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Last edited on 1998-10-10 02:52:48 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f115v = TV (Rene) = p232 (Stolfi)
Folio: f115
Panels: f115v
Bifolio: bT2 = f104+f115
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Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:46:48 by stolfi

First study group:

<f115v.P.1;F> tchedor. otchedy. qotees. ytaiin. qoty. qotar. op. ofaiin. qotdaiin. ol. raiin. om-
<f115v.P.2;F> ykeeo. chody. qokeedy. yteedy. qokar. qor. cho. daiin. qokchdy. chdar. okchdy. qokam-
<f115v.P.3;F> dsheol. qokchedy. qokshedy. qotchey. otaiin. qotedy. lkedaiin. dal. chdy. okchedam-
<f115v.P.4;F> ykcheo. daiin. lkchedy. otechdy. qotar. ar. al. ytchedy. lched. otchd. chokeedy-
<f115v.P.5;F> dair. cheky. qoteey. otar. chl. oleed=
<f115v.P.6;F> pchody. odaiin. chcphy. qokchdaiin. qotaiin. qokor. shed. oteody. salkaiin. al-
<f115v.P.7;F> dchedy. tedy. qokeey. raiin. shedy. okor. air. cheoor. olkchedy. chotam=
<f115v.P.8;F> tchosos. sheol. qotchs. olchees. otchdy. qotol. lpchedy. okar. lkechedy. pchdam-
<f115v.P.9;F> ychees. chdaiin. chotaiin. chol. keedy. qotchy. chody. qotaiin. lkchey. lchey. ros-
<f115v.P.10;F> saiin. sho. sheody. okaiin. dalchedy. oteeo. chedy=
<f115v.P.11;F> tchdor. shor. ail. chodaiin. chkol. chkchol. qotched. qotchey. dpchedy. qtam-
<f115v.P.12;F> ysheed. lchedy. lkchedy. soraiin=
<f115v.P.13;F> pchdarody. pcheed. rar. tcheody. polched. lpchdy. tol. rchees. cphor. orair. kol-
<f115v.P.14;F> okeeo. kaiin. lkeeey. lkar. sheedy. chockhy. qockheedy. qokechy. lkeey. ldaiin-
<f115v.P.15;F> saiin. chol. qotaiin. qokaiin. chl. lr. chdaiin. qoteey. rchee. rar. rodam-
<f115v.P.16;F> daiin. aroteey. qoteol. kary. sheo. lkechdy. qokar. qokey. lko. rokeedy. ld-
<f115v.P.17;F> okair. chey. keey. lcho. racthy=
<f115v.P.18;F> pchodaiin. chotaiin. choky. lchaiin. lpchdaiin. dal. chedy. qotal. chedy. qopchedy-
<f115v.P.19;F> yshedy. qokeedy. lxor. xoiin. choto. keeody. qoteody. daiin. qokchedy. ralom-
<f115v.P.20;F> ysheey. qoteey. lkeey. raiin. cheo. lor. otal. otchedy=
<f115v.P.21;F> tshedy. sheol. keedy. lkeeshdy. cheeo. lor. eees. aiin. okchedy. qopcheddy. lky-
<f115v.P.22;F> soiin. shedaiin. qokeedy. chodaiin. otedaiin. qokeedy. qokeedy. qotedy. rosy-
<f115v.P.23;F> lshes. sheet. chdy. otedy. shdy. lchedy=
<f115v.P.24;F> pchey. cheeody. qoteeo. tchy. saiin. opchees. chpcheod. rchl. cho. pchdy. qopcham-
<f115v.P.25;F> ykees. aiin. olkeeody. qos. aiin. cheo. daiin. chcthy. tchedy. qokeedy. lkeedar-
<f115v.P.26;F> dcheedy. kchedy. lcheey. ror. al. chokedy. dol. qokeeeos. qol. keedy. qokar. ar-
