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Page information on f49v

f49v preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: G
Page in quire: B
Currier language: A
Currier hand: 1
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 20:22:57 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f49v = GB (Rene) = p096 (Stolfi)
Folio: f49
Panels: f49v
Bifolio: bG1 = f49+f56
Quire: G (Rene) = VII (Beinecke)


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: 1 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: blue,green (Reeds)
Plant: 98 (Petersen)


One plant, flush against the right edge of the page, spanning it vertically from edge t edge.

The top 3/4 of the page are occupied by three paragraphs of text (with 13.0, 3.5, 8.5 lines), flush against the top and left margins. The first paragraph is even on the left margin, and follows the plant outline on the right. The other two span margin-to-margin and are interupted by the plant's stem.

To the left of each text line there is a single symbol, 26 in total, most of them being Voynich letters. Further to the left of this column of symbols, on lines 2 thru 6 only, there are ordinary numerals "1" thru "5".


Jim Reeds [03 Mar 1998] noted that the digits in the NW corner seem to be in the same hand as the folio numbers.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "left column of letters"

Last edited on 1998-12-12 07:55:40 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J.Stolfi from unidentified scans.

This unit is a column of single Voynichese "letters" along the left
margin of the paragraphed text. Line N of this unit is aligned with
line N of the text.

To the left of "letters" 2--6 there are Western digits 1--5, penned
in an old hand similar to that of Voynichese letters.


&140 - right half of "o"
&163 - ditto
&192 - <r> with almost horizontal stem

First study group:

<f49v.L.1;F> f=
<f49v.L.2;F> {1- }o=
<f49v.L.3;F> {2- }s=
<f49v.L.4;F> {3- }y=
<f49v.L.5;F> {4- }*=
<f49v.L.6;F> {5- }*=
<f49v.L.7;F> k=
<f49v.L.8;F> r=
<f49v.L.9;F> p=
<f49v.L.10;F> o=
<f49v.L.11;F> *=
<f49v.L.12;F> y=
<f49v.L.13;F> *=
<f49v.L.14;F> *=
<f49v.L.15;F> s=
<f49v.L.16;F> p=
<f49v.L.17;F> o=
<f49v.L.18;F> r=
<f49v.L.19;F> y=
<f49v.L.20;F> *=
<f49v.L.21;F> *=
<f49v.L.22;F> d=
<f49v.L.23;F> y=
<f49v.L.24;F> *=
<f49v.L.25;F> k=
<f49v.L.26;F> y=

First study group, second choice:

<f49v.L.8;G> s=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f49v.L.1;H> f=
<f49v.L.2;H> {1- }o=
<f49v.L.3;H> {2- }r=
<f49v.L.4;H> {3- }y=
<f49v.L.5;H> {4- }e=
<f49v.L.6;H> {5- }*{&140}=
<f49v.L.7;H> k=
<f49v.L.8;H> s=
<f49v.L.9;H> p=
<f49v.L.10;H> o=
<f49v.L.11;H> *{&192}=
<f49v.L.12;H> y=
<f49v.L.13;H> e=
<f49v.L.14;H> *{&140}=
<f49v.L.15;H> *{&164}=
<f49v.L.16;H> p=
<f49v.L.17;H> o=
<f49v.L.18;H> *{&192}=
<f49v.L.19;H> y=
<f49v.L.20;H> e=
<f49v.L.21;H> *{&140}=
<f49v.L.22;H> d=
<f49v.L.23;H> y=
<f49v.L.24;H> s=
<f49v.L.25;H> k=
<f49v.L.26;H> y=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f49v.L.1;U> f=
<f49v.L.2;U> {1- }o=
<f49v.L.3;U> {2- }r=
<f49v.L.4;U> {3- }y=
<f49v.L.5;U> {4- }e{small}=
<f49v.L.6;U> {5- }*{&140}{or &163}=
<f49v.L.7;U> k{short}=
<f49v.L.8;U> s=
<f49v.L.9;U> p=
<f49v.L.10;U> o=
<f49v.L.11;U> r{&192}=
<f49v.L.12;U> y=
<f49v.L.13;U> e=
<f49v.L.14;U> *{&140}=
<f49v.L.15;U> s=
<f49v.L.16;U> p=
<f49v.L.17;U> o=
<f49v.L.18;U> r{&192}=
<f49v.L.19;U> y=
<f49v.L.20;U> e{small}=
<f49v.L.21;U> *{&140}=
<f49v.L.22;U> d=
<f49v.L.23;U> y=
<f49v.L.24;U> e{small}=
<f49v.L.25;U> k=
<f49v.L.26;U> y=

Unit: "Normal text"

Last edited on 1998-12-27 22:34:34 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. stolfi from an unidentified scan.


