. araiin- {figure}
<f86v3.P1.7;H> sain. ytaiin. ytapy. odeeey. dal. dair. ytam-
<f86v3.P1.8;H> sar. aiin. otey. otais=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f86v3.P1.1;U> tchedy. qokeedy. qoedy. qopchy. raiin. olpchey. qokaiin-
<f86v3.P1.2;U> rain. ychedy. qoeeey. otair. cheody. ytaiin. qokaiin=
<f86v3.P1.3;U> taiir. ytaiin. ytaiin. ytaiin. or. ar. ytar. am-
<f86v3.P1.4;U> ykaiin. qoeedy. qor. aiin. yteeey. ar, aiin. ar, am- {figure}
<f86v3.P1.5;U> ysheey. qotaiin. chdy. ypsheor. ytain. otain. ytam- {figure}
<f86v3.P1.6;U> daiin, ls. aiir. chcthy. ykaiin. ykaiin. chdar. ar, aiin- {figure}
<f86v3.P1.7;U> sain. ytaiin. ytchpy. odeeey. dal. dair. ytchm-
<f86v3.P1.8;U> sar, aiin. otey. otair=

Unit: "Text on East side of page"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 06:07:23 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f86v3.P2.1;H> tshedal. ypchey. shdy. qopcheeody. opchdy. olfchey. ypchey. qotaiin-
<f86v3.P2.2;H> dshedy. qokeey. qotchy. shedy. qokaiin. chdy. otor. otaiin. ykaiin-
<f86v3.P2.3;H> qodaiin. yochedy. qotchey. qoky. daiin. chdy. oteedy. qoty. daiin. om-
<f86v3.P2.4;H> shor. yteey. oteedy. shedaiin. sheey. otaiin. ytaiin. otodar. aiin-
<f86v3.P2.5;H> teeos. aiin. yteey. qoteey. otchey. qoteeody. cheeor. cheedaiin-
<f86v3.P2.6;H> ycheeody. daiis. oteey. qoedy. oteey. olteey=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f86v3.P2.1;U> tshedal. ypchey. shdy. qopcheeody. opchdy. olpeey. ypoeey. qotaiin-
<f86v3.P2.2;U> dshedy. qokeey. qoteey. shedy. qokaiin. chdy. otar. otaiin. ykaiin-
<f86v3.P2.3;U> qodaiin. y*chedy. qotchey. qoky. daiin. chdy. oteedy. qoty. daiin. am-
<f86v3.P2.4;U> shor. yteey. oteedy. shedaiin. sheey. otaiin. ytaiin. otodar. aiin-
<f86v3.P2.5;U> teeos. aiin. yteey. qoteey. otchey. qoteeody. cheeor. cheedaiin-
<f86v3.P2.6;U> ycheeody. daiis. oteey. qoedy. oteey. olteey=

Unit: "Text on South side of page"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 06:10:53 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f86v3.P3.1;H> toeeedchy. okchey. qokchedy. shedy. ytcheodar-
<f86v3.P3.3;H> ytchey. yteey. chdal. or. cheey. daiin. cheokaiim-
<f86v3.P3.4;H> tchedy. chy. tchey. otchedy. qokal. oeedy. lkam- {figure}
<f86v3.P3.5;H> oees. aiiin. yteeedy. chedy. qotaiin. cheody- {figure}
<f86v3.P3.6;H> ytchey. otaiin. kshd. qotar. chear. or. am- {figure}
<f86v3.P3.7;H> yteeo. dy. chedy. qokal. yteey. qotar. am-
<f86v3.P3.8;H> dcheey. teeody. oty. otchedy. daiir. aiim- {figure}
<f86v3.P3.9;H> ykeeedy. qoteey. qodaiin. okeeey=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f86v3.P3.1;U> toeeedchy. okchey. qokchedy. shedy. yteeeodar-
<f86v3.P3.3;U> ytchey. yteey. chdal. or. cheey. daiin. cheotaiin-
<f86v3.P3.4;U> tchedy. chy. tchey. otchedy. qokal. oeedy. ykam- {figure}
<f86v3.P3.5;U> oees. aiiin. yteeedy. chedy. qotaiin. cheody- {figure}
<f86v3.P3.6;U> ytchey. otaiin. kshd. qotar. chear. or, am- {figure}
<f86v3.P3.7;U> yteeo, dy. chedy. qokal. yteey. qotar, am-
<f86v3.P3.8;U> dcheey. tchody. oty. otchedy. daiir. aiim- {figure}
<f86v3.P3.9;U> ykeeedy. qoteey. qodaiin. okeeey=

