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Last edited on 1998-10-10 02:51:45 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f114r = TS (Rene) = p229 (Stolfi)
Folio: f114
Panels: f114r
Bifolio: bT3 = f105+f114
Quire: T (Rene) = XVIII (Beinecke)

variant readings based on [1609|1613]


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: S (Rene), str (Stolfi)

text only short paragraphs marked with stars Colors: red(stars),yellow(stars) (Reeds)




All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "text - parag block 1 (above "title")"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 10:53:44 by stolfi

First study group:

<f114r.P1.1;F> tche. pcheos. ytaiin. okody. yteeed. oteeodl. opaiin. okarol-
<f114r.P1.2;F> deedar. qoteeddy. dair. okedy. okoeey. raiin. oor. cheed. ol. keeed. lkeeedam-
<f114r.P1.3;F> ycheod=
<f114r.P1.4;F> fdechdy. opchedaiin. ypchedy. olaly. chedy. qop. cheokaiin. shedy. podair. ochedal-
<f114r.P1.5;F> daiin. chedy. qokaiin. chdy. daiin. dchdos. eedol. chdol. kchedy. cho. kaiin. chdy-
<f114r.P1.6;F> qoeedy. okchedy. daiin. chedy. daiin. ykeedy. okeeedy. chedol. chdaiin. ykar. dary-
<f114r.P1.7;F> cheol. dchedy. dkchs. aiin. chdedy. qodaiin. okchedaiin. chain-
<f114r.P1.8;F> fche. dam. okchedam. qokeedaiin. otairar. okchedy. otaiin. opcheol. ofchedains. ocphy-
<f114r.P1.9;F> dcheod. qodaiin. daiin. chey. kal. dody. chdairod. okchdy. chody. daiin. dar. oar. or. old-
<f114r.P1.10;F> qokeedy. chdodaiin. qoedeey. chdaiin. chedalos=
<f114r.P1.11;F> d**chy. kolky. qoedaiin. dolor. shedy. qokchdy. ofchedy. tolpchy. daiin. chocfhdy. opailo-
<f114r.P1.12;F> ykcheshd. ol. air. okaiin. otedy. ykeeey. teos. lair. sheod. chody. otchedair. okam-
<f114r.P1.13;F> qokchedy. daiin. octhdy=
<f114r.P1.14;F> solpchd. oiin. chcthdy. qodair. ol. daldy. qopdaiin. opdaiin. opdairody. opdailda. ary-
<f114r.P1.15;F> qoedy. otair. otar. okod. chodary. dal. oeedy. qokol. kchdy. dalol. yqokaiin. ched. al-
<f114r.P1.16;F> cheoal. sheedo. lkol. dair. dair. chdair. cheoty. otal. cheo. dair. chekar. otol. chedy-
<f114r.P1.17;F> qokeedaiin. cheedy. qokey. qokeeo. daiin. daiin. octhd. akaiin. otchedy. qokchedy. chckhd-
<f114r.P1.18;F> lchos. okar. ycheodeeey. qoeeody. qodaiin. dail. daiin=
<f114r.P1.19;F> pairody. shedar. qopchdy. dchedy. dal. qopchedy. daiin. ofchedaiin. chodaiin. opair. dar. oty-
<f114r.P1.20;F> sair. chedaiin. dalchdy. daiidy. olchedy. chedaiin. oteedy. qotedaiin. otar. otedy. do. rol-
<f114r.P1.21;F> lcheey. lchedo. lcheo. dkair-
<f114r.P1.22;F> tchedai. shodaiin. dair. kchedy. qopchdy. chdy. pdaiin. qokair. olchdy. rodeedy. qcphedy-
<f114r.P1.23;F> or. cheo. al. taiin. qokedaiin. oeain. al. s. aiin. ches=
<f114r.P1.24;F> tchedaiin. oldal. chor. cpheey. chcphey. cphochy. chos. aiir. chty. chopo. sair. cphy. dair-
<f114r.P1.25;F> oainl. chey. qokeedy. chedy. qoeey. qokodaiin. cheey. kais. aiin. okol. aiir. otair. or. airy-
<f114r.P1.26;F> ycheeo. daiin. olkaiir. qokaiin. chodaiin. okar. olkaiin. okaiin. cheody. airoy. olom-
<f114r.P1.27;F> cheeo. daiin. sheedy. qodaiin. ksam. chodal. olchedy=
<f114r.P1.28;F> pchedairs. oeail. chotar. qokeedair. olkaiin. opdaiin. otol. dair. chdy. tedair. aiiraim-
<f114r.P1.29;F> chol. oeedy. keedy. cheeky. cheodeey. keed. eedy. daiin. aldair. ar. shol. chedy. otchedy. qoty-
<f114r.P1.30;F> ychedar. okeedy. lkeed. aiin. oeedaiin. qoaiin. ykedy. okair. olkeedy. qoaiin. aiin. okeey. ram-
<f114r.P1.31;F> sair. aiin. cheedaiin. okaiin. otedy. qokeedaiin. oraiin=
<f114r.P1.32;F> tcheodaiin. chaiin. qokaiin. otaiin. otalkaiin. otchedaiin. qotcho. chdy. dair. qotar-
<f114r.P1.33;F> daiin. oteedaiin. saiin. yteey. aiin. alodaiin. chedal. odair. aiin. cheo. dal. chedy=

