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Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: A
Page in quire: D
Currier language: A
Currier hand: 1
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 00:49:47 by stolfi


Title: "Water lily"
Page: f2v = AD (Rene) = p004 (Stolfi)
Folio: f2
Panels: f2v
Bifolio: bA2 = f2+f7
Quire: A (Rene) = I (Beinecke)


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: 1 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Plant: 3 (Petersen)
Colors: green (Reeds)


One plant centered on page.

Root: long straight rhizome, covered with scales or round stalk scars.
Stem: single, vertical, slightly bent, shooting out from middle
  of rhizome; dark painted.
Branches: there is the stub of a lost branch at mid-stalk.
Leaves: a single large leaf, horizontal, shaped like a very fat C,
  with smooth rim. Painted solid dark.
  Stalk: short.
Flowers: one white flower, pointing almost straight up.
  Stalk: long, light colored, with a darker vein; part of it
  obscured by leaf which should be behind it.  Chalyx: well-drawn,
  with thick tongue-shaped sepals, light colored.  Petals:
  well-drawn, flaring, lily shaped, serrated edges, white
  underpaint.  Core: not visible.  Stamen: long, with a few short

Two paragraphs (with lines, respectively), left- and right-justified: one at the top, interrupted by the single flower, and one just below mid-page, interrupted by the main stem.


The plant looks quite natural and well-drawn.

Presumably, the flower stem was in front of the leaf in the original drawing; but the dark overpaint covered it. The original outline of the leaf may have been obscured, too.

The leaf shape suggests it is a water plant. With that assumption, the choices are quite few. Rene suggested

Nymphaea candida (a.k.a. Nymphaea alba; water lily, seerose)


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-06 13:00:34 by stolfi


<f2v.P.1;C> kooiin. cheopchor. otaiin. odain. chor- {plant}dair. shty-
<f2v.P.2;C> kchokchy. sho. shol. qotcho. loeees. qoty- {plant}chor. daiin-
<f2v.P.3;C> otchy. chor. lshy. chol. chody. chodain- {plant}chcthy. daiin-
<f2v.P.4;C> sho. cholo. cheor. chodaiin=
<f2v.P.5;C> kchor. shy. daiiin. chckhy- {plant}sshey. dor. chol. daiin-
<f2v.P.6;C> dor. chol. chor. chol. keol. chy. chty- {plant}daiin. otchor. chan-
<f2v.P.7;C> daiin. chotchey. qoteeey. chokeos- {plant}chees. chr. cheaiin-
<f2v.P.8;C> chokoishe. chor. chiol. chol. dolody= {plant}

Currier, second choice:

<f2v.P.1;D> kaoiin. cheopchor. otaiin. odain. chor- {plant}dair. shty-
<f2v.P.2;D> kchakchy. sho. shol. qotcho. loeees. qoty- {plant}chor. daiin-
<f2v.P.7;D> daiin. chotchey. qoteeiy. chokios- {plant}chees. chr. cheaiin-

First study group:

<f2v.P.1;F> kooiin. cheo. pchor. otaiin. odain. chor- {plant}dair. shty-
<f2v.P.2;F> kcho. kchy. sho. shol. qotcho. loeees. qoty- {plant}chor. daiin-
<f2v.P.3;F> otchy. chor. lshy. chol. chody. chodain- {plant}chcthy. daiin-
<f2v.P.4;F> sho. cholo. cheor. chodaiin=
<f2v.P.5;F> kchor. shy. daiiin. chckhoy- {plant}sshey. dor. chol. daiin-
<f2v.P.6;F> dor. chol. chor. chol. keol. chy. chty- {plant}daiin. otchor. chan-
<f2v.P.7;F> daiin. chotchey. qoteeey. chokeos- {plant}chees. chr. cheaiin-
<f2v.P.8;F> chokoishe. chor. cheol. chol. dolody= {plant}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f2v.P.1;H> kooiin. cheo. pchor. otaiin. o. dain. chor- {plant}dair. shty-
<f2v.P.2;H> kcho. kchy. sho. shol. qotcho. loeees. qoty- {plant}chor. daiin-
<f2v.P.3;H> otchy. chor. lshy. chol. chody. chodain- {plant}chcthy. daiin-
<f2v.P.4;H> sho. cholo. cheor. chodaiin=
<f2v.P.5;H> kchor. shy. daiiin. chckhoy- {plant}s. shey. dor. chol. daiin-
<f2v.P.6;H> dor. chol. chor. chol. keol. chy. chty- {plant}daiin. otchor. chan-
<f2v.P.7;H> daiin. chotchey. qoteeey. chokeos- {plant}chees. chr. cheaiin-
<f2v.P.8;H> chokoishe. chor. cheol. chol. dolody= {plant}

Jorge Stolfi:

<f2v.P.1;U> kaoiin. cheo. pchor. otaiin. odain. chor- {plant}dair. shty-
<f2v.P.2;U> kch*. kchy. sho. shol. qotsho. loeees. qoty- {plant}chor. daiin-
<f2v.P.3;U> otchy. chor. lshy. chol. chody. shodain- {plant}chcthy. daiin-
<f2v.P.4;U> sho. cholo. cheor. chodaiin=
<f2v.P.5;U> kchor. shy. daiiin. chckom- {plant}sshey. dor. chol. daiin-
<f2v.P.6;U> dor. chol. chor. chol. keol. chy. chty- {plant}daiin. otchor. chan-
<f2v.P.7;U> daiin. chotchey. qotchey. chokeos- {plant}chees. chr. cheaiin-
<f2v.P.8;U> chokolshe. chor. cheol. chol. dolody= {plant}