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Page information on f69r

f69r preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Cosmological
Quire: J
Page in quire: A
Currier language: unknown
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-20 03:49:20 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f69r = JA (Rene) = p129 (Stolfi)
Folio: f69
Panels: f69r
Bifolio: bJ1 = f69+f70
Quire: J (Rene) = X (Beinecke)


Language: ? (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: C (Rene), cos (Stolfi)
Subject: cosmological
Colors: green-blue(pipes),yellow(stars) (Reeds)


The page contains a circular diagram, under a single paragraph (unit "P") with 3.9 lines.

The diagram is bounded by a faint mechanically drawn circle. Just inside it is a circular band of text (unit "C"), reading clockwise. This text is divided into 16 sectors; see below for details.

Most of the area inside the diagram is occupied by a flower-like figure. The core of the flower is a thin mechanically drawn circle, containing a star with six narrow, pointed arms. Each arm has three coloured bands near the point.

The rays of the star divide the interior of the circle into six unequal sectors, each labeled with a Voynichese letter (unit "W"). There is no obvious starting place.

Surrounding the central disk is a band of text (unit "S"), with a discernible gap at 10:00. Surrounding the text is another thin mechanically drawn circle, slightly eccentric.

Sprouting from the second circle are 45 thin radial lines ("flower stalks"), extending almost all the way to the outer text band, each of them terminating in an object that looks like a shallow conical cup (perhaps a stylized flower, resembling a California poppy). The "flowers" touch each other, forming a continuous ring.

The 45 sectors defined by the flower stalks are alternatingly "empty" and filled with 22 radial lines of text (unit "R"), reading outwards. This leaves two adjacent empty sectors at 02:00. The first of these two empty sectors (going clockwise) is cut by an extra radial line that passes between the two flower cups and extends all the way to the outer circle. The clockwise half of this sector is is decorated with abstract patterns.

Some of the "empty" sectors have a stripe of dark paint, displaced to one side. There are 12 dark stripes, starting with the 3rd sector after the decorated "marker", and then spaced


sectors apart (always clockwise).

The space between the "ring of flowers" and the outer circle is divided into sixteen sectors by another set of radial lines, thin and wavy. These lines divide the outer band of text into sixteen phrases, each containing a few whole words. One of these lines is the extra radial line at 02:00, that defined the decorated band. The other fifteen lines start at the flower ring, either between two adjacent flowers (13 cases) or at the middle of a flower (2 cases). These lines thus divide the "flower ring" too into sections, which, clockwise from the "start marker" line contain

2, 2, 2.5, 3.5, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.5, 3.5, 3, 3, 2, 3

flower cups.


The dark stripes in some sectors may have been the result of the hypothetical "Dark Painter" mistaking the spaces between the radial lines by solid cylinders, and tried to shade them accordingly. Unfortunately that "obvious" interpretation is excluded when one looks closely at how the radial lines connect to the "cups". Of course the "shadows" have made the error easier to make.

There is no obvious place to start reading the letters between the star arms; but if one starts at 11:00 (the smallest sector) the letters spell out "dolsedy"; which may be an unexpected splitting of "dolshdy", a rather common word.

The radial lines and the outer text probably start at the decorated band at 02:00. On the other hand, the decorated band may be just a filler addded to patch up a mistake (the attempt to fit an alternating pattern into an odd number of sectors).


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "Text paragraph above diagram."

Last edited on 1998-12-09 17:32:28 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image


&ct = long <c> with a <t> attached to the tip of the ligature,
well above the baseline.

First study group:

<f69r.P.1;F> tcheeos. shey. opaiin. chey. shey. qokeey. shdy. ol. ot. otal. sar-
<f69r.P.2;F> daiin. shey. okaiin. shkchy. sheey. tey. chy. cthy. otol. cham-
<f69r.P.3;F> sheosaiin. cthar. chetey. okal. chy. ykar. ytchey. cheotam-
<f69r.P.4;F> ycheo. raiin. ycheyotaiin. okchor. yty. chkal. shol=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f69r.P.1;H> tcheeos. shey. opaiin. chey. shey. qokeeashdy. ol. ot. otal. sar-
<f69r.P.2;H> daiin. shey. okaiin. shkechy. sheey. tey. chy. cthy. otol. cham-
<f69r.P.3;H> sheosaiin. ctar. choetey. okal. chy. ykar. ytchey. cheotam-
<f69r.P.4;H> ycheo. raiin. ychey. otaiin. okchor. yty. chkal. shol=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f69r.P.1;U> tcheeos. shey. opaiin. chey. shey. qokeey, shdy. ol. ot. otal. sar-
<f69r.P.2;U> daiin. shey. okaiin. shkechy. sheey. tey, chy. cthy. otol. cham-
<f69r.P.3;U> sheos, aiin. *{&ct}ar. choetey. okal. chy. ykar. ytchey. cheotam-
<f69r.P.4;U> y, cheos, aiin. ychey. otaiin. okchor. yty. chkal. shol=

Unit: "Outer ring of text"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 23:56:37 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image
"V" transcription by John Grove

Transcribed clockwise from decorated wedge at 02:00
Breaks "-" are the wriggly sector-dividing lines.

