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Page information on f66v

f66v preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: H
Page in quire: H
Currier language: B
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-07 23:57:28 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f66v = HH (Rene) = p118 (Stolfi)
Folio: f66
Panels: f66v
Bifolio: bH1 = f57+f66
Quire: H (Rene) = VIII (Beinecke)

Quire H, last page.


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), heb (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: blue,yellow,brown (Reeds)
Plant: 116 (Petersen)


One plant occupies the bottom 2/3 of the page.

Roots: four thin stalks, arcing down, each ending with a tuber shaped like
  a chili pepper pod. The tubers are almost horizontal, pointing outwards,
  and resemble four feet wearing pointy shoes.
Stem: short and thick, dark-painted very crudely .
Branches: none.
Leaves: each leaf consists of a dense stack of parallel leaflets.
  curled inwards.  The distal leaflets are bigger, so that the leaf
  is shaped like a truncated cone, with the narrow end down.
  Very weird-looking. Alternate leaflets are dark-painted.
  Stalks: about as long as the stem, slightly S-shaped.
Flowers: two, one on each side.
  Stalks: medium long, thin, slightly curve, branching off
  diagonally from each the leaf axilla.  Chalix: olive-shaped,
  with short, flaring, triangular sepals; medium-dark.
  Petals: triangular, dark.  Core: not visible.

Above the plant there are three paragraphs (with 4.6, 2.8, 4.9 lines, respectively), flush with the top, left, and right margins. The last line is interrupted by the plant.

There is a faint scribbling to the left of the root. It looks like an illegible word surmounted by a large EVA "l", followed by a very crude stick man with rectangular head and eyes, wearing two superimposed EVA "l"s as a hat.

The bottom edge of the page has an indentation, about 1cm deep near the middle of the edge, extending from there to the SW corner.

There is a mark in the SE corner, resembling "8" with superscript "ug".


The plant looks very strange and inelegant, it was very poorly drawn.

Since the roots barely touch the edge of this tear, without crossing it, we can presume that the the defect was already there when the plant was drawn..

The mark in the SE corner is almost surely the quire number, "8th" in abbreviated Latin.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 10:56:05 by stolfi

First study group:

<f66v.P.1;F> okeodof. sheod. ychoopy. opch. dal. dorshefy. ytody. da*deam-
<f66v.P.2;F> teodal. tchdy. dshey. okshedy. okeedy. dcheeky. daldy. qotal. sy-
<f66v.P.3;F> ytos. s. ar. sheeky. okechdy. okchdal. dar. otal. chody. cheky-
<f66v.P.4;F> shokeshy. daiin. cheos. chty. dol. chckhy. dal. ko. dal. chekal. dal-
<f66v.P.5;F> shdy. shed. fam. qokedy. chokal. dal=
<f66v.P.6;F> tchod. sheody. shckhed. chos. chor. sheo. keody. chpar. sheopam-
<f66v.P.7;F> qokeos. sheody. cheke*r. chody. ko. tody. qotchdy. chckhy. tchdy-
<f66v.P.8;F> dchckheedy. cheody. qokchdy. qokol. keedy. cheky. chety. kody=
<f66v.P.9;F> pody. sheody. chpa. dar. sheey. feedly. cheos. eesey. kchy. aopchal-
<f66v.P.10;F> dshal. keedy. qokyr. okaiin. dol. kal. daiin. otal. dakar. otam-
<f66v.P.11;F> yteeod. aiin. shekeod. saiin. ykofar. otaiin. otar. chedy. kara-
<f66v.P.12;F> qekar. okedy. cheky. dal. chekal. chckhy. kal. kal. dar. chkchody-
<f66v.P.13;F> ydees. shey. daiin. dal. kal- {plant}ykedaiin. shedar. okchdy. oty=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f66v.P.1;H> okeodof. sheod. ychoopy. opch. dal. dorshefy. ytody. daldeam-
<f66v.P.2;H> teodal. tchedy. dshey. okshedy. okeedy. dcheeky. daldy. qotal. sy-
<f66v.P.3;H> ytos. s. ar. sheeky. okechdy. okchdal. dar. otal. chody. cheky-
<f66v.P.4;H> shokeshy. daiin. cheos. shky. dol. shckhy. dal. kodal. chekal. dal-
<f66v.P.5;H> shdy. shedefam. qokedy. chokal. dal=
<f66v.P.6;H> tchod. sheody. shckhhd. chos. chor. sheo. keody. chepar. shsopam-
<f66v.P.7;H> qokeos. sheody. chekeor. chody. kotody. qotchdy. chckhd. ytchdy-
<f66v.P.8;H> dchekcsdy. cheody. qokchdy. qokol. keedy. cheky. chety. kody=
<f66v.P.9;H> pody. sheody. chpadar. sheey. feedly. cheoseesey. kchy. qofchal-
<f66v.P.10;H> dshol. keedy. qokyr. okaiin. dol. kal. daiin. otal. dakar. okag-
<f66v.P.11;H> yteeod. aiin. shekeod. s. aiin. ykofar. otaiin. otar. chedy. kara-
<f66v.P.12;H> qekar. okedy. cheky. dal. chekal. chckhy. kal. kal. dar. chkchody-
<f66v.P.13;H> ydees. shey. daiin. dalkal- {plant}ykedaiin. shedar. okchdy. oty=