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Illustration type: Biological
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Last edited on 1998-10-10 03:45:19 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f81v = MN (Rene) = p158 (Stolfi)
Folio: f81
Panels: f81v
Bifolio: bM4 = f78+f81
Quire: M (Rene) = XIII (Beinecke)


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 2 (Currier)
Subsets: B (Rene), bio (Stolfi)
Subject: biological
Colors: green (Reeds)




All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-19 19:20:23 by stolfi

"V" transcription by John Grove, posted 09-may-1998.
Some of Grove's [kt] restored to [pf] based on other versions -JS.
The {.} marks Grove's "detachable initials".


<f81v.P.1;C> par. shey. teedy. shekal. dal. dar. ol. pchedy. shek. dain. ofalsheky-
<f81v.P.2;C> qokedy. okaiin. kair. okal. sar. ol. keiil. olkain. al. ol. rol. dl-
<f81v.P.3;C> saiin. daiin. ol. tkeedy. okedy. dykain. shek. chdy. dalal. oldy-
<f81v.P.4;C> qokaiin. otain. cheeky. dy. olkaiin. dain. dy. daiin. chcth-
<f81v.P.5;C> okaiin. deiiin. otain. chckhy. okeedy. qoky% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % -
<f81v.P.6;C> qokain. okaiin. ol. chedy. cheol. lky. ls. aiin. okain. dal. dy-
<f81v.P.7;C> olor. ol. sheckhal. daiin. qokeedal. daiin. chckhy. schedy. qol-
<f81v.P.8;C> ykol. or. shedy. qolkeedy. daiin. dkeiin. cphody. oldy-
<f81v.P.9;C> yar. olchey. kaiin. okeey. daiin. olor. checkhy. da*dy=
<f81v.P.10;C> polshy. ashyteed. qop. okeedy. otedy. okshedy. qoty. dair. am-
<f81v.P.11;C> oshey. qokeey. okeey. oky. yteey. qoky. okylky. olchy. ty. dsholyd-
<f81v.P.12;C> qol. ol. chdy. shedy. qokedy. ytedy. chetedy. lkedey. ytedy-
<f81v.P.13;C> ykeshey. dshed. ytedy. ytedy. dar. ykedacphy. qoty. ykedy. okal-
<f81v.P.14;C> dshedy. ykeedy. sheeky. daiin. okedy. qokeed. qokedy. lchpchdy-
<f81v.P.15;C> qokal. chedy. ol. sheoy. salshcthdy. qofchedy. r. chedy. ltary-
<f81v.P.16;C> lor. shedy. qoeedy. ol. chy. rshdy. lshedy. dar. chdy. pchdy-
<f81v.P.17;C> sshkchdy. chedy. ol. shedy. qolchedy. qokoy. shckhy. dl. riil-
<f81v.P.18;C> qokchdy. chey. lo. cheky. ol. shedy. qokody. qokedy. chckhy. qoky-
<f81v.P.19;C> solkeey. ol. shedy. qokar. shckhy. dshedy. qokar. qokal. dol. chy-
<f81v.P.20;C> qocthey. chekal. chody. qokedy. lshety. qoldy. ltedy. qotain-
<f81v.P.21;C> lsho. qokey. lshedy. lshedy. chedy. qolky. lchedal. qol. otar-
<f81v.P.22;C> qokal. qol. oiin. cheey. dal. loeedy. chedy. salchtedytar-
<f81v.P.23;C> shal. qekchy. ykaiin. olkain. shedy. qoky. dchedy. rol. ol. cthdy-
<f81v.P.24;C> ytey. okchedy. qokal. okeey. qol. cheedy. sol. teol. dchdy. ly-
<f81v.P.25;C> oshedy. qotedy. shol. chedy. yshchey. ol. chey. qol. chedytchd. oky-
<f81v.P.26;C> qol. chechol. tar. okedy. dal. eey. olkeol. olkeedy. okeol-
<f81v.P.27;C> dsheol. oiiin. olkeedy. tedy. cheky. shckhedy. chal=

First study group:

<f81v.P.1;F> par. shey. keedy. shekal. dal. dar. ol. pchedy. shek. daiin. ofal. sheky-
<f81v.P.2;F> qokedy. okaiin. kair. okal. sar. ol. k**. olkaiin. al. ol. ral. dl-
<f81v.P.3;F> saiin. daiin. olkeedy. okedy. dykaiin. shek. chdy. dalal. oldy-
<f81v.P.4;F> qokaiin. okaiin. cheeky. dy. ol. kaiin. daiin. dy. daiin. chckhy-
<f81v.P.5;F> akaiin. daiin. otain. chckhy. okeedy. qoky. kar. daiin. okar-
<f81v.P.6;F> qokain. otaiin. ol. chedy. cheol. lky. ls. aiin. okain. daldy-
<f81v.P.7;F> oloral. sheckhal. daiin. qokeedal. daiin. chckhy. rchedy. qol-
<f81v.P.8;F> ykal. or. shedy. sheedy. qol. keedy. daiin. dkaiin. cphedy. oldy-
<f81v.P.9;F> yar. olchey. kaiin. okeey. daiin. olor. checkhy. daindy=
<f81v.P.10;F> pol. shy. oshy. teed. qop. okeedy. okshedy. qoky. dair. am-
<f81v.P.11;F> *shey. qokeey. okeey. oky. ykeey. qoky. okylky. olchy. ky. dsholyd-
<f81v.P.12;F> qol. ol. chdy. shedy. qokedy. ytedy. chetedy. lkedey. ytedy-
<f81v.P.13;F> ykeshy. dchedy. tedy. ytedy. dar. ykeda. pey. qoty. ykedy. okal-
<f81v.P.14;F> dshedy. ykeedy. sheckhy. daiin. okedy. qokeed. qokedy. lchcphdy-
<f81v.P.15;F> qokal. chedy. o% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % y. ltary-
<f81v.P.16;F> qor. shedy. qoeedy. ol. chy. rshdy. lshedy. dar. chdy. pchdy-
<f81v.P.17;F> sshkchdy. chedy. ol. shedy. qol. chedy. qokain. shckhy. dl. ral-
<f81v.P.18;F> qokchdy. chey. ol. cheky. ol. shedy. qokedy. qokedy. chckhy. qoky-
<f81v.P.19;F> solkeey. ol. shedy. qokar. sheckhy. dshedy. qokar. qokal. dol. chy-
<f81v.P.20;F> qocthey. chckhal. chady. qokedy. lshety. qoldy. ltedy. qotain-
<f81v.P.21;F> lsho. qokey. lshedy. shedy. chedy. qolky. lchedal. qol. otar-
<f81v.P.22;F> qokal. qol. oiin. cheey. dal. lchedy. chedy. sal. chtedy. tar-
<f81v.P.23;F> shol. qokchy. ykaiin. olkaiin. shedy. qoky. dchedy. rol. olcthdy-
<f81v.P.24;F> ytey. okchedy. qokal. okeey. qol. cheedy. sal. teol. dchdy. ly-
<f81v.P.25;F> oshedy. qotedy. shal. chedy. yshchey. ol. chey. qol. chedy. tchd. oky-
<f81v.P.26;F> ol. chechol. tar. aiin. okedy. dal. shey. olkeol. olkeedy. okeol-
<f81v.P.27;F> dsheol. o**. olkeedy. tedy. cheky. shckhedy. chal=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f81v.P.1;H> par. shey. keedy. shekal. dal. dar. ol. pchedy. shek. dain. ofal. sheky-
<f81v.P.2;H> qokedy. okaiin. kair. okal. sar. ol. kain. olkain. al. ol. rol. dl-
<f81v.P.3;H> saiin. daiin. olkeedy. okedy. dykain. shek. chdy. dalal. oldy-
<f81v.P.4;H> qokaiin. okain. cheeky. dy. ol. kaiin. dain. dy. daiin. chckhy-
<f81v.P.5;H> okaiin. daiin. otain. chckhy. okeedy. qoky. kar. daiin. okar-
<f81v.P.6;H> qokain. okaiin. ol. chedy. cheol. lky. ls. aiin. okain. daldy-
<f81v.P.7;H> olor. ol. sheckhal. daiin. qokeedal. daiin. chckhy. schedy. qol-
<f81v.P.8;H> ykol. or. shedy. sheedy. qol. keedy. daiin. dkain. cphedy. oldy-
<f81v.P.9;H> yar. olchey. kaiin. okeey. daiin. olor. checkhy. daiidy=
<f81v.P.10;H> polshy. oshyteed. qop. okeedy. otedy. okshedy. qoty. dairam-
<f81v.P.11;H> oshey. qokeey. okeey. oky. ykeey. qoky. okylky. olchy. ky. dsholyd-
<f81v.P.12;H> qol. ol. chdy. shedy. qokedy. ytedy. chetedy. lkedey. ytedy-
<f81v.P.13;H> ykecsey. dched. ytedy. ytedy. dar. ykeda. iphy. qoty. ykedy. okal-
<f81v.P.14;H> dshedy. ykeedy. cseeky. daiin. okedy. qokeed. qokedy. lchpchdy-
<f81v.P.15;H> qokal. chedy. ol. sheey. salshcthdy. qofchedy. r. chedy. ltary-
<f81v.P.16;H> lor. shedy. qoeedy. ol. chy. rshdy. lshedy. dar. chdy. pchdy-
<f81v.P.17;H> sshkchdy. chedy. ol. shedy. qolchedy. qokain. shckhy. dl. ral-
<f81v.P.18;H> qokchdy. chey. ol. cheky. ol. shedy. qokedy. qokedy. chckhy. qoky-
<f81v.P.19;H> solkeey. ol. shedy. qokar. sheckhy. dcsedy. qokar. qokal. dol. chy-
<f81v.P.20;H> qocthey. chekal. chody. qokedy. lshety. qoldy. ltedy. qotain-
<f81v.P.21;H> lsho. qokey. lshedy. lshedy. chedy. qolky. lchedal. qol. otar-
<f81v.P.22;H> qokal. qol. oiin. cheey. dal. lohedy. shedy. sal. chtedytar-
<f81v.P.23;H> shol. qekchy. ykaiin. olkain. shedy. qoky. dchedy. rol. ol. cthdy-
<f81v.P.24;H> ytey. okchedy. qokal. okeey. qol. cheedy. sal. teol. dchdy. ly-
<f81v.P.25;H> oshedy. qotedy. shol. chedy. yshchey. ol. chey. qol. chedy. tchd. oky-
<f81v.P.26;H> ol. chechol. tar. oiin. okedy. dal. shey. olkeol. olkeedy. okeol-
<f81v.P.27;H> dsheol. oiiin. olkeedy. tedy. cheky. shckhedy. chal=

