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f42r preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: F
Page in quire: C
Currier language: A
Currier hand: 1
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-10 07:43:14 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f42r = FC (Rene) = p081 (Stolfi)
Folio: f42
Panels: f42r
Bifolio: bF2 = f42+f47
Quire: F (Rene) = VI (Beinecke)


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: 1 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: red,green (Reeds)
Plant: 81 (Petersen)




All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text - parag 1"

Last edited on 1998-12-07 07:15:09 by stolfi


<f42r.P1.1;C> sho. ofaiin. ckhachchy. otcheey. pchear- {plant}
<f42r.P1.2;C> sholkaiin. char. cheky. otshaiin. daiiry- {plant}
<f42r.P1.3;C> toshy. chtshar. chotar. chain. dal- {plant}
<f42r.P1.4;C> shor. chetar. chotair. dar. cthaiin- {plant}
<f42r.P1.5;C> qokar. chockhy. chotor. chy. kary= {plant}

First study group:

<f42r.P1.1;F> cthsho. ofaiin. cthachchy. otcheey. pchear- {plant}
<f42r.P1.2;F> sol. kaiin. char. cheky. otshaiin. daiiry- {plant}
<f42r.P1.3;F> toshy. chtshar. chotar. chain. dal- {plant}
<f42r.P1.4;F> shor. chetar. chotair. dar. cthaiin- {plant}
<f42r.P1.5;F> qokar. chockhy. chotor. chy. kary= {plant}

First study group, second choice:

<f42r.P1.1;G> tsho. ofaiin. cthachchy. otcheey. pchear- {plant}
<f42r.P1.2;G> sol. kaiin. char. cheky. otshaiin. dainry- {plant}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f42r.P1.1;H> sho. ofaiin. cthachcthy. otcheey. pchear- {plant}
<f42r.P1.2;H> sol. kaiin. char. cheky. otshaiin. daiiry- {plant}
<f42r.P1.3;H> toshy. chtshar. chotar. chain. dal- {plant}
<f42r.P1.4;H> shor. chetar. chotais. dar. cthaiin- {plant}
<f42r.P1.5;H> qokar. chockhy. chotor. cha. kary= {plant}

Unit: "title 1, centered"

Last edited on 1998-12-07 07:18:13 by stolfi


<f42r.T1.6;C> dorain. char=

First study group:

<f42r.T1.6;F> dorain. char=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f42r.T1.6;H> dorain. char=

Unit: "text - parag 2"

Last edited on 1998-12-12 13:56:17 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image


<f42r.P2.7;C> pcho. chy. kshaiin. shotaiin. cham. shan- {plant}
<f42r.P2.9a;C> qotchar. otchol. cthokchodan. chkchory- {plant}
<f42r.P2.10;C> choty. dol. ksheo. cthor. otol. cthol. chol- {plant}shol. dain-
<f42r.P2.11;C> qotor. cho. chody. daiin. chol. ctheey. dar- {plant}chy. daiijy-
<f42r.P2.12;C> dchooy. chol. shol. chokaiin. choeky. dckhy- {plant}dain. dal-
<f42r.P2.13;C> qopor. shol. shot. shol. shol. daiin. dain. s- {plant}cheam-
<f42r.P2.14;C> shokshey. choty. chdain. chodaiin. daiin= {plant}

First study group:

<f42r.P2.7;F> pcho. chy. kshaiin. sho. taiin. cham. shan- {plant}
<f42r.P2.9;F> yshol. chees. cthol. shor. shol. ety. chary- {plant}
<f42r.P2.9a;F> qotchor. otchol. ctho. kchodan. chkchory- {plant}
<f42r.P2.10;F> choty. dol. kcheo. cthor. otol. cthol. chol- {plant}shol. dain-
<f42r.P2.11;F> qotor. cho. chody. daiin. shol. ctheey. dar- {plant}chy. daiidy-
<f42r.P2.12;F> dcheey. chol. shol. chokaiin. choeky. dckhy- {plant}dain. dal-
<f42r.P2.13;F> qopor. shol. shot. shol. shol. daiin. dain. s- {plant}cheam-
<f42r.P2.14;F> sho. kshey. choty. chdain. chodaiin. daiin- {plant}dain=

First study group, second choice:

<f42r.P2.9a;G> qotchar. otchol. ctho. kchodan. chkchory- {plant}
<f42r.P2.10;G> choty. dol. ksheo. cthor. otol. cthol. chol- {plant}shol. dain-
<f42r.P2.11;G> qotor. cho. chody. daiin. shol. ctheey. dar- {plant}chy. daindy-

