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Last edited on 1998-10-10 02:51:40 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f114v = TT (Rene) = p230 (Stolfi)
Folio: f114
Panels: f114v
Bifolio: bT3 = f105+f114
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Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:45:46 by stolfi

First study group:

<f114v.P.1;F> pchdol. dar. chedain. chodalr. fcheey. dchedy. qocphdy. otdady. qotedar. daiin-
<f114v.P.2;F> dshedal. qoteody. choddy. otol. chedal. otaiin. chedal. chedaiin. shedy. qotched. dl-
<f114v.P.3;F> oeos. qotcheo. odaiin. qotain. otar. qotchd. dol. qotchedy. choty. ol. lchdaiin. dal-
<f114v.P.4;F> qokedy. cheo. cthedy. qoted. qotedol. chear. qotedy. okeedy. daiin. chedaiin. oky-
<f114v.P.5;F> chedy. qokeedy. okal. cheedaiin. shedy=
<f114v.P.6;F> tedcheo. cheo. cthedy. qotchedy. qotaiin. cphchedy. shedy. qepoepy. chedar. dairy-
<f114v.P.7;F> yted. shedy. otaiin. cheedar. cheey. saiin. chedky. chedaiin. shod. chokchedy-
<f114v.P.8;F> pchedchdy. qotedy. qokedaiin. chdaiin. qokedy. chedaiin. qoeedy. qotey. qotaiin-
<f114v.P.9;F> soes. oeeos. aiin. olkeey. keol. qotcheedy. qockhed. skaiin. sheedy. qotal. chedy-
<f114v.P.10;F> olkees. chedaiin. qotaiin. olchedaiin. chedaiin. daiin. chcthdy=
<f114v.P.11;F> tchedy. qotaiin. chdy. qotedy. tedaiin. chepched. otol. shedaiin. pol. otam*-
<f114v.P.12;F> ochedy. choaiin. chcthy. chedal. daiin. ytar. otchedy. qotaiin. daiin. daryom-
<f114v.P.13;F> sheedy. qoteeo. saiin. chcthaiin=
<f114v.P.14;F> tsheo. dar. cheo. ckhor. qopchedy. qopchedy. qokchedy. shody. qotaiin. ofcheds-
<f114v.P.15;F> ochedaiin. chedy. okal. chaiin. qokod. qokol. cheedy. qotody. cheol. kchedy. ldy-
<f114v.P.16;F> ytchedy. qool. chey. ol. aiin. chedar. chdaiin. chdal. qokaiin. choky. chol. dam-
<f114v.P.17;F> sheoal. chos. oaiir. alchedy. chcphedy. okary=
<f114v.P.18;F> dorkcheky. cheo. aiin. qotaiin. otody. qokal. sheody. choy. pshedy. qoto*. shxam-
<f114v.P.19;F> osh*o. daiin. chotaiin. qotar=
<f114v.P.20;F> tshedaiin. qotchody. qokol. shedy. qokchedy. daiin. qofchdar. chdor. chdy. dary-
<f114v.P.21;F> dair. cheeo. chy. chdaiin. qokedy. otcheo. daiin. qokchdy. otedal. daiin. aral-
<f114v.P.22;F> ychedar. shod. qokaiin. qotchey. chockhy. olkedy. otechy. ykedckhy=
<f114v.P.23;F> pshedy. qopcheos. okaiin. qotchedy. qotchdar. cheeos. olteody. otoydy-
<f114v.P.24;F> olkaiin. cheo. taiin. qoteody. qokod. sheo*d. qodady. qteedy. aiin. am-
<f114v.P.25;F> sor. aiin. otchedy. otaiin. alkaiin. okeedy=
<f114v.P.26;F> pcheodal. chopcheod. qotos. araiin. qotal. cheo. pchdal. qoeedy. chcthey-