First study group, second choice:

<f114r.P1.1;G> tchedol. dairor. pcheor. ytaiin. otody. yteeed. oteeodl. o*aiin. okarol-
<f114r.P1.2;G> deedar. qoteeddy. dair. okedy. okoeey. r. aiin. oor. cheed. ol. keeed. lkeeedam-
<f114r.P1.4;G> fdeechdy. opchedaiin. ypchedy. odaly. chedy. qop. cheokaiin. shedy. podair. ochadal-
<f114r.P1.5;G> laiin. chedy. qokaiin. chdy. daiin. dchdar. eedol. chdol. kchedy. cho. kaiin. chdy-
<f114r.P1.6;G> qoeedy. okchedy. daiiin. chedy. daiin. ykeedy. okeeedy. chedol. shdaiin. ykar. dary-
<f114r.P1.7;G> cheol. dchedy. dkchr. aiin. chdedy. qodaiin. okchedaiin. chain-
<f114r.P1.8;G> fcheydam. okchedam. qokeedaiin. otairar. okchedy. otaiin. opcheol. ofchedains. ocphy-
<f114r.P1.9;G> dcheod. qodaiin. daiin. chey. kal. dody. chdairod. okchdy. chody. daiin. dar. oarar. old-
<f114r.P1.10;G> qokeedy. chdodaiin. qoedeey. chdaiin. chedalor=
<f114r.P1.11;G> dashy. kolky. qoedaiin. dolor. shedy. qokchdy. ofchedy. tolpchy. doiiin. chocfhdy. opailo-
<f114r.P1.12;G> ykcheshd. ol. air. okaiin. otedy. ykeeey. teos. lair. sheod. chody. otchedair. otam-
<f114r.P1.14;G> solpchd. oiin. chcthdy. qodair. ol. daldy. qopdain. opdaiin. opdairody. opdaildo. ary-
<f114r.P1.15;G> qoedy. otair. otar. okod. chodar. y. dal. oeedy. qokolkchdy. daloly. qokaiin. ched. al-
<f114r.P1.16;G> cheoal. sheedo. l. kal. dair. dair. chdair. cheoty. otal. cheo. dair. chekar. otol. chedy-
<f114r.P1.17;G> qokeedain. cheedy. qokey. qokeeodaiin. daiin. octhd. akaiin. otchedy. qokchedy. chckhd-
<f114r.P1.18;G> lcheos. okar. y. cheodeeey. qoeeody. qodaiin. daildain=
<f114r.P1.19;G> pairody. shedar. qopchdy. dchedy. dol. qopchedy. daiin. ofchedaiin. chodaiin. opair. dar. oty-
<f114r.P1.20;G> sair. chedaiin. dalchdy. daindy. olchedy. chedaiin. oteedy. qoted. aiin. otar. otedydo. rol-
<f114r.P1.22;G> tchedair. shodaiin. dair. kchedy. qopchdy. chdypdaiin. qokairolchdy. rodeedy. qcpheedy-
<f114r.P1.23;G> orcheo. al. taiin. qokedaiin. oeain. al. s. ain. ches=
<f114r.P1.24;G> tchedaiin. oldal. char. chpcheey. chcphey. cphochy. chos. ainr. chty. choposair. cphy. dair-
<f114r.P1.25;G> oainl. chey. qokeedy. chedy. qoeey. qokodaiin. cheey. kair. aiy. okol. ainr. otair. lr. airy-
<f114r.P1.26;G> y. cheeodaiin. olkaiin. qokaiin. chodaiin. okar. olkaiin. okaiin. chtody. airoy. olam-
<f114r.P1.28;G> pchedairs. oeail. chotar. qokeedair. olkaiin. opdaiin. otol. dair. chdy. tedair. ainr. aim-
<f114r.P1.29;G> chel. oeedy. keedy. chcheky. cheodeey. keedeedy. daiiin. ald. air. ar. shol. chedy. otchedy. qoty-
<f114r.P1.30;G> y. chedar. okeedy. lkeedy. aiin. oeedaiin. qoaiin. ykedy. okair. olkeedy. qoain. ain. okeey. ram-
<f114r.P1.31;G> sair. aiin. cheedain. okaiin. otedy. qokeedain. orain=
<f114r.P1.32;G> tcheodaiin. chaiin. qokaiin. otaiin. otalkain. otchedain. qotcho. chdy. dair. qotar-
<f114r.P1.33;G> daiin. oteedaiin. saiin. yteey. aiin. al. odaiin. chedal. odain. aiin. cheodal. chedy=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f114r.P1.1;H> tchedol. doiros. pcheos. ytaiin. okody. yteeed. oteeodl. opaiin. okarol-
