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Last edited on 1998-10-09 03:37:26 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f76v = MD (Rene) = p148 (Stolfi)
Folio: f76
Panels: f76v
Bifolio: bM2 = f76+f83
Quire: M (Rene) = XIII (Beinecke)


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 2 (Currier)
Subsets: B (Rene), bio (Stolfi)
Subject: biological
Colors: blue,red(rouge_spots) (Reeds)



All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:06:16 by stolfi

"V" transcription by John Grove, posted 04-may-1998.
Some of Grove's [kt] restored to [pf] based on other versions -JS.
The {.} marks Grove's "detachable initials".


<f76v.P.1;C> polarar. okor. opcheey. yteey. opchaly. lshedy. qofchdal. lkodal. opa. korolr-
<f76v.P.2;C> sshedy. keedy. cholkeeey. otedar. okor. shedy. chedy. qokeedy. oly. shey. qoyky-
<f76v.P.3;C> dchedy. qokeedy. oteedy. chedaiin. chey. qokeedy. olkedy. rar. oteedy. okal-
<f76v.P.4;C> salkeey. sor. shecthy. daiin. okar. chpchedy. epchy. oty. olor. otchy. ralchl-
<f76v.P.5;C> sotain. okain. chcthedy. qoteed. ykedy. okedy. chedy. otedy. teyteg-
<f76v.P.6;C> qotees. olkeey. okeedy. qoeeedy. chckhey. sheor. aiin. otar. cheedy. lchedy-
<f76v.P.7;C> doteey. qookaiin. oteedy. otedy. cheolchdy. okeedy. otedy. qokedy. okedar. da-
<f76v.P.8;C> qokeedy. ochedy. roiin. sheedy. qokeedy. okeedy. olor. okeedy. qolkchey. r. al-
<f76v.P.9;C> sheor. chey. ral. cheey. r. al. cheedy=
<f76v.P.10;C> cphdor. shedal. qopchdy. dshedy. shedy. tchedy. lsheetal. shecphy. daiin. dy-
<f76v.P.11;C> cheor. sheedy. daiin. oekeedy. qokeey. qokedy. oteedy. shedy. qokedy. shedam-
<f76v.P.12;C> solsheol. sheey. lteedy. qokeedy. qotal. chedy. checthy. otedeey. qkol. chedy. deey-
<f76v.P.13;C> saiin. sheedy. qol. sheedy. okeeedy. qoteedy. chedy. qotedy. oleeedy. qoteedy. lo-
<f76v.P.14;C> qokeedy. qol. cheedy. otedy. cthedy. otedy. qoteedy. shcthedy. qoeekeedy. deedy-
<f76v.P.15;C> tchedy. lsheedy. chedal. chedy. checthey=
<f76v.P.16;C> polshdal. otedair. opshedal. qokedy. shedy. pshchedal. tsheokeedy. oshepols-
<f76v.P.17;C> sar. olkeey. shokaiin. sheolol. otedy. qekchdy. qoeeedy. qokedy. lkedy. chdy-
<f76v.P.18;C> lshey. qockhedy. qodeey. qolkeedy. qokedy. chol. chedchey. daiin. olkedy-
<f76v.P.19;C> orar. sheey. otar. shedy. otedy. checkhey. olchedy. checkhy. checkhy. lky-
<f76v.P.20;C> dol. sheetey. qokedy. ol. checkhy. lshedy. qokeedy. cheedy. qokeedy. shl. loiiim-
<f76v.P.21;C> cthedy. oteol. chdar. chckhy. chees. solkchdy. chey. lcheedy. lchedy. qoteedy-
<f76v.P.22;C> solshey. qotedy. chey. dytey. teedy. lchey. qokedy. chedy. lal. chedy. lchedy-
<f76v.P.23;C> dchedy. qokeedy. qokchy. qokol. shedy. shedy. chedy. olche*in. shetey. saiin-
<f76v.P.24;C> qokeey. lsheey. dal. lchedy. olshey=
<f76v.P.25;C> psheoldy. opalshedy. qokshedy. qokedy. dor. shey. opchedy. dal. sofcham-
<f76v.P.26;C> dshol. qokaiin. ches. daiin. checkhy. oteoldy. qokeey. chckhy. loraly-