John Grove:

<f81v.P.1;V> p{. }ar. shey. keedy. shekal. dal. dar. ol. pchedy. shek. dain. ofal. shcky-
<f81v.P.2;V> qokedy. okaiin. kair. okal. s. ar. ol. kain. olkaiin. al. ol. r. ol. dl-
<f81v.P.3;V> s. aiin. daiin. ol. keedy. okedy. dykain. shek. chdy. dalal. oldy-
<f81v.P.4;V> qokaiin. okain. cheeky. dy. ol. kaiin. dain. dy. daiin. chckhy-
<f81v.P.5;V> okaiin. daiin. otain. chckhy. okeedy. qoky. kar. daiin. okas-
<f81v.P.6;V> qokain. okaiin. ol. chedy. cheol. lky. l. s. aiin. okain. daldy-
<f81v.P.7;V> ol. or. ol. sheckhal. daiin. qokeedal. daiin. chckhy. schedy. qol-
<f81v.P.8;V> ykal. or. shedy. sheedy. qol. keedy. daiin. dkain. cphedy. oldy-
<f81v.P.9;V> y. ar. ol. chey. kaiin. okeey. daiin. olor. checkhy. daiidy=
<f81v.P.10;V> p{. }ol. shy. oshyteed. qop. okeedy. okedy. okshedy. qoky. dais. am-
<f81v.P.11;V> y. shey. qokeey. okeey. oky. ykeey. qoky. okylky. olchy. ky. dsholyd-
<f81v.P.12;V> qol. ol. chdy. shedy. qokedy. ytedy. chetedy. lkedey. ytedy-
<f81v.P.13;V> ykeshey. dchsdy. ytedy. ytedy. dar. ykedaiphy. qoty. ykedy. okal-
<f81v.P.14;V> dshedy. ykeedy. shecky. daiin. okedy. qokeed. qokedy. lchpchdy-
<f81v.P.15;V> qokal. chedy. ol. sheey. salshcthdy. qofchedy. r. chedy. l. tary-
<f81v.P.16;V> l. or. shedy. qoeedy. ol. chy. r. shdy. lshedy. dar. chdy. pchdy-
<f81v.P.17;V> sshkchdy. chedy. ol. shedy. qol. chedy. qokain. shckhy. dl. ral-
<f81v.P.18;V> qokchdy. chey. ol. cheky. ol. shedy. qokedy. qokedy. chckhy. qoky-
<f81v.P.19;V> s. olkeey. ol. shedy. qokar. shckhy. dshedy. qokar. qokal. dol. chy-
<f81v.P.20;V> qockhey. chckal. chedy. qokedy. l. shety. qoldy. ltedy. qotain-
<f81v.P.21;V> lsho. qokey. lshedy. lshedy. chedy. qolky. lchedal. qol. otar-
<f81v.P.22;V> qokal. qol. oiin. cheey. dal. lchedy. chedy. s. al. chtedy. tar-
<f81v.P.23;V> shol. qokchy. ykaiin. olkain. shedy. qoky. dchedy. rol. ol. cthdy-
<f81v.P.24;V> ytey. okchedy. qokal. okeey. qol. cheedy. sal. teol. dchdy. ly-
<f81v.P.25;V> y. shedy. qotedy. shol. chedy. y. shchey. ol. chey. qol. chedy. tchd. oky-
<f81v.P.26;V> qol. chechol. tar. oiin. okedy. dal. shey. olkeol. olkeedy. okeol-
<f81v.P.27;V> dsheol. oiiin. olkeedy. tedy. cheky. shckhedy. chal=

Unit: "Labels on illustrations"

Last edited on 1998-12-28 00:47:09 by stolfi

organ? - large vat with 16 nymphs

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f81v.X.1;H> otoin. olkol=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f81v.X.1;U> otain. olkal=

John Grove:

<f81v.X.1;V> otain. olkal=