Brumbaugh p114 (reversed).
A bunch of paragraphs, with a column of letters along the left
<f76r.R.1;C> |
potchokar. chcphdy. opshdy. qolp. chcphy. chcphdy. opshey. qofshy. opchdy. sain. asy- |
<f76r.R.2;C> |
dshedy. qotddyar. cthar. chep. eain. okain. qokeor. shedy. qol. oin. shealr. qokeey- |
<f76r.R.3;C> |
yshey. qokeey. qokey. qokeed. okedy. shky. qotedy. okedy. shol. qoty. olchedy. aiiny- |
<f76r.R.4;C> |
{label s. }qokedy. qokeey. or. ar. or. chkarol. otey. qokedy. lkedy. chdy. qokchdy. qokal. chdam- |
<f76r.R.5;C> |
soleeedy. qokeedy. qopchedy. qokeey. kol. shedy. qokedy. sheey. okeer. al. al. chedainda- |
<f76r.R.6;C> |
{label d. }qoaiin. ches. okeedal. qoked. qokeey. shedy. chey. lkeedy. okey. dar. aiin. chekain. oldy- |
<f76r.R.7;C> |
shed. alshefey. rain. chcphedy. ain. olkeey. lkar. ain. oteey. lkain. chedy. dar. daly- |
<f76r.R.8;C> |
{label q. }qotedshedy. qorain. oteedy. chedy. ol. chdy. raiiin. chekain. dain. chckhy. sal. oty- |
<f76r.R.9;C> |
rolshedy. qool. qctheed. shdy. qa. olkeey. dain. saiin. sar. shedy. qokeor. okeedy- |
<f76r.R.10;C> |
qokeedy. checthy. checkhey. okol. okaiin. sheckhey. lkeedy. otey. dal. ykal. chedy. sar- |
<f76r.R.11;C> |
{label s. }chorshedy. qoked. okees. al. ak. aiin. ar. ain. chckheed. lchedy. shedy. qolair. chedy- |
<f76r.R.12;C> |
qotes. chedy. shckhy. qokeey. okeey. kain. checkhy. qokeedy. qotey. qotain. chekean- |
<f76r.R.13;C> |
chey. chckh. sheoqeeey. chol. lkain. shedy. qokeedy. okain. chedy. okeed. qokaloro- |
<f76r.R.14;C> |
{label o. }dcheedy. qolchey. qokeey. qokeey. chedy. qokar. shedy. shedy. lshedy. qolchedy. otedyl- |
<f76r.R.15;C> |
dshedy. qochedy. lchedy. qokey. qolchey. qotain. chckhy. shckhy. lchar. okar. alchdy- |
<f76r.R.16;C> |
qokchsdy. okeey. lchedy. qo. olain. ot. shedy. qotaly. dar. sain. shedy. oleeed- |
<f76r.R.17;C> |
{label l. }sheedy. qokedy. chedy. chedy. qokain. chckhy. olchy. lain. shedy. olain. chedy. qokey- |
<f76r.R.18;C> |
dalshedy. qolsheedy. qokaldy. chepy. dain. al. olor. olain. chedy. shecthy. qokao. lor- |
<f76r.R.19;C> |
qaloin. chey. qokeey. lchedy. chckhy. cheyky. chey. qolal. lklchey. lchedy. chey. llaiiry- |
<f76r.R.20;C> |
shedal. shey. qokey. qolchedy. qolain. ain. chey. qokaiin. okain. cheedy. lchey. loly. dy- |
<f76r.R.21;C> |
{label k. }roin. sheey. cheeir. ol. aiin. chodaiin. qokaiin. chey. qokalchey. dalchdy. dal. otal- |
<f76r.R.22;C> |
qokar. shedy. shedy. qokar. shedy. qokain. dar. shey. lshcthy. okar. okain. ydaiiny- |
<f76r.R.23;C> |
darchey. cheolchey. shcthy. cheoy. qo. qokey. dalaiin. sheeky. qokain. olky. sain. ay- |
<f76r.R.24;C> |
{label k. }cheor. ain. okaiin. dain. chey. dalshedy. qokaiin. cheal. shy. chedy. kain. chedy. shy- |
<f76r.R.25;C> |
