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Page information on f70r2

f70r2 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Cosmological
Quire: J
Page in quire: D
Currier language: unknown
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-20 05:35:19 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f70r2 = JD (Rene) = p132 (Stolfi)
Folio: f70
Panels: f70r2, f70r3
Bifolio: bJ1 = f69+f70
Quire: J (Rene) = X (Beinecke)

This page spans the two outer recto panels of a six-panel fold-out. The outermost one (f70r3) is only half as wide as a normal panel.


Language: ? (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: C (Rene), cos (Stolfi)
Subject: astronomical
Colors: ??? (Reeds)


The first panel (f70r2 proper) contains a circular diagram framed by four rings of text (unit "C") between two faint mechanically drawn circles. There are two faint radial strokes at 10:00, breaking the two outer rings, and one at 09:05, breaking the two inner rings.

The second (half-)panel contains a paragraph with 13.7 lines of text (unit "P"), part of which spans the fold between the two panels.

Inside the diagram's frame is an eight-pointed flower (or chubby star), with serrated outline. A narrow channel or stem connects the tip of each of the star arms to the frame.

Inside the flower there is a sun, containing a ring of text (unit "I"), and inside it a human (woman's?) face with crossed eyes and smooth light hair. The sun has eight S-shaped rays directed along the star's arms, interleaved with eight long spikes with a bulbous base, each touchng the diagram's frame.


Speculation is that the two inner circles are one paragraph since they share the single line marker at 09:05, and the two outermost are another paragraph since they share the double line marker at 10:00.

However those lines may be modern guesses. The aligned gaps at 12:00 on the two outer rings and at 06:00 on the two inner rings are equally plausible.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "Circles of text around diagram, outside in."

Last edited on 1998-12-09 17:59:06 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.
"V" transcriprion by John Grove


&152 = Grove's "M";  mapped to "d"
&ar  = <a> and <r> run together

Transcribed clockwise from double radial stroke 10:30

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f70r2.C.1;H> sal. air. am. shedy. chokal. choikhy. shokeey. choky. chol. dy. okeeal. oteedy. dgs. dair. aiin. okees. okeear. okeear. ar. alekeey. ar. kam. oteeodalsy. chekeoar. chokey. dar. dcheoky. otar. doithy. dair. otchetchar. okseo. lal. kchm. okar. ar. dar-
<f70r2.C.2;H> otar. ar. chedal. oar. al. aldaiin. ykeeeedaiir. sheol. dar. chal. ykees. aiis. dl. cheey. rkeeo. d. oteeodar. aiin. aral. daiir. sheedal. sheodaiin. choar. char. choteoly. cho. oteey. chotey. csoeky. chedy. choteos. am. oteodar. ockhh-
<f70r2.C.3;H> oches. air. chess. ctheey. sheeody. shopcho. yteody. ykaldy. oteeos. aiin. shey. shee. forar. aim. cheoteeodal. sho. choetchaldy. dal. aiir. ches. otes. ar. dalol. chtam- {wide gap}opaiir. chekeo. oteedy. oteeo. okol. chotal. otol. al. dl-
<f70r2.C.4;H> otoy. ar. arodchedy. cheecpheey. oteeos. ees. cheol. sheeey. okeedaly. cheeoekey. ykeed*. r. oteey. s. al. s. air. oteody. dar. aiir. ody. cheeos. chey. daiin. otoeeseor. air. chedy. oko. dar. al. sho. chotol. dal. dy-

Jorge Stolfi:

<f70r2.C.1;U> sal, ain. am. shedy. chokal. chockhy. shokeey. choky. chol. dy. okeeal. o, teedy. **s. dair, aiin. okees. okeear. ar, alekeey. arkam. oteeodalsy. chekeoar. chokey. dar. dcheoky. otai. doithy. dair. otchetchar. okear. okee*, l, ol. kchm. okar, ar, dar-
<f70r2.C.2;U> otar. ar. chedal. oar, al. aldaiin. ykeeeedaiir. sheo, l, dar. chal. ykees, aiir, dy. cheey. s, keeo, d. oteeodar, aiin. aral. daiir. sheedyl. sheodaiin. choar. chol. chotealy. cho. otey. chotey. choeky. chedy. choteos, am. oteodar. ockhe-
<f70r2.C.3;U> oches, air. chesh. ctheey. sheeody. shopchy. yteody. ykaldy. oteeos, aiir. shea. shee. par, ar. aim. cheoteeodal. sho. shoeteealdy. dal. aiir. ches. otes, ar. dalol. chtam- {wide gap}opaiir, chokeo. oteedy. o, tcho. otol. chotal. otol, al, dl-
<f70r2.C.4;U> oto*ar. arodchedy. cheocpheey. oteeos, ees. cheol. sheeey. okeedaly. cheeoekey. ykeedir. oteey. s. che, s. air. oteody. oteady. dar. aiir. ody. cheeos, chey. daiin. otoeeshor. air. chedy. okodar, al. sho. chotol. dal, dy-

