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Page information on f18r

f18r preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: C
Page in quire: C
Currier language: A
Currier hand: 1
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-10 03:10:17 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f18r = CC (Rene) = p033 (Stolfi)
Folio: f18
Panels: f18r
Bifolio: bC2 = f18+f23
Quire: C (Rene) = III (Beinecke)


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: 1 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: b,red (Reeds)
Plant: 32 (Petersen)


Has two paragraphs of text. The first one is followed by a title. The second may be followed too, but what do we know... Line numbers increase continuously and match Landini's file.


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-06 21:01:00 by stolfi


<f18r.P.1;C> pdrairdy. darod*. yoar. ykchol. dor. om. chckhy- {plant}o*or. dyl-
<f18r.P.2;C> otshol. qokchol. chykchy. okchal. daiin. dy- {plant}chol. dain-
<f18r.P.3;C> qokchor. chor. chckhy. or. chey. qokchol. dy- {plant}ytcharg-
<f18r.P.4;C> chor. cthor. okeor. ykchol. okain=
<f18r.P.5;C> tchor. shor. cthaiin. cthol. chlol. chom- {plant}
<f18r.P.6;C> ychykchor. dair. ytol. chcthy. dar. dar. dal- {plant}
<f18r.P.7;C> oshor. shaiin. cthy. sholdy. doldy. dolaiin- {plant}
<f18r.P.8;C> qokchor. ckhol. olody. okal. dy- {plant}dary- {plant}
<f18r.P.9;C> chol. chcthal. okshal. chykald- {plant}
<f18r.P.10;C> dar. shor. qokchol. ol. ydaiin- {plant}
<f18r.P.11;C> sotchaiin. chokchy. chckhol. chor. g- {plant}
<f18r.P.12;C> ychair. cthol. daiin. qokchy. cthy- {plant}
<f18r.P.13;C> or. shaiin. cthor. cthal. okal. dar=

First study group:

<f18r.P.1;F> pdrairdy. darode. fyoar. ykchol. daram. chckhy- {plant}ockhor. dal-
<f18r.P.2;F> otshol. qokchol. chykchy. okchal. daiin. dy- {plant}chol. diiin-
<f18r.P.3;F> qokchor. chor. chckhy. or. chey. qokchol. dy- {plant}ytcharm-
<f18r.P.4;F> chor. cthor. okeor. ykchol. okain=
<f18r.P.5;F> tchor. shor. cthaiin. cthol. chlol. chom- {plant}
<f18r.P.6;F> ychy. kchor. dain. ytol. chcthy. dar. dar. dal- {plant}
<f18r.P.7;F> oshor. shaiin. cthy. sholdy. doldy. doldaiin- {plant}
<f18r.P.8;F> qokchor. ckhol. olody. okaldy- {plant}dary- {plant}
<f18r.P.9;F> chol. chcthal. okshal. chykald- {plant}
<f18r.P.10;F> dar. shor. qokchol. olydaiin- {plant}
<f18r.P.11;F> sotchaiin. chokchy. chckhol. chorm- {plant}
<f18r.P.12;F> ychair. cthol. daiin. qokchy. cthy- {plant}
<f18r.P.13;F> or. shaiin. cthor. cthal. okal. dar=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f18r.P.1;H> pdrairdy. darodsf. yoar. ykchol. dar. o. m. chckhy- {plant}ockhor. dal-
<f18r.P.2;H> otshol. qokchol. chykchy. okchal. daiin. dy- {plant}chol. diiin-
<f18r.P.3;H> qokchor. chor. chckhy. orchey. qokchol. dy- {plant}ytchar. g-
<f18r.P.4;H> chor. cthor. okeor. ykchol. okain=
<f18r.P.5;H> tchor. shor. cthaiin. cthol. chlol. chom- {plant}
<f18r.P.6;H> ychy. kchor. dair. ytol. chcthy. dar. dar. dal- {plant}
<f18r.P.7;H> oshor. shaiin. cthy. sholdy. doldy. doldaiin- {plant}
<f18r.P.8;H> qokchor. ckhol. olody. okaldy- {plant}dary- {plant}
<f18r.P.9;H> chol. chcthal. okshal. chykald- {plant}
<f18r.P.10;H> dar. shor. qokchol. ol. ydaiin- {plant}
<f18r.P.11;H> sotchaiin. chokchy. chekhol. chor. g- {plant}
<f18r.P.12;H> ychair. cthol. daiin. qokchy. cthy- {plant}
<f18r.P.13;H> or. shaiin. cthar. cthal. okal. dar=

Unit: "title"


<f18r.T.14;C> ychekchy. kchaiin=

First study group:

<f18r.T.14;F> ychekchy. kchaiin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f18r.T.14;H> ychekchy. kchaiin=