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f69r.C.1;H> shy. chtairy-
<f69r.C.2;H> ytoetear-
<f69r.C.3;H> ytey. cholam-
<f69r.C.4;H> dair. ar. yteey. chdy-
<f69r.C.5;H> okair. os. air-
<f69r.C.6;H> chy. to. s. aly-
<f69r.C.7;H> chetar. ar. aly-
<f69r.C.8;H> dalr. al. ody-
<f69r.C.9;H> dal. daiin. otolam-
<f69r.C.10;H> ytcheodytor-
<f69r.C.11;H> oteos. chop. otaky-
<f69r.C.12;H> ar. odain. chtaly-
<f69r.C.13;H> oto. dar. archol-
<f69r.C.14;H> okeeo. chey. dy-
<f69r.C.15;H> dchochar. ar-
<f69r.C.16;H> ytal. air. al-

Jorge Stolfi:

<f69r.C.1;U> shy. chtches, y-
<f69r.C.2;U> yt, oeteor-
<f69r.C.3;U> ytey. cholam-
<f69r.C.4;U> dair. ar. yteey. chdy-
<f69r.C.5;U> okair. os, air-
<f69r.C.6;U> chy, to, s, aly-
<f69r.C.7;U> chetar. ar, aly-
<f69r.C.8;U> dair. al, ody-
<f69r.C.9;U> dal. daiin. otolam-
<f69r.C.10;U> ytcheody, tor-
<f69r.C.11;U> oteos. choep. otacky-
<f69r.C.12;U> ar. odair. chtaly-
<f69r.C.13;U> oto, dar. arshol-
<f69r.C.14;U> oteey. chey, dy-
<f69r.C.15;U> dchochar, ar-
<f69r.C.16;U> ytal, air, al-

John Grove:

<f69r.C.1;V> shy. chtchesy- {Grove's S5}
<f69r.C.2;V> yt. oeteor- {Grove's S6}
<f69r.C.3;V> ytey. cholam- {Grove's S7}
<f69r.C.4;V> dair. ar. yteey. chdy- {Grove's S8}
<f69r.C.5;V> okair. os. air- {Grove's S9}
<f69r.C.6;V> chy. to. s. aly- {Grove's S10}
<f69r.C.7;V> chetar. araly- {Grove's S11}
<f69r.C.8;V> dair. alody- {Grove's S12}
<f69r.C.9;V> dal. daiin. otolam- {Grove's S13}
<f69r.C.10;V> ytcheody, tor- {Grove's S14}
<f69r.C.11;V> oteos. chop. otaik*- {Grove's S15}
<f69r.C.12;V> ar. odair. chtaly- {Grove's S16}
<f69r.C.13;V> oto. dai. archol- {Grove's S1}
<f69r.C.14;V> okeeo. chey. dy- {Grove's S2}
<f69r.C.15;V> dcho. char. ar- {Grove's S19}
<f69r.C.16;V> ytalain. al- {Grove's S20}

Unit: "Radial lines between "flower stalks""

Last edited on 1998-12-27 23:51:19 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image
"V" transcription by John Grove

Transcribed clockwise from decorated wedge at 02:00.

Here is the approximate correspondence between radial lines ("R")
and sectors in the outer text ring ("C"). However many radial lines
are aligned with sector boundary.

R1  C2
R2  C3
R3  C3
R4  C4
R5  C5
R6  C6
R7  C6
R8  C7
R9  C8
R10 C9
R11 C9
R12 C10
R13 C10
R14 C11
R15 C11
R16 C12
R17 C13
R18 C13
R19 C14
R20 C15
R21 C15
R22 C16

