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Page information on f68v3

f68v3 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Cosmological
Quire: I
Page in quire: H
Currier language: unknown
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 03:13:51 by stolfi


Title: "Spiral Nebula"
Page: f68v3 = IH (Rene) = p126 (Stolfi)
Folio: f68
Panels: f68v4, f68v3
Bifolio: bI1 = f67+f68
Quire: I (Rene) = IX (Beinecke)

This page comprises the two outermost verso panels (f68v4 and f68v3) of an eight-panel fold-out.

Way p140

Newbold XIII, XXI, XXII, who calls it f.68r. Jim Reeds calls it 68v3.

Roe, 6th September 1993. Machine translated from transcription in Bennett notation dated 30/03/90.


Language: ? (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: C (Rene), cos (Stolfi)
Subject: cosmological
Colors: blue(spickling),yellow(stars) (Reeds)


The page is dominated by a circular diagram, su surmounted by a paragraph of text (3.5 lines).

The diagram is framed by a ring of text, between two very faint mechanically drawn circles. A large gap in the text, with a decoration element, is very likely the starting point.

At the center there is a circle framed by another ring of text, also between two faint circles. The interior is divided into three parts by an upside-down "T". The top quarters contain a word each; the bottom half contains three lines of text. The circles and the "T" are mechanically drawn.

Surrounding the central circle is an irregular "ocean" with a dotted texture and a meandering outline. The outline is doubled in places in a way that suggests a sunken pond, or a shape cut out from thick cardboard.

Eight hand-drawn, inward-reading text bands, curved like the "arms" of a galaxy, connect the outer frame of the diagram with the center figure. The four arms that start at mid-quadrant merge into the "ocean", while the other four continue over the ocean and merge with the inner circle of text, 45 degrees counterclockwise of their starting point on the outer circle.

The four arms that connect to the center divide the "ocean" into four sectors. Each sector contains five unnamed stars, except the West sector, that has six of them. (The anomaly may have to do with the fact that one of the six stars is right on top of the fold-out's crease.)


The outline of the "galactic bulge" seems to represent water in other illustrations. Here the ocean's outline is drawn with a displaced "echo", as if it were a pool, or a thick puzzle piece.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "plain text"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 23:53:19 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image


<f68v3.P.0;C> ch*dy. eeepchy. diindy. shod. kcheoly. choteol. shol. schey. shodaiin. chetshedy. otsho. qoetoseeey-
<f68v3.P.1;C> cheakcheol. sheey. qety. sheey. otchol. chad. sheey. daiin. sheody. qokol. aiin. chor. cheoty. oty-
<f68v3.P.2;C> *. chotar. sr. chor. cheky. daiin. dar. aiin- {diagram}ytoy. tolcheeetchal. saj-
<f68v3.P.3;C> *ch**. qoekeey. chydy=

First study group:

<f68v3.P.0;F> tchedy. chepchy. daindy. shol. kcheoly. choteol. shol. s. chey. shodaiin. chetshedy. otsho. qooto. reeey-
<f68v3.P.1;F> sshey. kcheol. sheey. qety. sheey. otchol. chal. sheey. daiin. sheody. qokol. aiir. chor. cheoty. oty-
<f68v3.P.2;F> sho. chokar. sar. chor. cheky. daiin. daraiin- {diagram}ytey. tol. cheetchol. *am-
<f68v3.P.3;F> dcheey. qockhy. chydy=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68v3.P.0;H> tchedy. chepchy. daiidy. shol. kcheoly. choteol. sholschey. shodaiin. chetshedy. otsho. qooto. seeey-
<f68v3.P.1;H> scseykcheol. shchy. qety. sheey. otchol. chal. sheey. daiin. sheody. qokol. aiir. chor. cheoty. oty-
<f68v3.P.2;H> sho. chokar. sor. chor. cheky. daiin. dasaiin- {diagram}ytey. tol. cheeetchol. sam-
<f68v3.P.3;H> dcheey. qockhhy. chydy=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68v3.P.0;U> tchedy. chepchy. daiidy. shol. kcheoly. choteol. shol. s. chey. shodaiin. chetshedy. otsho. qooto. seeey-
<f68v3.P.1;U> sshey. kcheol. sheey. qety. sheey. otchol. chal. sheey. daiin. sheody. qokol. aiir. chor. cheoty. oty-
<f68v3.P.2;U> sho. chokar. sar. chor. cheky. daiin. dar, aiin- {diagram}ytey. tol. cheeetchol. s, am-
<f68v3.P.3;U> dcheey. qockhy. chydy=

Unit: "panel f68v3, outer circle of text"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 23:51:07 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image

Transcribed clockwise, starting after the decorated gap at 08:30.