<f114v.P.27;F> osheeo. lkcho. okeey. qoteor. chokaiin. chdy. qokaiin. chokeey. taiin. ary-
<f114v.P.28;F> tchedy. shdo. qotched. chees. ar. aiin. chetam=
<f114v.P.29;F> pchdair. sho. qopchey. otcheed. chedy. qopcheor. ocpheody. opchdy. qopairam-
<f114v.P.30;F> ycheey. qooeey. qolcheey. qoteey. qotaiin. otal. otaiin. oteeo. teey. raiin-
<f114v.P.31;F> olaiin. cheo. otcheody. lkchedy. okal. okaiin. otaiin. otal. qotar-
<f114v.P.32;F> ycheol. oleey. cheoaiin. chetaiin. sheeo. daiin=
<f114v.P.33;F> kaiin. sheey. oaiin. sheol. qoteey. qokeedy. cheo. ctheey. qokeeo. lkealy-
<f114v.P.34;F> olkeechy. ol. oaiin. aiin. chocthey. qotedal. octhy. sotey. cheor. air-
<f114v.P.35;F> yshey. keer. yteeey. qokaiin. chckhy. chodaiin. olkaim=
<f114v.P.36;F> tshey. oedal. op. sha. ka. otchey. qopchol. qopaiin. qotar. al. kal. ram-
<f114v.P.37;F> dcheey. ol. cheodaiin. qokar. otaiin. otal. okaiin. chey. tar. arody-
<f114v.P.38;F> oteeo. okedaiin. otaiin. qotchey. qoteeody. otaiin. okal. dalr-
<f114v.P.39;F> qoleechedy. o. kecheokeo. oteo. daiin. okaiin. choty. odaiin. otam-
<f114v.P.40;F> eeo. cheoy. oteey. qotaiin. cheol. oteeey. daiin. oteey. teeedy. dm-
<f114v.P.41;F> yaiin. o**y. akeey. cheody. qokaiin. otaiin. al. kaiin. choty=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f114v.P.1;H> pchdol. dar. chedain. chodalr. fcheey. dchedy. qocphdy. otdady. qotedar. daiin-
<f114v.P.2;H> dshedal. qoteody. choddy. otol. chedal. otain. chedol. chedain. shedy. qotched. dl-
<f114v.P.3;H> oeos. qotcheo. odain. qotain. otar. qotchd. dol. qotchedy. choty. ol. lchdain. dal-
<f114v.P.4;H> qokedy. cheocthedy. qoted. qotedol. chear. qotedy. okeedy. daiin. chedain. oky-
<f114v.P.5;H> chedy. qokeedy. okaly. cheedain. shedy=
<f114v.P.6;H> tedcheo. cheo. cthedy. qotchedy. qotaiin. opchedy. shedy. qepoepy. chedar. dairy-
<f114v.P.7;H> ytedshedy. otaiin. cheedar. cheey. s. aiin. chedky. chedaiiin. shod. chokchedy-
<f114v.P.8;H> pchedchdy. qoteedy. qokedain. chdaiin. qokedy. chedain. qoeedy. qotey. qotaiin-
<f114v.P.9;H> soes. oeeos. aiin. olkeey. keol. qotcheedy. qockhed. skaiin. sheedy. qotal. chedy-
<f114v.P.10;H> olkees. chedaiin. qotaiin. olchedaiin. chedain. dain. chcthdy=
<f114v.P.11;H> tchedy. qotaiin. chdy. qotedy. tedaiin. chepched. otol. shedain. pol. otam-
<f114v.P.12;H> ochedy. choaiin. chct{&T}y. chedal. daiin. ytar. otchedy. qotaiin. dain. dar. yom-
<f114v.P.13;H> sheedy. qoteeo. soiiin. chcthain=
<f114v.P.14;H> tsheodar. cheo. ckhor. qopchedy. qopchedy. qokchedy. shody. qotaiin. ofcheds-
