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Page information on f68r1

f68r1 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Astronomical
Quire: I
Page in quire: E
Currier language: unknown
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-20 00:14:37 by stolfi


Title: "Sun over Moon"
Page: f68r1 = IE (Rene) = p123 (Stolfi)
Folio: f68
Panels: f68r1
Bifolio: bI1 = f67+f68
Quire: I (Rene) = IX (Beinecke)

This is the innermost recto panel of an eight-panel fold-out.

Krauss plate 31(top).


Language: ? (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: A (Rene), cos (Stolfi)
Subject: astronomical
Colors: yellow(most_stars),blue(some_stars) (Reeds)


The page contains a circular diagram surmounted by a paragraph with 3.5 lines (unit "P").

The diagram consists of a faint circular outline filled with 29 randomly placed stars, each with a label (unit "S").

At the top and bottom of the diagram, just inside the outline, there are two smaller circular medallions.

The top medallion (the Sun) sports a ring of fang-shaped rays. Inside it is the face of a woman, with short curly hair and crossed eyes; and three voynichese words (unit "X").

The bottom medallion is framed by a circular band with some text (unit "Y"). Inside the frame is the face of a man(?), also with crossed eyes, apparently with short hair and a "frame" beard, both dark.


The two medallions presumably represent the Sun and Moon. Compare this diagram with the following one (f68r2), which is visible at the right when the foldout is open.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "Paragraph at top of page"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 11:34:18 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image


<f68r1.P.1;C> shokchy. chteey. choteey. cphol. cheor. opcheeol. otar. choctheey. okchoal-
<f68r1.P.2;C> tochsy. otchl. qokeeedy. cheey. cheeteey. yteody. spor. cheotorchey. chod-
<f68r1.P.3;C> ykor. shey. qocheey. chokal- {top of diagram}okeey. rar. eckhear. daraj-
<f68r1.P.4;C> dchor. okaiiin=

First study group:

<f68r1.P.1;F> shokchy. chteey. choteey. cphol. cheor. opcheeol. otor. choctheey. okchoal-
<f68r1.P.2;F> tochso. otchl. qokeeedy. cheey. cheeteey. yteody. chpor. cheo. korchey. chod-
<f68r1.P.3;F> ykor. shey. qocheey. chokal- {top of diagram}okey. ror. chckhar. daram-
<f68r1.P.4;F> dchor. okaiin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68r1.P.1;H> shokchy. chteey. choteey. cphol. cheor. opcheeol. otor. choctheeey. okchoal-
<f68r1.P.2;H> tochso. otchl. qokeeedy. cheey. cheeteey. yteody. chpor. cheokorchey. chod-
<f68r1.P.3;H> ykor. shey. qocheey. chokal- {top of diagram}okeey. ror. cckheor. daram-
<f68r1.P.4;H> dchor. okaiin=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68r1.P.1;U> shokchy. chteey. choteey. cphol. cheor. opcheeol. otor. choctheeey. okchoal-
<f68r1.P.2;U> tochso. otchl. qokeeedy. cheey. cheeteey. yteody. chpor. cheokorchey. chod-
<f68r1.P.3;U> ykor, shey. qocheey. chokal- {top of diagram}okeey. ror. chkeear. daram-
<f68r1.P.4;U> dchor. okaiin=

Unit: "Title inside top medallion (face in sun)"

Last edited on 1998-10-20 00:12:05 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image
"V" transcription by John Grove.

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68r1.X.1;H> yky-
<f68r1.X.2;H> dary-
<f68r1.X.3;H> chkchykoly=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68r1.X.1;U> yky-
<f68r1.X.2;U> dary-
<f68r1.X.3;U> chkchykoly=

John Grove:

<f68r1.X.1;V> oty-
<f68r1.X.2;V> dary-
<f68r1.X.3;V> chkchykoly=

Unit: "Labels on 29 stars"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 12:58:32 by stolfi

