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Page information on f3r

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Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: A
Page in quire: E
Currier language: A
Currier hand: 1
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 00:51:40 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f3r = AE (Rene) = p005 (Stolfi)
Folio: f3
Panels: f3r
Bifolio: bA3 = f3+f6
Quire: A (Rene) = I (Beinecke)


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: 1 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: green,red (Reeds)


One plant, flush against the right margin.

Roots: a bunch of unbranched tentacle-like roots radiating from
  the stem's base. Light colored, partial dark overpaint.
Stem: rather thick, bent. Light colored, dark overpainted stripe (shadow) along
  its left side.
Branches: none.
Leaves: lance-shaped with an S bend, very dense,
  growing straight off the stem on both sides, each partially covering
  the previous one. Stem ends with one unpaired leaf. Light colored,
  with a dark-painted shadow on the bottom of each leaf, and
  a dotted line just inside the leaf's rim.
Flowers: none.

Four paragraphs (with 9.5, 3.5, 2.7, and 2.8 lines): a longer one at the top, and three short ones just below mid-page. The first two are left-justified and follow the plant's outline on the right. The last two are left- and right-justified, and interrupted by the main stem.


The plant looks strange because of the dense leaves Perhaps they are actually the sheaths of leafstalks, badly drawn? Perhaps the dots along the leaf rim are short spines?


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-06 13:03:28 by stolfi


<f3r.P.1;C> tsheos. qopal. chol. cthol. daimg-
<f3r.P.2;C> ycheor. chor. dam. qotchag. cham- {plant}
<f3r.P.3;C> ochar. qacheor. chol. daiin. cthy- {plant}
<f3r.P.4;C> schey. chor. chal. cham. chaj. cho- {plant}
<f3r.P.5;C> qokol. chololy. s. cham. cthol- {plant}
<f3r.P.6;C> ychtaiin. chor. cthom. otoldam- {plant}
<f3r.P.7;C> otchol. qodaiin. chom. shom. damo- {plant}
<f3r.P.8;C> ysheor. chor. chol. oky. dago- {plant}
<f3r.P.9;C> sho. aor. sheoldaj. otchody. ol- {plant}
<f3r.P.10;C> ydas. cholcthom=
<f3r.P.11;C> pcheol. shol. sols. sheol. shey-
<f3r.P.12;C> okadaiin. qokchor. qoschodam. octhy- {plant}
<f3r.P.13;C> qokeey. qot. shey. qokody. qokshey. cheody- {plant}
<f3r.P.14;C> chor. qodair. okeey. qokeey=
<f3r.P.15;C> tsheoarom. shor. or. chor. olchsy. chom. otchom- {plant}oporar-
<f3r.P.16;C> oteol. chol. s. cheol. ekshy. qokeom. qokol. daiin- {plant}soleeg-
<f3r.P.17;C> soeom. okeom. yteody. qokeeodal. sam=
<f3r.P.18;C> pcheoldom. shodaiin. qopchor. qopol. opchol. qoty- {plant}otolom-
<f3r.P.19;C> otchor. olcheor. qoeor. dair. qoteol. qosaiin- {plant}chor. cthy-
<f3r.P.20;C> ycheor. chol. odaiin. chol. s. aiin. okol. or. am= {plant}

Currier, second choice:

<f3r.P.4;D> schey. chor. chal. chaj. chaj. cho- {plant}

First study group:

<f3r.P.1;F> tsheos. qopal. chol. cthol. daimm-
<f3r.P.2;F> ycheor. chor. dam. qotcham. cham- {plant}
<f3r.P.3;F> ochor. qocheor. chol. daiin. cthy- {plant}
<f3r.P.4;F> schey. chor. chal. cham. cham. cho- {plant}
<f3r.P.5;F> qokol. chololy. s. cham. cthol- {plant}
<f3r.P.6;F> ychtaiin. chor. cthom. otal. dam- {plant}
<f3r.P.7;F> otchol. qodaiin. chom. shom. damo- {plant}
<f3r.P.8;F> ysheor. chor. chol. oky. damo- {plant}
<f3r.P.9;F> sho. *or. sheoldam. otchody. ol- {plant}
<f3r.P.10;F> ydar. chol. cthom=
<f3r.P.11;F> pcheol. shol. sols. sheol. shey-
<f3r.P.12;F> okadaiin. qokchor. qoschodam. octhy- {plant}
<f3r.P.13;F> qokeey. qotshey. qokody. qokchey. cheody- {plant}
<f3r.P.14;F> chor. qodair. okeey. qokeey=
<f3r.P.15;F> tsheoarom. shor. or. chor. ofchsy. chom. otchom- {plant}oporar-
<f3r.P.16;F> oteol. chol. s. cheol. ekshy. qokeom. qokol. daiin- {plant}soleem-
<f3r.P.17;F> soeom. okeom. yteody. qokeeo. dal. sam=
<f3r.P.18;F> pcheoldom. shodaiin. qopchor. qopol. opchol. qoty- {plant}otolom-
<f3r.P.19;F> otchor. ol. cheor. qoeor. dair. qoteol. qosaiin- {plant}chor. cthy-
<f3r.P.20;F> ycheor. chol. odaiin. chol. saiin. okolor. am= {plant}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f3r.P.1;H> tsheos. qopal. chol. cthol. daimm-
<f3r.P.2;H> ycheor. chor. dam. qotcham. cham- {plant}
<f3r.P.3;H> ochor. qocheor. chol. daiin. cthy- {plant}
<f3r.P.4;H> schey. chor. chal. cham. cham. cho- {plant}
<f3r.P.5;H> qokol. chololy. s. cham. cthol- {plant}
<f3r.P.6;H> ychtaiin. chor. cthom. otal. dam- {plant}
<f3r.P.7;H> otchol. qodaiin. chom. shom. damo- {plant}
<f3r.P.8;H> ysheor. chor. chol. oky. damo- {plant}
<f3r.P.9;H> sho. *or. sheoldam. otchody. ol- {plant}
<f3r.P.10;H> ydas. chol. cthom=
<f3r.P.11;H> pcheol. shol. sols. sheol. shey-
<f3r.P.12;H> okadaiin. qokchor. qoschodam. octhy- {plant}
<f3r.P.13;H> qokeey. qot. shey. qokody. qokchey. cheody- {plant}
<f3r.P.14;H> chor. qodair. okeey. qokeey=
<f3r.P.15;H> tsheoarom. shor. or. chor. olchsy. chom. otchom- {plant}oporar-
<f3r.P.16;H> oteol. chol. s. cheol. ekshy. qokeom. qokol. daiin- {plant}soleeg-
<f3r.P.17;H> soeom. okeom. yteody. qokeeo. dal. sam=
<f3r.P.18;H> pcheoldom. shodaiin. qopchor. qopol. opchol. qoty- {plant}otolom-
<f3r.P.19;H> otchor. ol. cheor. qoeor. dair. qoteol. qosaiin- {plant}chor. cthy-
<f3r.P.20;H> ycheor. chol. odaiin. chol. s. aiin. okolor. am= {plant}