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Last edited on 1998-10-10 07:51:07 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f113r = TQ (Rene) = p227 (Stolfi)
Folio: f113
Panels: f113r
Bifolio: bT4 = f106+f113
Quire: T (Rene) = XVIII (Beinecke)

variant readings based on [1609|1613]


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Hand: ? (Currier)
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Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:44:31 by stolfi


&O' = <o> with plume

First study group:

<f113r.P.1;F> pchesfchy. ypcheedy. fchdy. chetar. qopchedaiin. oteey. oty. lkchy. chodaiin. alar. chedy-
<f113r.P.2;F> dar. okeedy. oteeody. qokedy. otchechy. okeorl. al. keeos. ched. al. ar. chckhey. ykal. airol-
<f113r.P.3;F> shchs. oal. chsaiin. oteeosy=
<f113r.P.4;F> kcheeos. olkeedy. shoaiin. cheeody. qokchedy. chckhody. qokedy. qotaly. lkar. ar. alom-
<f113r.P.5;F> ycheeckh. osaiin. cheoar. qokaiin. chekal. otar. shosaiin. chckhy. chdy. okal. chedy. chedy-
<f113r.P.6;F> sor. cheo. cheey. oteeo. saiin. otaiin. otal. ches. aiin. alchl. sheey. kchol. okeeo. l. kaiin. ol-
<f113r.P.7;F> chor. sheey. qokchey. sokal. okeey. char. laiin. olkaiin=
<f113r.P.8;F> pchosos. cheoar. keeol. qokeey. lkchey. qokar. chos. shey. qopchy. rchsy. chy. keor. otal-
<f113r.P.9;F> dchos. aiin. oteey. qokaiin. cho. okaiin. cheo. daiin. aky. lechody. chotaiin=
<f113r.P.10;F> pcheody. qokeody. cheoar. chy. kcheeor. ety. sheody. sheodaiin. qoteoar. otam. otchedy. qoty-
<f113r.P.11;F> daiin. cholchey. okechey. chokeol. sheo. qoaiin. choo. keeeol. keody. chor. chor. kal. laram-
<f113r.P.12;F> yshoaiin. qoeey. qoaiin. shol. lkeeoar. chodaiin. otam. chosaiin=
<f113r.P.13;F> polchor. cheody. qotedy. lkeches. lkeeol. lkcheol. lkchedy. kotchy. lpchedy. qopchedy. ro-
<f113r.P.14;F> ycheo. lkcheo. lchol. aiin. qoksheoy. qokcheody. lcheo. lkchedy. chokchy. okchdar. al-
<f113r.P.15;F> chol. chs. saiin. chaiin=
<f113r.P.16;F> pcheoor. olkeedy. qokeedy. shdy. qofchedy. chcfhar. chedy. qokeeol. por. aiin. chcphar-
<f113r.P.17;F> dor. shar. shol. qokeey. qokchol. chedaiin. qoky. chokaiin. chotar. chokar. char. alom-
<f113r.P.18;F> ycheod. cheoaiin. chal. olkaiin. chkaiin. cheeey. lkeeo. aiin. okeedy. qokcheey. rchedy-
<f113r.P.19;F> y*al. cheeo. rlaiin. chckhey. cheol=
<f113r.P.20;F> ksho. raiin. qokeeo. ar. shoteol. lklcheol. qokar. chdaiin. cphocthy. chor. aiin. ckhydy-
<f113r.P.21;F> dar. shol. shedair. otchdy. shokchy. shaiin. shckhey. lshar. air. okeody=
<f113r.P.22;F> tchoar. sheeo. daiin. chkaiin. otchod. okchedy. qokaiin. chokaiin. sheor. qokchy. qopam-
