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Page information on f71v

f71v preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Zodiac
Quire: K
Page in quire: B
Currier language: unknown
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-29 18:31:33 by stolfi


Title: "Taurus light"
Page: f71v = KB (Rene) = p136 (Stolfi)
Folio: f71
Panels: f71v
Bifolio: bK1 = f71+f72
Quire: K (Rene) = XI (Beinecke)

Newbold calls this folio 79.

Roe, 8th September 1993 Machine translated from a transcription in Bennett notation of 26/04/90


Language: ? (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: Z (Rene), zod (Stolfi)
Subject: zodiac
Colors: red(lots),green(some) (Reeds)


Three concentric rings of text, bounded by faint mechanically drawn circles. A wider gap in the outer ring at 10:30 may be the starting place.

In the centre is a horned animal feeding from a manger. Below the bull is the word ``May'' in the Roman alphabet.

Between the inner ring of text and the middle ring are five human figures or "nymphs", each standing in a barrel, waist deep, holding a star. One is naked, four are clothed. The barrel at 00:00 is ribbed.

Between the middle ring and the outer ring are 10 human figures, each in a barrel, waist deep, holding a star. Two are naked, eight are clothed.

Most figures have visible breasts. Some have hats. All figures have their right hand inside the barrel.

Clockwise from each figure there is a short label.


The animal at the center is probably a bull, the astrological symbol for Taurus. Taurus is April 20th to May 20th.

The general appearance of the page is light, in contrast to the dark Taurus, f72r1.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "Outer ring of text"

Last edited on 1998-12-19 19:13:52 by stolfi

The photograph in Newbold is cropped, so part of this word ring isn't visible
Other reproductions are OK.

Transcribed clockwise from wider gap at 10 o'clock


<f71v.R1.1;C> oshe*. parar. oteeodaiin. she. ateey. daiin. oteokeey. dal. al. oteey. teey. dy. otchy. keey. % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % alody. cheal. otar. otam. oteadar. chpchy. opar. al. aiin. oteoshor. okeodaly. oteey. teeey. oteey. kee*r. or. arol. cheols. ota*kaly-

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f71v.R1.1;H> osheo. parar. oteeodaiin. she. ateey. daiin. oteokeey. dal. al. oteey. teey. dy. otchy. keey. shseor. ochey. ****. ****eodal. sheeolody. alody. cheol. otar. otam. oteodar. chpchy. cpar. al. aiin. oteochor. okeodaly. oteey. teeey. okeey. keor. or. arol. cheols. okaikaly-

Unit: "panel f71v, Taurus light, outer ring of star labels"

Last edited on 1998-12-09 18:28:17 by stolfi

Transcription starting at 10 o'clock, going clockwise


<f71v.S1.1;C> char. orol=
<f71v.S1.2;C> chpaly=
<f71v.S1.3;C> okolar=
<f71v.S1.4;C> otchody=
<f71v.S1.5;C> olcphy=
<f71v.S1.6;C> otaiin=
<f71v.S1.7;C> okaraiin=
<f71v.S1.8;C> *kar. araly=
<f71v.S1.9;C> opalar. am. diin=
<f71v.S1.10;C> opalorar=

Karl Kluge:

<f71v.S1.1;K> char. oroj= {was <f71v. 06A;K>}
<f71v.S1.2;K> chfaly= {was <f71v. 07A;K>}
<f71v.S1.3;K> okolar= {was <f71v. 08A;K>}
<f71v.S1.4;K> otchody= {was <f71v. 09A;K>}
<f71v.S1.5;K> alcphy= {was <f71v. 10A;K>}
<f71v.S1.6;K> otaiin= {was <f71v. 11A;K>}
<f71v.S1.7;K> okaraiin= {was <f71v. 12A;K>}
<f71v.S1.8;K> otar. ar. aly= {was <f71v. 13A;K>}
<f71v.S1.9;K> opalar. am. gan= {was <f71v. 14A;K>}
<f71v.S1.10;K> opalar. ar= {was <f71v. 15A;K>}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f71v.S1.1;H> char. orom=
<f71v.S1.2;H> chfaly=
<f71v.S1.3;H> okolar=
<f71v.S1.4;H> otchody=
<f71v.S1.5;H> olcphy=
<f71v.S1.6;H> otaiin=
<f71v.S1.7;H> okaraiin=
<f71v.S1.8;H> okar. ar. aly=
<f71v.S1.9;H> opalar. am. dan=
<f71v.S1.10;H> opalor. ar=