qokedy. lkey. kal. shedy. qopchey. qol. pchedy. okchy. chckhy. shey. lol. kol. sheeyda*- |
<f76r.R.26;C> |
chear. shey. qoolkal. shedy. shedy. shey. shedy. ollchy. shlcher. shcthy. sain. oly- |
<f76r.R.27;C> |
sain. shedy. lshey. qokal. chcthy. okeolor. cheol. otar. chedy. qol. chcthy. chckhy- |
<f76r.R.28;C> |
qokal. shedy. sheol. cheol. alshy. chol. chdy. talor. ol. al. or. chol. okear. ar. *. oly- |
<f76r.R.29;C> |
{label s. }oteey. lchey. chey. olsheol. qokal. chal= |
<f76r.R.30;C> |
polalchdy. pshedy. opchedy. qokar. yksheol. qokeedy. oty. lshed. chpsheedy. ytal- |
<f76r.R.31;C> |
qolchey. shckhy. qokey. lchy. opchey. dain. shdy. qokedar. olchdy. sok. oty. dy. lchedy- |
<f76r.R.32;C> |
sain. al. okedy. lcheey. qokey. shckhy. otedy. qokal. shey. qoky. dain. chedy. qokchdyl- |
<f76r.R.33;C> |
dain. chey. lsh. daiin. chey% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % - |
<f76r.R.34;C> |
sor. shey. qokey. qokar. sheeoldy. chol. oly. chaly. lol. chdy= |
<f76r.R.35;C> |
poleedaran. shckhy. qoty. ykar. alol. lkaiin. olshedy. otain. okar. opar. kolpy- |
<f76r.R.36;C> |
yshedy. qo. or. okain. shey. qokaiin. okeedy. qochy. os. ain. sheey. chckhy- |
<f76r.R.37;C> |
dain. shear. okedy. otedy. okedy. lchedy. chedy. okar. chedy. otarain- |
<f76r.R.38;C> |
dain. chckhy. oraiin. sheey. qockhey. olchdar. sheey. otedy. olain. oky- |
<f76r.R.39;C> |
saiin. shckhy. lkeedy. qoky. okain. ytain. oteedy. okedyr. shedy. qokal- |
<f76r.R.40;C> |
saiin. olaiin. oky. shol. sain. oky. lkar. chedy. lkar. al. loral- |
<f76r.R.41;C> |
fchedy. g. sal. dol. shdy. olkedy. qokaiin. otal. oory= |
<f76r.R.42;C> |
qkor. shedy. shey. keedy. sal. raiin. ilpchdy. dar. chedy. qopchedy. rorol- |
<f76r.R.43;C> |
olsheed. qokedy. qokeedy. qokedy. lkedy. lsheedy. okar. shedy. otain- |
<f76r.R.44;C> |
saiin. qol. shedy. ol. chedor. chal. shed. qoteedy. dshdy. okal. chedyl- |
<f76r.R.45;C> |
dal. or. chedy. qolaiin. okedal. olchedy. chdol. olchedy. choly. aiiny- |
<f76r.R.46;C> |
sain. sheey. or. or. al. solshey. okeedy. ldaiin. cheecthey. okedalor- |
<f76r.R.47;C> |
okaiin. ol. chedy. qokeey. or. shdy= |
<f76r.R.1;F> |
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % chcphdy. opshey. qofshy. opchdy. saiin. asy- |
<f76r.R.2;F> |
dshedy. qotd. dyar. cthas. chep. dain. okain. qokeor. shedy. qol. aiin. sheals. qokchy- |
<f76r.R.3;F> |
yshey. qokeey. qokey. qokeed. okedy. shky. qotedy. otedy. shol. qoty. ol. chedy. aiiny- |
<f76r.R.4;F> |
{label s. }qokedy. qokchy. orar. or. chkarol. otey. qokedy. lkedy. chdy. qokchdy. qokal. chdam- |
<f76r.R.5;F> |
sol. chedy. qokeedy. qopchedy. qokeeo. sol. shedy. qokedy. shey. otees. al. al. chedaiin. dar- |
<f76r.R.6;F> |
{label d. }qoaiin. ches. okeedal. qoked. qokeey. shedy. chey. lkeedy. okey. dar. aiin. chekaiin. aldy- |
