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Last edited on 1998-10-10 02:43:20 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f78v = MH (Rene) = p152 (Stolfi)
Folio: f78
Panels: f78v
Bifolio: bM4 = f78+f81
Quire: M (Rene) = XIII (Beinecke)

B&R p88


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Hand: 2 (Currier)
Subsets: B (Rene), bio (Stolfi)
Subject: biological
Colors: b,green (Reeds)




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Last edited on 1998-12-10 02:51:01 by stolfi

"V" transcription by John Grove, posted 04-may-1998.
Some of Grove's [kt] restored to [pf] based on other versions -JS.
The {.} marks Grove's "detachable initials".


<f78v.P.1;C> pykedy. olfchedy. qokedy. spchy. chedy. rol. dor. ofchedy. qokedy-
<f78v.P.2;C> olshedy. qokedy. rshedy. cthdy. otedy. kedy. dal. dal. dol. oty. dal-
<f78v.P.3;C> qokedy. chety. qolshedy. okedy. doleesolchey. qotedy. oldad-
<f78v.P.4;C> olchy. lshdy. lcheckhy. ol. keedy. lcheckhey. lolkedykainol-
<f78v.P.5;C> qor. olkeey. olkain. ol. eesey. ol. cheeky. dar. okal. dal. olchedy-
<f78v.P.6;C> ety. okay. or. sheey. ykeey. loeey. qokain. okedy. qokedy. qol-
<f78v.P.7;C> otar. yshedy. otedy. shedy. qokeedy. qokedy. otar. otedy-
<f78v.P.8;C> qokedy. otedy. qokain. oteedy. qokeedy. dar. oredy. dkedy. dain-
<f78v.P.9;C> ycheolt. olkeedy. qokeedy. olchedol. okeedy. qotedy. rorarol-
<f78v.P.10;C> dshedy. qoredy. orshedy. pchedy. qokechdy. okedy. opchedy-
<f78v.P.11;C> qol. eeedy. qol. okeey. qkal. ol. chdy. qokain. chcthy. daiin-
<f78v.P.12;C> sheor. ol. qoraiin. shckhy. otaly. qolsheey. qokalsain-
<f78v.P.13;C> dchokol. chedy. qokedy. qokey. qol. chedy. qokeedy. lchey-
<f78v.P.14;C> qolkedy. qolshedy. olkedy. okolchedy. qokain. dal-
<f78v.P.15;C> cheey. qolchedy. qokey. or. cheef. chckhey. tedy. qokedy. lr-
<f78v.P.16;C> lshey. rshedy. dqokedy. okey. lchedy. qokdy. daiin. oly-
<f78v.P.17;C> qol. sheedy. qol. lcheol. lchdy. dchdy. da. qar. olkaldy-
<f78v.P.18;C> chedy. shckhy. qokedy. dal. lshckhy. qolqol. oteedy. qor-
<f78v.P.19;C> lchedy. ol. chedar. shedy. lor. shedaldy. orain=
<f78v.P.20;C> qopcheol. opchedy. qokain. opchedylchey. cphar. ol. okalor-
<f78v.P.21;C> chedy. lshedy. olshedy. otaiin. ol. qokar. shedy. yteedy-
<f78v.P.22;C> okol. shey. ol. shedy. okal. okchey. okeol. olchedy. qol-
<f78v.P.23;C> qol. chedy. okeshy. qoteedy. okeedy. olshedy. qokedydy-
<f78v.P.24;C> ytaiin. shedy. ol. sheedy. olshdy. shey. kshdy. shol. kedy-
<f78v.P.25;C> teeol. olkeshey. qolcheol. ol. or. sheckhedy. or. ol. sham-
<f78v.P.26;C> qoraiin. or. sheedy. otain. ol. shedy. sol. fchedy. otaldy-
<f78v.P.27;C> lol. kar. shr. rol. olr. sheey. ol. chedy. oltar. olkaiin-
<f78v.P.28;C> oltain. shey. qokey. okar. ol. oteedy. chcphy. lar. aiind-
<f78v.P.29;C> lchedy. otchey. qol. chedy. lr. alsaiiin. olshedy. ary-
<f78v.P.30;C> sal. shol. sain. sheety. or. oiiin. okal. oltal. qokar. ary-
<f78v.P.31;C> sor. aror. dchor. otaiin. otain. ytedy. olshdy. sholkal-
<f78v.P.32;C> lol. cheor. sheoldy. qokar. otalor=

