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Page information on f68r3

f68r3 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Astronomical
Quire: I
Page in quire: G
Currier language: unknown
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-20 01:12:41 by stolfi


Title: "The Pleiades"
Page: f68r3 = IG (Rene) = p125 (Stolfi)
Folio: f68
Panels: f68r3 + f68r4
Bifolio: bI1 = f67+f68
Quire: I (Rene) = IX (Beinecke)

This page comprises the two outermost recto panels (f68r3 and f68r4) of an eight-panel fold-out.


Language: ? (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: A (Rene), cos (Stolfi)
Subject: astronomical
Colors: yellow(stars) (Reeds)


A circular diagram, centerd on the page. The diagram is framed by a band of text (unit "C1") between two faint mechanically drawn circles, with no distinguished gap.

At the center there is a bored-looking round face, surrounded by a band of text (unit "C2").

The space between the inner and outer bands is divided into eight sectors by radial text lines—vertical, horizontal, and at 45 degrees (unit "R"). All lines read inward, so some are upside-down.

Sectors 11:00, 02:00, 05:00, and 08:00 are filled with unnamed stars.

Sectors 10:00, 01:00, 04:00, and 07:00 contain respectively 1, 2, 3, and 4 stars, each with a label (unit "X"). Sector 10:00 contains also a 7-star cluster, with a single label (line "X.1").

A curved line ("tail") connects the cluster to the moon at the center; it too has a label (line "X.2").


The face probably represents the Moon. It seems to be a woman.

The seven-star cluster can only be the Pleiades. So perhaps "doaro" means "Pleiades" in Voynichese?


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "Outer ring of text"

Last edited on 1998-12-23 05:13:50 by stolfi

No discernable starting point on circular text
Transcribed clockwise from slightly wider gap at 09:05.

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image
"V" transcription by John Grove.

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68r3.C1.1;H> odchd. otchdy. cheoteeo. oshchey. chokol. cheody. chedy. oteodaiin. otchodal. sol. cheor. oteo{crease}. oteey. oetchdy. opcheody. dchedy. daiin. oteeody. da*cheedy. oteeody. qochecth*m. dchreo. okeodly. do. ls{crease}. oschaiin. cheockhedchy. chodal. cheody. chol. al. oteodched. okedy. qokeey. choky. dol. daleesd. okinaiir.

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68r3.C1.1;U> o*eed. okeedy. cheoteey. oshchey. chokol. cheody. chedy, *. oteodaiin. otchodal. sol. cheor. ot**{crease}. oteey. octhody. opcheody. dchedy. daiin. oteeody. dydche*dy. oteeody. qocheot***. dcheeo. okeodly. do. ls{crease}. *s, chaiin. cheocth*dchy. chodal. cheody. chol, al. oteo, dched. okedy. qokeey. choky. dal. dalees*. ok****ir.

John Grove:

<f68r3.C1.1;V> oleed. oteedy. cheoteey. oshchey. chokal. cheody. chedy. otchadaiin. otchodal. s. ol. cheor. oteo{crease}. oteey. chcthedy. opcheody. dchedy. daiin. oteeody. dar. cheody. oteeody. qochectham. dchieo. okeodla. do. ls{crease}. oschaiin. cheockhedchy. chodal. chiody. chol. al. oteodched. okedy. qokeey. choky. dol. daleeeg. okeoaiin.

Unit: "Radial lines - clockwise from 09:05"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 23:15:34 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image
"V" transcription by John Grove.

Line at 09:05

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68r3.R.1;H> dchey. qokeey. dcheey. daiir. otchal=
<f68r3.R.2;H> toees. ykeoshe. qokolchey. qokchdy=
<f68r3.R.3;H> toees. chcphy. qokchdy. dol. okyld=
<f68r3.R.4;H> dchykchy. daiir. chok{crease}. ockhodar=
<f68r3.R.5;H> qokol. chdchol. qoteey. ch{crease}etechy. okchdy=
<f68r3.R.6;H> dchokchr{crease}. shhy. okey. oteos. okolshy=
<f68r3.R.7;H> pchody. qokchy. dshol. ds{&S}y. otgoldl=
<f68r3.R.8;H> kchoty. oteey. daiin. dcheeody. oteey=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68r3.R.1;U> dchey. qoteey. dcheey. daiir. otchal=
<f68r3.R.2;U> toar. ykeoshy. qokol, chey. qokchdy=
<f68r3.R.3;U> tochedy. chocphy. qotchdy. dol. okald=
<f68r3.R.4;U> dchy, kchy. daiir. chot{crease}. *, cthy, dar=
<f68r3.R.5;U> qokol. chdchol. qoteey. ch{crease}*echy. okchdy=
<f68r3.R.6;U> dchokch*{crease}. *chy. okey. oteos. okolshy=
<f68r3.R.7;U> pchody. qokchy. dshol. d*{&c'y}, otdoly=
<f68r3.R.8;U> kchoty. oteey. daiin. dcheeody. oteey=