<f76r.R.7;F> |
shed. al. shckhy. saiin. chcphedy. ain. olkeey. lkar. ain. otchy. lkain. chedy. dar. daly- |
<f76r.R.8;F> |
{label q. }qotedshedy. qoraiin. oteedy. chedy. olchdy. raiin. chckhain. dain. chckhy. sal. oky- |
<f76r.R.9;F> |
sol. shedy. qool. qctheed. shdy. qa. ol. keey. daiin. saiin. sar. shedy. qokeor. okeedy- |
<f76r.R.10;F> |
qokeedy. checthy. chckhey. okal. okaiin. sheckhey. okeedy. otey. dal. ykal. chedy. sar- |
<f76r.R.11;F> |
{label s. }chor. shedy. qoked. okeesal. ar. aiin. araiin. chckheed. lchedy. shedy. qolair. chedy- |
<f76r.R.12;F> |
qotes. chedy. shckhy. qokeey. okeey. kaiin. checkhy. qokeedy. qotey. qotaiin. chckhair- |
<f76r.R.13;F> |
chey. chckh. shey. qeeey. chol. lkaiin. shedy. qokeedy. okain. chedy. okeed. qokal. orro- |
<f76r.R.14;F> |
{label o. }dchedy. qolchey. qokefy% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % - |
<f76r.R.15;F> |
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % qokey. qolchey. qotaiin. chckhy. shckhy. lchar. okar. alchdy- |
<f76r.R.16;F> |
qokchsdy. okeey. lchedy. qo. olain. ot. shedy. qotaly. dar. saiin. shedy. oleed- |
<f76r.R.17;F> |
{label l. }sheedy. qokedy. chedy. chedy. qokain. chckhy. olchy. laiin. shedy. alaiin. chedy. qokey- |
<f76r.R.18;F> |
dalshedy. qol. sheedy. qokaldy. chepy. daiin. alolor. olaiin. chedy. shecthy. qokey. lor- |
<f76r.R.19;F> |
qaloiin. chey. qokeey. lchedy. chckhy. chey. ky. chey. qolal. lklchey. lchedy. chey. llaiinry- |
<f76r.R.20;F> |
shedal. shey. qokey. qolchedy. qolain. dair. chey. qokaiin. okain. cheedy. chey. loly. sy- |
<f76r.R.21;F> |
{label k. }saiin. sheey. chear. olaiin. chodaiin. qokaiin. chey. qokalchey. dal. chdy. dal. ytal- |
<f76r.R.22;F> |
qokar. shedy. shedy. qokar. shedy. qokain. dar. shey. lshcthy. okar. okaiin. ydaiin. y- |
<f76r.R.23;F> |
darchey. cheolchey. shcthy. chedy. qo. qokey. dalaiin. sheeky. qokaiin. olky. saiin. chy- |
<f76r.R.24;F> |
{label r. }chea. raiin. okaiin. dain. chey. dal. shedy. qokaiin. cheol. shy. chedy. rain. chedy. shy- |
<f76r.R.25;F> |
qokedy. lkey. kal. shedy. qopchey. qol. pchedy. okchy. chckhy. shey. lol. ral. sheey. dar- |
<f76r.R.26;F> |
cheor. shey. qoal. kal. shedy. shedy. shey. shedy. ollchy. shlchos. shcthy. saiin. oly- |
<f76r.R.27;F> |
saiin. shedy. lshey. qokal. chcthy. okeolor. cheol. otar. chedy. qol% % % % % % % % % % % % % % - |
<f76r.R.28;F> |
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % okea. rar. oly- |
<f76r.R.29;F> |
{label s. }oteey. lchey. chey. olsheol. qokal. chal= |
<f76r.R.30;F> |
polalchdy. psheedy. opchedy. qokas. yksheol. qokeedy. oty. lshed. chpsheedy. ytal- |
<f76r.R.31;F> |
qolchey. shckhy. qokey. lchy. opchey. dain. shdy. qokedar. alchdy. sor. oty. dy. lchedy- |
<f76r.R.32;F> |