First study group:

<f78v.P.1;F> pykedy. olfchedy. qokedy. spchy. chedy. rol. dar. ofchedy. qokedy-
<f78v.P.2;F> olshedy. qokedy. rshedy. cthedy. otedy. kedy. dal. dal. dol. oty. dal-
<f78v.P.3;F> qokedy. chety. qolshedy. okedy. dol. eesol. chey. qotedy. oldam-
<f78v.P.4;F> olchy. lshdy. lcheckhy. olkeedy. lcheckhey. lolkedy. kaiin. ol-
<f78v.P.5;F> qor. olkeey. olkaiin. oleesey. ol. cheeky. dar. okal. dal. olchedy-
<f78v.P.6;F> ety. okeey. or. sheey. ykeey. loeey. qokaiin. okdy. qokedy. qol-
<f78v.P.7;F> otor. yshedy. otedy. shedy. qokeedy. qokedy. otar. otedy-
<f78v.P.8;F> qokedy. otedy. qokain. oteedy. qokeedy. dar. okdy. dkedy. daiin-
<f78v.P.9;F> ycheol. kol. keedy. qokeedy. ol. chedol. okeedy. qotedy. ror. arol-
<f78v.P.10;F> dshedy. qokedy. or. shedy. pchedy. qokeedy. okedy. opchedy-
<f78v.P.11;F> qol. chedy. qol. okeey. ykal. ol. chdy. qokain. chcthy. daiin-
<f78v.P.12;F> sheor. ol. qokaiin. shckhy. otaly. qol. sheey. qokal. saiin-
<f78v.P.13;F> dchokol. chedy. qokedy. qokey. qol. chedy. qokeedy. lchey-
<f78v.P.14;F> qolkeshdy. qol. shedy. olkedy. okol. chedy. qokain. dal-
<f78v.P.15;F> cheey. qol. chedy. qokey. or. chep. chckhey. tedy. qokedy. ls-
<f78v.P.16;F> lshey. rshedy. d. qokedy. okey. lchedy. qokdy. daiin. oly-
<f78v.P.17;F> qol. sheedy. qol. lcheol. lchdy. dchdy. da. qor. ol. kal. dy-
<f78v.P.18;F> chedy. shckhy. qokedy. dal. lshckhy. qol. qol. oteedy. qor-
<f78v.P.19;F> lchedy. ol. chedar. shedy. lor. shedaldy. oraiin=
<f78v.P.20;F> qofcheol. opchedy. qokaiin. opchedy. lchey. cphar. ol. okalor-
<f78v.P.21;F> chedy. lshedy. olshedy. otaiin. ol. qokar. shedy. yteedy-
<f78v.P.22;F> ykal. shey. ol. shedy. okal. okchey. okeol. olchedy. qol-
<f78v.P.23;F> qol. chedy. okeshy. qoteedy. ykeedy. olshedy. qokedy. dy-
<f78v.P.24;F> ytaiin. shedy. ol. sheedy. olshdy. shey. kshdy. shol. kedy-
<f78v.P.25;F> teeol. olkeshey. qolcheol. ol. or. sheckhedy. or. ol. sham-
<f78v.P.26;F> qokaiin. or. sheedy. otaiin. ol. shedy. sol. pchedy. otaldy-
<f78v.P.27;F> lol. tar. shr. r. ol. ols. sheey. ol. chedy. oltar. olkaiin-
<f78v.P.28;F> olkaiin. shey. qokey. okar. ol. oteedy. chcthy. lor. aiin. d-
<f78v.P.29;F> lchedy. atchey. qol. chedy. or. al. saiin. ol. shedy. ary-
<f78v.P.30;F> sal. shol. saiin. sheety. or. aiin. okal. oltal. qokar. ory-
<f78v.P.31;F> sorar. or. dchor. otaiin. otaiin. ytedy. olshdy. shol. kal-
