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Page information on f57r

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Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: H
Page in quire: A
Currier language: B
Currier hand: 2
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-07 22:49:41 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f57r = HA (Rene) = p111 (Stolfi)
Folio: f57
Panels: f57r
Bifolio: bH1 = f57+f66
Quire: H (Rene) = VIII (Beinecke)


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 2 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), heb (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: blue,green (Reeds)




All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 02:14:23 by stolfi


<f57r.P.1;C> poeeockhey. odain. cheop. sheody. shocfhey. dy. sheep. sheody. odam-
<f57r.P.2;C> daiir. air. chety. cheo. ckhy. chockhy. cheotey. shkchey. s. odaiin. shey-
<f57r.P.3;C> qokeeody. cheoky. qokeody. sheey. okeody. cheody. cheeody. cheekeody-
<f57r.P.4;C> deeos. cheocthy. cheody. qoteeody. octhody. okeeody. chteody. cheody. s-
<f57r.P.5;C> qokeeo. daiin. cheeodam=
<f57r.P.6;C> tcheodal. okam. chckhey. okchdy. doctho. opchey. dy. kedaiin. oforam-
<f57r.P.7;C> daiir. sheedy. qokeedy. chetey- {plant}oteeod. shekey. tedy. okaldg-
<f57r.P.8;C> tair. sheedy. ochedy. ckheedy- {plant}okchy. chedy. dal. qokedam-
<f57r.P.9;C> odair. sheeo. ckhy. sar. al. daiijy- {plant}dcheckhey. daiin. chedy. cthedy-
<f57r.P.10;C> qoetchey. kedy. shedaiin- {plant}scheos. ykeos. acthey. tcfhy-
<f57r.P.11;C> daedy. ctheey. cphedam= {plant}

First study group:

<f57r.P.1;F> poeeo. ckhey. odaiin. cheop. sheody. shocphy. dy. sheep. che*dy. yodam-
<f57r.P.2;F> dair. ar. chety. cheo. ckhy. checkhy. cheotey. shkchey. s. odaiin. shey-
<f57r.P.3;F> qokeeody. cheooky. qokeody. cheey. okeody. cheody. che*dy. cheo. kchdy-
<f57r.P.4;F> dchos. cheocthy. cheody. qotchody. octhody. okeeody. chteody. cheodys-
<f57r.P.5;F> qokcho. daiin. cheeo. dam=
<f57r.P.6;F> tcheodar. okam. chckhey. okchdy. doctho. opchey. dy. kedaiin. oforam-
<f57r.P.7;F> daiin. sheedy. qokeedy. chetey- {plant}oteod. shekey. tedy. okaldm-
<f57r.P.8;F> taiin. shedy. *chedy. okedy- {plant}okchy. chedy. dal. qoked*m-
<f57r.P.9;F> odair. sheeockhy. sar. al. daiindy- {plant}dcheckhey. daiin. chedy. cthedy-
<f57r.P.10;F> qocthey. kedy. shedaiin- {plant}schos. ykeos. qcthchy. tcfhy-
<f57r.P.11;F> dshedy. techy. cphedam= {plant}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f57r.P.1;H> poeeo. ckhey. odain. cheop. sheody. shocfhey. dy. sheep. cheody. yodam-
<f57r.P.2;H> daiir. air. chety. cheo. ckhy. chockhy. cheotey. shkchey. s. odaiin. shey-
<f57r.P.3;H> qykeeody. cheooky. qokeody. sheey. okeody. cheody. cheeody. cheekeody-
<f57r.P.4;H> dchos. cheocthy. cheody. qotchody. octhody. okeeody. chteody. cheody. s-
<f57r.P.5;H> qokcho. daiin. cheeodam=
<f57r.P.6;H> tsheodal. okam. chckhey. okchdy. doctho. opchey. dy. kodain. oforam-
<f57r.P.7;H> daiis. sheedy. qokeedy. chctey- {plant}otchod. shekey. tedy. okoldm-
<f57r.P.8;H> tair. sheedy. lchedy. ckhchdy- {plant}okchy. chedy. dal. qokedam-
<f57r.P.9;H> odair. sheeo. ckhy. sar. al. daiidy- {plant}dcheckhey. daiin. chedy. cthedy-
<f57r.P.10;H> qoctchey. kedy. shedaiin- {plant}s. cheos. ykeos. qcthhy. tcfhy-
<f57r.P.11;H> dshedy. ctechy. cphedom= {plant}