saiin. ar. okedy. lcheey. qokey. shckhy. otedy. qokal. shey. qoky. daiin. chedy. qokchdyl- |
<f76r.R.33;F> |
daiin. chey. lsh. daiin. chey. lchedy. qolain. qotal. shedy. dy. shecthy. otalam- |
<f76r.R.34;F> |
sor. shey. qokey. qokar. sheealdy. chol. oly. chaly. lol. chdy= |
<f76r.R.35;F> |
poleedaran. shckhy. qoty. ykar. alol. lkaiin. olshedy. otaiin. okar. opar. kolpy- |
<f76r.R.36;F> |
ysheedy. qoor. otain. shey. qokaiin. okeedy. qochy. arain. sheey. chckhy- |
<f76r.R.37;F> |
dain. shear. okedy. otedy. okedy. lchedy. chedy. okar. chedy. otaraiin- |
<f76r.R.38;F> |
dain. chckhy. oraiin. sheey. qockhey. olchdar. cheey. otedy. olain. oky- |
<f76r.R.39;F> |
saiin. shckhy. lkeedy. qoky. okain. ytaiin. oteedy. okedor. shedy. qokal- |
<f76r.R.40;F> |
soiin. olaiin. oky. shol. saiin. oky. lkar. chedy. lkar. al. loral- |
<f76r.R.41;F> |
pchedy. ch. sal. dol. shdy. olkedy. qokaiin. otal. rory= |
<f76r.R.42;F> |
qkor. shedy. shey. keedy. sal. raiin. opchdy. dar. chedy. qopchedy. rorol- |
<f76r.R.43;F> |
olsheed. qokedy. qokeedy. qokedy. lkedy. lsheedy. okar. shedy. otain- |
<f76r.R.44;F> |
saiin. qol. shedy. ol. chedor. chal. shed. qoteedy. dshedy. okal. chedyl- |
<f76r.R.45;F> |
dal. or. chedy. qolaiin. okedal. olchedy. chdol. olchedy. choly. aiiny- |
<f76r.R.46;F> |
saiin. sheey. or. or. al. solshey. okeedy. ldaiin. checkhey. okedalor- |
<f76r.R.47;F> |
qokaiin. ol. shedy. qokeey. or. shdy= |
<f76r.R.1;H> |
potchokar. chcfhdy. opshdy. qolp. chcphy. chcphdy. opshey. qofshy. opchdy. sain. *sy- |
<f76r.R.2;H> |
dshedy. qotddyar. cthar. chep. dain. okain. qokeor. shedy. qol. ain. sheols. qokeey- |
<f76r.R.3;H> |
yshey. qokeey. qokey. qokeed. okedy. shky. qotedy. otedy. shol. qoty. ol. chedy. aiiny- |
<f76r.R.4;H> |
{label s. }qokedy. qokchy. orar. or. chkarol. otey. qokedy. lkedy. chdy. qokchdy. qokal. chdam- |
<f76r.R.5;H> |
solchedy. qokeedy. qopchedy. qokeeo. sol. shedy. qokedy. sheey. okees. al. al. chedain. dar- |
<f76r.R.6;H> |
{label d. }qoaiin. ches. okeedal. qoked. qokeey. shedy. chey. lkeedy. okey. dar. oiin. chekain. oldy- |
<f76r.R.7;H> |
shed. al. shckhy. sain. chcphedy. ain. olkeey. lkar. ain. otchy. lkain. chedy. dar. daly- |
<f76r.R.8;H> |
{label q. }qotedshedy. qorain. oteedy. chedy. ol. chdy. raiiin. chekain. dain. chckhy. sal. oty- |
<f76r.R.9;H> |
sol. shedy. qool. qctheed. shdy. qo. ol. keey. dain. saiin. sar. shedy. qokeor. okeedy- |
<f76r.R.10;H> |
qokeedy. checthy. chckhey. okol. okaiin. sheckhey. okeedy. otey. dal. ykal. chedy. sar- |
<f76r.R.11;H> |
{label s. }chor. shedy. qoked. okees. al. ar. aiin. ar. ain. chckheed. lchedy. shedy. qolair. chedy- |
<f76r.R.12;H> |
qotes. chedy. shckhy. qokeey. okeey. kain. checkhy. qokeedy. qotey. qotain. chekear- |
<f76r.R.13;H> |
