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Page information on f15v

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Parsable information
Illustration type: Herbal
Quire: B
Page in quire: L
Currier language: A
Currier hand: 1
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 01:51:54 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f15v = BL (Rene) = p028 (Stolfi)
Folio: f15
Panels: f15v
Bifolio: bB2 = f10+f15
Quire: B (Rene) = II (Beinecke)


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: 1 (Currier)
Subsets: H (Rene), hea (Stolfi)
Subject: herbal
Colors: green,tan (Reeds)
Plant: 27 (Petersen)




All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-12 07:53:56 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from Jacques Guy's scanned image.


<f15v.P.1;C> poror. orshy. choiin. dtchan. opchordy- {plant}
<f15v.P.2;C> *chor. or. oro. r. aiin. cthy. *ain. dar- {plant}
<f15v.P.3;C> cthor. daiin. qokor. okeor. okaiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.4;C> doiin. choky. shol. qoky. qotchod- {plant}
<f15v.P.5;C> otchor. chor. chor. ytchor. cthy. s- {plant}
<f15v.P.6;C> qotchey. choty. kaiin. otchy. r. aiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.7;C> eoy. choiin. sho. *. chy. s. chy. tor. olr- {plant}
<f15v.P.8;C> ytchor. chor. ol. oiin. oty. shol. daiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.9;C> otchol. octhol. chol. chol. chody. kan- {plant}
<f15v.P.10;C> sor. chor. cthoiin. cthy. qokaiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.11;C> soloiin. cheor. chol. daiin. cthy- {plant}
<f15v.P.12;C> daiin. cthor. chol. chor=

First study group:

<f15v.P.1;F> poror. orshy. choiin. dtchan. opchordy- {plant}
<f15v.P.2;F> *chor. or. oro. raiin. cthy. *ain. dar- {plant}
<f15v.P.3;F> cthor. daiin. qokor. okeor. okaiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.4;F> doiin. choky. shol. qoky. qotchod- {plant}
<f15v.P.5;F> otchor. chor. chor. ytchor. cthys- {plant}
<f15v.P.6;F> qotchey. choty. kaiin. otchy. raiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.7;F> choy. choiin. sho. *. chy. schy. tor. ols- {plant}
<f15v.P.8;F> ytchor. chor. ol. oiin. oty. shol. daiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.9;F> otcholo. cthol. chol. chol. chody. kan- {plant}
<f15v.P.10;F> sor. chor. cthoiin. cthy. qokaiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.11;F> soloiin. cheor. chol. daiin. cthy- {plant}
<f15v.P.12;F> daiin. cthor. chol. chor=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f15v.P.1;H> poror. orshy. choiin. dtchan. opchor. dy- {plant}
<f15v.P.2;H> *{&138}chor. or. oro. r. aiin. cthy. kain. dar- {plant}
<f15v.P.3;H> cthor. daiin. qokor. okeor. okaiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.4;H> doiin. choky. shol. qoky. qotchod- {plant}
<f15v.P.5;H> otchor. chor. chor. ytchor. cthy. s- {plant}
<f15v.P.6;H> qotchey. choty. kaiin. otchy. r. aiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.7;H> coy. choiin. sho. s. chy. s. chy. tor. ols- {plant}
<f15v.P.8;H> ytchor. chor. ol. oiin. oty. shol. daiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.9;H> otcholocthol. chol. chol. chody. kan- {plant}
<f15v.P.10;H> sor. chor. cthoiin. cthy. qokaiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.11;H> soloiin. cheor. chol. daiin. cthy- {plant}
<f15v.P.12;H> daiin. cthor. chol. chor=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f15v.P.1;U> poror. orshy. choiin. dtchan. opchordy- {plant}
<f15v.P.2;U> *{&138}chor. or. oro. raiin. cthy. *{&178}ain. dar- {plant}
<f15v.P.3;U> cthor. daiin. qokor. okeor. okaiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.4;U> doiin. choky. shol. qoky. qotchod- {plant}
<f15v.P.5;U> otchor. chor. chor. ytchor. cthy. s- {plant}
<f15v.P.6;U> qotchey. choty. kaiin. otchy. raiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.7;U> coy. choiir. sho. *chy. s. chy. tor. ols- {plant}
<f15v.P.8;U> ytchor. chor. ol. oiin. oty. shol. daiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.9;U> otchol. octhol. chol. chol. chody. kan- {plant}
<f15v.P.10;U> sor. chor. cthoiin. cthy. qokaiin- {plant}
<f15v.P.11;U> soloiin. cheor. chol. daiin. cthy- {plant}
<f15v.P.12;U> daiin. cthor. chol. chor=