<f78v.P.32;F> lol. cheor. sheol. dy. qokar. otalor=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f78v.P.1;H> pykedy. olfchedy. qokedy. spchy. chedy. rol. dor. ofchedy. qokedy-
<f78v.P.2;H> olshedy. qokedy. rshedy. cthdy. otedy. kedy. dal. dal. dol. oty. dal-
<f78v.P.3;H> qokedy. chety. qolshedy. okedy. dol. ees. olchey. qotedy. ol. dam-
<f78v.P.4;H> ol. chy. lshdy. lcheckhy. ol. keedy. lcheckhey. lolkedy. kain. ol-
<f78v.P.5;H> qor. olkeey. olkain. ol. eesey. ol. cheeky. dar. okal. dal. olchedy-
<f78v.P.6;H> ety. okeey. or. sheey. ykeey. loeey. qokain. okedy. qokedy. qol-
<f78v.P.7;H> otor. yshedy. otedy. shedy. qokeedy. qokedy. otar. otedy-
<f78v.P.8;H> qokedy. otedy. qokain. oteedy. qokeedy. dar. okedy. dkedy. dain-
<f78v.P.9;H> ycheolk. olkeedy. qokedy. ol. chedol. okeedy. qotedy. ror. arol-
<f78v.P.10;H> dshedy. qokedy. or. shedy. pchedy. qokchdy. okedy. opchedy-
<f78v.P.11;H> qol. chedy. qol. okeey. ykal. ol. chdy. qokain. chcthy. daiin-
<f78v.P.12;H> sheor. ol. qokaiin. shckhy. otaly. qolsheey. qokal. sain-
<f78v.P.13;H> dchokol. chedy. qokedy. qokey. qol. chedy. qokeedy. lchey-
<f78v.P.14;H> qolkeshdy. qol. shedy. olkedy. okol. chedy. qokain. dal-
<f78v.P.15;H> cheey. qol. chedy. qokey. or. cheef. chckhey. tedy. qokedy. lr-
<f78v.P.16;H> lshey. rshedy. d. qokedy. okey. lchedy. qokdy. daiin. oly-
<f78v.P.17;H> qol. sheedy. qol. lcheol. lchdy. dchdy. da. qor. ol. kal. dy-
<f78v.P.18;H> chedy. shckhy. qokedy. dal. lshckhy. qol. qol. oteedy. qor-
<f78v.P.19;H> lchedy. ol. chedar. shedy. lor. shedaldy. orain=
<f78v.P.20;H> qofcheol. opchedy. qokain. opchedy. lchey. cphar. ol. okalor-
<f78v.P.21;H> chedy. lshedy. olshedy. otaiin. ol. qokar. shedy. yteedy-
<f78v.P.22;H> okal. shey. ol. shedy. okal. okchey. okeol. olchedy. qol-
<f78v.P.23;H> qol. chedy. okeshy. qoteedy. okeedy. olshedy. qokedydy-
<f78v.P.24;H> ytaiin. shedy. ol. sheedy. olshdy. shey. kshdy. shol. kedy-
<f78v.P.25;H> teeol. olkeshey. qolcheol. ol. or. sheckhedy. or. ol. sham-
<f78v.P.26;H> qokaiin. or. sheedy. otain. ol. shedy. sol. fchedy. otaldy-
<f78v.P.27;H> lol. kar. shr. r. ol. ols. sheey. ol. chedy. oltar. olkaiin-
<f78v.P.28;H> olkain. shey. qokey. okar. ol. oteedy. chcthy. los. aiin. d-
<f78v.P.29;H> lchedy. otchey. qol. chedy. lr. al. s. aiiin. ol. shedy. ary-
<f78v.P.30;H> sal. shol. sain. sheety. or. oiiin. okal. oltal. qokar. ary-
<f78v.P.31;H> sor. ar. or. dchor. otaiin. otain. ytedy. olshdy. shol. kal-
<f78v.P.32;H> lol. cheor. sheol. dy. qokar. otalor=