chey. chckh. shey. qeeey. chol. lkain. shedy. qokeedy. okain. chedy. okeed. qokaloro- |
<f76r.R.14;H> |
{label o. }dcheedy. qolchey. qokeey. qokeey. chedy. qokar. shedy. shedy. lshedy. qolchedy. otedyl- |
<f76r.R.15;H> |
dshedy. qo. chedy. lchedy. qokey. qolchey. qotain. chckhy. shckhy. lchar. okar. alchdy- |
<f76r.R.16;H> |
qokchsdy. okeey. lchedy. qo. olain. otshedy. qotaly. dar. sain. shedy. oleeed- |
<f76r.R.17;H> |
{label l. }sheedy. qokedy. chedy. chedy. qokain. chckhy. olchy. l. ain. shedy. olain. chedy. qokey- |
<f76r.R.18;H> |
dalshedy. qol. sheedy. qokaldy. chepy. dain. alolor. olain. chedy. shecthy. qokeey. lor- |
<f76r.R.19;H> |
qaloin. chey. qokeey. lchedy. chckhy. chey. ky. chey. qolal. lkl. chey. lchedy. chey. llaiiry- |
<f76r.R.20;H> |
shedal. shey. qokey. qolchedy. qolain. ain. chey. qokaiin. okain. cheedy. lchey. loly. sy- |
<f76r.R.21;H> |
{label k. }soin. sheey. chear. ol. aiin. chodaiin. qokaiin. chey. qokalchey. dal. chdy. dal. ytal- |
<f76r.R.22;H> |
qokar. shedy. shedy. qokar. shedy. qokain. dar. shey. lshcthy. okar. okain. ylaiin. y- |
<f76r.R.23;H> |
darchey. cheolchey. shcthy. chedy. qo. qokey. dalaiin. sheeky. qokain. olky. sain. chy- |
<f76r.R.24;H> |
{label k. }cheor. ain. okaiin. dain. chey. dal. shedy. qokaiin. cheol. shy. chedy. rain. chedy. shy- |
<f76r.R.25;H> |
qokedy. lkey. kal. shedy. qopchey. qol. pchedy. okchy. chckhy. shey. lol. ral. sheey. dar- |
<f76r.R.26;H> |
cheor. shey. qoolkal. shedy. shedy. shey. shedy. ollchy. shlches. shcthy. sain. oly- |
<f76r.R.27;H> |
saiin. shedy. lshey. qokal. chcthy. okeolor. cheol. otar. chedy. qol. chcthy. chckhy- |
<f76r.R.28;H> |
qokal. shedy. sheol. cheal. alshy. chol. chdy. talor. olalor. chol. okeyr. ar. oly- |
<f76r.R.29;H> |
{label s. }oteey. lchey. chey. olsheol. qokal. chal= |
<f76r.R.30;H> |
polalchdy. pshedy. opchedy. qokas. yksheol. qokeedy. oty. lshed. chpsheedy. ytal- |
<f76r.R.31;H> |
qolchey. shckhy. qokey. lchy. opchey. dain. shdy. qokedar. olchdy. sor. oty. dy. lchedy- |
<f76r.R.32;H> |
sain. ar. okedy. lcheey. qokey. shckhy. otedy. qokal. shey. qoky. dain. chedy. qokchdyl- |
<f76r.R.33;H> |
dain. chey. lsh. daiin. chey. lchedy. qolain. qotal. shedy. dy. shecthy. otalam- |
<f76r.R.34;H> |
sor. shey. qokey. qokar. sheeoldy. chol. oly. chaly. lol. chdy= |
<f76r.R.35;H> |
poleedaran. shckhy. qoty. ykar. alol. lkaiin. olshedy. otain. okar. opar. kolpy- |
<f76r.R.36;H> |
ysheedy. qo. or. okain. shey. qokaiin. okeedy. qochy. ar. ain. sheey. chckhy- |
<f76r.R.37;H> |
doin. shear. okedy. otedy. okedy. lchedy. chedy. okar. chedy. otar. ain- |
<f76r.R.38;H> |
dain. chckhy. oraiin. sheey. qockhey. olchdar. sheey. otedy. olain. oky- |
<f76r.R.39;H> |
saiin. shckhy. lkeedy. qoky. okain. ytain. oteedy. okedor. shedy. qokal- |
<f76r.R.40;H> |
