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Page information on f68v2

f68v2 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Astronomical
Quire: I
Page in quire: I
Currier language: unknown
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-20 01:48:08 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f68v2 = II (Rene) = p127 (Stolfi)
Folio: f68
Panels: f68v2
Bifolio: bI1 = f67+f68
Quire: I (Rene) = IX (Beinecke)

This page is the second innermost verso panel of an eight-panel fold-out.

Brumbaugh p41, called f.68r by him.


Language: ? (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: A (Rene), cos (Stolfi)
Subject: astronomical
Colors: blue(lozenge_star),yellow(windmill),blue(some_stars) (Reeds)


The page contains a circular diagram, under a paragraph with 5.0 lines (unit "P"). The last line is interrupted by the diagram.

The diagram is framed by a circular band of text (unit "C"), between two concentric mechanically drawn thin circles. (An extra-wide gap at 10:30 may be the starting point.)

At the center there is a figure that looks pretty much like a flower, with eight almond-shaped petals. The petals have serrated edges, and overlap randomly. (However some pairs of petals seem to be fused.) The petals have been painted in a dark color.

At the very center of this "flower" there is an irregular star, with twisted rays, in a different color.

The "flower"'s outline ia an eight-sided star, resembling two concentric squares rotated 45 degrees apart. From the tips of each "petal", there sprouts a straight narrow tendril. Each tendril soon turns into a radial text line, reading outwards (unit "R"). Some of the text is therefore upside down.

The eight sectors defined by these rays alternately contain a bunch of unnamed stars, or two radial labels (unit "S"), collinear and reading outwards, with a single star between them. Clockwise from the division at 11:30 there are 9, 1, 8, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1 stars, i.e. 35 unlabeled ones and 4 labeled ones. The 03:00 sector (with 8 stars) has a speckled blotch behind and between two stars.


The small central flower may be the Sun. Or it may represent the stamens/pistils of the large flower surrounding it.

The speckles in the 03:00 sector possibly represent a more distant star cluster.

The radial lines should probably be read starting from 10:30, at the gap in the outer text ring. Besides, that ray is the only one that contains any EVA "p" (two of them).


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "plain text"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 23:28:56 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image

First study group:

<f68v2.P.1;F> teeody. shcthey. psheody. shocthy. ykeody. shdy. shot. ytchy-
<f68v2.P.2;F> dchaiin. shey. dcheedy. qokeey. shckhy. dal. dy. shecthey. daldy-
<f68v2.P.3;F> qoeeey. shekeey. shkeey. s. alchey. cthy. shteody. qoteeody. dam-
<f68v2.P.4;F> okeey. sheoy. keol. ych*ty. okeody. shey. qokey. chol. chekody-
<f68v2.P.5;F> scheos. shekey. okey. chody- {diagram}okeos. cheo. salar. allchdm=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68v2.P.1;H> teeody. shcthey. psheody. shocthy. ykeody. shdy. shot. ytchy-
<f68v2.P.2;H> dchaiin. shey. dcheedy. qokeey. shekeey. dal. dy. sheetey. daldy-
<f68v2.P.3;H> qoeeey. shekeey. shkeey. s. alchey. cthy. shteody. qoteeody. dam-
<f68v2.P.4;H> okeey. sheoy. keol. ycheety. okeody. shey. qokey. chol. chekody-
<f68v2.P.5;H> scheos. seekey. okey. chody- {diagram}okeos. cheo. salar. oalchdm=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68v2.P.1;U> teeody. shcthey. psheody. shocthy. ykeody. shdy. shot. y, tchy-
<f68v2.P.2;U> dchaiin. shey. dcheedy. qokeey. shekeey. dal, dy. shecthy. daldy-
<f68v2.P.3;U> qoeeey. shekeey. shkeey. s. alchey. cthy. shteody. qoteeody. dam-
<f68v2.P.4;U> okeey. sheoy. keol. ycheety. okeody. shey. qokey. chol. chekody-
<f68v2.P.5;U> scheos. shekey. okey. chody- {diagram}okeos. cheo. salar. allchdm=

Unit: "circular text"

Last edited on 1998-12-27 23:45:18 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.
"V" transcription by John Grove.

clockwise, from the wider break at 10:30


<f68v2.C.1;C> okeadaiin. ykeeody. shsdy. dalchos. okos. cheky. otees. otas. oteydy. okechoy. yteody. cheady. cheectheey. otychdy. oteey. cpheeody. oteil. chkey. daiin. chey. daiir. oteeys. sar. ockheey. dorchy. okchil. qokeechy. dal. chy. chokeey. sary=

Currier, second choice:

<f68v2.C.1;D> okeadaiin. ykeeody. shsdy. dalchos. okor. cheky. otees. otas. oteydy. okechoy. yteody. cheady. cheectheey. otychdy. oteey. cpheeody. oteil. chkey. daiin. chey. daiir. oteeys. sar. ockheey. dorchy. okchil. qokeechy. dal. chy. chokeey. sary=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68v2.C.1;H> okeodaiin. ykeeody. shsdy. shyokeey. dalches. okos. cheky. otees. oteydy. okechoy. yteody. cheteedy. chedady. c*eectheey. otychdy. oteey. cpheeody. otey. chkey. daiin. chey. daiir. oteeys. rar. ockheey. dorchy. okchy. qokeechy. dal. chy. chokeeey. sory=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68v2.C.1;U> okeadaiin. ykeeody. shsdy. shy, okeey. dalches. okor. cheky. otees. otey, dy. okechoy. yteody. chetedy. chedady. cheectheey. otychdy. oteey. cpheeody. otey. chkey. daiin. chey. daiir. oteeys. sar. ockheey. dar, chy. okchy. qokeechy. dal. chy. chokeeey. sary=

John Grove:

<f68v2.C.1;V> okeodaiin. ykeeody. shsdy. shyokchy. dalches. okor. cheky. otees. otey. dy. okechoy. yteody. chetedy. chalamy. cheectheey. otychdy. oteey. cpheeody. otey. chkey. daiin. chey. daiir. oteeys. rar. ockheey. dorchy. okchy. qokeechy. dal. chy. chok*eey. sary= {Grove's C1}

Unit: "Radial titles/labels"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 23:29:27 by stolfi

"V" transcription by John Grove.
"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.

The original line numbers were assigned by J.Stolfi
starting from 12:30; they were reassigned on Oct/1998
to match the order of Grove's numbering, and to
interleave properly with the star label numbers (unit "S")

clockwise, starting at 10:30

ray at 11:30


<f68v2.R.2;C> choteey. daro=
<f68v2.R.3;C> otey. daliir=
<f68v2.R.5;C> yshesas. ar. shy=
<f68v2.R.6;C> socthr. chety=
<f68v2.R.8;C> yteody. chetey=
<f68v2.R.9;C> otchos. alamchy=
<f68v2.R.11;C> adairchdy. aiin=
<f68v2.R.12;C> ychedal. daiin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68v2.R.2;H> choteey. daro=
<f68v2.R.3;H> otey. dalar=
<f68v2.R.5;H> yshesos. ar. shy=
<f68v2.R.6;H> socths. chety=
<f68v2.R.8;H> yteody. chetey=
<f68v2.R.9;H> otchos. alamchy=
<f68v2.R.11;H> adairchdy. aiin=
<f68v2.R.12;H> dchedal. daiin=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68v2.R.2;U> choteey. dary=
<f68v2.R.3;U> otey. dalar=
<f68v2.R.5;U> yshesas. ar. shy=
<f68v2.R.6;U> socths. shety=
<f68v2.R.8;U> yteody. chcthy=
<f68v2.R.9;U> otchos. alamchy=
<f68v2.R.11;U> adair, chdy. aiin=
<f68v2.R.12;U> dchedal. daiin=

John Grove:

<f68v2.R.2;V> chotchy. dary= {Grove's S1}
<f68v2.R.3;V> otey. dalar= {Grove's S2}
<f68v2.R.5;V> yshesos. ar. shy= {Grove's S3}
<f68v2.R.6;V> socthes. shety= {Grove's S4}
<f68v2.R.8;V> yteody. chcthy= {Grove's S5}
<f68v2.R.9;V> otchos. alamchy= {Grove's S6}
<f68v2.R.11;V> adairchdy. aiin= {Grove's S7}
<f68v2.R.12;V> dchedal. daiin= {Grove's S8}

Unit: "Radial labels with stars"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 23:32:04 by stolfi

"V" transcription by John Grove.
"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.

The original line numbers were assigned by J.Stolfi
starting from 12:30; they were reassigned on Oct/1998
to match the order of Grove's numbering, and to
interleave properly with the radial line numbers (unit "R")

clockwise, starting at 10:30

star at 10:30


<f68v2.S.1;C> ilkeeepol- {star}yypchy=
<f68v2.S.4;C> otosey- {star}sary=
<f68v2.S.7;C> oteoys- {star}oraraly=
<f68v2.S.10;C> otchdy- {star}chetal=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68v2.S.1;H> ykeeepol- {star}ypchy=
<f68v2.S.4;H> otosey- {star}sary=
<f68v2.S.7;H> oteoys- {star}orasaly=
<f68v2.S.10;H> otchdy- {star}chetal=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68v2.S.1;U> ykeeepol- {star}ypchy=
<f68v2.S.4;U> otoshy- {star}sary=
<f68v2.S.7;U> oteoys- {star}orasaly=
<f68v2.S.10;U> otchdy- {star}chetal=

John Grove:

<f68v2.S.1;V> ykeeepol- {star}ypchy= {Grove's L1}
<f68v2.S.4;V> otoshy- {star}*{&c'a}ry= {Grove's L2}
<f68v2.S.7;V> oteods- {star}osaraly= {Grove's L3}
<f68v2.S.10;V> otchdy- {star}chetal= {Grove's L4}