<f76v.P.27;C> daiin. shckhey. qokeedy. saiin. chek. ain. rain. o. kan. chlaiiin-
<f76v.P.28;C> saiin. sheckhy. cheolchey. qokedy. sair. sheckhy. lkeedy. lchedy-
<f76v.P.29;C> sar. sheedy. qokeedy. qolkey. lchdy. schees. shees. alches. okaiin. alaldy-
<f76v.P.30;C> tchedy. lsheesaiin. chees. tchy. rshed. chkaiin. sheky. shtalcheedy. ldan-
<f76v.P.31;C> sair. shekaiiin. shetsaiiin. shety. otey. okaiin. otedy. qotar. chedy-
<f76v.P.32;C> tain. sheey. qotain. chedy. qokaiin. chedy. taiin. chckhedy. otol. oty-
<f76v.P.33;C> sain. otaiin. shckhedy=
<f76v.P.34;C> sakaiin. okeedy. chedy. qotain. cphey. opcheey. otysaiin. otary-
<f76v.P.35;C> ychees. alchedy. qokeedy. lshedy. tolchedy. lchedy. qoky. saiin. olor-
<f76v.P.36;C> daiin. cheol. teey. lshety. okeey. qeedy=
<f76v.P.37;C> qoeedy. lchedy. ches. oloiiin. cheeky. shekeey. qokey. qoky. saiin. sy-
<f76v.P.38;C> saiin. chedy. shedy. qokeedy. lolsaiiin. qokain. chey. r. al. r. aiin. dl-
<f76v.P.39;C> sshey. lshedy. qokaiin. shedy. okedy. san. ol. keedy. sor. qoky. dedy-
<f76v.P.40;C> sol. shedy. qoky. daiin. shedy. chey. qokaiin. cheedy. qo. char. aiin-
<f76v.P.41;C> sol. shey. chedy. qokedy. chedy. qol. s. aiin. shedy=

First study group:

<f76v.P.1;F> polarar. okor. opcheey. yteey. opchaly. lshedy. qopchdal. lkodal. opa. korols-
<f76v.P.2;F> sshedy. keedy. cholkeeey. otedor. okor. shedy. chedy. qokeedy. oly. shey. qoyky-
<f76v.P.3;F> dchedy. qokeedy. oteedy. chedaiin. chey. qokeedy. olkedy. ror. oteedy. okal-
<f76v.P.4;F> salkeey. sor. shecthy. daiin. okar. chpchedy. epchy. oty. olor. otchy. ralchl-
<f76v.P.5;F> s. otain. okain. chcthedy. qoteed. y. kedy. okedy. chedy. otedy. teytem-
<f76v.P.6;F> qotees. olkeey. okeedy. qoeeedy. chckhey. sheor. aiin. otar. cheedy. lchedy-
<f76v.P.7;F> doteey. qo. otaiin. oteedy. otedy. cheolchdy. okeedy. otedy. qokedy. okedar. da-
<f76v.P.8;F> qokeedy. ochedy. roiin. sheedy. qokeedy. okeedy. olor. okeedy. qolkeeey. r. al-
<f76v.P.9;F> sheor. chey. ral. cheey. r. al. cheedy=
<f76v.P.10;F> cphdor. shedal. qopchdy. dshedy. shedy. tchedy. lsheetal. shecphy. daiin. dy-
<f76v.P.11;F> cheor. sheedy. daiin. oekeedy. qokeey. qokedy. oteedy. shedy. qokedy. shedam-
<f76v.P.12;F> sol. sheol. sheey. lteedy. qokeedy. qotal. chedy. checthy. otedeey. qokol. chedy. deey-
<f76v.P.13;F> saiin. sheedy. qol. sheedy. okeeedy. qoteedy. chedy. qotedy. oleeedy. qoteedy. lo-
<f76v.P.14;F> qokeedy. qol. cheedy. otedy. cthedy. otedy. qoteedy. shcthedy. qoeekeedy. deedy-
<f76v.P.15;F> tchedy. lsheedy. chedal. chedy. checthey=
<f76v.P.16;F> polshdal. otedair. opshedal. qokedy. shedy. pschedal. tsheokeedy. oshepols-
<f76v.P.17;F> sar. olkeey. shokaiin. sheolol. otedy. qekchdy. qoeeedy. qokedy. lkedy. chdy-
<f76v.P.18;F> lshey. qockhedy. qodeey. qolkeedy. qokedy. chol. chedcheydaiin. olkedy-
<f76v.P.19;F> or. ar. sheey. otar. shedy. otchedy. checkhey. olchedy. checkhy. sheckhy. lky-
<f76v.P.20;F> dol. sheetey. qokedy. ol. checkhy. lshedy. qokeedy. cheedy. qokeedy. shl. loiinm-