<f114v.P.15;H> ochedain. chedy. okal. chaiin. qokod. qokol. cheedy. qotody. cheol. kchedy. ldy-
<f114v.P.16;H> ytchedy. qool. chey. ol. aiin. chedar. chdaiin. chdal. qokaiin. choky. chol. dam-
<f114v.P.17;H> sheoal. chos. oaiir. alchedy. chcphedy. okory=
<f114v.P.18;H> dorkcheky. cheo. aiin. qotaiin. otody. qokal. sheody. choypshedy. qotoy. shxam-
<f114v.P.19;H> oshsodaiin. chotain. qotar=
<f114v.P.20;H> tshedain. qotchody. qokol. shedy. qokchedy. daiin. qofchdar. chdor. chdy. dary-
<f114v.P.21;H> dair. cheeo. chy. chdaiin. qokedy. otcheodaiin. qokchdy. otedal. dain. aral-
<f114v.P.22;H> ychedar. shod. qokaiin. qotchey. chockhy. olkedy. otechy. ykedckhy=
<f114v.P.23;H> pshedy. qopcheos. okaiin. qotchedy. qotchdar. cheeos. olteody. otoydy-
<f114v.P.24;H> olkaiin. cheotaiin. qoteody. qokod. sheoeed. qodeedy. yteedy. aiin. am-
<f114v.P.25;H> sor. aiin. otchedy. otaiin. alkain. okeedy=
<f114v.P.26;H> pcheodal. cheopcheod. qotos. araiin. qotolcheo. pchdal. qoeedy. chcthey-
<f114v.P.27;H> osheeo. lkcheo. okeey. qoteor. chokaiin. chdy. qokaiin. chokeey. tain. ary-
<f114v.P.28;H> tchedy. shdo. qotched. chees. ar. aiin. chetam=
<f114v.P.29;H> pchdair. sho. qopchey. otcheed. chedy. qopcheos. ocpheody. opchdy. qopairam-
<f114v.P.30;H> ycheey. qoochy. qolcheey. qoteey. qotaiin. otal. otaiin. oteeo. teey. rain-
<f114v.P.31;H> olaiin. cheo. otcheody. lkchedy. okol. okaiin. otaiin. otal. qotar-
<f114v.P.32;H> ycheol. oleeey. cheoaiin. chetaiin. sheeodain=
<f114v.P.33;H> kaiin. sheey. oaiin. sheol. qoteey. qokeeedy. cheoctheey. qokeeo. lkealy-
<f114v.P.34;H> olkeechy. ol. oaiin. aiin. chocthey. qotedal. octhy. sotey. cheor. air-
<f114v.P.35;H> yshey. kair. yteeey. qokaiin. chckhy. chodaiin. olkaim=
<f114v.P.36;H> tshey. oedal. op. shoko. otchey. qopchol. qopaiin. qotar. alkol. ram-
<f114v.P.37;H> dcheey. ol. cheodaiiin. qokar. otaiin. otal. okaiin. chey. tar. arody-
<f114v.P.38;H> oteeo. okedaiin. otaiin. qotchey. qoteeody. otaiin. okal. dalr-
<f114v.P.39;H> qoleechedy. o. kecheokeo. oteo. daiin. okaiin. choty. odaiin. otam-
<f114v.P.40;H> eeo. cheoy. oteey. qotaiin. cheol. oteeey. daiin. oteey. teeedy. dm-
<f114v.P.41;H> yaiin. oeeoy. okeey. cheody. qokaiin. otain. al. kain. choty=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f114v.P.35;U> yshey. kair. yteeey. qokaiin. chckhy. chodaiin. olkaim=
<f114v.P.36;U> t, shey. oedal. op, sha, ko. otchey. qopchol. qopaiin. qotar. al, kal, r, am-
<f114v.P.37;U> dcheey. ol. cheodaiiin. qokar. otaiin. otal. o, kaiin. chey. tar. arody-
<f114v.P.38;U> oteey. okedaiin. otaiin. qotchey. qoteeody. otaiin. okal. dalr-