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Parsable information
Illustration type: Biological
Quire: M
Page in quire: S
Currier language: B
Currier hand: 2
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-10 02:45:27 by stolfi


Title: "Covered pool"
Page: f84r = MS (Rene) = p163 (Stolfi)
Folio: f84
Panels: f84r
Bifolio: bM1 = f75+f84
Quire: M (Rene) = XIII (Beinecke)

Newbold VI, Zimansky; Public baths


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 2 (Currier)
Subsets: B (Rene), bio (Stolfi)
Subject: biological
Colors: green,blue,red (Reeds)




All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "Labels on top illustration"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 04:38:59 by stolfi

"V" transcription by John Grove, posted 09-may-1998.

nymph? - #1, in vat below grapes?, or funnel into vat

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f84r.X.1;H> {gutter}lmyl=
<f84r.X.2;H> or. shekar=
<f84r.X.3;H> ydy=
<f84r.X.4;H> okedy=
<f84r.X.5;H> oloy=
<f84r.X.6;H> doiis=
<f84r.X.7;H> ol. shy=
<f84r.X.8;H> otedy=
<f84r.X.9;H> lkol=
<f84r.X.10;H> okolshy=
<f84r.X.11;H> otoly=
<f84r.X.12;H> dshedy=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f84r.X.1;U> {gutter}oldal=
<f84r.X.2;U> or, shekar=
<f84r.X.3;U> ydy=
<f84r.X.4;U> okedy=
<f84r.X.5;U> loly=
<f84r.X.6;U> daiis=
<f84r.X.7;U> ol, shy=
<f84r.X.8;U> otedy=
<f84r.X.9;U> lkol=
<f84r.X.10;U> okolshy=
<f84r.X.11;U> otoly=
<f84r.X.12;U> dshedy=

John Grove:

<f84r.X.1;V> {gutter}okal=
<f84r.X.2;V> or. shekar=
<f84r.X.3;V> ydy=
<f84r.X.4;V> okedy=
<f84r.X.5;V> loly=
<f84r.X.6;V> doiir=
<f84r.X.7;V> ol. shy=
<f84r.X.8;V> otedy=
<f84r.X.9;V> lkol=
<f84r.X.10;V> okolshy=
<f84r.X.11;V> otoly=
<f84r.X.12;V> dshedy=

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-24 22:53:45 by stolfi

"V" transcription by John Grove, posted 09-may-1998.
Some of Grove's [kt] restored to [pf] based on other versions -JS.
The {.} marks Grove's "detachable initials".