<f115v.P.27;F> olaiin. cheo. lkaiin. cheey. qot. cheody. lor. aiin. oteed. chkal. kchetam-
<f115v.P.28;F> ychey. lcho. lor. chedy. chol. chedy. chdy=
<f115v.P.29;F> polor. sheedy. qoteedy. qokechy. lraly. lshey. sheot. shedy. chteey. lky. raram-
<f115v.P.30;F> ycheedaiin. ol. chlor. lkchedy. rchedar. oteedal. ar. lky=
<f115v.P.31;F> pchdair. opchdy. qopor. iirchal. sheey. qotaiin. chety. rodaiin. opchepy. shokchy-
<f115v.P.32;F> ykchedy. okar. chedar. rol. sheedy. lkchdy. chddy. chcthedy. cheey. teeo. daiin-
<f115v.P.33;F> ychedal. qotchy. chcthy. chdal. lchedy=
<f115v.P.34;F> taiin. sheckhy. lchckhy. ldar. shdar. qotchdy. qoky. shedy. qokar. chckhy-
<f115v.P.35;F> shor. shee. oky. cheo. lkaiin. cheeos. al. ches. kcheo. raiin. checthey. lcham-
<f115v.P.36;F> ytar. aiin. qoteey. lkchedy=
<f115v.P.37;F> tshar. shar. shckhey. olkeeo. lkeedol. ltchdy. chkaid. araral. lkeedy-
<f115v.P.38;F> oaiin. chees. otairos. losdy. cheo. keeo. llchs. ol. r. aiin. chkaiin. sham-
<f115v.P.39;F> dairal. chaiin. ykeedy. qokedy. qokaiin. lkaiin. lkchey. lkaiin. lrar-
<f115v.P.40;F> ycheeal. kaiin. shedaiin. or. chor. okas. cheos. qokchy=
<f115v.P.41;F> dcheodl. sheo. kol. chey. fchedal. shedy. qotoee. ty. chocphy. qo*chyr-
<f115v.P.42;F> yair. al. sheey. oteeol. keody. rcheey. lkchdy. qokchey. lkar. l*l. rodam-
<f115v.P.43;F> ysheo. kaiin. qotchdal. lkchdy. lkshedy. qokar. cheos. qokaiin. aky-
<f115v.P.44;F> ototar. sheey. qokey. qokchey. qokchey. ral. rchos. oty. lchedy-
<f115v.P.45;F> ykchedaiin. chody. qokaiin. dary. cholaiim=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f115v.P.1;H> tchedor. otchedy. qotees. ytain. qoty. qotad. opoloiin. qetdain. ol. roiin. om-
<f115v.P.2;H> ykeeochody. qokeedy. yteedy. qokar. qor. chodaiin. qokchdy. chdar. okchdy. qokam-
<f115v.P.3;H> dsheol. qokchedy. qokshedy. qotchey. otoiin. qotedy. lkedain. dalchdy. okchedam-
<f115v.P.4;H> ykcheodain. lkchedy. otechdy. qotar. ar. al. ytchedy. lched. otchd. chokeedy-
<f115v.P.5;H> dair. cheky. qoteey. otar. chl. oleed=
<f115v.P.6;H> pchody. odaiin. chcphy. qokchdain. qotain. qokor. shed. oteody. solkaiin. al-
<f115v.P.7;H> dchedy. tedy. qokeey. roiin. shedy. okor. air. cheoor. olkchedy. chotam=
<f115v.P.8;H> tchosos. sheol. qotchs. olchees. otchdy. qotol. lpchedy. okar. lkechedy. pchdam-
<f115v.P.9;H> ychees. chdaiin. chotain. cholkeedy. qotchy. chody. qotain. lkchey. lchey. ror-
<f115v.P.10;H> saiin. sho. sheody. okaiin. dalchedy. oteeo. chedy=
<f115v.P.11;H> tchdor. shor. ail. chodaiin. chkol. chkchol. qotched. qotchey. dpchedy. qtam-
<f115v.P.12;H> ysheed. lchedy. lkchedy. soraiin=
<f115v.P.13;H> pchdarody. pcheed. rar. tcheody. polched. lpchdy. tol. rchees. cphor. orair. kol-
