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Page information on f33v

f33v preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: E
Page in quire: B
Currier language: B
Currier hand: 2
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-10 03:20:11 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f33v = EB (Rene) = p064 (Stolfi)
Folio: f33
Panels: f33v
Bifolio: bE1 = f33+f40
Quire: E (Rene) = V (Beinecke)

NYT 6May75, Krauss 30(top)?, Kahn plate, B&R p90 ; ``Sunflowers''


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 2 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), heb (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: green,tan,blue (Reeds)
Plant: 64 (Petersen)



All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-07 06:06:28 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.


<f33v.P.1;C> tarar. daiin- {plant}ydain. cthey. dol. s- {plant}sheky. araiin. sh-
<f33v.P.2;C> kchdy. dam. dy- {plant}oky- {plant}otal. dain. chdy- {plant}ytam. otam. cham-
<f33v.P.3;C> dar. chckhy. dy- {plant}dy. ky- {plant}ckhdy. oky. dam- {plant}okar. dy. kam. dy-
<f33v.P.4;C> tokar. shdy. dal- {plant}qokar. shd- {plant}otody. chedy- {plant}ykedy. dodl. dain-
<f33v.P.5;C> tchdy. chody. okaiin- {plant}chckhy. dor. arl- {plant}cthy. dy. ty. dy- {plant}ykar. cheky. dy-
<f33v.P.6;C> ycheo. dar. olaiin. okar. chdy. chdy. oldy- {plant}okar. chdy= {plant}
<f33v.P.7;C> tshdy. shefchdy. shckhdy. oltedy. daiin. oky- {plant}cheol. orain- {plant}chdy. shdy. porar-
<f33v.P.8;C> darar. sheey. keedy. okchy. okar. okeoy. chy- {plant}daiin. ds. dy- {plant}dar. aiin. okary-
<f33v.P.9;C> sar. oraiinchor. ar. shkair. shol. or. chckhy- {plant}ar. aiin- {plant}okain. dal. dy-
<f33v.P.10;C> lchoar. or. chey. lodaiin. oor. okeedy. okaly- {plant}
<f33v.P.11;C> tar. al. keey. oram=

First study group:

<f33v.P.1;F> tar. ar. daiin- {plant}ydain. cthey. dolr- {plant}sheky. araiin. es-
<f33v.P.2;F> kchdy. dam. dy- {plant}oky- {plant}otal. dain. chdy- {plant}ytam. otam. cham-
<f33v.P.3;F> dar. chckhy. dy- {plant}dyky- {plant}ckhdy. oky. dam- {plant}okardy. kamdy-
<f33v.P.4;F> tokar. shdy. dal- {plant}qokar. shd- {plant}otody. chedy- {plant}ykedy. dodl. daiin-
<f33v.P.5;F> tchdy. chody. okaiin- {plant}chckhy. dor. arl- {plant}cthy. dyty. dy- {plant}ykar. cheky. dy-
<f33v.P.6;F> ycheo. dar. olaiin. okar. chdy. chdy. oldy- {plant}okar. chdy= {plant}
<f33v.P.7;F> tshdy. shefchdy. shckhdy. oltedy. daiin. oky- {plant}cheol. orain- {plant}chdyshdy. porar-
<f33v.P.8;F> darar. sheey. keedy. okchy. okar. okedy. chy- {plant}daiin. dydy- {plant}dar. aiin. okary-
<f33v.P.9;F> sar. oraiin. chor. or. shkair. shol. or. chckhy- {plant}araiin- {plant}okain. dal. dy-
<f33v.P.10;F> lchoar. orchey. lodaiin. oor. okeedy. okaly- {plant}
<f33v.P.11;F> taral. keeyoram=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f33v.P.1;H> tar. ar. daiin- {plant}ydain. cthey. dolr- {plant}sheky. ar. aiin. cs-
<f33v.P.2;H> kchdy. dam. dy- {plant}oky- {plant}otal. dain. chdy- {plant}ytam. otam. cham-
<f33v.P.3;H> dar. chckhy. dy- {plant}dyky- {plant}ckhdy. oky. dam- {plant}okardy. komdy-
<f33v.P.4;H> tokar. shdy. dal- {plant}qokor. shd- {plant}otody. chedy- {plant}ykedy. dodl. dain-
<f33v.P.5;H> tchdy. chody. okaiin- {plant}chckhy. dor. arl- {plant}cthy. dy. ty. dy- {plant}ykar. cheky. dy-
<f33v.P.6;H> ycheo. dor. olaiin. okar. chdy. chdy. oldy- {plant}okar. chdy= {plant}
<f33v.P.7;H> tshdy. shefchdy. shckhdy. oltedy. daiin. oky- {plant}cheol. orain- {plant}chdyshdy. porar-
<f33v.P.8;H> darar. sheey. keedy. okchy. okar. okedy. chy- {plant}daiin. dy. dy- {plant}dar. aiin. okary-
<f33v.P.9;H> sar. or. aiin. chor. or. shkair. shol. or. chckhy- {plant}ar. aiin- {plant}okain. dal. dy-
<f33v.P.10;H> lchoar. or. chey. lodaiin. oor. okeedy. okaly- {plant}
<f33v.P.11;H> tar. al. keey. oram=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f33v.P.1;U> tar, ar, daiin- {plant}ydain. cthey. dolr- {plant}sheky. araiin. cs-
<f33v.P.2;U> kchdy. dam. dy- {plant}oky- {plant}otal. dain. chdy- {plant}ytam. otam. cham-
<f33v.P.3;U> dar. chckhy. dy- {plant}dyky- {plant}ckhdy. oky. dam- {plant}okar, dy. kam, dy-
<f33v.P.4;U> tokar. shdy. dal- {plant}qokar. shd- {plant}otody. chedy- {plant}ykedy. dodl. dain-
<f33v.P.5;U> tchdy. chody. okaiin- {plant}chckhy. dor. arl- {plant}cthy. dy, ty, dy- {plant}ykar. cheky. dy-
<f33v.P.6;U> ycheo. dar. olaiin. okar. chdy. chdy. oldy- {plant}okar. chdy= {plant}
<f33v.P.7;U> tshdy. shcfchdy. shckhdy. oltedy. daiin. oky- {plant}cheol. orain- {plant}chdyshdy. porar-
<f33v.P.8;U> dar, ar. sheey. keedy. okchy. okar. okedy. chy- {plant}daiin. dy, dy- {plant}dar, aiin. okary-
<f33v.P.9;U> sar. oraiin. chor. or. shkair. shol. or. chckhy- {plant}araiin- {plant}okain. dal. dy-
<f33v.P.10;U> lchoar. or, chey. lodaiin. o, or. okeedy. okaly- {plant}
<f33v.P.11;U> tar, al. keey. oram=