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Page information on f67v2

f67v2 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Cosmological
Quire: I
Page in quire: C
Currier language: unknown
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-28 23:38:37 by stolfi


Title: "Four constellations with faces"
Page: f67v2 = IC (Rene) = p121 (Stolfi)
Folio: f67
Panels: f67v2
Bifolio: bI1 = f67+f68
Quire: I (Rene) = IX (Beinecke)

This is the outermost verso panel of a four-panel fold-out.

Machine-translated by Roe, 6th September 1993 from transcription in Bennett notation dated April 1990.

This is plate XX in Newbold, and plate IV in Manly31. Newbold's folio number scheme has this as 67r.


Language: ? (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: C (Rene), cos (Stolfi)
Subject: cosmological
Colors: green,red,yellow,blue (Reeds)


A circular diagram with four smaller circular medallions touching it at the NE, SE, SW and NW corners.

The main diagram is framed by a band delimited by two faint, concentric, mechanically drawn circles, centered on the page. The outer circle touches the vertical edges of the page.

Between these two circles there are four "captions", North, South, East and West (text units "C1", "C2", "C3", and "C4", respectively), each in two short lines, reading clockwise.

In the center of the large diagram there is an irregular square, within which is inscribed another circle, within which is a star with 6 or 7 arms. The space between the star and the circle is filled with "spiral galaxy" hatching, whose "arms" bend counterclockwise-out. There are two words above the square (unit "S1") and another two below it (unit "S2").

From the square, lines radiate out in the E, S, W, and N directions. Each of these four lines is labeled (units "L1" through "L4") and terminates with a branching structure.

Lines come in towards the square from the perimeter of the large circle in the NW, NE, SE and SW direction. Each of these four lines is labeled (units "L5" through "L8") and terminates with a branching structure. Nested in these structures are two suns (NW and SE) and two moons (NE and SW), all with faces.

The small circles in the corners contain between three and four human faces, joined by lines. NE circle: four faces connected by a cross, and one label (unit "F2"). SE circle: four faces, in "L" pattern (with the second face centered on the vertical and wearing a pointy hat), and one label (unit "F1"). SW circle: four faces at each point of a square "U", on a coloured background; the two on the bottom of the "U" are upside down. (John Grove speculates that there is a fourth face hidden behind the first one on L5). NW circle: three circular faces with one face on each point of a reversed "4".


This is the folio Newbold claimed showed an annular eclipse. See also John Manley's 1931 article in Speculum: ``Furthermore, I invite the reader to examine carefully Plate IV and say whether it bears any resemblance whatever to an annular eclipse.''


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "Labels inside outer circles"

Last edited on 1998-12-26 09:34:01 by stolfi

"V" transcription by J. Grove
"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image

NE circle, with four faces connected by crossed line +


<f67v2.F.2;C> okch*schj=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f67v2.F.1;H> otararain=
<f67v2.F.2;H> okchosam=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f67v2.F.1;U> otararain=
<f67v2.F.2;U> okchos. am=
<f67v2.F.3;U> % % % % % % % % % =
<f67v2.F.4;U> % % % % % % % % % =

John Grove:

<f67v2.F.1;V> otarara**=
<f67v2.F.2;V> okchos. am=

Unit: "Two-line paragrapgs around large circle"

Last edited on 1998-12-26 05:59:57 by stolfi

"V" transcription by J. Grove, posted 1998-08-11
"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image



<f67v2.C.1a;C> tol. or. oir. aj. otoly. eair. j-
<f67v2.C.1b;C> daiin. tasdaiin. or. okor=
<f67v2.C.2a;C> ***{Illegible}-
<f67v2.C.2b;C> ***{Illegible}=
<f67v2.C.3a;C> taol. daij. rakar. daj-
<f67v2.C.3b;C> so*ain. cphy. solal. daly=
<f67v2.C.4a;C> ***{Illegible}-
<f67v2.C.4b;C> ***{Illegible}=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f67v2.C.1a;H> tol. or. oir. om. otoly. eain. m-
<f67v2.C.1b;H> daiin. taedaiin. or. okor=
<f67v2.C.2a;H> okeey. keoy. osalal-
<f67v2.C.2b;H> ykyral. am. oralady. odam=
<f67v2.C.3a;H> toal. daim. sakar. dam-
<f67v2.C.3b;H> solair. cfhey. solal. daly=
<f67v2.C.4a;H> okeol. chol. ar. okol. dam-
<f67v2.C.4b;H> koaiin. ofyl. ol. ofalaiin. oar=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f67v2.C.1a;U> tol. or. air. am. otoly. sar. g-
<f67v2.C.1b;U> daiin. taedaiin. or. okor=
<f67v2.C.2a;U> okeey. keey. ralal-
<f67v2.C.2b;U> okaralam. olalady. odam=
<f67v2.C.3a;U> toal. daig. rakar. dam-
<f67v2.C.3b;U> solair. cfhey. solal. daly=