John Grove:

<f68r3.R.1;V> dchey. qokeey. dcheey. daiin. otchal= {Grove's S3}
<f68r3.R.2;V> toees. ykeoshe. qokol. chey. qokchdy= {Grove's S2}
<f68r3.R.3;V> tochedy. chocphy. qokchdy. dol. okald= {Grove's S1}
<f68r3.R.4;V> dchykchy. daiir. chok{crease}. o, ckhydar= {Grove's S8}
<f68r3.R.5;V> qokol. chdchol. qoteey. ch{crease}ckhchy. okchdy= {Grove's S7}
<f68r3.R.6;V> dchokchr{crease}. shhy. okey. oteos. okolshy= {Grove's S6}
<f68r3.R.7;V> p**dy. qokchy. dshol. d*{&c'y}. o, tmodl= {Grove's S5}
<f68r3.R.8;V> kchoty. oteey. daiin. dcheeady. oteey= {Grove's S4}

Unit: "Labels on stars in sectors"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 23:18:00 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image
"V" transcription by John Grove.

Sector 10:00, lone star and a star cluster

inner star cluster (Pleiades), at 10:00

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68r3.X.1;H> doaro=
<f68r3.X.2;H> oalcheol=
<f68r3.X.3;H> dchol. dal=
<f68r3.X.4;H> otory{crease}=
<f68r3.X.5;H> okos=
<f68r3.X.6;H> okolchy=
<f68r3.X.7;H> a. {crease}cphy=
<f68r3.X.8;H> chdy. yky=
<f68r3.X.9;H> darall=
<f68r3.X.10;H> o. cthyd=
<f68r3.X.11;H> okchoda=
<f68r3.X.12;H> otydm=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68r3.X.1;U> doaro=
<f68r3.X.2;U> oalcheol=
<f68r3.X.3;U> dcholday=
<f68r3.X.4;U> otary{crease}=
<f68r3.X.5;U> okos=
<f68r3.X.6;U> okolchy=
<f68r3.X.7;U> o{crease}cphy=
<f68r3.X.8;U> chdy. oky=
<f68r3.X.9;U> darall=
<f68r3.X.10;U> o, cthyd=
<f68r3.X.11;U> okchoda=
<f68r3.X.12;U> oty, dm=

John Grove:

<f68r3.X.1;V> doary= {Grove's L2}
<f68r3.X.2;V> oalcheol= {Grove's L3}
<f68r3.X.3;V> dcholday= {Grove's L1}
<f68r3.X.4;V> okary{crease}= {Grove's L5}
<f68r3.X.5;V> okos= {Grove's L4}
<f68r3.X.6;V> okolchy= {Grove's L6}
<f68r3.X.7;V> ch{crease}cphy= {Grove's L7}
<f68r3.X.8;V> chky. oky= {Grove's L8}
<f68r3.X.9;V> darall= {Grove's L10}
<f68r3.X.10;V> octhyd= {Grove's L11}
<f68r3.X.11;V> okchody= {Grove's L9}
<f68r3.X.12;V> otydm= {Grove's L12}

Unit: "Inner ring of text, around moon"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 19:53:01 by stolfi

No discernable starting point.
Transcription clockwise from 09:30.

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image
"V" transcription by John Grove.

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68r3.C2.1;H> otchody. chokchy. okol. cheol. dar. cho. keol. dolaiin. okeol. oly.

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68r3.C2.1;U> otorody. chokchy. okol. cheol. dar. cho, teol. dolaiin. okeol. oly.

John Grove:

<f68r3.C2.1;V> otchody. chokchy. okol. cheal. dar. cho. keos. dolaiin. okeol. oly.