<f115v.P.14;H> okeeokain. lkeeey. lkor. sheedy. chockhy. qockheedy. qokechy. lkeey. ldain-
<f115v.P.15;H> saiin. chol. qotain. qokain. chl. lr. chdain. qoteey. rcheey. rar. rodam-
<f115v.P.16;H> dain. aroteey. qoteol. kar. y. sheo. lkechdy. qokar. qokey. lko. rokeedy. ld-
<f115v.P.17;H> okain. chey. keey. lcho. raithy=
<f115v.P.18;H> pchodain. chotain. choky. lchain. lpchdain. dalchedy. qotalchedy. qopchedy-
<f115v.P.19;H> yshedy. qokeedy. lxor. xoiin. choto. keeody. qoteody. dain. qokchedy. ralom-
<f115v.P.20;H> ysheey. qoteey. lkeey. raiin. cheo. lor. otal. otchedy=
<f115v.P.21;H> tshedy. sheolkeedy. lkeeshdy. cheeo. lor. eees. aiin. okchedy. qopcheddy. lky-
<f115v.P.22;H> soiin. shedain. qokeedy. chodain. otedain. qokeedy. qokeedy. qotedy. rosy-
<f115v.P.23;H> lshes. sheet. chdy. otedy. shdy. lchedy=
<f115v.P.24;H> pcheo. cheeody. qoteeotchy. saiin. opchees. chpcheod. rchl. cho. pchdy. qopcham-
<f115v.P.25;H> ykees. aiin. olkeeody. qos. ain. cheodain. chcthy. tchedy. qokeedy. lkeedor-
<f115v.P.26;H> dcheedy. kchedy. lcheey. ror. al. chokedy. dol. qokeeeos. qolkeedy. qokar. ar-
<f115v.P.27;H> olain. cheo. lkain. cheey. qot. cheody. lor. aiin. oteed. chkal. kchetam-
<f115v.P.28;H> ychey. lcho. lor. chedy. chol. chedy. chdy=
<f115v.P.29;H> polor. sheedy. qoteedy. qokechy. lraly. lshey. sheot. shedy. chteey. lky. raram-
<f115v.P.30;H> ycheedaiin. ol. chlor. lkchedy. rchedar. oteedal. ar. lky=
<f115v.P.31;H> pchdair. opchdy. qopor. iirchal. sheey. qotain. chety. rodain. opchepy. shokchy-
<f115v.P.32;H> ykchedy. okar. chedar. rolsheedy. lkchdy. chddy. chcthedy. cheey. teeodaiin-
<f115v.P.33;H> ychedal. qotchy. chcthy. chdal. lchedy=
<f115v.P.34;H> taiin. sheckeey. lchckhy. ldar. shdar. qotchdy. qoky. shedy. qokar. cheky-
<f115v.P.35;H> shos. shee. oky. cheo. lkain. cheeos. alches. kcheo. rain. checthey. lcham-
<f115v.P.36;H> ytar. aiin. qoteey. lkchedy=
<f115v.P.37;H> tshar. shor. shckhhy. olkeeo. lkeedol. ltchdy. chkaidararal. lkeedy-
<f115v.P.38;H> oiiin. chees. otainos. losdy. cheokeeo. llchs. olr. aiiin. chkain. sham-
<f115v.P.39;H> dairal. chain. ykeedy. qokedy. qokain. lkaiin. lkchey. lkain. lror-
<f115v.P.40;H> ycheealkaiin. shedain. or. chor. okas. cheos. qokchy=
<f115v.P.41;H> dcheodl. sheo. kolchey. fchedol. shedy. qotoeetchy. choiphy. qopchyr-
<f115v.P.42;H> yair. al. sheey. oteeol. keody. rcheey. lkchdy. qokchey. lkar. lkl. rodam-
<f115v.P.43;H> ysheo. kaiin. qotchdal. lkchdy. lkshedy. qokar. cheos. qokaiin. oky-
<f115v.P.44;H> ototar. sheey. qokey. qokchey. qokchey. ral. rchos. oty. lchedy-
<f115v.P.45;H> ykchedain. chody. qokaiin. dary. cholaiim=