<f114r.P1.2;H> deedar. qoteeddy. dair. okedy. okoeey. raiin. oor. cheed. ol. keeed. lkeeedam-
<f114r.P1.3;H> ycheod=
<f114r.P1.4;H> fdeechdy. opchedaiin. ypchedy. odaly. chedy. qop. cheokaiin. shedy. podair. ochedal-
<f114r.P1.5;H> laiin. chedy. qokaiin. chdy. daiin. dchdas. eedol. chdol. kchedy. cho. kaiin. chdy-
<f114r.P1.6;H> qoeedy. okchedy. daiiin. chedy. daiin. ykeedy. okeeedy. chedol. chdaiin. ykar. dary-
<f114r.P1.7;H> cheol. dchedy. dkchs. aiin. chdedy. qodaiin. okchedaiin. chain-
<f114r.P1.8;H> fchey. dam. okchedam. qokeedaiin. otairar. okchedy. otaiin. opcheol. ofchedaiis. ocphy-
<f114r.P1.9;H> dcheod. qodaiin. daiin. chey. kal. dody. chdairod. okchdy. chody. daiin. dar. oar. orold-
<f114r.P1.10;H> qokeedy. chdodaiin. qoedeey. chdaiin. chedalos=
<f114r.P1.11;H> dalchy. kolky. qoedaiin. dolor. shedy. qokchdy. ofchedy. tolpchy. doiiin. chocfhdy. opailo-
<f114r.P1.12;H> ykcheshd. ol. air. okaiin. otedy. ykeeey. teos. lair. sheod. chody. otchedair. okom-
<f114r.P1.13;H> qokchedy. daiin. octhdy=
<f114r.P1.14;H> solpchd. oiin. chcthdy. qodair. ol. daldy. qopdain. opdaiin. opdairody. opdaildo. ary-
<f114r.P1.15;H> qoedy. otair. otar. okod. chodar. y. dal. oeedy. qokolkchdy. dalol. y. qokaiin. ched. al-
<f114r.P1.16;H> cheoal. sheedo. lkol. dair. dair. chdair. cheoty. otal. cheo. dair. chekor. otol. chedy-
<f114r.P1.17;H> qokeedain. cheedy. qokey. qokeeodaiin. daiin. octhd. akaiin. otchedy. qokchedy. chckhd-
<f114r.P1.18;H> lcheos. okar. y. cheodeeey. qoeeody. qodaiin. daildain=
<f114r.P1.19;H> pairody. shedar. qopchdy. dchedy. dol. qopchedy. daiin. ofchedaiin. chodaiin. opair. dar. oty-
<f114r.P1.20;H> sair. chedaiin. dalchdy. daiidy. olchedy. chedaiin. oteedy. qoted. aiin. otar. otedy. do. rol-
<f114r.P1.21;H> lcheey. lchedo. lcheo. dkair-
<f114r.P1.22;H> tchedair. shodaiin. dair. kchedy. qopeedy. chdypdaiin. qokairolchdy. rodeedy. qcphhedy-
<f114r.P1.23;H> orcheo. al. taiin. qokedaiin. oeain. al. s. ain. ches=
<f114r.P1.24;H> tchedaiin. oldal. chor. chpeeeey. chcphey. cphochy. chos. aiir. chty. chopo. sair. cphy. dair-
<f114r.P1.25;H> oaiil. chey. qokeedy. chedy. qoeey. qokodaiin. cheey. kais. aiy. okol. aiir. otair. or. airy-
<f114r.P1.26;H> ycheeodaiin. olkaiir. qokaiin. chodaiin. okar. olkaiin. okaiin. cheody. airoy. olam-
<f114r.P1.27;H> cheeo. daiin. sheedy. qodaiin. ksam. chodal. olchedy=
<f114r.P1.28;H> pchedairs. oeail. chotar. qokeedair. olkaiin. opdaiin. otol. dair. chdy. tedair. aiisaim-
<f114r.P1.29;H> chol. oeedy. keedy. chcheky. cheodeey. keedeedy. daiiin. ald. air. ar. shol. chedy. otchedy. qoty-
<f114r.P1.30;H> ychedar. okeedy. lkeede. aiin. oeedaiin. qoaiin. ykedy. okair. olkeedy. qoain. ain. okeey. ram-
<f114r.P1.31;H> sain. aiin. cheedain. okaiin. otedy. qokeedain. orain=
<f114r.P1.32;H> tcheodaiin. chaiin. qokaiin. otaiin. otalkain. otchedain. qotcho. chdy. dair. qotar-
<f114r.P1.33;H> daiin. oteed. aiin. saiin. yteey. aiin. al. odaiin. chedal. odain. aiin. cheo. dal. chedy=

