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Illustration type: Biological
Quire: M
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Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 03:40:30 by stolfi


Title: "Kidneys and bladder"
Page: f77v = MF (Rene) = p150 (Stolfi)
Folio: f77
Panels: f77v
Bifolio: bM3 = f77+f82
Quire: M (Rene) = XIII (Beinecke)

Kahn p865, Kraus XXIX


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 2 (Currier)
Subsets: B (Rene), bio (Stolfi)
Subject: biological
Colors: blue (Reeds)


Ladies in tubes.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "Labels on nymphs"

Last edited on 1998-11-28 22:19:01 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi.
"V" transcription by John Grove, posted 04-may-1998.
Some of Grove's [kt] restored to [pf] based on other versions -JS.

top figure, near NW nymph

Karl Kluge:

<f77v.N.1;K> okain. akol=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f77v.N.1;H> okain. ykal=
<f77v.N.2;H> olkeedal=
<f77v.N.3;H> orchedal=
<f77v.N.4;H> sosoral=
<f77v.N.5;H> okalo=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f77v.N.1;U> okain. ykal=
<f77v.N.2;U> olkeedal=
<f77v.N.3;U> orchedal=
<f77v.N.4;U> sororal=
<f77v.N.5;U> okal*=

John Grove:

<f77v.N.1;V> okain. ykol= {Grove's #1}
<f77v.N.2;V> olkeedal= {Grove's #2}
<f77v.N.3;V> orchedal= {Grove's #3}
<f77v.N.4;V> saroral= {Grove's #6}
<f77v.N.5;V> okalo= {Grove's #8}

Unit: "Labels on tubs and tubing"

Last edited on 1998-11-28 22:18:48 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi.
"V" transcription by John Grove, posted 04-may-1998.
Some of Grove's [kt] restored to [pf] based on other versions -JS.

top figure, between left tubes

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f77v.L.1;H> otol. shedy=
<f77v.L.2;H> otolor=
<f77v.L.3;H> oleoeder=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f77v.L.1;U> otol. shedy=
<f77v.L.2;U> otolor=
<f77v.L.3;U> oleoedin=

John Grove:

<f77v.L.1;V> otol. shedy= {Grove's #4}
<f77v.L.2;V> otolor= {Grove's #5}
<f77v.L.3;V> oleoeder= {Grove's #7}

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 02:50:47 by stolfi

"V" transcription by John Grove, posted 04-may-1998.
Some of Grove's [kt] restored to [pf] based on other versions -JS.
The {.} marks Grove's "detachable initials".