saiin. olaiin. oky. shol. sain. oky. lkar. chedy. lkar. al. loral- |
<f76r.R.41;H> |
fchedy. ch. sal. dol. shdy. olkedy. qokaiin. otal. rory= |
<f76r.R.42;H> |
qkor. shedy. shey. keedy. sal. raiin. opchdy. dar. chedy. qopchedy. rorol- |
<f76r.R.43;H> |
olsheed. qokedy. qokeedy. qokedy. lkedy. lsheedy. okar. shedy. otain- |
<f76r.R.44;H> |
saiin. qol. shedy. ol. chedor. chal. shed. qoteedy. dshedy. okal. chedyl- |
<f76r.R.45;H> |
dal. or. chedy. qolaiin. okedal. olchedy. chdol. olchedy. choly. aiiny- |
<f76r.R.46;H> |
sain. sheey. or. or. al. solshey. okeedy. ldaiin. checthey. okedalor- |
<f76r.R.47;H> |
qokaiin. ol. shedy. qokeey. or. shdy= |
<f76r.R.1;V> |
p{. }otchokor. chcfhdy. opshdy. qolp. chcphdy. opshey. qopshy. opchdy. sain. as. y- |
<f76r.R.2;V> |
dshedy. qotd. dy. ar. cthar. chep. dain. okain. qokeor. shedy. qol. ain. sheal. s. qokeey- |
<f76r.R.3;V> |
yshey. qokeey. qokey. qokeed. okedy. shky. qotedy. otedy. shol. qoty. ol. chedy. aiin. y- |
<f76r.R.4;V> |
{label s. }qokedy. qokeey. or. ar. or. chkarol. otey. qokedy. lkedy. chdy. qokchdy. qokal. chdam- |
<f76r.R.5;V> |
sol. chedy. qokeedy. qopchedy. qokeeo. rol. shedy. qokedy. sheey. okees. al. al. chedain. dar- |
<f76r.R.6;V> |
{label d. }qo. aiin. ches. okeedal. qoked. qokeey. shedy. chey. lkeedy. okey. dar. aiin. chekain. aldy- |
<f76r.R.7;V> |
shed. al. shckhy. s. ain. chcphedy. ain. olkeey. lkar. ain. otchy. lkain. chedy. dar. daly- |
<f76r.R.8;V> |
{label q. }qotedshedy. qorain. oteedy. chedy. ol. chdy. r. aiiin. chckain. dain. chckhy. sal. oty- |
<f76r.R.9;V> |
sol. shedy. qool. qctheed. shdy. qo. ol. keey. dain. saiin. s. ar. shedy. qokeor. okeedy- |
<f76r.R.10;V> |
qokeedy. checthy. chckhey. okal. okaiin. sheckhey. okeedy. otey. dal. y. kal. chedy. sar- |
<f76r.R.11;V> |
{label s. }chor. shedy. qoked. okees. al. ar. aiin. ar. ain. chckheed. l. chedy. shedy. qolair. chedy- |
<f76r.R.12;V> |
qotes. chedy. shckhy. qokeey. okeey. kain. checkhy. qokeedy. qotey. qotain. chekear- |
<f76r.R.13;V> |
chey. chckh. shey. qeeey. chol. lkain. shedy. qokeedy. okain. chedy. okeed. qokal. oro- |
<f76r.R.14;V> |
{label o. }dcheedy. qo. lchey. qokeey. qokeey. chedy. qo. kar. shedy. shedy. lshedy. qolchedy. otedy. l- |
<f76r.R.15;V> |
dshedy. qo. chedy. lchedy. qokey. qolchey. qotain. chckhy. shckhy. lchar. okar. alchdy- |
<f76r.R.16;V> |
qokchsdy. okeey. lchedy. qo. olain. ot. shedy. qotaly. dar. s. ain. shedy. oleeed- |
<f76r.R.17;V> |
{label l. }sheedy. qokedy. chedy. chedy. qokain. chckhy. olchy. l. ain. shedy. olain. chedy. qokey- |
<f76r.R.18;V> |
dalshedy. qol. sheedy. qokaldy. chepy. dain. alolor. olain. chedy. shecthy. qokeey. lor- |
<f76r.R.19;V> |
qalain. chey. qokeey. lchedy. chckhy. chey. ky. chey. qolal. lkl. chey. lchedy. chey. l. laiir. y- |