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f42r.P2.7;H> pcho. chy. kshaiin. shotaiin. cham. shan- {plant}
<f42r.P2.9;H> yshol. chees. cthol. shor. shol. ety. chary- {plant}
<f42r.P2.9a;H> qotchor. otchol. ctho. kchodan. chkchory- {plant}
<f42r.P2.10;H> choty. dol. ksheo. cthor. otol. cthol. chol- {plant}shol. dain-
<f42r.P2.11;H> qotor. cho. chody. daiin. chol. ctheey. dar- {plant}chy. daiidy-
<f42r.P2.12;H> dcheey. chol. shol. chokaiin. choeky. dck{&K}y- {plant}dain. dal-
<f42r.P2.13;H> qopor. shol. shot. shol. shol. daiin. dain. s- {plant}cheam-
<f42r.P2.14;H> sho. kshey. choty. chdain. chodaiin. daiin- {plant}dam=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f42r.P2.14;U> sho, kshey. choty. chdain. chodaiin. daiin- {plant}dam=

Unit: "title 2, right justified against plant"

Last edited on 1998-12-07 07:17:54 by stolfi


<f42r.T2.15;C> pchody. otshey. dodaiin= {plant}

First study group:

<f42r.T2.15;F> pchody. otshey. dodaiin= {plant}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f42r.T2.15;H> chody. otshey. dodaiin= {plant}

Unit: "text - parag 3"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 12:41:27 by stolfi


<f42r.P3.16;C> pydaiin. sheor. shaiin. tsh. olchy. sholy- {plant}
<f42r.P3.17;C> chotol. shol. chety. daiin. chokchy. chkaiin- {plant}
<f42r.P3.18;C> qody. cthochy. otaiin. shy. kshes. chorain- {plant}
<f42r.P3.19;C> otchoty. daiin. chot. sho. ckhy. cthy. s. os- {plant}
<f42r.P3.20;C> shol. chol. shoky. okol. sho. chol. shol. chal- {plant}
<f42r.P3.21;C> shol. chol. chol. shol. etoiin. shns. odan- {plant}
<f42r.P3.22;C> kchaiin. chos. ckhaiin. choror. chaiin=

First study group:

<f42r.P3.16;F> pydaiin. sheor. shaiin. tsh. olchy. sholy- {plant}
<f42r.P3.17;F> shotol. shol. chety. daiin. chokchy. chkaiin- {plant}
<f42r.P3.18;F> qody. cthochy. otaiin. shy. ksher. chor. ain- {plant}
<f42r.P3.19;F> otchoty. daiin. chot. sho. ckhy. cthy. sos- {plant}
<f42r.P3.20;F> shol. chol. shoky. okol. sho. chol. shol. chal- {plant}
<f42r.P3.21;F> shol. chol. chol. shol. chtaiin. shos. odan- {plant}
<f42r.P3.22;F> kchaiin. chos. ckhaiin. choror. chaiin=

First study group, second choice:

<f42r.P3.16;G> pydaiin. shear. shaiin. tsh. olchy. sholy- {plant}
<f42r.P3.18;G> qody. cthochy. otaiin. shy. tshes. cho. rain- {plant}
<f42r.P3.19;G> otchoty. daiin. chot. sho. ckhey. cthy. sos- {plant}
<f42r.P3.21;G> shol. chol. chol. shol. cthaiin. shs. odan- {plant}
<f42r.P3.22;G> tchaiin. chos. ckhaiin. choror. chaiin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f42r.P3.16;H> pydaiin. sheor. shaiin. tsh. olcha. sholy- {plant}
<f42r.P3.17;H> shotol. shol. chety. daiin. chokchy. chkaiin- {plant}
<f42r.P3.18;H> qody. cthochy. otaiin. shy. kshes. chor. ain- {plant}
<f42r.P3.19;H> otchoty. daiin. chot. sho. ckhhy. ct{&T}y. s. os- {plant}
<f42r.P3.20;H> shol. chol. shoky. okol. sho. chol. chol. chal- {plant}
<f42r.P3.21;H> shol. chol. chol. shol. ctoiin. s{&S}os. odan- {plant}
<f42r.P3.22;H> kchaiin. chos. ckhaiin. choro*. chaiin=

Unit: "title 3, right justified against plant"

Last edited on 1998-12-07 07:20:20 by stolfi


<f42r.T3.23;C> okchol. shol. kolschees= {plant}

First study group:

<f42r.T3.23;F> okchol. shol. kolschees= {plant}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f42r.T3.23;H> okchol. shol. kolschees= {plant}