<f68v3.O.1;C> oky. otol. eer. choty. chedar. otedy. sar. oekaiin. oteol. dar. cheo{crease}. dar. qoeeokaiin. okchey. dal. oeeky. *kr. yakij. sal. ay. ykoeer. yty. dy. ly. chody. otalalar. oty. dar. qotay. otey. chey. kadar. dar. sheody. sheer. daiin. oteeoaly. ot*osal. ol. okol. oeso*. tol. chol. oteey. {crease}cheeke*ey. okchy. qokchshy. dchol. chshek=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68v3.O.1;H> oko. otol. ees. choty. chedas. otchdy. sor. oekaiin. oteol. dar. cheo{crease}. dais. qoeeokaiin. otchey. dal. cheky. ykes. qokeol. sol. oy. ykeoees. yty. dy. dy. chody. otololees. oty. sar. qoteey. otey. chey. kodar. dar. sheody. shees. daiin. oteeoaly. oteeosol. ol. okol. olsey. tol. cheol. okeey. {crease}choekchchy. okchy. qokchshy. dchol. chshek=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68v3.O.1;U> oky. otol. ees. choty. chedar. otchdy. s. ar. oekaiin. oteol, dar. cheo{crease}. dair. qoeeokaiin. otchey. dal. cheky. ykes. yakeg. s, ol. ay. ykeoees. yty. dy. ly. chody. otol, olas. oty. dar. qoteey. otey. chey. kodar. dar. sheody. shees. daiin. oteeoaly. oteeorol. ol. okol. o*shy. tol, cheol. oteey. {crease}choekch*ey. okchy. qokchshy. dchol. chshek=

Unit: "Radial text on spokes"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 23:55:24 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image

SW short spoke


<f68v3.S.1;C> ych*o. d{crease}y. qokal. otch*=
<f68v3.S.2;C> qoteody. okeey. chekeey. chekey. okalody. chedy=
<f68v3.S.3;C> shoekey. sheky. okolchey. okolmom=
<f68v3.S.4;C> okeol. cheody. qodkeey. ocheky. chody. otchdy. oto. oto*=
<f68v3.S.5;C> *. al. chdal. schekol. okeedy=
<f68v3.S.6;C> ocheol. qoeey. keody. cheoky. okchy. chod*. ty. otchm=
<f68v3.S.7;C> ydainl. ol. chak. okchyd=
<f68v3.S.8;C> echey. chekchy. dkeeel. chekey. ta{crease}kechey. daiin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68v3.S.1;H> ycheeo. ke{crease}y. qokal. okeeg=
<f68v3.S.2;H> qokeody. okeey. chekchy. chckhy. okalody. chedy=
<f68v3.S.3;H> shoekeal. sheky. okolchey. okoldam=
<f68v3.S.4;H> okeol. cheoda. qolkeey. ocheky. eeody. okchdy. oko. okos=
<f68v3.S.5;H> r. al. chdail. schekol. okeody=
<f68v3.S.6;H> ocheol. qoeey. keody. cheoky. okchy. chodo. dy. oteem=
<f68v3.S.7;H> ydaiil. ol. chok. okchyd=
<f68v3.S.8;H> ochey. chekchy. dkeeeg. cheekey. te{crease}olkechey. saiir=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68v3.S.1;U> ycheeo. k*{crease}y. qokal. okchd=
<f68v3.S.2;U> qokeody. okeey. chekeey. chckhy. okalody. chedy=
<f68v3.S.3;U> shoekeo*y. sheky. okolchey. okoldom=
<f68v3.S.4;U> okeol. cheody. qolkeey. ocheky. chody. otchdy. oko. okos=
<f68v3.S.5;U> r. al. chdail. schekol. okeody=
<f68v3.S.6;U> ocheol. qoeey. keody. cheoky. okchy. chody. ty. otchm=
<f68v3.S.7;U> ydaiil. ol. chak. okchyd=
<f68v3.S.8;U> ochey. chekchy. dkeeeg. cheekey. ta{crease}lkechey. daiir=

Unit: "inner circle of text, around "T-O map""

Last edited on 1998-12-08 23:32:45 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image

Transcribed starting from major break at 8 o'clock, going clockwise


<f68v3.I.1;C> okosy. okchy. okol. choekey. okeoeeey. ol. ykoin. otainor. orol. arkeeey. olkeeoly. ykeeol=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68v3.I.1;H> okosy. okchy. okol. choekey. okeoeeey. ol. ykor. otairor. orol. orkeeey. olkeeoly. ykeeol=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68v3.I.1;U> okosy. okchy. okol. chockhy. okeoeeey. ol. ykoin. otair, or. orol. orkeeey. olkeeoly. ykeeol=

Unit: "Central circle ("T-O map"), top half"

Last edited on 1998-12-26 06:19:15 by stolfi

"V" transcription by John Grove.
"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.

Top left quarter


<f68v3.L.1;C> otodol=
<f68v3.L.2;C> opeealdm=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68v3.L.1;H> otodol=
<f68v3.L.2;H> opcholdg=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68v3.L.1;U> otodal=
<f68v3.L.2;U> opchaldg=

John Grove:

<f68v3.L.1;V> otodol=
<f68v3.L.2;V> opchaldg=

Unit: "Central circle ("T-O map"), top right quarter"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 23:32:25 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.


<f68v3.B.1;C> *oar. ykeol. darol. daly-
<f68v3.B.2;C> saliin. ckhy. olekeey. dy-
<f68v3.B.3;C> ykeol. ctheepchy. dar=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68v3.B.1;H> doar. ykeol. darol. daly-
<f68v3.B.2;H> solaiin. ckhhy. olekeey. dy-
<f68v3.B.3;H> ykeol. ctheepchy. dar=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68v3.B.1;U> *oar. ykeol. darol. daly-
<f68v3.B.2;U> solaiin. ckhey. olekeey, dy-
<f68v3.B.3;U> ykeol. ctheepchy. dar=