<f49v.P.1;C> kshor. shol. cphokchol. chcfhey-
<f49v.P.2;C> qokdy. qokchod. sho. ckhy-
<f49v.P.3;C> chtchy. chcthy. cthey. koddy- {plant}
<f49v.P.4;C> okeod. sho. chotshol. dam- {plant}
<f49v.P.5;C> shol. sho. daiin. qotchar- {plant}
<f49v.P.6;C> qoteey. chokchy. choky- {plant}
<f49v.P.7;C> otchy. chodaiin. dan- {plant}
<f49v.P.8;C> qoteees. cheo. daiin. dol- {plant}
<f49v.P.9;C> ochor. sheeod. ksheo. dl- {plant}
<f49v.P.10;C> qokshodaiin. shckhy. dar- {plant}
<f49v.P.11;C> dchol. cthol. daiin. choky- {plant}
<f49v.P.12;C> ochokeey. ckhey. daiin. dain. chokam- {plant}
<f49v.P.13;C> qokeol. chokeeody. otol. kchos. chol. daiin= {plant}
<f49v.P.14;C> fcho. chor. shol. tchol. opcheodal. dchsy- {plant}chotchy-
<f49v.P.15;C> dcho. dchol. chokchodaiin. chokchy. tchol- {plant}okchokol-
<f49v.P.16;C> tchotchey. chokeeodol. rcheey. otchodar- {plant}dchodchog-
<f49v.P.17;C> shochoch. oaiin. sheo. choty=
<f49v.P.18;C> qotcho. cheol. chols. cho. chcthey. dcheol- {plant}chotchody-
<f49v.P.19;C> chokeo. sho. cheor. cheokchet. chor. daiin. dy- {plant}daiin. qokg-
<f49v.P.20;C> oaiin. chy. daiin. chol. chaiin. kshar. dy- {plant}chokchy-
<f49v.P.21;C> okeaiin. cheo. chor. choteey. kcheol. dain- {plant}cho. dairin-
<f49v.P.22;C> chnkaiin. cho. dls. chariin. daiin. chain. dy- {plant}chetcho. dy-
<f49v.P.23;C> oaiin. cheky. p. cho. rchschsy. kchor. sol- {plant}chcthos-
<f49v.P.24;C> qotcheol. chey. chor. chokaly. chor. dal- {plant}chaiin. d-
<f49v.P.25;C> chol. chor. ches. chkal. chy. chokeeoky- {plant}chokoran-
<f49v.P.26;C> ykchokeor. cheey=

First study group:

<f49v.P.1;F> {label f- }kshor. shol. cphokchol. chcfhy-
<f49v.P.2;F> {1- }{label o- }qokchy. qokchod. sho. cthy-
<f49v.P.3;F> {2- }{label s- }chotchy. chcthy. cthy. koddy- {plant}
<f49v.P.4;F> {3- }{label y- }okeodsho. chotshol. dam- {plant}
<f49v.P.5;F> {4- }{label *- }shol. shodaiin. qotchar- {plant}
<f49v.P.6;F> {5- }{label *- }qotchy. chokchy. choky- {plant}
<f49v.P.7;F> {label k- }chotchy. chodaiin. dar- {plant}
<f49v.P.8;F> {label r- }qoteees. cheo. daiin. dol- {plant}
<f49v.P.9;F> {label p- }ochor. sheeod. ksheodl- {plant}
<f49v.P.10;F> {label o- }qo{&o'}ksho. daiin. shckhy. dar- {plant}
<f49v.P.11;F> {label &???- }dchol. cthol. daiin. choky- {plant}
<f49v.P.12;F> {label y- }ochokeey. ckhey. daiin. dain. chokam- {plant}
<f49v.P.13;F> {label *- }qkeol. chokeeody. otol. kchos. chol. daiin= {plant}
<f49v.P.14;F> {label *- }fchochor. shol. tchol. opcheodal. dchsy- {plant}chotchy-
<f49v.P.15;F> {label s- }dcho. dchol. chokchodaiin. chokchy. tchol- {plant}okcho. kol-
<f49v.P.16;F> {label p- }tchotchey. chokeeo. dol. rcheey. otchodar- {plant}dcho. dchom-
<f49v.P.17;F> {label o- }shocho. oaiin. sheo. choty=
<f49v.P.18;F> {label r- }qotcho. cheol. chols. cho. chcthey. dcheol- {plant}chotchody-
<f49v.P.19;F> {label y- }chokeo. sho. cheor. cheo. kchet. chor. daiin. dy- {plant}daiin. qokm-
<f49v.P.20;F> {label *- }oaiin. chy. daiin. chol. chaiin. kshardy- {plant}chokchy-
<f49v.P.21;F> {label *- }qokeaiin. cheo. chor. choteey. kcheol. dain- {plant}cho. dairin-
<f49v.P.22;F> {label d- }chokaiin. cho. dls. chariin. daiin. chain. dy- {plant}chetcho. dy-
<f49v.P.23;F> {label y- }oaiin. cheky. r. cho. rchsheesy. kchor. sol- {plant}chctho. r-
<f49v.P.24;F> {label *- }qotcheol. chey. chor. chokaly. chor. dal- {plant}chaiind-
<f49v.P.25;F> {label k- }chol. chor. cher. chkafchy. chokeeoky- {plant}chokoran-
<f49v.P.26;F> {label y- }ykchokeor. cheey. daiin=

