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Page information on f39r

f39r preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: E
Page in quire: M
Currier language: B
Currier hand: 2
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-07 19:42:11 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f39r = EM (Rene) = p075 (Stolfi)
Folio: f39
Panels: f39r
Bifolio: bE2 = f34+f39
Quire: E (Rene) = V (Beinecke)


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 2 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), heb (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: green,tan,brown (Reeds)
Plant: 75 (Petersen)


One plant flush against the left, right and bottom edges of the page, filling the bottom half of the page.

Root: a very broad tuber, like a fat pancake with flat light
  upper surface and dark edge.  A ring of 19 "fat mousetail" roots---
  dark, short and S-shaped---sprout from the edge; they seem
  to support the "pancake" like the legs of a table.
Stem: many short straight stems sprout separately from the top surface
  of the "pancake". Each stem ends with a leaf.
Branches: occasional short branches, each having a
  single leaf at the tip.
Leaves: two spindle-shaped leaves fused at the base, forming a
  "V" with fat arms and pointed tips.  No leaf stalks.
Flowers: a single flower.
  Stalk: longish.  Chalyx: spindle-shaped, with small triangular
  sepals.  Petals: seven small scale-shaped petals.  Core: small.

There are three paragraphs of text (with 4.3, 3.4, 5.9 lines) above the plant, flush against the top margin. Below the third one there is a centered line with 4-5 words; it may be part of the paragraph. The first two paragraphs span margin-to-margin; the last one is even on the left, and extends right up to the plant's outline on the right, even touching it.


An almost identical copy of this drawing appears on f95r2. The drawing on this page is drawn with more skill, and the flowers are more detailed. The root is flatter, and its upper surface is ligher. Also the flowers sprout from the side of the stem, not from its tip as in f95r2.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text in paragraphs"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 12:40:24 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J.Stolfi from an unidentified image.


<f39r.P.1;C> tedo. chshd. cpheofy. chdain. shey. fshy. dy. orain. cheepaiin. ofy. shey. koly. dy-
<f39r.P.2;C> olchey. cheky. qokedy. shekshey. qolain. chekshy. chdy. dair. shckhey. dol. d-
<f39r.P.3;C> qokal. chdy. chekaiin. checkhy. dar. shed. qokeedar. chedy. dar. ar. cheey. dyckhy-
<f39r.P.4;C> tchedy. chdy. olaiin. chedy. shckhdchy. chol. or. ordy. chees. aly. okal. cheg-
<f39r.P.5;C> dchdy. chdy. ykaiin=
<f39r.P.6;C> pchdaiin. shedam. qofchedy. shedy. kchdy. dydy. opchekaiin. shockhey. shdalo. ry-
<f39r.P.7;C> dchdar. chedy. cholal. qokedar. chdy. chckhdy. dar. ar. al. ydy. eees. aiiin-
<f39r.P.8;C> lchedy. shedy. qokaiin. chkeey. fchedy. okam. chcfhey. saiin. chckhy. dairom-
<f39r.P.9;C> tchedy. shol. odal. qokaiin. shdaiin=
<f39r.P.10;C> pchdar. shedy. ar. aiir. okair. ykeols. shedy. qockhdy. laiin. shky- {plant}
<f39r.P.11;C> dshdy. ar. aiir. y. ykar. chdy. ykal. olkaiin. qokaldar. cheol. dar. aiin- {plant}
<f39r.P.12;C> tok. chdaiin. chckhy. saiin. olor. chl. saiin. oky. chesaiin. dal- {plant}
<f39r.P.13;C> ytor. chdar. shey. qokaiin. chor. kar. sheolkedy. otedy. tedy. saiin- {plant}
<f39r.P.14;C> dackh. shckhy. chekl. ol. daiin. chedy. ykeey. daiin. otal. chdam. qokam- {plant}
<f39r.P.15;C> qokkain. olcheol. daiin. dar. ol. dl. dar. a. or. aiin. ofcheefar=

First study group:

<f39r.P.1;F> tedo. chshd. cphiofy. chdain. shey. fshy. dy. orain. cheepaiin. ofy. shey. kaly. dy-
<f39r.P.2;F> olchey. cheky. qokedy. shekshey. qolain. chckhshy. chdy. dair. shckhey. dold-
<f39r.P.3;F> qokalchdy. chekaiin. checkhy. dar. shed. qokeedar. chedy. dar. or. cheey. dy. ckhy-
<f39r.P.4;F> tchedy. chdy. olaiin. chedy. shckhdchy. chol. or. ordy. chees. aly. okalchem-
<f39r.P.5;F> dchdy. chdy. ykaiin=
<f39r.P.6;F> pchdaiin. shedam. qofchedy. shedy. kchdy. dydy. ofchekaiin. shockhey. shdalo. ry-
<f39r.P.7;F> dchdar. chedy. cholal. qokedar. chdy. chckhdy. dar. ar. al. ydy. eeesaiin-
<f39r.P.8;F> lchedy. shedy. qokaiin. chkeey. fchedy. okam. chcfhey. saiin. chcphy. dairom-
<f39r.P.9;F> tchedy. shol. odal. qokaiin. shdaiin=
<f39r.P.10;F> pchdar. shedy. ar. aiir. okair. ykeols. shedy. qockhdy. laiin. shyky- {plant}
<f39r.P.11;F> dshdy. araiin. y. ykar. chdy. ykal. olkaiin. qokaldar. cheol. dar. aiin- {plant}
<f39r.P.12;F> tolchdaiin. chckhy. saiin. olor. chls. aiin. oky. ches. aiin. dal- {plant}
<f39r.P.13;F> ytor. chdar. shey. qokaiin. chor. kar. sheol. kedy. otedy. tedy. saiin- {plant}
<f39r.P.14;F> daiin. shckhy. chekl. ol. daiin. chedy. ykeey. daiin. otal. chdam. qokam- {plant}
<f39r.P.15;F> qolkain. olcheol. daiin. dar. ol. dld. iir. ador. aiin. ofchee. far=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f39r.P.1;H> tedo. chshd. cphhofy. chdain. shey. fsey. dy. orain. cheepaiin. ofy. shey. koly. dy-
<f39r.P.2;H> olchey. cheky. qokedy. shekshey. qolain. chck{&K}shy. chdy. dair. shckhey. dold-
<f39r.P.3;H> qokalchdy. chekaiin. checkhy. dar. shed. qokeedar. eeedy. dar. or. cheey. dy. ckhy-
<f39r.P.4;H> tohedy. chdy. olaiin. chedy. shckhdchy. chol. or. ordy. chees. aly. okalcheg-
<f39r.P.5;H> dchdy. chdy. ykaiin=
<f39r.P.6;H> pchdaiin. she. dam. qofchedy. shedy. kchdy. dydy. opchekaiin. shockhchy. shdalo. ry-
<f39r.P.7;H> dchdar. chedy. cholal. qokedar. chdy. chckhdy. dar. ar. al. ydy. eeesaiin-
<f39r.P.8;H> lchedy. shedy. qokaiin. chkeey. fchedy. okam. chcfhhy. saiin. chcphy. dairom-
<f39r.P.9;H> tchedy. shol. odal. qokaiin. shdaiin=
<f39r.P.10;H> pchdar. shedy. ar. aiir. okair. ykeols. shedy. qockhdy. laiin. s{&S}yky- {plant}
<f39r.P.11;H> dshdy. ar. aiin. y. ykar. chdy. ykal. olkaiin. qokaldar. cheol. dar. aiin- {plant}
<f39r.P.12;H> tolchdaiin. chckhy. saiin. olor. chls. aiin. oky. ches. aiin. dal- {plant}
<f39r.P.13;H> ytor. chdar. shey. qokaiin. chor. kar. sheolkedy. otedy. tedy. saiin- {plant}
<f39r.P.14;H> daiin. shckhy. chekl. ol. daiin. chedy. ykeey. daiin. otal. chdam. qokam- {plant}
<f39r.P.15;H> qolkain. olcheol. daiin. dar. ol. dld. iir. ador. aiin. ofcheefar=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f39r.P.1;U> tedo, chshd. cphhofy. chdain. shey. fshydy. orain. checfaiin. ofy. shey. kaly. dy-
<f39r.P.2;U> olchey. cheky. qokedy. shekshey. qolain. chckshy. chdy. dair. shckh*y. dold-
<f39r.P.3;U> qokalchdy. chekaiin. checkhy. dar. shed. qokeedar. chedy. dar. or. ch**y. dy, ckhy-
<f39r.P.4;U> tchedy. chdy. olaiin. chedy. shckhdchy. chol. or. ordy. chees. aly. okalchem-
<f39r.P.5;U> dchdy. chdy. ykaiin=
<f39r.P.6;U> pchdaiin. shedam. qofchedy. shedy. kchdy. dydy. ofchekaiin. shockhey. shdalo, ry-
<f39r.P.7;U> dchdar. ch*dy. cholal. qokedar. chdy. chckhdy. dar. ar. al. ydy. eees. aiin-
<f39r.P.8;U> lchedy. shedy. qokaiin. chkeey. fchedy. okam. chcfhey. saiin. chcphy. dairog-
<f39r.P.9;U> tchedy. shol. odal. qokaiin. shdaiin=
<f39r.P.10;U> pchdar. shedy. ar. aiir. okair. ykeols. shedy. qockhdy. laiin. shyky- {plant}
<f39r.P.11;U> dshdy. ar, aiin. y. ykar. chdy. ykal. olkaiin. qokaldar. cheol. dar. aiin- {plant}
<f39r.P.12;U> tolchdaiin. chckhy. s, aiin. olor. chls. aiin. oky. ches. aiin. dal- {plant}
<f39r.P.13;U> ytor. chdar. shey. qokaiin. chor. kar. sheolkedy. otedy. tedy. s, aiin- {plant}
<f39r.P.14;U> daiin. shckhy. chekl. ol. daiin. chedy. ykeey. daiin. otal. chdam. qokam- {plant}
<f39r.P.15;U> qolkain. olcheol. daiin. dar. ol. dld. iir. ador. aiin. ofcheefar=

Unit: "title under third paragraph (end of text)."

Last edited on 1998-12-07 06:51:08 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J.Stolfi from an unidentified image.

The part after the "-" is a bit lower than the rest.


<f39r.T.16;C> oteol. cholkal- {\}qokal. dar. ykdy=

First study group:

<f39r.T.16;F> oteol. cholkal- {\}qokal. dar. ykdy=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f39r.T.16;H> oteol. cholkal- {\}qokal. dar. ykdy=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f39r.T.16;U> oteol. cholkal- {\}qokyl. dar. ykdy=