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f69r.R.1;H> okchocthy. okar. ar=
<f69r.R.2;H> cheg. ar. ithor. ary=
<f69r.R.3;H> sair. chekey. dairam=
<f69r.R.4;H> okcho. dal. okar. ar=
<f69r.R.5;H> sol. aiir. okeytam=
<f69r.R.6;H> okeos. ar. alg=
<f69r.R.7;H> docheeo. kody. sar=
<f69r.R.8;H> dchokey. shkchody. al=
<f69r.R.9;H> chor. al. ylcho. ral=
<f69r.R.10;H> soir. al. okody. otedy=
<f69r.R.11;H> okody. cheody. sar=
<f69r.R.12;H> chokeod. okeea=
<f69r.R.13;H> dkochy. cthody. dy=
<f69r.R.14;H> chodchy. chotal=
<f69r.R.15;H> okeo. sho. qotam=
<f69r.R.16;H> okeodar. oteody=
<f69r.R.17;H> ykeeos. al. dair. dar=
<f69r.R.18;H> ykeey. dal. oky=
<f69r.R.19;H> doly. dal. dar. chyky=
<f69r.R.20;H> okchol. qokol. dalo=
<f69r.R.21;H> ykechody. otar=
<f69r.R.22;H> dary. dar. aloly=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f69r.R.1;U> ok**, octhy. otar. ar=
<f69r.R.2;U> chey. ar. cthor, ary=
<f69r.R.3;U> *air. chekey. sairam=
<f69r.R.4;U> okeeo. dal. okar. ar=
<f69r.R.5;U> sol. aiir. okey, tam=
<f69r.R.6;U> okeos. ar, old=
<f69r.R.7;U> docheeo. kody. sar=
<f69r.R.8;U> dchokey. shkchody, al=
<f69r.R.9;U> chor. al. ylchy. ral=
<f69r.R.10;U> sain. al. okody. otedy=
<f69r.R.11;U> okody. cheody. sar=
<f69r.R.12;U> chokeod. okeey=
<f69r.R.13;U> dkochy. cthody. dy=
<f69r.R.14;U> chodchy. chotal=
<f69r.R.15;U> okeo, sho, qotam=
<f69r.R.16;U> okeodar. oteody=
<f69r.R.17;U> ykeeos. al, dair, dar=
<f69r.R.18;U> ykeey. dal. oky=
<f69r.R.19;U> doly. dal. dar. chyky=
<f69r.R.20;U> okeol. qokol. daly=
<f69r.R.21;U> okecho**. otar=
<f69r.R.22;U> dar, y. dar. aloly=

John Grove:

<f69r.R.1;V> okeeocthy. okar. ar=
<f69r.R.2;V> chey. ar. ctho. r. ary=
<f69r.R.3;V> air. chekey. sairam=
<f69r.R.4;V> okcho. dal. okchr. chs=
<f69r.R.5;V> sol. aiir. okey. tam=
<f69r.R.6;V> okeos. ar. ald=
<f69r.R.7;V> docheey. kody. sar=
<f69r.R.8;V> dchokey. shkchody. al=
<f69r.R.9;V> chor. al. alchy. ral=
<f69r.R.10;V> sair. al. okody. otedy=
<f69r.R.11;V> okody. cheody. sar=
<f69r.R.12;V> chokeod. okeey=
<f69r.R.13;V> okochy. cthody. dy=
<f69r.R.14;V> chodchy. chotal=
<f69r.R.15;V> okeo. sho. qotam=
<f69r.R.16;V> okeodar. oteody=
<f69r.R.17;V> ykeeos. al. dair. dar=
<f69r.R.18;V> okeey. dal. oky=
<f69r.R.19;V> doly. dal. dar. chyky=
<f69r.R.20;V> okchol. qokol. dalo=
<f69r.R.21;V> ykechody. otar=
<f69r.R.22;V> dary. dar. aloly=

Unit: "Inner ring of text"

Last edited on 1998-12-09 17:33:47 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image
"V" transcription by John Grove

Transcribed clockwise from wider gap at 10:00

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f69r.S.1;H> okoeese. dainkey. ochs. cheor. yteey. okcheo. dar. cho. okchos. al. aiin=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f69r.S.1;U> okcheesy. dain, key. oees. cheor. yteey. o, keeo, dar. cho. okeeor. al. aiin=

John Grove:

<f69r.S.1;V> okcheese. daiikey. oees. chear. yteey. okeeeodar. cho. okchos. al. aiin=

Unit: "Letter labels on central disk sectors (between star arms)."

Last edited on 1998-12-24 21:20:13 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image
"V" transcription by John Grove

Transcribed clockwise from smallest wedge at 11:00

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f69r.W.1;H> d-
<f69r.W.2;H> o-
<f69r.W.3;H> l-
<f69r.W.4;H> s-
<f69r.W.5;H> em-
<f69r.W.6;H> y-

Jorge Stolfi:

<f69r.W.1;U> d-
<f69r.W.2;U> o-
<f69r.W.3;U> l-
<f69r.W.4;U> s-
<f69r.W.5;U> ed-
<f69r.W.6;U> y-

John Grove:

<f69r.W.1;V> d-
<f69r.W.2;V> o-
<f69r.W.3;V> l-
<f69r.W.4;V> s-
<f69r.W.5;V> ed{not quite?}-
<f69r.W.6;V> y-