"V" transcription by J. Grove
"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68r1.S.1;H> chocphy=
<f68r1.S.2;H> cphocthy=
<f68r1.S.3;H> dolchedy=
<f68r1.S.4;H> ockhy=
<f68r1.S.5;H> ocphy=
<f68r1.S.6;H> octhey=
<f68r1.S.7;H> otcheody=
<f68r1.S.8;H> odchecthy=
<f68r1.S.9;H> ofcheor=
<f68r1.S.10;H> oiinar=
<f68r1.S.11;H> okeor=
<f68r1.S.12;H> okeeodal=
<f68r1.S.13;H> okoaly=
<f68r1.S.14;H> okoldy=
<f68r1.S.15;H> okshor=
<f68r1.S.16;H> olor=
<f68r1.S.17;H> ordaiin=
<f68r1.S.18;H> ytchody=
<f68r1.S.19;H> otochedy=
<f68r1.S.20;H> okodaly=
<f68r1.S.21;H> otol=
<f68r1.S.22;H> otor=
<f68r1.S.23;H> otcsey=
<f68r1.S.24;H> otydy=
<f68r1.S.25;H> otykchs=
<f68r1.S.26;H> otys=
<f68r1.S.27;H> toeeodcthy=
<f68r1.S.28;H> ykchdy=
<f68r1.S.29;H> otcsdo=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68r1.S.1;U> chocfhy=
<f68r1.S.2;U> cphocthy=
<f68r1.S.3;U> dolchedy=
<f68r1.S.4;U> ockhy=
<f68r1.S.5;U> ocphy=
<f68r1.S.6;U> octhey=
<f68r1.S.7;U> otcheody=
<f68r1.S.8;U> odchecthy=
<f68r1.S.9;U> ofcheor=
<f68r1.S.10;U> oiin, ar=
<f68r1.S.11;U> okear=
<f68r1.S.12;U> okeeodal=
<f68r1.S.13;U> okoaly=
<f68r1.S.14;U> okoldy=
<f68r1.S.15;U> okshor=
<f68r1.S.16;U> olor=
<f68r1.S.17;U> or, daiin=
<f68r1.S.18;U> otchdo=
<f68r1.S.19;U> otochedy=
<f68r1.S.20;U> okodaly=
<f68r1.S.21;U> otol=
<f68r1.S.22;U> otor=
<f68r1.S.23;U> otshey=
<f68r1.S.24;U> otydy=
<f68r1.S.25;U> otykchs=
<f68r1.S.26;U> otys=
<f68r1.S.27;U> toeeodshy=
<f68r1.S.28;U> ykchdy=
<f68r1.S.29;U> ytchody=

John Grove:

<f68r1.S.1;V> chocfhy=
<f68r1.S.2;V> cphocthy=
<f68r1.S.3;V> dolchedy=
<f68r1.S.4;V> ockhy=
<f68r1.S.5;V> ocphy=
<f68r1.S.6;V> octhey=
<f68r1.S.7;V> odcheody=
<f68r1.S.8;V> odchecthy=
<f68r1.S.9;V> ofcheor=
<f68r1.S.10;V> oiinar=
<f68r1.S.11;V> okear=
<f68r1.S.12;V> okeeodal=
<f68r1.S.13;V> okoaly=
<f68r1.S.14;V> okoldy=
<f68r1.S.15;V> okshor=
<f68r1.S.16;V> olor=
<f68r1.S.17;V> or. daiin=
<f68r1.S.18;V> otchdo=
<f68r1.S.19;V> otochedy=
<f68r1.S.20;V> otodaly=
<f68r1.S.21;V> otol=
<f68r1.S.22;V> otor=
<f68r1.S.23;V> otshey=
<f68r1.S.24;V> otydy=
<f68r1.S.25;V> otykchs=
<f68r1.S.26;V> otys=
<f68r1.S.27;V> toeeodchy=
<f68r1.S.28;V> ykchdy=
<f68r1.S.29;V> ytchody=

Unit: "Title around bottom medallion (face in moon)"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 11:37:25 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image
"V" transcription by John Grove.

The writing is awkward - letters tend to remain upright even at the
ends, where the text is almost vertical.

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f68r1.Y.1;H> oky. okady. okardy. q*aear. oldy=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f68r1.Y.1;U> oky. okchdy. okardy. l**sar. olgy=

John Grove:

<f68r1.Y.1;V> oky. okchdy. okardy. t*sar. olgy= {Grove's C1}