John Grove:

<f71v.S1.1;V> char. arom= {Grove's #2, dressed}
<f71v.S1.2;V> chfaly= {Grove's #3, dressed}
<f71v.S1.3;V> otolar= {Grove's #4, dressed}
<f71v.S1.4;V> otchody= {Grove's #5, dressed}
<f71v.S1.5;V> alcphy= {Grove's #6, dressed}
<f71v.S1.6;V> otaiin= {Grove's #7, dressed}
<f71v.S1.7;V> okaraiin= {Grove's #8, naked}
<f71v.S1.8;V> etar. ar. aly= {Grove's #9, naked}
<f71v.S1.9;V> opalar. am. dan= {Grove's #10, partly dressed}
<f71v.S1.10;V> opalar. ar= {Grove's #1, dressed}

Unit: "Middle ring of text"

Last edited on 1998-11-27 17:55:32 by stolfi

Transcription starting at 10 o'clock, going clockwise


<f71v.R2.1;C> okol. sheeor. chal. oteeos. al. sheky. okalar. ar. okeo. dar. oty. oto. kaiin. chey. tol. okchr. chtor. cheor. shepchol. otor. sheo. shopcho. ar. aly. okey. cheey. otal. al. sh*dy. otaly.

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f71v.R2.1;H> okol. sheeor. chal. oteeos. al. shsky. okalar. ar. okeo. dar. oty. oto. kaiin. chey. tol. otchr. chtos. cheor. shepchol. otor. sheo. shopcho. ar. aly. okeo. cheey. otal. al. shldy. otaly.

Unit: "panel f71v, inner ring of names"

All with vertical barrels
Transcription starting at 10 o'clock, going clockwise


<f71v.S2.1;C> opaepom=
<f71v.S2.2;C> otalody=
<f71v.S2.3;C> otalaiin=
<f71v.S2.4;C> otar. shor=
<f71v.S2.5;C> sholshdy=

Karl Kluge:

<f71v.S2.1;K> ofa*fom= {was <f71v. 01A;K>}
<f71v.S2.2;K> otalody= {was <f71v. 02A;K>}
<f71v.S2.3;K> otalaiin= {was <f71v. 03A;K>}
<f71v.S2.4;K> otar. shar= {was <f71v. 04A;K>}
<f71v.S2.5;K> sholshgy= {was <f71v. 05A;K>}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f71v.S2.1;H> ofacfom=
<f71v.S2.2;H> otalody=
<f71v.S2.3;H> otalaiin=
<f71v.S2.4;H> otar. shor=
<f71v.S2.5;H> sholshdy=

John Grove:

<f71v.S2.1;V> ofacfom= {Grove's #2, dressed}
<f71v.S2.2;V> otalody= {Grove's #3, dressed}
<f71v.S2.3;V> otalaiin= {Grove's #4, dressed}
<f71v.S2.4;V> otar. shar= {Grove's #5, naked}
<f71v.S2.5;V> cholcsdy= {Grove's #1, dressed}

Unit: "Inner ring of text"

Last edited on 1998-12-09 18:27:47 by stolfi

Transcription starting at 10:30, going clockwise


<f71v.R3.1;C> kal. okeey. okeosar. otaiin. chkeeal. okal. cheekaiin. okaiin. okshor. dar. oteey.

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f71v.R3.1;H> kal. okeey. okeosar. otaiin. chkeeal. okal. cheekaiin. okaiin. okchor. dar. oteey.