<f113r.P.23;F> ykeoeshy. qokaiin. chol. kaiin. chckhey. lkchey. qokal. chocthy. lkchor. lkchedy. lkaiin-
<f113r.P.24;F> dair. chor. chopchey. araiin. or. sal. arody=
<f113r.P.25;F> pcho. dair. shotedy. qopchody. cfhol. kchdaiin. chpchshdy. rair. shedy. qokchey. sairy-
<f113r.P.26;F> tol. cheshy. lkchedy. lchod. chal. charl. keeody. oteeo. loaiin. okeedy=
<f113r.P.27;F> tchol. chol. lsheol. shor. kcheey. yraiin. sheol. tcheody. tchey. sheoky. kpchedy. qokam-
<f113r.P.28;F> sar. al. chal. os. okchy. daiin. cheeeo. rain. otaiin. chol. lchol. kaiin. cheokedy. lodar-
<f113r.P.29;F> ysheeoaiin. alkeeol. chtchol. kcheody. lkchedy. okaiin. chal. taiin. oteedy=
<f113r.P.30;F> polchear. oteol. lshedy. lkshedy. sheeky. otar. qchar. tar. shkchedy. qokchd. opy-
<f113r.P.31;F> ytaiin. okaiin. chear. ckhar. shal. shckhy. okaiin. okear. char. *ky. chakaiin. qoky-
<f113r.P.32;F> shodaiin. shkaiin. shcthal. okshedy. otal. okaiin. cphoal. otaiin. okaiin. chedy. qotal-
<f113r.P.33;F> ykeeor. chear. okaiin. chear. chockhy=
<f113r.P.34;F> palshsar. lshdaiin. otshdaiin. shocfhy. qopchear. shkair. qopchdy. qotedy. rchedy. ldy-
<f113r.P.35;F> yshs. sheeo. lkeeos. aiin. qokees. okchedy. qotaiin. otar. okar. ockhy. rchedy. qosaiin-
<f113r.P.36;F> dcheey. sheody. shedaiin=
<f113r.P.37;F> tshedy. qokaiin. shedar. sheocphy. okchdy. pcheody. opchear. opchedy. lfchedy. otal-
<f113r.P.38;F> daiin. sheor. qoteey. daiin. okchedy. sheos. aiin=
<f113r.P.39;F> pcheockhy. lkchey. qofsheey. lkeody. kcheo. daiin. por. sheed. qopoeey. pokeey. rair. aly-
<f113r.P.40;F> tarar. cheey. cheokeol. chcheey. cthes. aiin. ctheey. ctharad. shee. qotchey. taram-
<f113r.P.41;F> dsheo. aiin. okaiin. cheey. taiin. lkeechey. okaiin. sheey. qoees. okeeody=
<f113r.P.42;F> pcheodaiin. shol. keechy. ar. alkar. otched. cheol. tchear. qokchedy. pchor. aral-
<f113r.P.43;F> ykcheor. sheeod. lkar. ar. al. saiin. cheey. ol. chedy. lchey. lkar. am. chedam-
<f113r.P.44;F> cheeky. lkedy. chedy. lkaiin=
<f113r.P.45;F> tchodair. or. ar. chey. qotaiin. opchey. chtaiir. edy. qotar. sheol. qotody. tedy-
<f113r.P.46;F> oaiin. cheokees. lkaiin. chkal. kar. cheeody. qokeeody. qokeey. chos. araiin. ol-
<f113r.P.47;F> ysheol. keechey. chol. keedy. qokaiin. chedal. lkches. ar. okaiin. qokaiin. oram-
<f113r.P.48;F> tcho. ararshy. qokaiin. shey. chckhey. sheol. kchy. qokeol. kaiin. checkhy. ralchs-
<f113r.P.49;F> saiin. cheey. cheo. kcheey. qokeey. lkeeey. okeeey. lkchey. lchor. aiin. otaiin. al-
<f113r.P.50;F> tchedy. okeey. cheeos. lkaiin. chey. otaiin. cheeody. qokeeo. dy. okaiin. oteedy-
<f113r.P.51;F> ykeeol. qokaiin. olkal. airody. okaiin. okalal. loary=