<f84r.P.1;C> kol. chedy. qokeey. otedy. dytedy. okeedy. olshed. opshed. ykshedy. qokedy. opoly-
<f84r.P.2;C> tolorsheey. chckhdy. schckhy. dal. yshedy. otedy. qol. or. ol. eedy. qokeey. orody-
<f84r.P.3;C> qokeey. dar. shedy. qokedy. qokeedy. qokedy. chedy. okaiin. chey. qokedy. dar. olaody-
<f84r.P.4;C> tor. shedytedy. ol. olcheol. shedy. sckhy. qokal. olkedy=
<f84r.P.5;C> pchol. cphol. solteol. tedy. qotedy. qokeedy. qokeey. olkeedy. teyqokedy. qopor. oly-
<f84r.P.6;C> otchy. olshedy. qokedy. shedy. okedy. shckhy. chckhy. olchey. schey. dal. chckhy. ral-
<f84r.P.7;C> qokey. sol. yqokain. qolkeey. qotedy. qokain. shedy. salchedy=
<f84r.P.8;C> psholpchcfhdy. qokeedy. dy. qokedy. daiin. shckhedy. qokaiin. checthy. dar. checthy. am-
<f84r.P.9;C> qokaiin. chol. cheky. kalychey. okalchedytory. otshedy. qokey. lshedy-
<f84r.P.10;C> qotch*dy. ykeedy. qokalol. shedy. qokedy. qokeedy. qokeedy. chedy. raiin. chey. otar. dar-
<f84r.P.11;C> dar. sheor. shcthy. qokar. qotedy. sshedy. qolchey. oteey. qol. shedy. ol. dain. olor-
<f84r.P.12;C> pol. tar. shedy. qokedy. okal. shey. qokarchckhy. otchey. qokchedy. ecphey. qokaiin-
<f84r.P.13;C> pchedy. qotchedy. otaiin. chcthy. shedy. otedy. qoty. qotedy. ol. okedy. otedy. ram-
<f84r.P.14;C> qotol. shcthey. oty. dar. shcthy. schdy. qokeedy. olkey=
<f84r.P.15;C> polchd. fchedy. shecthy. olky. dar. opalkaiin. oqofchedy. araiiin. ofoly. oroly-
<f84r.P.16;C> sar. ol. olaiin. yqolyqor. or. ckhedy. chkedy. okain. shedy. qokolchedy. olain-
<f84r.P.17;C> qokeedy. okeey. dar. olchedy. qsolkeedy. rar. checkhy. otar. chedy. olchcthy. lor-
<f84r.P.18;C> dchdy. qokedy. olchckhy. olchdy. saror. ykeedy. chetey. pain. shedy. shekam-
<f84r.P.19;C> ykchdar. or. arar. shedy. qokal. daiin. shedy. olkedy. qokedy. qoky. chedy. daiin-
<f84r.P.20;C> qotar. ytedy. tedy. dar. olkedy. qotedy. shckhy. chtol. tedy. dar. or. oly-
<f84r.P.21;C> shol. tchdytedy. ykain. shey. cheolytedy. olkedy. okedar. olkeedylary-
<f84r.P.22;C> dsheyteey. sar. ol. shedy. daraldy. otedaiin. shckhchy. chckhey. daiinaryly-
<f84r.P.23;C> qokal. daiin. dain. otey. cheor. air. shckhy. orairaro=
<f84r.P.24;C> {figure}shey. dar. shey. dain. aiin. shedy. orol. ykar. okedy. qoty. chedy. okedar. chey. olol-
<f84r.P.25;C> qoteedy. qokol. otedy. shedy. qokeedy. dol. ol. dam-
<f84r.P.26;C> sarolchdy. lshedy. qokchy. dnl. otedy. ytchorolky-
<f84r.P.27;C> dshedy. sheedy. qokedy. chedy. teedy. qokeedy-
<f84r.P.28;C> qokeedy. dkedy. olshedy. qokal. shckhy. nlkeedy-
<f84r.P.29;C> {figure}dsheedy. oteedy. qotar. chekar. okshedy. saiin-
<f84r.P.30;C> {figure}okaiin. otchdy. qokain. shedy. qokeey. qotedy-
<f84r.P.31;C> {figure}qokain. otchedy. skeey. rcheky. dol. okechy-
<f84r.P.32;C> {figure}ykedy. qotedy. chcthy. olchcthy. dar. arory-
<f84r.P.33;C> {figure}ytchlchedy. qokor. shekedy. okedy. cthey. dam-
<f84r.P.34;C> {figure}doledy. qokedy. aror. okedy. okedy=

First study group:

<f84r.P.1;F> kal. chedy. qokeey. otedy. dytedy. okeedy. olshed. opshed. ykshedy. qotedy. opoly-
<f84r.P.2;F> tol. or. sheey. chckhdy. schckhy. dal. yshedy. otedy. qol. or. oleedy. qokeey. oroly-
<f84r.P.3;F> qokeey. dar. shedy. qokedy. qokeedy. qokedy. chedy. okaiin. chey. qokedy. dar. olardy-
<f84r.P.4;F> tor. shedy. tedy. rol. ol. cheol. shedy. shckhy. qokal. olkedy=
<f84r.P.5;F> pchol. cphol. sol. teol. tedy. qotedy. qokeedy. qokeey. olkeedy. tey. qokedy. qopor. oly-
<f84r.P.6;F> otchy. olshedy. qokedy. shedy. okedy. shckhy. chckhy. olchey. schey. dal. chckhy. ral-
<f84r.P.7;F> qokey. sol. yqokaiin. qolkeey. qotedy. qokaiin. shedy. sal. chedy=
<f84r.P.8;F> pshol. pchcfhdy. qokeedy. dy. qokedy. daiin. shckhedy. qokaiin. checthy. dar. checthy. am-
<f84r.P.9;F> qokaiin. chol. cheky. okaly. chey. okal. chedy. tory. otshedy. qokey. lshedy-
<f84r.P.10;F> qotchsdy. ykeedy. qokal. ol. shedy. qokedy. qokeedy. qokeedy. chedy. raiin. chey. otar. dar-
<f84r.P.11;F> dar. sheor. shcthy. qokor. qotedy. rshedy. qolchey. oteey. qol. shedy. ol. daiin. olor-
<f84r.P.12;F> pol. tar. shedy. qokedy. okal. shey. qokar. chckhy. otchey. qokchedy. chey. qokaiin-
<f84r.P.13;F> pchedy. qotchedy. otaiin. chcthy. shedy. otady. qoty. qotedy. olokedy. otedy. ram-
<f84r.P.14;F> qotol. shcthey. oty. dar. shcthy. schdy. qokeedy. olkey=
<f84r.P.15;F> palchd. *chedy. shcthy. olky. dar. opalkaiin. oqofchedy. or. aiin. ofoly. oroly-
<f84r.P.16;F> sor. ol. olaiin. oqol. yqor. or. ckhedy. chkedy. okaiin. shedy. qokolchedy. olaiin-
<f84r.P.17;F> qokeedy. okeay. dar. olchedy. qsolkeedy. rar. chckhy. otar. chedy. olchcthy. lor-
<f84r.P.18;F> dchdy. qokedy. ol. chckhy. olchdy. rar. or. ykeedy. chetey. saiin. shedy. shekam-
<f84r.P.19;F> ykchdar. or. arar. shedy. qokal. daiin. shedy. olkedy. qokedy. qoky. chedy. daiin-
<f84r.P.20;F> qotar. ytedy. tedy. dar. olkedy. qotedy. shckhy. chtol. tedy. dar. or. oly-
<f84r.P.21;F> shol. tchdy. tedy. ykaiin. shey. cheol. ytedy. alkedy. okedar. olkeed. ol. ary-
<f84r.P.22;F> dshey. teey. sor. ol. shedy. dar. aldy. otedaiin. shckheey. chckhy. daiin. aryly-
<f84r.P.23;F> qokal. daiin. daiin. otey. cheor. air. shckhy. orair. oro=
<f84r.P.24;F> {figure}shey. dar. shey. daiin. aiin. shedy. orol. ykar. okedy. qoky. chedy. okedar. chey. alol-
<f84r.P.25;F> qoteedy. qokol. otedy. shedy. qokeedy. dal. ol. dam-
<f84r.P.26;F> sor. olchdy. lshedy. qotchy. dol. otedy. ytchor. olky-
<f84r.P.27;F> dshedy. sheedy. qokedy. chedy. teedy. qokeedy-
<f84r.P.28;F> qokeedy. dkedy. olshedy. qokal. shckhy. olkeedy-
<f84r.P.29;F> {figure}dshedy. oteedy. qotar. chekar. or. shedy. saiin-
<f84r.P.30;F> {figure}otaiin. otchdy. qokaiin. shedy. qokeey. qokedy-
<f84r.P.31;F> {figure}qokaiin. otchedy. skeey. rcheky. dal. okechy-
<f84r.P.32;F> {figure}ykedy. qotedy. chcthy. olchcthy. dar. ar. ory-
<f84r.P.33;F> {figure}ytyl. chedy. qokor. shekedy. okedy. cthey. dam-