Unit: "right-justified "title""

Last edited on 1998-12-11 10:54:48 by stolfi

First study group:

<f114r.T1.34;F> {long dash}ytaiin. olkaiin. ykar. chdar. alkam=

First study group, second choice:

<f114r.T1.34;G> {long dash}ytain. olkaiin. y. kar. chdar. alkam=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f114r.T1.34;H> {long dash}ytain. olkaiin. ykar. chdar. alkam=

Unit: "text - parag block 2 (after "title")"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:45:10 by stolfi

First study group:

<f114r.P2.35;F> pcheos. air. oy. sheo. qokchey. sheekos. oar. ytched. lked. kchdar. otal. kar-
<f114r.P2.36;F> ychedar. ackhdy. otaraiin. ykeo. daiin. qoeedaiin. qokal. saiin. otchedy. qokar-
<f114r.P2.37;F> odar. oraiin. otshedy. okaiin. yky. ols. ol. kaiin. chees. air. qotaiin. chedaiin-
<f114r.P2.38;F> qoeedy. qokchedy. cheey. raiin. araiin. aiin. al. chol=
<f114r.P2.39;F> todaiin. cheo. tchedaiin. daiin. okar. qoeedaiin. ycho. oedair. opchedy. qotchar-
<f114r.P2.40;F> yteedy. qotey. qoedaiin. qokchedy. teedy. qoteedy. qotar. otees. chos. otchdy-
<f114r.P2.41;F> oshey. daiin. sheody. qoty. cheey. taiin. qokaiin. qokeeedy. oqotaiin. oqoeo. saiin=
<f114r.P2.42;F> poedair. qotol. qodaiin. otaiin. qotar. qotchey. qotaiin. cheopy. qopoiin. cheody-
<f114r.P2.43;F> ycheedy. qoodaiin. daiiral. chedal. chos. oral. tedy. qotchdy. qotar. cheo. daiin-
<f114r.P2.44;F> ydaiin. chedy. qoal. cheey. qokair. okeedy. chotal. chol. okaiin. ar. dar. opaiin-
<f114r.P2.45;F> daiin. ched. chodaiin. otaiin. chdar. chedy. chocthy=