First study group, second choice:

<f113r.P.1;G> pches*chy. ypchedy. fchdy. chetar. qopchedaiin. oteey. oty. lkchy. chodain. alar. chedy-
<f113r.P.2;G> dar. okeedy. oteeody. qokedy. otchechy. okeorl. al. keeor. ched. al. ar. chckhey. ykol. air. ol-
<f113r.P.3;G> shchr. oal. chr. aiin. oteeosy=
<f113r.P.4;G> kcheeos. olkeedy. shoaiin. cheeody. qokchedy. chckhody. qoedy. qotaly. lkar. ar. alom-
<f113r.P.5;G> ycheeckhy. o. saiin. cheoar. qokaiin. chekal. otar. sha. s. aiin. chckhy. chdo. okol. chedy. chedy-
<f113r.P.6;G> sar. cheo. cheey. oteeos. aiin. otain. otal. cher. aiin. alchl. sheey. kchol. okeeo. l. kaiin. al-
<f113r.P.7;G> chos. sheey. qokchey. sokal. okeey. char. laiin. alkain=
<f113r.P.8;G> pchosos. cheoar. keeol. qokeey. lkchey. qokar. chos. shey. qopchy. rchsy. chykeor. otal-
<f113r.P.9;G> dchos. aiin. oteey. qokaiin. cha. okaiin. cheo. daiin. aky. lo. chody. chotaiin=
<f113r.P.11;G> daiin. cholchey. okcheey. chokeol. sheo. qoaiin. choo. kaeol. keody. chor. chor. kal. laram-
<f113r.P.12;G> yshoain. qoeey. qoaiin. shol. lkeeoar. chodaiin. otam. chosaiin=
<f113r.P.13;G> folchor. cheody. qotedy. lkeches. l. keeol. lkcheol. lkchedy. kotchy. lpchedy. qopchedy. ro-
<f113r.P.14;G> ycheo. lkcheo. lchol. oiiin. qoksheoy. qokcheo*y. lcheo. l. kchedy. chokchy. okchdar. al-
<f113r.P.15;G> chol. chr. s. aiin. chaiiin=
<f113r.P.16;G> pcheyor. olkeedy. qokeedy. shdy. qofchedy. chcfhar. chedy. qokeeol. por. aiin. chepchar-
<f113r.P.17;G> dor. shar. shol. qokeey. qok. chol. chedaiin. qoky. chokain. chotar. chokar. char. alom-
<f113r.P.18;G> y. cheod. cheoaiin. chol. olkaiin. chkaiin. cheeey. lkeeo. aiiin. okeedy. qokcheey. rchedy-
<f113r.P.20;G> ksharaiin. qokeeoas. shoteol. lklcheol. qokar. chdain. cphocthy. chor. aiin. ckhydy-
<f113r.P.21;G> dar. shol. shedar. otchdy. shokchy. shaiiin. shckhey. lshor. air. okeody=
<f113r.P.22;G> tchoar. sheeodaiin. chkaiin. otchod. okchedy. qokaiin. chokain. sheor. qokchy. qopam-
<f113r.P.23;G> ykeoeshy. qokaiin. cholkiin. chckhey. lkchey. qokal. chocthy. lkchor. lkchedy. lkaiin-
<f113r.P.24;G> dair. chor. chopchey. ar. aiin. or. sal. arody=
<f113r.P.25;G> pchodair. shotedy. qopchody. chfchol. kchdaiin. chpchshdy. rair. shedy. qokchey. sairy-
<f113r.P.26;G> tol. cheshy. lkchedy. lchod. chal. char. lkeeody. oteeo. loaiin. okeedy=
<f113r.P.27;G> tchol. chol. lsheol. shor. kcheeckh. y. raiin. shrol. tcheody. tchey. sheoky. lpchedy. qokam-
<f113r.P.28;G> sar. al. chal. os. akchy. daiin. cheeeo. rain. oteein. chol. lcholkaiin. cheokedy. lodar-
<f113r.P.30;G> folchear. oteol. lshedy. lkshedy. sheeeky. otar. qoar. tar. shkchedy. qokchd. opy-
<f113r.P.31;G> ytaiin. okaiin. chear. ckhar. shal. shckhy. okain. okear. chor. chky. chakain. qoky-
<f113r.P.32;G> shodaiin. shkaiin. chcthal. okshedy. otal. okaiin. cphoal. otain. okaiin. chedy. qotal-
<f113r.P.33;G> ykeeor. chear. akain. chear. chockhy=
<f113r.P.34;G> palshsar. lshdaiin. otshdaiin. shocfhy. qopchear. shkair. qopchdy. qoteedy. rchedy. ldy-
<f113r.P.35;G> yshssheeo. l. keeos. aiin. qokeees. okchedy. qotaiin. otar. okar. ackhy. rchedy. qosain-
<f113r.P.36;G> dcheey. sheady. shedain=
<f113r.P.39;G> pcheockhy. lkchey. qofsheeey. lkeody. kcheodaiin. por. sheed. qopoeey. pokeey. rair. aly-
<f113r.P.40;G> tar. ar. cheey. cheokeol. chcheey. cther. aiin. ctheey. cthar. ad. shee. qotchey. taram-
<f113r.P.41;G> dsheo. ain. okaiin. cheey. taiin. okeechey. okain. sheey. qoees. okeeody=
<f113r.P.42;G> pcheodaiin. sholkeechy. ar. alkar. otchedy. cheol. tcheot. qokchedy. pchor. aral-
<f113r.P.43;G> ykcheor. sheeod. lkar. ar. al. s. aiin. cheeey. ol. chedy. lchey. lkar. am. chedom-
<f113r.P.45;G> tchodairos. ar. chey. qotaiin. opchey. chtainr. shedy. qotor. sheol. qotody. tedy-
<f113r.P.46;G> oaiin. cheokeeas. lkaiin. chkalkar. cheeody. qokeeody. qokeey. chos. ar. aiin. ol-
<f113r.P.47;G> ysheol. keechey. cholkeedy. qokaiin. chedal. lkches. ar. okain. qokaiin. oram-
<f113r.P.48;G> tchoararshy. qokaiin. shey. chckhey. sheolkchy. qokeol. kaiin. checkhy. ralchr-
<f113r.P.49;G> sain. cheeey. cheo. kcheey. qokeey. lkeeey. okeeey. lkchey. lchor. aiin. otain. al-
<f113r.P.50;G> tchedy. okeey. cheeos. lkaiin. chey. otain. cheeody. qokeeody. okaiin. oteee*y-
<f113r.P.51;G> ykeeol. qokaiin. olkal. oir. ody. okaiin. otalal. loary=