<f84r.P.34;F> {figure}dchedy. qokedy. ar. aror. okedy. okedy=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f84r.P.1;H> kal. chedy. qokeey. otedy. dytedy. okeedy. olshed. opshed. ykcsedy. qotedy. opoly-
<f84r.P.2;H> tol. or. sheey. chckhdy. schckhy. dal. yshedy. otedy. qol. or. ol. eedy. qokeey. oroly-
<f84r.P.3;H> qokeey. dar. shedy. qokedy. qokeedy. qokedy. chedy. okain. chey. qokedy. dar. olar. dy-
<f84r.P.4;H> tor. shedy. tedy. rol. ol. cheol. shedy. shckhy. qokal. olkedy=
<f84r.P.5;H> pchol. cphol. sol. teol. tedy. qotedy. qokeedy. qokeey. ol. keedy. tey. qokedy. qopor. oly-
<f84r.P.6;H> otchy. ol. shedy. qokedy. shedy. okedy. shckhy. chckhy. olchey. schey. dal. chckhy. ral-
<f84r.P.7;H> qokey. sol. yqokain. qolkeey. qotedy. qokain. shedy. salchedy=
<f84r.P.8;H> pshol. pchcfhdy. qokeedy. dy. qokedy. daiin. shckhedy. qokaiin. checthy. dar. checthy. am-
<f84r.P.9;H> qokaiin. chol. cheky. okaly. chey. okal. chedy. tory. otshedy. qokey. lshedy-
<f84r.P.10;H> qotchsdy. ykeedy. qokal. ol. shedy. qokedy. qokeedy. qokeedy. chedy. raiin. chey. otar. dar-
<f84r.P.11;H> dar. sheor. shcthy. qokeor. qotedy. rshedy. qolchey. oteey. qol. shedy. ol. daiin. olor-
<f84r.P.12;H> pol. tar. shedy. qokedy. okal. shey. qokar. chckhy. otchey. qokchedy. chey. qokaiin-
<f84r.P.13;H> pchedy. qotchedy. otaiiin. chcthy. shedy. otedy. qoty. qotedy. ol. okedy. otedy. rom-
<f84r.P.14;H> qotol. shcthhy. oty. dar. shcthy. schdy. qokeedy. olkey=
<f84r.P.15;H> palchd. fchedy. shcthy. olky. dar. opalkaiin. oqofchedy. oraiiin. ofoly. oroly-
<f84r.P.16;H> sor. ol. olaiin. oqol. yqor. or. ckhedy. chkedy. okain. shedy. qokolchedy. olain-
<f84r.P.17;H> qokeedy. okeey. dar. olchedy. qsolkeedy. rar. checkhy. otar. chedy. olchcthy. lor-
<f84r.P.18;H> dchdy. qokedy. ol. chckhy. olchdy. sar. or. ykeedy. chetey. sain. shedy. shekam-
<f84r.P.19;H> ykchdar. or. arar. shedy. qokal. daiin. shedy. olkedy. qokedy. qoky. chedy. daiin-
<f84r.P.20;H> qotar. ytedy. tedy. dar. olkedy. qotedy. shckhy. chtol. tedy. dar. or. oly-
<f84r.P.21;H> shol. tchdy. tedy. ykain. shey. cheol. ytedy. alkedy. okedar. olkeed. ol. ary-
<f84r.P.22;H> dshey. teey. sor. ol. shedy. dar. aldy. otedaiin. shckhchy. chckhy. daiin. aryly-
<f84r.P.23;H> qokal. daiin. dain. otey. cheor. air. shckhy. orair. oro=
<f84r.P.24;H> {figure}shey. dar. shey. dain. aiin. shedy. orol. ykar. okedy. qoky. chedy. okedar. chey. alol-
<f84r.P.25;H> qoteedy. qokol. otedy. shedy. qokeedy. dol. ol. dam-
<f84r.P.26;H> sor. olchdy. lshedy. qokchy. dol. otedy. ytchor. olky-
<f84r.P.27;H> dshedy. sheedy. qokedy. chedy. teedy. qokeedy-
<f84r.P.28;H> qokeedy. dkedy. olcsedy. qokal. shckhy. olkeedy-
<f84r.P.29;H> {figure}dshedy. oteedy. qotar. chekar. or. shedy. saiin-
<f84r.P.30;H> {figure}okaiin. otchdy. qokain. csedy. qokeey. qotedy-
<f84r.P.31;H> {figure}qokain. otchedy. skeey. rcheky. dol. okechy-
<f84r.P.32;H> {figure}ykedy. qotedy. chcthy. olchcthy. dar. ar. osy-
<f84r.P.33;H> {figure}yt*yl. chedy. qokor. shekedy. okedy. ithhy. dam-
<f84r.P.34;H> {figure}doledy. qokedy. ar. aror. okedy. okedy=