<f76v.P.21;F> cthedy. oteol. chdar. chckhy. cheer. salkeedy. chey. lcheedy. lchedy. qoteedy-
<f76v.P.22;F> sol. shey. qotedy. chey. dytey. teedy. lchey. qokedy. chedy. lal. chedy. lchedy-
<f76v.P.23;F> dchedy. qokeedy. qoteey. qokol. shedy. shedy. chedy. olchedr. shetey. saiin-
<f76v.P.24;F> qokeey. lsheey. dal. lchedy. olshey=
<f76v.P.25;F> pshealdy. opalshedy. qokshedy. qokedy. dor. shey. opchedy. dal. ro. fcham-
<f76v.P.26;F> dshol. qokaiin. ches. daiin. checkhy. oteoldy. qokeey. chckhyd. lar. aly-
<f76v.P.27;F> daiin. shckhey. chckhey. qokeedy. saiin. chek. ain. r. ain. a. ka*. chlaiiin-
<f76v.P.28;F> saiin. sheckhy. cheol. chey. qokeedy. sair. sheckhy. lkeedy. lchedy-
<f76v.P.29;F> sar. sheedy. qokeedy. qolkey. lchdy. scheer. shees. al. shes. okaiin. alaldy-
<f76v.P.30;F> tchedy. lshee. s. aiin. chees. tchy. rshed. chkaiin. sheky. shtal. cheedy. lsan-
<f76v.P.31;F> sair. shekaiiin. shets. aiiin. shety. otey. okaiin. otedy. qotar. chedy-
<f76v.P.32;F> taiin. sheey. qotaiin. chedy. qokaiin. chedy. taiin. chckhedy. otol. oty-
<f76v.P.33;F> saiin. otaiin. shckhedy=
<f76v.P.34;F> sakaiin. okeedy. chedy. qotaiin. cphey. opcheey. oty. s. aiin. ytary-
<f76v.P.35;F> ychees. alchedy. qokeedy. lshedy. tol. chedy. lchedy. qoky. saiin. olor-
<f76v.P.36;F> daiin. cheol. teey. lshety. okeey. qeedy=
<f76v.P.37;F> qoeedy. lchedy. cheen. ol. oiiin. cheeky. shekeey. qokey. qoky. saiin. sy-
<f76v.P.38;F> saiin. chedy. shedy. qokeedy. lol. s. aiiin. qokain. chey. r. al. r. aiin. dl-
<f76v.P.39;F> sshey. lshedy. qokaiin. shedy. okedy. sar. ol. keedy. sar. qoky. dedy-
<f76v.P.40;F> sol. shedy. qoky. daiin. shedy. chey. qokaiin. cheedy. qo. char. aiin-
<f76v.P.41;F> sol. shey. chedy. qokedy. chedy. qol. r. aiin. shedy=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f76v.P.1;H> polarar. okor. opcheey. yteey. opchaly. lshedy. qofchdal. lkodol. opa. korols-
<f76v.P.2;H> scsedy. keedy. cholkeeey. otedor. okor. shedy. chedy. qokeedy. oly. shey. qoyky-
<f76v.P.3;H> dchedy. qokeedy. oteedy. chedaiin. chey. qokeedy. olkedy. ror. oteedy. okal-
<f76v.P.4;H> solkeey. sor. shecthy. daiin. okar. chpchedy. cpchy. oty. olor. otchy. ralchl-
<f76v.P.5;H> s. otain. okain. chcthedy. qoteed. ykedy. okedy. chedy. otedy. teyteg-
<f76v.P.6;H> qotees. olkeey. okeedy. qoeeedy. chckhey. sheor. aiin. otar. cheedy. lchedy-
<f76v.P.7;H> doteey. qo. okaiin. oteedy. otedy. cheolchdy. okeedy. otedy. qokedy. okedar. da-
<f76v.P.8;H> qokeedy. ochedy. roiin. sheedy. qokeedy. okeedy. olor. okeedy. qolkeeey. r. al-
<f76v.P.9;H> sheor. chey. ral. cheey. r. al. cheedy=
<f76v.P.10;H> cphdor. shedal. qopchdy. dshedy. shedy. tchedy. lsheetal. shecphy. daiin. dy-
<f76v.P.11;H> cheor. sheedy. daiin. oekeedy. qokeey. qokedy. oteedy. shedy. qokedy. shedam-
<f76v.P.12;H> sol. sheol. sheey. lteedy. qokeedy. qotal. chedy. checthy. otedeey. qokol. chedy. deey-
<f76v.P.13;H> saiin. sheedy. qol. sheedy. okeeedy. qoteedy. chedy. qotedy. oleeedy. qoteedy. lo-
