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Page information on f48r

f48r preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: F
Page in quire: O
Currier language: B
Currier hand: 2
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments


Title: ???
Page: f48r = FO (Rene) = p093 (Stolfi)
Folio: f48
Panels: f48r
Bifolio: bF1 = f41+f48
Quire: F (Rene) = VI (Beinecke)


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 2 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), heb (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: green,tan (Reeds)
Plant: 95 (Petersen)




All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-08 09:19:19 by stolfi


<f48r.P.1;C> pshdaiin. ypchdy. opchey. ckhy. dal. sheodaiin. sheokeol. ykeeody. olaiino. poal. dy-
<f48r.P.2;C> daiin. yteeol. cheody. kechodshey. qotedy. chtaiin. otchdy. tedain. okain. ckhy-
<f48r.P.3;C> sheody. she. teoteey. oteodaiin. ody. qoteo. lkedy. dol. odal. qotar. opchety. ldy-
<f48r.P.4;C> tokkeol. dain. otaiin. ykeedy. chet. ytedy. tedy. qokdy. tshdy. chetedy. ctheety. r-
<f48r.P.5;C> yteey. teol. okeody. cheockhy. olsheey. qoekaiin. octhey. cholkar. aiin. cthar. od-
<f48r.P.6;C> alshey. lkeedy. ytchedy. qokedy. lotal. qotol. otal. ched. okey. ykeey. daldy-
<f48r.P.7;C> tocthy. qokeol. yteedy. lolkeol. otol. ches. al. ar. ykeeodam. okedy. okam-
<f48r.P.8;C> otchdain. shol. oteol. oteoly. ykeey. dam. dr-
<f48r.P.9;C> {plant}yteched. ar. olkey. okeoam=

First study group:

<f48r.P.1;F> pshdaiin. ypchdy. opchey. ckhy. dal. sheo. daiin. sheo. keol. ykeeody. olaiin. opaldy-
<f48r.P.2;F> daiin. yteeol. choody. kechod. shey. qotedy. chtaiin. otchdy. tedain. okain. ckhy-
<f48r.P.3;F> sheody. she. teo. teey. oteodaiin. ody. qoteo. l. kedy. dol. odal. qotar. opchety. ldy-
<f48r.P.4;F> tol. keol. dain. otaiin. ykeedy. chet. ytedy. tedy. qokdy. tshdy. chetedy. ctheety. r-
<f48r.P.5;F> yteey. teol. okeody. cheockhy. olsheey. qoekaiin. octhey. chol. kar. aiin. cthar. od-
<f48r.P.6;F> alshey. lkeedy. ytchedy. qokedy. lotal. qotol. otal. shed. okey. ykeey. da*dy-
<f48r.P.7;F> tocthy. qokeol. yteedy. lolkeol. otolches. al. ar. ykeeodam. okedy. okam-
<f48r.P.8;F> otchdain. shol. oteol. oteoly. ykeey. damdr-
<f48r.P.9;F> {plant}yteched. ar. alkey. okeoam=

First study group, second choice:

<f48r.P.2;G> daiin. yteeol. choody. kchod. shey. qotedy. chtaiin. otchdy. tedain. okain. ckhy-
<f48r.P.4;G> tol. keol. daiin. otaiin. yteedy. chet. ytedy. tedy. qokdy. tshdy. chetedy. cthety. r-
<f48r.P.5;G> yteey. teol. okeody. cheockhy. olsheey. qoekaiin. octhey. chol. kar. aiin. cthar. ad-
<f48r.P.6;G> alshey. lkeeedy. ytchedy. qokedy. lotal. qotal. otal. shed. akey. ykeey. da*dy-
<f48r.P.7;G> tockhy. qokeol. yteedy. lolkeol. otalches. al. ar. ykeeodam. okedy. okam-
<f48r.P.9;G> {plant}ytchej. ar. alkey. okeoam=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f48r.P.1;H> pshdaiin. ypchdy. opchey. ckhy. dal. sheodaiin. sheokeol. ykeeody. olaiin. opaldy-
<f48r.P.2;H> daiin. yteeol. choody. kechodshey. qotedy. chtaiin. otchdy. tedain. okain. ckhy-
<f48r.P.3;H> sheody. she. teoteey. oteodaiin. ody. qoteo. l. kedy. dol. odal. qotar. opchety. ldy-
<f48r.P.4;H> tolkeol. dain. otaiin. ykeedy. chet. ytedy. tedy. qokdy. tshdy. chetedy. ctheety. r-
<f48r.P.5;H> ytchy. teol. okeody. cheockhy. olsheey. qoekaiin. octhey. chol. kar. aiin. cthar. od-
<f48r.P.6;H> alshey. lkeedy. ytchedy. qokedy. lotal. qotol. otal. ched. okey. ykeey. dalmy-
<f48r.P.7;H> tocthy. qokeol. yteedy. lolkeol. otolches. al. or. ykeeodam. okedy. okam-
<f48r.P.8;H> otchdain. shol. oteol. oteoly. ykeey. dam. dr-
<f48r.P.9;H> {plant}yteched. ar. alkey. okeoam=