<f77v.P.1;C> qetedy. shedy. qotol. odal. chal. dar. qopshedy. qotedy. qotedy. qokedy. dal-
<f77v.P.2;C> elshedy. qolsheedy. qyrchs. ydeedy. okedy. lshedy. chr. shdal. chedy. qolky-
<f77v.P.3;C> q. keeey. shedy. qokeedy. qodykey. qokedy. ssheedy. taiiin. sheol. teedy. yry-
<f77v.P.4;C> dcheol. kshey. qolchshy. cheol. olchedy. olchs. olsheedy. qokedy. chedy-
<f77v.P.5;C> tchedar. alain. checkhy. sal. shedy. qokal. chedy. qokedy. qol. shedy. lol-
<f77v.P.6;C> qockhy. dolchdy. dsheedal. qokal. chedy. dalshedy. qokoedy. dal. olchy-
<f77v.P.7;C> lchedy. shedal. qokedy. okal. chedy. qokal. shedy. chedy. qol. chdy. lam-
<f77v.P.8;C> sor. sheol. chdy. qokeedy. dar. shedy. chedy. qokal. chedy. qokey. lshedy. dal-
<f77v.P.9;C> darcheedal. qeedy. qeedeey. olchey. lchey. qedy. orcheey. qol. rar. ar-
<f77v.P.10;C> qol. kaiin. shey=
<f77v.P.11;C> {figure}tedal. daiin. okaiin. shedy. qokedy. qokain. otedy. dary- {figure}
<f77v.P.12;C> {figure}olchedy. qolshedy. qokchedy. qokeey. daiin. olol- {figure}
<f77v.P.13;C> {figure}qokaiin. sheol. ekedy. qokey. qokal. dal. daly- {figure}
<f77v.P.14;C> {figure}qoraiin. shey. qokaiin. chalaiiin. chedy. qol- {figure}
<f77v.P.15;C> {figure}daiin. sal. chedy. qokedy. qokal. shedkeoly- {figure}
<f77v.P.16;C> {figure}qokal. sal. chedy. sheq. fchor. qotasolky. darory- {figure}
<f77v.P.17;C> dolchey. qolchedy. oqokain. olkaiin. chckhy. qokal. dar-
<f77v.P.18;C> qokal. chees. olshedy. doraiin. ol. qoky. ches. oldal- {figure}
<f77v.P.19;C> daiin. sheekey. qokeedy. daiin. dail. qokedy. qokedy. rol- {figure}
<f77v.P.20;C> lchor. aiiin. shdy. qokaiin. saiin. dal. sheedy. qokeedy. ral- {figure}
<f77v.P.21;C> dainol. shedy. rchy. sheor. qokedy. qoky. chckhy. qokchy. ldol- {figure}
<f77v.P.22;C> tshedy. qokain. chedal. fchedy. cheky. sain. chedy. qokain. ol- {figure}
<f77v.P.23;C> ychedy. qokedy. qoked. olsheor. olchdy=
<f77v.P.24;C> {figure}tchydchy. lshedy. daly. dal. dsheedy. pcheol. lfol. olcheedy. qoty-
<f77v.P.25;C> {figure}shey. ol. sheey. qokedy. lchedy. qokaiin. dal. daiin. chedy- {figure}
<f77v.P.26;C> {figure}qoar. shedy. qokaiin. shcthy. qotedy. rchr. oltedy. lchy- {figure}
<f77v.P.27;C> ycheey. qolshedy. qokalchedy. qokaiin. checkhy. qokal-
<f77v.P.28;C> qokaiin. cheky. sar. chedy. qokal. dary. qotal. dal. rain-
<f77v.P.29;C> solkchedy. shar. ytal. dy. dy. chedy. lkchey. qokedy. rched- {figure}
<f77v.P.30;C> tchos. sheey. qokain. qokain. sheol. qokeedy. qokal. dary-
<f77v.P.31;C> qotchy. qokal. shedy. qokedy. lchedy. qokedy. qol. saiin. chey- {figure}
<f77v.P.32;C> schedy. qotar. sarolsheedy. qokain. cheey. raiin. daiin. shey- {figure}
<f77v.P.33;C> toldal. shedy. qokedy. qokain. dolcheedy. solchedy. qokedy-
<f77v.P.34;C> dcheol. kchedy. sockhey. qokal. qokal. shedy. sholdy. qotal. dar- {figure}
<f77v.P.35;C> qokeey. rol. chdar. cheey. qokaiin. saiin. shedy. qokeedy. qokam- {figure}
<f77v.P.36;C> chedy. lchedy. lkaiin. dy. qokaldar. chdain. ldche*. olraiin. oldy- {figure}
<f77v.P.37;C> tcheey. qokeey. qokal. lchedy. cheolkaiin. okol=

First study group:

<f77v.P.1;F> qetedy. shedy. qotol. odal. chal. dar. qopshedy. qotedy. qotedy. qokedy. dal-
<f77v.P.2;F> olshedy. qolsheedy. qy. rchr. ycheedy. okedy. lshedy. chr. shdal. chedy. qolky-
<f77v.P.3;F> qokeeey. shedy. qokeedy. qodykey. qokedy. rsheedy. taiiin. sheol. teedy. yry-
<f77v.P.4;F> dcheol. kshey. qol. chshy. cheol. olchedy. ol. chs. ol. sheedy. qokedy. chedy-
<f77v.P.5;F> tchedar. olain. checkhy. sal. shedy. qokal. chedy. qokedy. qol. shedy. lol-
<f77v.P.6;F> qockhy. dol. chdy. dsheedal. qokal. chedy. dal. shedy. qokeedy. dal. olchy-
<f77v.P.7;F> lchedy. shedal. qokedy. okal. chedy. qokal. shedy. chedy. qol. chdy. lam-
<f77v.P.8;F> sor. sheol. chdy. qokeedy. dar. shedy. chedy. qokal. chedy. qokey. lshedy. dal-
<f77v.P.9;F> darcheedal. qeedy. qeedeey. olchey. olchey. lchey. qedy. or. cheey. qol. rar. ar-
<f77v.P.10;F> qol. kaiin. shey=
<f77v.P.11;F> {figure}tedal. daiin. okaiin. shedy. qokedy. qokain. otedy. dary- {figure}
<f77v.P.12;F> {figure}olchedy. qol. shedy. qokchedy. qokeey. daiin. olol- {figure}
<f77v.P.13;F> {figure}qokaiin. sheol. ekedy. qokey. qokal. dal. daly- {figure}
<f77v.P.14;F> {figure}qoraiin. shey. qokaiin. chal. aiin. chedy. qol- {figure}
<f77v.P.15;F> {figure}daiin. sal. chedy. qokedy. qokal. shed. keoly- {figure}
<f77v.P.16;F> {figure}qokal. salchedy. shey. pchor. qotas. olky. darory- {figure}
<f77v.P.17;F> dalchey. qol. chedy. oqokaiin. olkaiin. chckhy. qokal. dar-
<f77v.P.18;F> qokal. chees. ol. shedy. doraiin. ol. qoky. ches. ol. dal- {figure}
<f77v.P.19;F> daiin. sheekey. qokeedy. daiin. dail. qokedy. qotedy. sol- {figure}
<f77v.P.20;F> lchor. oiin. shedy. qokaiin. saiin. dal. sheedy. qokedy. ral- {figure}
<f77v.P.21;F> dairol. shedy. rchy. sheor. qokedy. qoky. chckhy. qokchy. ldal- {figure}
<f77v.P.22;F> tshedy. qokaiin. chedal. fchedy. cheky. saiin. chedy. qokain. ol- {figure}
<f77v.P.23;F> ychedy. qotedy. qoked. olsheor. olchdy=
<f77v.P.24;F> {figure}tcho. dchy. lshedy. daly. dal. dsheedy. pcheol. lfol. ol. cheedy. qoty-
<f77v.P.25;F> {figure}shey. ol. sheey. qokedy. lchedy. qokaiin. dal. daiin. chedy- {figure}
<f77v.P.26;F> {figure}qoar. shedy. qokaiin. shcthy. qotedy. rchr. oltedy. lchy- {figure}
<f77v.P.27;F> ycheey. qol. shedy. qokal. chedy. qokaiin. checkhy. qokal-
<f77v.P.28;F> qokaiin. cheky. rar. chedy. qokal. dary. qotal. dal. raiin-
<f77v.P.29;F> soltchedy. shar. ytal. dy. dyedy. lkchey. qokedy. rched- {figure}
<f77v.P.30;F> tchor. sheeey. qokain. qokain. sheol. qokeedy. qokal. dary-
<f77v.P.31;F> qotchy. qokal. shedy. qokedy. lchedy. qokedy. qol. raiin. chey- {figure}
<f77v.P.32;F> schedy. qotal. sarol. sheedy. qokain. cheey. raiin. daiin. shey- {figure}
<f77v.P.33;F> toldal. shedy. qokedy. qotaiin. dolcheedy. rolchedy. qokedy-
<f77v.P.34;F> dcheol. kchedy. sockhey. qokal. qokal. shedy. sholdy. qotal. dar- {figure}
<f77v.P.35;F> qokeey. ral. chdor. cheey. qokaiin. saiin. shedy. qokeedy. qokam- {figure}
<f77v.P.36;F> chedy. lchedy. lkaiin. dy. qokal. dar. chdain. ldchey. ol. raiin. oldy- {figure}