First study group, second choice:

<f114r.P2.35;G> pcheos. air. oy. sheo. qokchey. sheekas. oar. ytched. lked. okedar. otal. kar-
<f114r.P2.36;G> ychedar. ackhdy. otar. ain. ykeodaiin. qoeedaiin. qokal. sain. otchedy. qokar-
<f114r.P2.37;G> odar. or. aiin. otshedy. okaiin. yky. ols. ol. kaiin. chees. air. qotaiin. chedaiiin-
<f114r.P2.38;G> qoeedy. qokchedy. cheey. r. aiin. ar. ain. aiin. al. choly=
<f114r.P2.39;G> todaiin. cheoltched. aiin. daiin. okar. qoeedain. ycho. oeda*. opchedy. qotear-
<f114r.P2.40;G> yteedy. qotey. qoedaiin. qokchedy. teedy. qoteeedy. qotar. qtees. chos. otchdy-
<f114r.P2.41;G> oshey. daiin. sheody. qoty. cheey. taiin. qokaiin. qokeeedy. oqotaiiin. oqochosain=
<f114r.P2.42;G> poedair. qotol. qodaiin. otaiin. qotar. qotchey. qotaiin. cheopy. qopaiin. cheody-
<f114r.P2.43;G> ycheedy. oq. daiin. dainr. al. chedal. chos. or. al. tedy. qotchdy. qotar. cheo. dain-
<f114r.P2.44;G> ydaiin. chedy. qoal. cheey. qokair. okeedy. chotal. cho. l. okain. ar. dar. opaiin-
<f114r.P2.45;G> dain. ched. chodaiin. otain. chdar. chedy. chocthy=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f114r.P2.35;H> pcheos. air. oy. sheo. qokchey. sheekas. oar. ytched. lked. okchdar. otal. kar-
<f114r.P2.36;H> ychedar. aikhdy. otarain. ykeodaiin. qoeedaiin. qokal. sain. otchedy. qokar-
<f114r.P2.37;H> odar. or. aiin. otshedy. okaiin. yky. ols. ol. kaiin. chees. air. qotaiin. chedaiiin-
<f114r.P2.38;H> qoeedy. qokchedy. cheey. raiin. arain. aiin. al. chol=
<f114r.P2.39;H> todaiin. cheoltchedaiin. daiin. okar. qoeedain. ycho. oedair. opchedy. qetchar-
<f114r.P2.40;H> yteedy. qotey. qoedaiin. qokchedy. teedy. qoteeedy. qotar. otees. chos. otchdy-
<f114r.P2.41;H> oshey. daiin. sheody. qoty. cheey. taiin. qokaiin. qokeeedy. oqotoiiin. oqoeeosain=
<f114r.P2.42;H> poedair. qotol. qodaiin. otaiin. qotar. qotchey. qotaiin. cheopy. qopoiin. cheody-
<f114r.P2.43;H> ycheedy. qeoodaiin. daiiral. chedal. chos. oral. tedy. qotchdy. qotar. cheo. dain-
<f114r.P2.44;H> ydaiin. chedy. qoal. cheey. qokair. okeedy. chotal. chol. okain. ar. dor. opaiin-
<f114r.P2.45;H> dain. ched. chodaiin. otain. chdar. chedy. chocthy=