John Grove:

<f67v2.C.1a;V> tol. or. air. am. otoly. ear. g-
<f67v2.C.1b;V> daiin. taedaiin. or. okor=
<f67v2.C.2a;V> okeey. kedy. alal-
<f67v2.C.2b;V> okaralam. olalad. odam=
<f67v2.C.3a;V> taol. daig. sakar. dam-
<f67v2.C.3b;V> solair. cphey. solal. daly=
<f67v2.C.4a;V> okeol. chol. ar. okaldam-
<f67v2.C.4b;V> koaiin. ofal. ol. opalaiinoar=

Unit: "Radial labels - inward"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 12:57:32 by stolfi

"V" transcription by J. Grove, posted 1998-08-11
"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image

Label on line NW (ending with sun)


<f67v2.R.5;C> ekeeey. *ekeedy=
<f67v2.R.6;C> oeolales. airar=
<f67v2.R.7;C> oin. ykaly. char=
<f67v2.R.8;C> okar. alet. olkao=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f67v2.R.5;H> o*eeey. oekchdy=
<f67v2.R.6;H> oeola. les. airar=
<f67v2.R.7;H> oar. ykalo. char=
<f67v2.R.8;H> okaralet. olkao=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f67v2.R.5;U> okeeey. oekchdy=
<f67v2.R.6;U> oeolales. airar=
<f67v2.R.7;U> oar. ykaly. char=
<f67v2.R.8;U> okar. alct. olkain=

John Grove:

<f67v2.R.5;V> okeeey. oekchdy=
<f67v2.R.6;V> oeolales. airar=
<f67v2.R.7;V> oar. ykaly. char=
<f67v2.R.8;V> okar. alet. olkao=

Unit: "radial labels out from the center"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 12:57:19 by stolfi

"V" transcription by J. Grove, posted 1998-08-11 (unit L2 in his numbering)
"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image

Label on line East from central square


<f67v2.L.1;C> okydseoj. oeepoaly=
<f67v2.L.2;C> o. chekair. okolinj=
<f67v2.L.3;C> qokoaiin. ockhey=
<f67v2.L.4;C> dcheeor. ochepalain=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f67v2.L.1;H> okydseog. oafoaly=
<f67v2.L.2;H> ocs. ekais. okolarm=
<f67v2.L.3;H> qokoaiis. ocfhhy=
<f67v2.L.4;H> dcsesor. ochepalain=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f67v2.L.1;U> okydshom. oeepoaly=
<f67v2.L.2;U> o. chekair. okolaig=
<f67v2.L.3;U> qokoaiin. ockhey=
<f67v2.L.4;U> dcheeor. ochepalain=

John Grove:

<f67v2.L.1;V> okydsham. oiipoaly=
<f67v2.L.2;V> o. chekais. okolaig=
<f67v2.L.3;V> qokoaiin. ockhhy=
<f67v2.L.4;V> dcheeor. ochepalain=

Unit: "Labels next to central square"

Last edited on 1998-12-26 06:02:05 by stolfi

"V" transcription by J. Grove
"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image

North side


<f67v2.S.1;C> soaiin- {plant}dolaj=
<f67v2.S.2;C> soly- {plant}okorad=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f67v2.S.1;H> soaiin- {plant}dalam=
<f67v2.S.2;H> sory- {plant}okoral=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f67v2.S.1;U> soaiin- {plant}dalam=
<f67v2.S.2;U> sary- {plant}okoral=

John Grove:

<f67v2.S.1;V> soeiin- {plant}dalam=
<f67v2.S.2;V> sary- {plant}okoral=