<f77v.P.37;F> tcheey. qokeey. qokal. lchedy. cheol. kaiin. okal=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f77v.P.1;H> qetedy. shedy. qotol. odal. chal. dar. qopshedy. qotedy. qotedy. qokedy. dal-
<f77v.P.2;H> olshedy. qolsheedy. qy. rchr. ycheedy. okedy. lshedy. chr. shdal. chedy. qolky-
<f77v.P.3;H> qokeeey. shedy. qokeedy. qodykey. qokedy. rsheedy. taiiin. sheol. teedy. yry-
<f77v.P.4;H> dcheol. kshey. qol. chshy. cheol. olchedy. ol. chs. ol. sheedy. qokedy. chedy-
<f77v.P.5;H> tchedar. olain. checkhy. sal. shedy. qokal. chedy. qokedy. qol. shedy. lol-
<f77v.P.6;H> qockhy. dol. chdy. dsheedal. qokal. chedy. dal. shedy. qokeedy. dal. olchy-
<f77v.P.7;H> lchedy. shedal. qokedy. okal. chedy. qokal. shedy. chedy. qol. chdy. lam-
<f77v.P.8;H> sor. sheol. chdy. qokeedy. dar. shedy. chedy. qokal. chedy. qokey. lshedy. dal-
<f77v.P.9;H> darcheedal. qeedy. qeedeey. olchey. lchey. qedy. or. cheey. qol. rar. ar-
<f77v.P.10;H> qol. kaiin. shey=
<f77v.P.11;H> {figure}tedal. daiin. okaiin. shedy. qokedy. qokain. otedy. dasy- {figure}
<f77v.P.12;H> {figure}olchedy. qol. shedy. qokchedy. qokeey. daiin. olol- {figure}
<f77v.P.13;H> {figure}qokaiin. sheol. ekedy. qokey. qokal. dal. daly- {figure}
<f77v.P.14;H> {figure}qoraiin. shey. qokaiin. chal. aiiin. chedy. qol- {figure}
<f77v.P.15;H> {figure}daiin. sal. chedy. qokedy. qokal. shed. keoly- {figure}
<f77v.P.16;H> {figure}qokal. salchedy. shey. fchor. qotas. olky. darory- {figure}
<f77v.P.17;H> dalohey. qol. chedy. oqokain. olkaiin. chckhy. qokal. dar-
<f77v.P.18;H> qokal. chees. ol. shedy. doraiin. ol. qoky. ches. ol. dal- {figure}
<f77v.P.19;H> daiin. sheekey. qokeedy. daiin. dail. qokedy. qotedy. sol- {figure}
<f77v.P.20;H> lchor. oiin. shedy. qokaiin. saiin. dal. sheedy. qokeedy. ral- {figure}
<f77v.P.21;H> dairol. shedy. rchy. sheor. qokedy. qoky. chckhy. qokchy. ldol- {figure}
<f77v.P.22;H> tshedy. qokain. chedal. fchedy. cheky. sain. chedy. qokain. ol- {figure}
<f77v.P.23;H> ychedy. qokedy. qoked. olsheor. olchdy=
<f77v.P.24;H> {figure}tcho. dchy. lshedy. daly. dal. dsheedy. pcheol. lfol. ol. cheedy. qoty-
<f77v.P.25;H> {figure}shey. ol. sheey. qokedy. lchedy. qokaiin. dal. daiin. chedy- {figure}
<f77v.P.26;H> {figure}qoar. shedy. qokaiin. shcthy. qotedy. rchr. oltedy. lchy- {figure}
<f77v.P.27;H> ycheey. qolshedy. qokal. chedy. qokaiin. checkhy. qokal-
<f77v.P.28;H> qokaiin. cheky. rar. chedy. qokal. dary. qotal. dal. rain-
<f77v.P.29;H> solkchedy. shar. ytal. dy. dychedy. lkchey. qokedy. rched- {figure}
<f77v.P.30;H> tchor. sheey. qokain. qokain. sheol. qokeedy. qokal. dary-
<f77v.P.31;H> qotchy. qokal. shedy. qokedy. lchedy. qokedy. qol. raiin. chey- {figure}
<f77v.P.32;H> schedy. qotar. sarol. sheedy. qokain. cheey. raiin. daiin. shey- {figure}
<f77v.P.33;H> toldal. shedy. qokedy. qotain. dolcheedy. rolchedy. qokedy-
<f77v.P.34;H> dcheol. kchedy. sockhey. qokal. qokal. shedy. sholdy. qokal. dar- {figure}
<f77v.P.35;H> qokeey. rol. chdor. cheey. qokaiin. saiin. shedy. qokeedy. qokam- {figure}
<f77v.P.36;H> chedy. lchedy. lkaiin. dy. qokal. dar. chdain. ldchey. ol. raiin. oldy- {figure}
<f77v.P.37;H> tcheey. qokeey. qokol. lchedy. cheol. kaiin. okol=