<f76v.P.14;H> qokeedy. qol. cheedy. otedy. cthedy. otedy. qoteedy. shcthedy. qoeekeedy. deedy-
<f76v.P.15;H> tchedy. lsheedy. chedal. chedy. checthey=
<f76v.P.16;H> polshdal. otedair. opshedal. qokedy. shedy. pschedal. tsheokeedy. oshepols-
<f76v.P.17;H> sar. olkeey. shokaiin. sheolol. otedy. qekchdy. qoeeedy. qokedy. lkedy. chdy-
<f76v.P.18;H> lshey. qockhedy. qodeey. qolkeedy. qokedy. chol. chedchey. daiin. olkedy-
<f76v.P.19;H> or. ar. sheey. otar. shedy. otchedy. checkhey. olchedy. checkhy. sheckhy. lky-
<f76v.P.20;H> dol. sheetey. qokedy. ol. checkhy. lshedy. qokeedy. cheedy. qokeedy. shl. loiiim-
<f76v.P.21;H> cthedy. oteol. chdar. chckhy. chees. salkeedy. chey. lcheedy. lchedy. qoteedy-
<f76v.P.22;H> sol. shey. qotedy. chey. dytey. teedy. lchey. qokedy. chedy. lal. chedy. lchedy-
<f76v.P.23;H> dchedy. qokeedy. qoteey. qokol. shedy. shedy. chedy. olchedr. shetey. raiin-
<f76v.P.24;H> qokeey. lsheey. dal. lchedy. olshey=
<f76v.P.25;H> psheoldy. opalshedy. qokshedy. qokedy. dor. shey. opchedy. dal. ro. fcham-
<f76v.P.26;H> dshol. qokaiin. ches. daiin. checkhy. oteoldy. qokeey. chckhyd. lar. aly-
<f76v.P.27;H> daiin. shckhey. chckhey. qokeedy. saiin. chek. ain. r. ain. o. kan. chlaiiin-
<f76v.P.28;H> saiin. sheckhy. cheol. chey. qokeedy. sair. sheckhy. lkeedy. lchedy-
<f76v.P.29;H> sar. sheedy. qokeedy. qolkey. lchdy. scheer. shees. al. ches. okaiin. alaldy-
<f76v.P.30;H> tchedy. lshees. aiin. chees. tchy. rshed. chkaiin. sheky. shtal. cheedy. lsan-
<f76v.P.31;H> sair. shekaiiin. shets. aiiin. shety. otey. okaiin. otedy. qotar. chedy-
<f76v.P.32;H> tain. sheey. qotain. chedy. qokaiin. chedy. taiin. chckhedy. otol. oty-
<f76v.P.33;H> saiin. otaiin. shckhedy=
<f76v.P.34;H> sakaiin. okeedy. chedy. qotain. cphey. opcheey. oty. saiin. otary-
<f76v.P.35;H> ychees. alchedy. qokeedy. lshedy. tol. chedy. lchedy. qoky. saiin. olor-
<f76v.P.36;H> daiin. cheol. teey. lshety. okeey. qeedy=
<f76v.P.37;H> qoeedy. lchedy. chees. ol. oiiin. chchky. shekeey. qokey. qoky. saiin. sy-
<f76v.P.38;H> saiin. chedy. shedy. qokeedy. lolsaiiin. qokain. chey. r. al. r. aiin. dl-
<f76v.P.39;H> sshey. lshedy. qokaiin. shedy. okedy. san. ol. keedy. sar. qoky. dedy-
<f76v.P.40;H> sol. shedy. qoky. daiin. shedy. chey. qokaiin. cheedy. qo. char. aiin-
<f76v.P.41;H> sol. shey. chedy. qokedy. chedy. qol. r. aiin. shedy=

John Grove:

<f76v.P.1;V> p{. }olarar. okor. opcheey. yteey. opchaly. lshedy. qofchdal. lkodal. opako. rols-
<f76v.P.2;V> s. shedy. keedy. cholkeeey. otedar. okor. shedy. chedy. qokeedy. oly. shey. qo. yky-
<f76v.P.3;V> dchedy. qokeedy. oteedy. chedaiin. chey. qokeedy. olkedy. ror. oteedy. okal-
<f76v.P.4;V> s. alkeey. sor. shecthy. daiin. okar. chpchedy. cpchy. oty. olor. otchy. r. alchl-
<f76v.P.5;V> s. otain. okain. chcthedy. qoteed. y. kedy. okedy. chedy. otedy. teyteg-
<f76v.P.6;V> qotees. olkeey. okeedy. qoeeedy. chckhey. sheor. aiin. otar. cheedy. lchedy-