Unit: "Text on West side of page"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 06:08:40 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f86v3.P4.1;H> tchol. olkey. cfhyaiin. opchedy. okchedy. or. acheody. e*ol. shedy. yteey. daiin. dady-
<f86v3.P4.2;H> ychey. ol. keeey. qotchedy. qokeey. qotchedar. sheedy. qokaiin. qokedy. ykaiin. qotaiior. am-
<f86v3.P4.3;H> tcheod. oteey. yteeody. chdy. chedos. shedy. cheos. *s. aiir. sheey. ytchcseey. oteeodam-
<f86v3.P4.4;H> yteedy. ykeey. daim. choaiin. checkhy. s{&S}ykeeeochy. tcheey. otodaiin. opaiin. otchey. otam-
<f86v3.P4.5;H> osheey. or. sheey. tcheody. qokain. qodaiin. olkar. chedaiin. ychedy. qokody. cholkain-
<f86v3.P4.6;H> ar. aiin. shodain. shor. chalkar. shekshol. okchor=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f86v3.P4.1;U> tchol. olkey. cfhyaiin. opchedy. okchedy. or, ycheody. shol, shedy. yteey. daiin. dady-
<f86v3.P4.2;U> ychey. ol, kshey. qotchedy. qokeey. qotchedar. sheedy. qokaiin. qokedy. ykaiin. qota**or. am-
<f86v3.P4.3;U> tcheod. oteey. yteeody. chdy. shedos. shedy. cheos. ar. aiir. sheey. yte*sheey. oteeodam-
<f86v3.P4.4;U> yteedy. ykeey. daim. cheaiin. checkhy. s{&S}ykeeochy. tcheey. otodaiin. opaiir. otchey. otam-
<f86v3.P4.5;U> osheey. or, sheey. tcheody. qokain. qodaiin. olkar. chedaiin. y, chedy. qokady. cholkain-
<f86v3.P4.6;U> ar. aiin. shodain. shor. cholkar. shekshol. okchor=

Unit: "Text in central area of page, above T-O map"

Last edited on 1998-12-19 22:47:15 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.
The line numbering has been preserved from Landini's interlinear


<f86v3.Q.9;C> tshdshey. dalkshdy. shocphy. saiin. or. arody- {spray}chedaly-
<f86v3.Q.10;C> dcheody. skeeody. qokshey. chodain. ykched- {spray}samaldy-
<f86v3.Q.11;C> dsheody. qokchey. dal. or. odaiin. rar=
<f86v3.Q.12;C> pchedaiin. dchedy. qokchdy. qopchol. shol- {spray}sheody. solkam-
<f86v3.Q.13;C> dchey. otain. olkechy. qokam. chol. kchdy. chol. tchdy. dar. aiindy-
<f86v3.Q.14;C> lshodain. ykcho. dar. chody. ykeeody. qochey. chcthey. lkar. ary-
<f86v3.Q.15;C> dshedy. kshey. teedy. shdy. ralkchedy. ytcholqoty. oteey. tam-
<f86v3.Q.16;C> ytchdy. dar. shol. or. alor=

First study group:

<f86v3.Q.9;F> tshdshey. dal. kshdy. shocfhy. saiin. or. airody- {spray}chedaly-
<f86v3.Q.10;F> dcheody. s% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % - {spray}% % % % aldy-
<f86v3.Q.11;F> dsheody. qokchey. dal. or. odaiin. rar=
<f86v3.Q.12;F> pchedaiin. dchedy. qokchdy. qopchol. shol- {spray}sheody. solkam-
<f86v3.Q.13;F> dchey. otaiin. olkechy. qokam. chol. kchdy. chol. tchdy. dar. aiin. dy-
<f86v3.Q.14;F> % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % -
<f86v3.Q.15;F> dshedy. kshey. tchdy. shdy. ral. kchedy. ytchol. qoty. okshy. tam-
<f86v3.Q.16;F> ytchdy. dar. shol. or. alor=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f86v3.Q.9;H> tshdcsey. dalkshdy. shocfhy. saiin. or. airody- {spray}chedaly-
<f86v3.Q.10;H> dcheody. skeeody. qokshey. chodain. ykched- {spray}raraldy-
<f86v3.Q.11;H> dsheody. qokchey. dal. or. odaiin. sar=
<f86v3.Q.12;H> pchedaiin. dchedy. qokchdy. qopchol. shol- {spray}sheody. rolkam-
<f86v3.Q.13;H> dchey. otain. olkechy. qokam. chol. kchdy. chol. tchdy. dar. aiin. dy-
<f86v3.Q.14;H> lshodair. ykcho. dar. chody. ykeeody. qochey. chcthey. lkar. ary-
<f86v3.Q.15;H> dshedy. kshey. tchdy. shdy. ralkchedy. ytchol. qoty. okshy. tam-
<f86v3.Q.16;H> ytchdy. dar. shol. or. alor=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f86v3.Q.9;U> tshdshey. dalkshdy. shocfhy. saiin. or. airody- {spray}chedaly-
<f86v3.Q.10;U> dcheody. skeeody. qokshey. cheodain. ykched- {spray}sar, aldy-
<f86v3.Q.11;U> dsheody. qokchey. dal. or. odaiin. rar=
<f86v3.Q.12;U> pchedaiin. dchedy. qokchdy. qopchol. shol- {spray}sheody. solkam-
<f86v3.Q.13;U> dchey. otain. olkechy. qokam. chol, kchdy. chol. tchdy. dar, aiin, dy-
<f86v3.Q.14;U> lshodair. ykcho. dar. chody. ykeeody. qochey. chckhey. lkar, ar, y-
<f86v3.Q.15;U> dshedy. kshey. tchdy. shdy. ral, kchedy. ytchol. qoty. okshy. tam-
<f86v3.Q.16;U> ytchdy. dar. shol, or. alor=