John Grove:

<f84r.P.1;V> kol. chedy. qokeey. otedy. dytedy. okeedy. olshed. opshed. ykshedy. qotedy. opoly-
<f84r.P.2;V> tol. or. sheey. chckhdy. schckhy. dal. y. shedy. otedy. qol. or. ol. eedy. qokeey. or. oly-
<f84r.P.3;V> qokeey. dar. shedy. qokedy. qokeedy. qokedy. chedy. okain. chey. qokedy. dar. olar. dy-
<f84r.P.4;V> tor. shedytedy. o*l. ol. cheol. shedy. shckhy. qokal. olkedy=
<f84r.P.5;V> p{. }chol. cphol. sol. teol. tedy. qotedy. qokeedy. qokeey. ol. keedy. tey. qokedy. qopar. oly-
<f84r.P.6;V> otchy. ol. shedy. qokedy. shedy. okedy. shckhy. chckhy. olchey. schey. dal. chckhy. ral-
<f84r.P.7;V> qokey. s. ol. yqokain. qolkeey. qotedy. qokain. shedy. salchedy=
<f84r.P.8;V> p{. }sholpchcfhdy. qokeedy. dy. qokedy. daiin. shckhedy. qokaiin. checthy. dar. checthy. am-
<f84r.P.9;V> qokaiin. chol. cheky. okal. y. chey. okal. chedy. tor. y. otshedy. qokey. l. shedy-
<f84r.P.10;V> qotchsdy. ykeedy. qokal. ol. shedy. qokedy. qokeedy. qokeedy. chedy. raiin. chey. otar. dar-
<f84r.P.11;V> dar. sheor. shcthy. qokeor. qotedy. rshedy. qolchey. oteey. qol. shedy. ol. dain. ol. or-
<f84r.P.12;V> p{. }ol. tar. shedy. qokedy. okal. shey. qokar. chckhy. otchey. qokchedy. chey. qokaiin-
<f84r.P.13;V> p{. }chedy. qotchedy. otaiiin. chcthy. shedy. otedy. qoty. qotedy. ol. okedy. otedy. ram-
<f84r.P.14;V> qotol. shcthhy. oty. dar. shcthy. schdy. qokeedy. olkey=
<f84r.P.15;V> p{. }alchd. fchedy. shcthy. olky. dar. opalkaiin. o. qofchedy. or. aiiin. ofoly. oroly-
<f84r.P.16;V> s. or. ol. olaiin. oqol. y. qor. or. ckhedy. chkedy. okain. shedy. qokolchedy. olain-
<f84r.P.17;V> qokeedy. okeey. dar. olchedy. qsolkeedy. rar. checkhy. otar. chedy. olchcthy. lor-
<f84r.P.18;V> dchdy. qokedy. ol. chckhy. olchdy. sar. or. ykeedy. chetey. r. ain. shedy. shekam-
<f84r.P.19;V> ykchdar. or. ar. ar. shedy. qokal. daiin. shedy. olkedy. qokedy. qoky. chedy. daiin-
<f84r.P.20;V> qotar. ytedy. tedy. dar. olkedy. qotedy. shckhy. chtol. tedy. dar. or. oly-
<f84r.P.21;V> shol. tchdy. tedy. ykain. shey. cheol. y. tedy. ol. kedy. okedar. ol. keed. ol. ary-
<f84r.P.22;V> d. shey. teey. sar. ol. shedy. dar. aldy. otedaiin. shckhchy. chckhy. daiin. or. yly-
<f84r.P.23;V> qokal. daiin. dain. otey. cheor. air. shckhy. orair. oro=
<f84r.P.24;V> {figure}shey. dar. shey. dain. aiin. shedy. orol. ykar. okedy. qoky. chedy- okedar. chey. alol-
<f84r.P.25;V> qoteedy. qokol. otedy. shedy. qokeedy. dal. ol. dam-
<f84r.P.26;V> s. or. olchdy. lshedy. qokchy. dol. otedy. ytchor. olky-
<f84r.P.27;V> dshedy. sheedy. qokedy. chedy. teedy. qokeedy-
<f84r.P.28;V> qokeedy. dkedy. olshedy. qokal. shckhy. olkeedy-
<f84r.P.29;V> {figure}dshedy. oteedy. qotar. chekar. or. shedy. saiin-
<f84r.P.30;V> {figure}okaiin. oteedy. qokain. shedy. qokeey. qotedy-
<f84r.P.31;V> {figure}qokain. otchedy. skeey. rcheky. dol. okeedy-
<f84r.P.32;V> {figure}ykedy. qotedy. chcthy. ol. chcthy. dar. ar. ory-
<f84r.P.33;V> {figure}yteol. chedy. qokor. shekedy. okedy. cthhy. dam-
<f84r.P.34;V> {figure}dchedy. qokedy. ar. aror. okedy. okedy=

Unit: "labels on margin illusstration"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 04:40:29 by stolfi

flow? - flow between vats

First study group:

<f84r.Y.13;F> otaly=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f84r.Y.13;H> otaly=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f84r.Y.13;U> otaly=

John Grove:

<f84r.Y.13;V> otaly=