John Grove:

<f70r2.C.1;V> sal. air. am. shed{&152}y. chokal. choikhy. sho. keey. choky. chol. dy. okeeal. oteedy. lshs. dair. aiin. o***. okchar. arylekeoy. alkam. oteeodalsy. chekeoar. chokey. dar. dcheoky. otai. daithy. dair. otchetchar. okear. okeeo. lal. kchm. okar. ardar- {Grove's R4}
<f70r2.C.2;V> otar. ar. chedal. oaral. aldaiin. ykcheedaiis. sheo. l. dar. chal. ykees. aiir. dl. cheey. rkeeo. d. otchodar. aiin. aral. daiir. sheedal. sheodaiin. choar. cho*. choteoly. cho. oteey. chotey. choeky. chedy. choteosiim. oteodar. ockhh- {Grove's R3}
<f70r2.C.3;V> oches. air. chese. ctheey. sheeody. shopchy. yteody. ykaldy. oteeo. s. aiin. shey. shee. far. ar. aim. cheoteeodal. sho. choeteealdy. dal. aiir. ches. otes. an. dalol. chtam- {wide gap}opaiir. chokeo. oteedy. oteeo. okol. chotal. otol. al. dl- {Grove's R2}
<f70r2.C.4;V> otoy. ar. arodchedy. cheocpheey. oteeos. ees. cheol. sheeey. okeedaly. cheeo*key. ykeed*{&ar}. oteey. s. al. b. air. oteody. oteody. dar. aiir. ody. cheeo. r. chey. daiin. otoeeseor. air. chedy. okodar. al. sho. chotol. d{&152}aldy- {Grove's R1}

Unit: "Inner circle of text."

Last edited on 1998-12-09 17:59:37 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.

Transcribed clockwise from 12:00

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f70r2.I.1;H> otchsy. ol. shy. oteo. sal. ol. keey. oteol. choky. otchoshy.

Jorge Stolfi:

<f70r2.I.1;U> otchsy. ol. chy. oteo. sal, ol, k*y. oteol. choky. otch, o, shy.

Unit: "Text, NE side of diagram"

Last edited on 1998-12-09 18:03:08 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.
"V" transcription by John Grove

Lines P.9 on were quite garbled in the "F" transcription --
it listed only 11 lines instead of the correct 14.

First study group:

<f70r2.P.1;F> otchey. sheol{crease}. chkey. shep. al. r. ar. chly. sheteal. aram-
<f70r2.P.2;F> dair. cheey. s{crease}. chote. dshy. dam. chchtal. ykly-
<f70r2.P.3;F> ykeeoy. sall{crease}. sheey. cthy. shckhy. qokal. aiir. oteom-
<f70r2.P.4;F> daiin. okeey{crease}. shoaiin. o*eey. otal. shshy. tal. dam-
<f70r2.P.5;F> tal. cheeo*. {crease}dal. chcthy. qotal. ddlor. chal. dal-
<f70r2.P.6;F> ytar. ar{crease}al. yol. al. alo*s. ytainr. otaldal-
<f70r2.P.7;F> daiin{crease}. daiin. she. tal. qokal. chol. ckhey. dy-
<f70r2.P.8;F> yta{crease}ls. alal. dalam. dal. cthol. oparam-
<f70r2.P.9;F> d{crease}olshol. shol. shol. shocthey. dalaly-
<f70r2.P.9a;F> {crease}qokal. chol. kshody. tol. cheey. okal-
<f70r2.P.10;F> daiin. chotal. qokalchol. chotals-
<f70r2.P.10a;F> qokal. shkal. dal. shy. qokal. chdy-
<f70r2.P.11;F> qotal. chey. key. okchey. chdy. cham-
<f70r2.P.11a;F> okaiin. chcthey. s. or. ary=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f70r2.P.1;H> otchey. sheol{crease}. chkey. shep. al. r. ar. chly. sheteal. aram-
<f70r2.P.2;H> dair. cheey. s{crease}. chotey. dshy. dam. chchetal. ykemy-
<f70r2.P.3;H> ykeeo. y. s. al{crease}. shey. cthy. shekey. qokal. aiir. oteom-
<f70r2.P.4;H> daiin. okeey{crease}. shoaiin. ckhhey. otal. shshy. tal. dam-
<f70r2.P.5;H> tal. cheeod. {crease}dal. chcthy. qetal. ddl. ar. chal. dal-
<f70r2.P.6;H> ytar. ar{crease}l. yol. al. aloees. ytaiir. otal. dal-
<f70r2.P.7;H> daiin{crease}. daiin. she. tal. qokal. chol. ckhhy. dy-
<f70r2.P.8;H> yta{crease}s. alal. dalam. dal. cthol. oparam-
<f70r2.P.9;H> d{crease}yshol. shol. shol. shocthhy. dalaly-
<f70r2.P.9a;H> {crease}yokal. chol. kshody. tol. cheey. okal-
<f70r2.P.10;H> daiin. chotal. qokal. chol. chotals-
<f70r2.P.10a;H> qokal. shkal. dal. shy. qokal. chdy-
<f70r2.P.11;H> qotal. chey. key. okechy. chdy. cham-
<f70r2.P.11a;H> okaiin. chcthhy. s. or. ary=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f70r2.P.1;U> otchey. sheol{crease}. chkey. shep. al. r. ar. chly. sheteal. aram-
<f70r2.P.2;U> dair. cheey. s{crease}. cheotey. dshy. dam. chchet, al. ykedly-
<f70r2.P.3;U> ykeeo, y. s, al{crease}d. shey. cthy. shckhy. qokal. aiir. oteom-
<f70r2.P.4;U> daiin. okeey{crease}. shoaiin. ckheey. otal. shshy, tal, dam-
<f70r2.P.5;U> tal. cheeod. {crease}dal. chcthy. qotal. ddl, ar. chal. dal-
<f70r2.P.6;U> ytar. ar, {crease}al. y, ol. al. aloees. ytaiir. otal, dal-
<f70r2.P.7;U> daiin{crease}. daiin. sho. tal. qokal. chol. ckhey, dy-
<f70r2.P.8;U> yta{crease}ls. alal. dalam. dal. cthol. opar, am-
<f70r2.P.9;U> d{crease}olshol. shol. shol. shocthey. dalaly-
<f70r2.P.9a;U> {crease}shokal. chol. kshody. tol. cheey. okal-
<f70r2.P.10;U> daiin. chotal. qokal, chol. chotals-
<f70r2.P.10a;U> qokal. shkal. dal. shy. qokal. chdy-
<f70r2.P.11;U> qotal, chey, key. okeeey. chdy. cham-
<f70r2.P.11a;U> okaiin. chcthey. s. or. ary=

John Grove:

<f70r2.P.1;V> otchey. sheol{crease}. ckhy. shep. al. s. ar. chly. sheteal. aram-
<f70r2.P.2;V> dair. cheey. s{crease}. cheotey. dshy. dam. chchit. al. ykemy-
<f70r2.P.3;V> ykeeo. y. s. al{crease}. shey. cthy. shckhy. qokal. aiir. otelg-
<f70r2.P.4;V> daiin. okeey{crease}. shoaiin. ckhhey. otal. shshy. tal. dam-
<f70r2.P.5;V> tal. cheeog. {crease}dal. chcthy. qetal. ddlar. chal. dal-
<f70r2.P.6;V> ytar. ar. {crease}*. y. ol. al. aloees. ytaiir. otaldal-
<f70r2.P.7;V> daiin{crease}. daiin. she. tal. qokal. cholikhhy. dy-
<f70r2.P.8;V> yta{crease}s. alal. dalam. dal. cthol. oparam-
<f70r2.P.9a;V> {crease}chotal. chol. kshody. tol. cheey. okal- {Grove's P. 10}
<f70r2.P.10;V> aiin. chotal. qokal. chol. chotals- {Grove's P. 11}
<f70r2.P.10a;V> *okal. shkal. dal. shy. qokal. eedy- {Grove's P. 12}
<f70r2.P.11;V> qotal. chey. key. okechy. chdy. cham- {Grove's P. 13}
<f70r2.P.11a;V> okaiin. chcthey. s. or. ary= {Grove's P. 14}