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Page information on f26r

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Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: D
Page in quire: C
Currier language: B
Currier hand: 2
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-10 03:13:44 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f26r = DC (Rene) = p049 (Stolfi)
Folio: f26
Panels: f26r
Bifolio: bD2 = f26+f31
Quire: D (Rene) = IV (Beinecke)


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 2 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), heb (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: green,blue (Reeds)
Plant: 48 (Petersen)



All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-07 04:21:58 by stolfi


<f26r.P.1;C> psheoky. odaiir. qoy- {plant}ofshod. chypchey. ypchedyain- {plant}chofo. chepchdy-
<f26r.P.2;C> dchey. saiin. ajeeody- {plant}ykecthey. chedy. ytedy. dy- {plant}checthedy. ls-
<f26r.P.3;C> oaiin. shcthy. cthedy. oloy- {plant}ykshdy. olchedy. dyl- {plant}ysheey. saiin. s-
<f26r.P.4;C> qokedy. cheos. ytedy. qokedy- {plant}ytedy. chekedy- {plant}daiin. odam. saldy-
<f26r.P.5;C> saiin. shedy. eedy. eedy. schy- {plant}daiin. cthedy- {plant}qokeedy. qokedy. cthey-
<f26r.P.6;C> rchedy. qokedy=
<f26r.P.7;C> peeo. qokedy. dar. sheo. ypchseds. s- {plant}aiin- {plant}shapchedy. fchy. dal. chedy. sar-
<f26r.P.8;C> daiin. shedy. qokeedy. qoteedar. s- {plant}ok- {plant}ol- {plant}ytedy. qokeedy. qokedy-
<f26r.P.9;C> tcheoshy. dshdy. okedy. chckhy. s- {plant}dy- {plant}dy- {plant}ykeechy. okeedy. cheky-
<f26r.P.10;C> shese. aiin. sheos. cheody. otal= {plant}

First study group:

<f26r.P.1;F> psheoky. odaiir. qoy- {plant}ofseod. chypchey. ypchedy. ain- {plant}chofo. chcphdy-
<f26r.P.2;F> dchey. daiin. adeeody- {plant}ykecthey. chedy. ytedy. dy- {plant}checthedy. lr-
<f26r.P.3;F> oaiin. shcthy. cthedy. oloy- {plant}ykeedy. olchedy. dal- {plant}y. sheey. saiin. s-
<f26r.P.4;F> qokedy. cheos. ytedy. qokedy- {plant}ytedy. chekedy- {plant}daiin. odam. s. aldy-
<f26r.P.5;F> saiin. shedy. eedy. eedy. schy- {plant}daiin. cthedy- {plant}qokeedy. qokedy. cthey-
<f26r.P.6;F> rchedy. qokedy=
<f26r.P.7;F> pcho. qokedy. dar. sheo. ypchseds. s- {plant}aiin- {plant}shapchedy. fchy. dal. chedy. sar-
<f26r.P.8;F> daiin. shedy. qokeedy. qoteedar. s- {plant}ok- {plant}ol- {plant}otedy. qokoedy. qokedy-
<f26r.P.9;F> tcheo. shy. deedy. okedy. chckhy. s- {plant}dy- {plant}dy- {plant}ykeechy. okeedy. chek. y-
<f26r.P.10;F> shese. aiin. sheos. cheody. otal= {plant}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f26r.P.1;H> psheoky. odaiir. qoy- {plant}ofseod. chypchey. ypchedy. ain- {plant}chofochcphdy-
<f26r.P.2;H> dchey. *aiin. adeeody- {plant}ykecthhy. chedy. ytedy. dy- {plant}checthedy. lr-
<f26r.P.3;H> oaiin. shcthy. eteeda. oloy- {plant}ykeedy. olchedy. gal- {plant}y. sheey. saiin. s-
<f26r.P.4;H> qokedy. cheos. ytedy. qokedy- {plant}ytedy. chekedy- {plant}daiin. odam. s. aldy-
<f26r.P.5;H> haiin. shedy. eedy. eedy. schy- {plant}daiin. cthedy- {plant}qokeedy. qokedy. cthhy-
<f26r.P.6;H> rchedy. qokedy=
<f26r.P.7;H> pcho. qokedy. dar. sheo. ypchseds. s- {plant}aiin- {plant}shapchedyfeey. dalchedy. sas-
<f26r.P.8;H> daiin. shedy. qokeedy. qoteedar. s- {plant}ok- {plant}ol- {plant}otedy. qokchdy. qokedy-
<f26r.P.9;H> tcheo. shy. geedy. okedy. chckhy. s- {plant}dy- {plant}dy- {plant}ykeechy. okeedy. cheky-
<f26r.P.10;H> shese. aiin. sheos. cheody. otal= {plant}