John Grove:

<f77v.P.1;V> qetedy. shedy. qotol. odal. chal. dar. qopshedy. qotedy. qotedy. qokedy. dal-
<f77v.P.2;V> olshedy. qolsheedy. qy. rchr. ycheedy. okedy. lshedy. chr. shdal. chedy. qolky-
<f77v.P.3;V> qokeeey. shedy. qokeedy. qodykey. qokedy. rsheedy. taiiin. sheol. teedy. yry-
<f77v.P.4;V> dcheol. kshey. qol. chshy. cheol. olchedy. ol. chs. ol. sheedy. qokedy. chedy-
<f77v.P.5;V> tchedar. ol. ain. checkhy. sal. shedy. qokal. chedy. qokedy. qol. shedy. lol-
<f77v.P.6;V> qockhy. dol. chdy. dsheedal. qokal. chedy. dal. shedy. qokeedy. dal. ol. chy-
<f77v.P.7;V> lchedy. shedal. qokedy. okal. chedy. qokal. shedy. chedy. qol. chdy. lam-
<f77v.P.8;V> sor. sheol. chdy. qokeedy. dar. shedy. chedy. qokal. chedy. qokey. lshedy. dal-
<f77v.P.9;V> dar. cheedal. qeedy. qeedeey. olchey. lchey. qedy. or. cheey. qol. rar. ar-
<f77v.P.10;V> qol. kaiin. shey=
<f77v.P.11;V> {figure}tedal. daiin. okaiin. shedy. qokedy. qokain. otedy. dary- {figure}
<f77v.P.12;V> {figure}olchedy. qol. shedy. qokchedy. qokeey. daiin. olol- {figure}
<f77v.P.13;V> {figure}qokaiin. sheol. ekedy. qokey. qokal. dal. daly- {figure}
<f77v.P.14;V> {figure}qor. aiin. shey. qokaiin. chal. aiiin. chedy. qol- {figure}
<f77v.P.15;V> {figure}daiin. sal. chedy. qokedy. qokal. shed. keoly- {figure}
<f77v.P.16;V> {figure}qokal. s. alchedy. shey. pchor. qotas. olky. dar. ory- {figure}
<f77v.P.17;V> dalchey. qol. chedy. oqokain. olkaiin. chckhy. qokal. dar-
<f77v.P.18;V> qokal. chees. ol. shedy. doraiin. ol. qoky. ches. ol. dal- {figure}
<f77v.P.19;V> daiin. sheekey. qokeedy. daiin. dail. qokedy. qotedy. rol- {figure}
<f77v.P.20;V> lchor. oiiin. shedy. qokaiin. saiin. dal. sheedy. qokedy. ral- {figure}
<f77v.P.21;V> dairol. shedy. rchy. sheor. qokedy. qoky. chckhy. qokchy. ldol- {figure}
<f77v.P.22;V> tshedy. qokain. chedal. fchedy. cheky. s. ain. chedy. qokain. ol- {figure}
<f77v.P.23;V> y. chedy. qotedy. qoked. ol. sheor. olchdy=
<f77v.P.24;V> {figure}tcho. dchy. lshedy. daly. dal. dsheedy. pcheol. lfol. ol. cheedy. qoty-
<f77v.P.25;V> {figure}shey. ol. sheey. qokedy. lchedy. qokaiin. dal. daiin. chedy- {figure}
<f77v.P.26;V> {figure}qoar. shedy. qokaiin. shcthy. qotedy. rchr. oltedy. lchy- {figure}
<f77v.P.27;V> y. cheey. qolshedy. qokal. chedy. qokaiin. checkhy. qokal-
<f77v.P.28;V> qokaiin. cheky. rar. chedy. qokal. dar. y. qotal. dal. r. ain-
<f77v.P.29;V> s. ol. kchedy. shar. ytal. dy. dychedy. lkchey. qokedy. rched- {figure}
<f77v.P.30;V> tcho. r. sheey. qokain. qokain. sheol. qokeedy. qokal. dary-
<f77v.P.31;V> qotchy. qokal. shedy. qokedy. lchedy. qokedy. qol. r. aiin. chey- {figure}
<f77v.P.32;V> schedy. qotar. sar. ol. sheedy. qokain. cheey. r. aiin. daiin. shey- {figure}
<f77v.P.33;V> toldal. shedy. qokedy. qokain. dolcheedy. rolchedy. qokedy-
<f77v.P.34;V> dcheol. kchedy. saikhey. qokal. qokal. shedy. sholdy. qokal. dar- {figure}
<f77v.P.35;V> qokeey. r. al. chdor. cheey. qokaiin. saiin. shedy. qokeedy. qokam- {figure}
<f77v.P.36;V> chedy. lchedy. lkaiin. dy. qokal. dar. chdain. ldchey. ol. r. aiin. oldy- {figure}
<f77v.P.37;V> tcheey. qokeey. qokal. lchedy. cheol. kaiin. okol=