First study group, second choice:

<f49v.P.1;G> {label f- }kshor. shol. cphokchol. chcfhey-
<f49v.P.7;G> {label k- }chotchy. chodaiin. dan- {plant}
<f49v.P.8;G> {label s- }qoteees. cheo. daiin. dol- {plant}
<f49v.P.12;G> {label y- }ochokeey. ckhey. daiin. dain. chokam- {plant}
<f49v.P.13;G> {label *- }qokeol. chokeeody. otol. kchos. chol. daiin= {plant}
<f49v.P.15;G> {label s- }dcho. d. chol. chokchodaiin. chokchy. tchol- {plant}okcho. kol-
<f49v.P.16;G> {label p- }tchotchey. chokeeodol. rcheey. otchodar- {plant}dcho. dchom-
<f49v.P.19;G> {label y- }chokeo. sho. cheor. cheokchet. chor. daiin. dy- {plant}daiin. qokm-
<f49v.P.21;G> {label *- }qokeaiin. cheo. chor. choteey. kcheol. dain- {plant}cho. daisin-
<f49v.P.23;G> {label y- }oaiin. cheky. r. cho. rchshesy. tchor. sol- {plant}chctho. r-
<f49v.P.24;G> {label *- }qotcheol. chey. chor. chokaly. chor. dal- {plant}chaiind-
<f49v.P.25;G> {label k- }chol. chor. cher. chkalchy. chokeeoky- {plant}chokoran-
<f49v.P.26;G> {label y- }ykchokeo. r. cheey. daiin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f49v.P.1;H> {label f- }kshor. shol. cphokchol. chcfhhy-
<f49v.P.2;H> {1- }{label o- }qokchy. qokchod. sho. cthy-
<f49v.P.3;H> {2- }{label r- }chotchy. chcthy. cthy. koddy- {plant}
<f49v.P.4;H> {3- }{label y- }okeod. sho. chotshol. dam- {plant}
<f49v.P.5;H> {4- }{label e- }shol. shodaiin. qotchar- {plant}
<f49v.P.6;H> {5- }{label *- }qotchy. chokchy. choky- {plant}
<f49v.P.7;H> {label k- }chotchy. chodaiin. dan- {plant}
<f49v.P.8;H> {label s- }qoteees. cheo. daiin. dol- {plant}
<f49v.P.9;H> {label p- }ochor. sheeod. ksheodl- {plant}
<f49v.P.10;H> {label o- }qo. kshodaiin. shckhy. dar- {plant}
<f49v.P.11;H> {label &???- }dchol. cthol. daiin. choky- {plant}
<f49v.P.12;H> {label y- }ochokeey. ckhey. daiin. dain. chokam- {plant}
<f49v.P.13;H> {label e- }qokeol. chokeeody. otol. kchos. chol. daiin= {plant}
<f49v.P.14;H> {label *- }fchochor. shol. tchol. opcheodal. dchsy- {plant}chotchy-
<f49v.P.15;H> {label ¤- }dcho. d. chol. chokchodaiin. chokchy. tchol- {plant}okchokol-
<f49v.P.16;H> {label p- }tchotchey. chokeeodol. rcheey. otchodar- {plant}dcho. dchog-
<f49v.P.17;H> {label o- }shocho. oaiin. sheo. choty=
<f49v.P.18;H> {label À- }qotcho. cheol. chol. s. cho. chcthey. dcheol- {plant}chotchody-
<f49v.P.19;H> {label y- }chokeo. sho. cheor. cheokchet. chor. d. aiin. dy- {plant}daiin. qokg-