<f76r.R.20;V> |
shedal. shey. qokey. qolchedy. qolain. ain. chey. qokaiin. okain. cheedy. lchey. l. oly. dy- |
<f76r.R.21;V> |
{label k. }s. ain. sheey. chear. ol. aiin. chodaiin. qokaiin. chey. qokalchey. dal. chdy. dal. ytal- |
<f76r.R.22;V> |
qokar. shedy. shedy. qokar. shedy. qokain. dar. shey. lshcthy. okar. okain. y. l. aiin. y- |
<f76r.R.23;V> |
dar. chey. cheo. l. chey. shcthy. chedy. qo. qokey. dalaiin. sheeky. qokain. olky. sain. chy- |
<f76r.R.24;V> |
{label r. }cheo. r. ain. okaiin. dain. chey. dal. shedy. qokaiin. cheo. l. shy. chedy. rain. chedy. shy- |
<f76r.R.25;V> |
qokedy. lkey. kal. shedy. qopchey. qol. tchedy. okchy. chckhy. shey. lol. r. al. sheey. dar- |
<f76r.R.26;V> |
cheor. shey. qo. al. kal. shedy. shedy. shey. shedy. ollchy. shlches. shcthy. sain. oly- |
<f76r.R.27;V> |
sain. shedy. lshey. qokal. chcthy. okeo. lor. cheol. otar. chedy. qol. chcthy. chckhy- |
<f76r.R.28;V> |
qokal. shedy. sheol. cheol. alshy. chol. chdy. talor. ol. alor. chol. okey. r. ar. oly- |
<f76r.R.29;V> |
{label s. }oteey. lchey. chey. olsheol. qokal. chal= |
<f76r.R.30;V> |
p{. }olalchdy. psheedy. opchedy. qokar. yksheol. qokeedy. oty. lshed. chpsheedy. ytal- |
<f76r.R.31;V> |
qolchey. shckey. qokey. l. chy. opchey. dain. shdy. qokedar. olchdy. sor. oty. dy. lchedy- |
<f76r.R.32;V> |
sain. ar. okedy. lcheey. qokey. shckey. otedy. qokal. shey. qoky. dain. chedy. qok. chdyl- |
<f76r.R.33;V> |
dain. chey. lsh. daiin. chey. l. chedy. qolain. qotal. shedy. dy. shecthy. otal. am- |
<f76r.R.34;V> |
sor. shey. qokey. qokar. sheealdy. chol. oly. chaly. lol. chdy= |
<f76r.R.35;V> |
p{. }oleedaran. shckhy. qoty. ykar. alol. lkaiin. ol. shedy. otain. okar. opar. kolpy- |
<f76r.R.36;V> |
y. sheedy. qo. or. okain. shey. qokaiin. okeedy. qochy. as. ain. sheey. chckhy- |
<f76r.R.37;V> |
dain. shear. okedy. otedy. okedy. lchedy. chedy. okar. chedy. otar. ain- |
<f76r.R.38;V> |
dain. chckhy. araiin. sheey. qockhey. olchdar. sheey. otedy. olain. oky- |
<f76r.R.39;V> |
saiin. shckhy. lkeedy. qoky. okain. ytain. oteedy. okedor. shedy. qokal- |
<f76r.R.40;V> |
saiin. olaiin. oky. shol. sain. oky. lkar. chedy. lkar. al. loral- |
<f76r.R.41;V> |
p{. }chedy. c*. sal. dol. shdy. olkedy. qokaiin. otal. rory= |
<f76r.R.42;V> |
qkor. shedy. shey. keedy. sal. raiin. opchdy. dar. chedy. qopchedy. ror. ol- |
<f76r.R.43;V> |
ol. sheed. qokedy. qokeedy. qokedy. lkedy. lsheedy. okar. shedy. otain- |
<f76r.R.44;V> |
saiin. qol. shedy. ol. chedor. chal. shed. qoteedy. dshedy. okal. chedyl- |
<f76r.R.45;V> |
dal. or. chedy. qolaiin. okedal. olchedy. chdal. olchedy. choly. aiin. y- |
<f76r.R.46;V> |
sain. sheey. or. ar. al. solshey. okeedy. ldaiin. checkhey. okedalor- |
<f76r.R.47;V> |
qokaiin. ol. shedy. qokeey. or. shdy= |