John Grove:

<f78v.P.1;V> p{. }ykedy. olfchedy. qokedy. spchy. chedy. rol. dar. ofchedy. qokedy-
<f78v.P.2;V> olshedy. qokedy. r. shedy. cthdy. otedy. kedy. dal. dal. dol. oty. dal-
<f78v.P.3;V> qokedy. chety. qolshedy. okedy. dol. ees. ol. chey. qotedy. ol. dam-
<f78v.P.4;V> ol. chy. lshdy. lcheckhy. ol. keedy. lcheckhey. lolkedy. kain. ol-
<f78v.P.5;V> qor. olkeey. olkain. ol. eesey. ol. cheeky. dar. okal. dal. olchedy-
<f78v.P.6;V> ety. okeey. or. sheey. ykeey. loeey. qokain. okedy. qokedy. qol-
<f78v.P.7;V> otar. y. shedy. otedy. shedy. qokeedy. qokedy. otar. otedy-
<f78v.P.8;V> qokedy. otedy. qokain. oteedy. qokeedy. dar. okedy. dkedy. dain-
<f78v.P.9;V> y. cheolk. olkeedy. qokedy. ol. chedol. okeedy. qotedy. ror. arol-
<f78v.P.10;V> dshedy. qokedy. or. shedy. pchedy. qokeeedy. okedy. opchedy-
<f78v.P.11;V> qol. chedy. qol. okeey. ykal. ol. chdy. qokain. chcthy. daiin-
<f78v.P.12;V> sheo. r. ol. qokaiin. shckhy. otaly. qol. sheey. qokal. sain-
<f78v.P.13;V> dchokol. chedy. qokedy. qokey. qol. chedy. qokeedy. lchey-
<f78v.P.14;V> qolkeshdy. qol. shedy. olkedy. okol. chedy. qokain. dal-
<f78v.P.15;V> cheey. qol. chedy. qokey. or. cheef. chckhey. tedy. qokedy. ls-
<f78v.P.16;V> lshey. r. shedy. d. qokedy. okey. lchedy. qokdy. daiin. oly-
<f78v.P.17;V> qol. sheedy. qol. lcheol. lchdy. dchdy. da. qor. ol. kal. dy-
<f78v.P.18;V> chedy. shckhy. qokedy. dal. l. shckhy. qol. qol. oteedy. qor-
<f78v.P.19;V> l. chedy. ol. chedar. shedy. lor. shedaldy. orain=
<f78v.P.20;V> qopcheol. opchedy. qokain. opchedy. lchey. cphar. ol. okalor-
<f78v.P.21;V> chedy. l. shedy. olshedy. otaiin. ol. qokar. shedy. yteedy-
<f78v.P.22;V> y. kal. shey. ol. shedy. okal. okchey. okeol. olchedy. qol-
<f78v.P.23;V> qol. chedy. okeshy. qoteedy. ykeedy. olshedy. qokedy. dy-
<f78v.P.24;V> ytaiin. shedy. ol. sheedy. olshdy. shey. kshdy. shol. kedy-
<f78v.P.25;V> teeol. olkeshey. qolcheol. ol. or. sheckhedy. or. ol. sham-
<f78v.P.26;V> qokaiin. or. sheedy. otain. ol. shedy. sol. fchedy. otaldy-
<f78v.P.27;V> l. ol. tar. shr. r. ol. ols. sheey. ol. chedy. oltar. olkaiin-
<f78v.P.28;V> olkain. shey. qokey. okar. ol. oteedy. chcphy. los. aiin. d-
<f78v.P.29;V> lchedy. ytchey. qol. chedy. lr. al. s. aiin. ol. shedy. ary-
<f78v.P.30;V> s. al. shol. s. ain. sheety. or. oiiin. okal. oltal. qokar. ary-
<f78v.P.31;V> sor. ar. or. dchor. otaiin. otain. ytedy. olshdy. sholkal-
<f78v.P.32;V> lol. cheor. sheol. dy. qokar. otalor=