<f49v.P.20;H> {label e- }oaiin. chy. daiin. chol. chaiin. kshardy- {plant}chokchy-
<f49v.P.21;H> {label &???- }qokeaiin. cheo. chor. choteey. kcheol. dain- {plant}cho. dairin-
<f49v.P.22;H> {label d- }chokaiin. cho. dls. chariin. daiin. chain. dy- {plant}chetcho. dy-
<f49v.P.23;H> {label y- }oaiin. cheky. r. cho. rchseesy. kchor. sol- {plant}chctho. s-
<f49v.P.24;H> {label s- }qotcheol. chey. chor. chokaly. chor. dal- {plant}chaiind-
<f49v.P.25;H> {label k- }chol. chor. ches. chkalchy. chokeeoky- {plant}chokoran-
<f49v.P.26;H> {label y- }ykchokeo. r. cheey. daiin=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f49v.P.1;U> {label f- }kshor. shol. cphokchol. chcfhhy-
<f49v.P.2;U> {1- }{label o- }qokchy. qokchod. sho. ckhy-
<f49v.P.3;U> {2- }{label r- }chotchy. chcthy. cthy. koddy- {plant}
<f49v.P.4;U> {3- }{label y- }okeodsho. chotshol. dam- {plant}
<f49v.P.5;U> {4- }{label e- }shol. shodaiin. qotchar- {plant}
<f49v.P.6;U> {5- }{label *- }qotchy. chokchy. choky- {plant}
<f49v.P.7;U> {label k- }chotchy. chodaiin. dan- {plant}
<f49v.P.8;U> {label s- }qoteees. cheo. daiin. dol- {plant}
<f49v.P.9;U> {label p- }ochor. sheeod. ksheodl- {plant}
<f49v.P.10;U> {label o- }qo{&o'}kshodaiin. shckhy. dar- {plant}
<f49v.P.11;U> {label r?- }dchol. cthol. daiin. choky- {plant}
<f49v.P.12;U> {label y- }ochokeey. ckhey. daiin. dain. choka*- {plant}
<f49v.P.13;U> {label *- }qokeol. chokeeody. otol. kchor. chol. daiin= {plant}
<f49v.P.14;U> {label *- }fchochor. shol. tchol. opcheodal. dchsy- {plant}chotchy-
<f49v.P.15;U> {label s- }dcho. dchol. chokchodaiin. chokchy. tchol- {plant}okcho. kol-
<f49v.P.16;U> {label p- }tchotchey. chokeeodol. rcheey. otchodar- {plant}dcho. dchog-
<f49v.P.17;U> {label o- }shocho. oaiin. sheo. choty=
<f49v.P.18;U> {label r- }qotcho. cheol. chols. cho, chcthey. dcheol- {plant}chotchody-
<f49v.P.19;U> {label y- }chokeo. sho. cheor. cheokchetchor. daiin. dy- {plant}daiin. qokg-
<f49v.P.20;U> {label e- }oaiin. chy. daiin. chol. chaiin. kshar. dy- {plant}chokchy-
<f49v.P.21;U> {label &140- }qokeaiin. cheo, chor. choteey. kcheol. dain- {plant}cho. daisin-
<f49v.P.22;U> {label d- }chokaiin. cho. jls. chariin. daiin. chain. dy- {plant}chetcho. dy-
<f49v.P.23;U> {label y- }o, aiin. cheky. r. cho. rchseesy. kchor. sol- {plant}chctho. s-
<f49v.P.24;U> {label e- }qotcheol. chey. chor. chokaly. chor, dal- {plant}chaiind-
<f49v.P.25;U> {label k- }chol. chor. ches. chkalchy. chokeeoky- {plant}chokoran-