<f76v.P.7;V> doteey. qo. okaiin. oteedy. otedy. cheolchdy. okeedy. otedy. qokedy. okedar. dy-
<f76v.P.8;V> qokeedy. ochedy. roiin. sheedy. qokeedy. okeedy. olor. okeedy. qol. keeey. r. al-
<f76v.P.9;V> sheor. chey. ral. cheey. r. al. cheedy=
<f76v.P.10;V> cphdor. shedal. qopchdy. dshedy. shedy. tchedy. lsheetal. shecphy. daiin. dy-
<f76v.P.11;V> cheor. sheedy. daiin. oekeedy. qokeey. qokedy. oteedy. shedy. qokedy. shedam-
<f76v.P.12;V> sol. sheol. sheey. lteedy. qokeedy. qotal. chedy. checthy. otedeey. qokal. chedy. deey-
<f76v.P.13;V> saiin. sheedy. qol. sheedy. okeeedy. qoteedy. chedy. qotedy. oleeedy. qoteedy. lo-
<f76v.P.14;V> qokeedy. qol. cheedy. otedy. cthedy. otedy. qoteedy. shcthedy. qoeekeedy. deedy-
<f76v.P.15;V> tchedy. lsheedy. chedal. chedy. checthey=
<f76v.P.16;V> p{. }olshdal. otedair. otshedal. qokedy. shedy. kschedal. tsheokeedy. oshe. tols-
<f76v.P.17;V> sar. olkeey. shok. aiin. sheol. ol. otedy. qekchdy. qoeeedy. qokedy. lkedy. chdy-
<f76v.P.18;V> lshey. qockhedy. qodeey. qolkeedy. qokedy. chol. chedeeey. daiin. olkedy-
<f76v.P.19;V> or. ar. sheey. otar. shedy. otchedy. checkhey. olchedy. checkhy. sheckhy. lky-
<f76v.P.20;V> dol. sheetey. qokedy. ol. checkhy. lshedy. qokeedy. cheedy. qokeedy. shl. l. oiiin*-
<f76v.P.21;V> cthedy. oteol. chdar. chckhy. chees. salkeedy. chey. lcheedy. lchedy. qoteedy-
<f76v.P.22;V> s. ol. shey. qotedy. chey. dytey. teedy. lchey. qokedy. chedy. l. al. chedy. l. chedy-
<f76v.P.23;V> dchedy. qokeedy. qoteey. qokol. shedy. shedy. chedy. olcheain. shetey. saiin-
<f76v.P.24;V> qokeey. lsheey. dal. lchedy. olshey=
<f76v.P.25;V> p{. }shealdy. opalshedy. qokshedy. qokedy. dor. shey. opchedy. dal. rofcham-
<f76v.P.26;V> dshol. qokaiin. ches. daiin. checkhy. oteoldy. qokeey. chckhyd. l. or. aly-
<f76v.P.27;V> daiin. shckhey. qokeedy. saiin. chek. ain. r. ain. o. kan. chlaiiin-
<f76v.P.28;V> saiin. sheckhy. cheo. l. chey. qokedy. sair. sheckhy. lkeedy. lchedy-
<f76v.P.29;V> sas. sheedy. qokeedy. qolkey. lchdy. rchees. shees. al. shes. okaiin. alaldy-
<f76v.P.30;V> tchedy. lshee. s. aiin. chees. tchy. rshed. chkaiin. sheky. shtal. cheedy. ls. an-
<f76v.P.31;V> sair. shek. aiiin. shcts. aiiin. shety. otey. okaiin. otedy. qotar. chedy-
<f76v.P.32;V> tain. sheey. qotain. chedy. qokaiin. chedy. taiin. chckhedy. otol. oty-
<f76v.P.33;V> saiin. otaiin. shckhedy=
<f76v.P.34;V> s. ak. aiin. okeedy. chedy. qotain. cphey. otcheey. oty. s. aiin. otary-
<f76v.P.35;V> ychees. alchedy. qokeedy. lshedy. tol. chedy. lchedy. qoky. saiin. olor-
<f76v.P.36;V> daiin. cheol. teey. lshety. okeey. qeedy=
<f76v.P.37;V> qoeedy. lchedy. cheeb. ol. oiiin. chchky. shekeey. qokey. qoky. saiin. sy-
<f76v.P.38;V> saiin. chedy. shedy. qokeedy. lol. s. aiiin. qokain. chey. r. al. r. aiin. dl-
<f76v.P.39;V> schey. lshedy. qokaiin. shedy. okedy. san. ol. keedy. rar. qoky. dedy-
<f76v.P.40;V> sol. shedy. qoky. daiin. shedy. chey. qokaiin. cheedy. qo. char. aiin-
<f76v.P.41;V> sol. shey. chedy. qokedy. chedy. qol. r. aiin. shedy=