John Tiltman:

<f113r.P.1;T> pcheskchy. ypcheedy. chetar. qopchedaiin. oteey. oty. lkchy. chodain. alar. chedy-
<f113r.P.2;T> dar. okeedy. oteeody. qokedy. otchechy. okeorl. al. keeor. ched. alar. chckhey. ykolairol-
<f113r.P.3;T> shchs. oal. chs. aiin. oteeosy=
<f113r.P.4;T> kcheeos. olkeedy. shoaiin. cheeody. qokchedy. chckhody. qokedy. qotaly. lkar. aral. om-
<f113r.P.5;T> ycheeckhy. osaiin. cheoar. qokaiin. chekal. otar. shosaiin. chckhy. chdy. okol. chedy. chedy-
<f113r.P.6;T> sor. cheo. cheey. oteeosaiin. otain. otal. ches. aiin. al. chl. sheey. kchol. okeeo. l. kaiin. ol-
<f113r.P.7;T> chos. sheey. qokchey. sokal. okeey. char. laiin. olkain=
<f113r.P.8;T> pchosos. cheoarkeeol. qokeey. lkchey. qokar. chos. shey. qopchy. rchsy. shykeor. otal-
<f113r.P.9;T> dchosaiin. oteey. qokaiin. cha. okaiin. cheodaiin. aky. le. chody. chotaiin=
<f113r.P.10;T> pcheody. qokeody. cheoar. chy. kcheeor. ety. sheody. sheodaiin. qoteoar. otam. otchedy. qoty-
<f113r.P.11;T> daiin. cholchey. okecheey. chokeol. sheo. qoaiin. shoo. keeeol. keody. chor. chor. kal. laram-
<f113r.P.12;T> yshoain. qoeey. qoaiin. shol. lkeeoar. chodaiin. otam. chosaiin=
<f113r.P.13;T> polchor. cheody. qotedy. lkeches. l. keeol. lkcheol. lkchedy. kotchy. lpchedy. qopchedy. ro-
<f113r.P.14;T> ycheo. lkchey. lchol. oiiin. qoksheoy. qokcheody. lcheo. lkchedy. chokchy. okchdar. al-
<f113r.P.15;T> chol. chs. saiin. chaiiin=
<f113r.P.16;T> pche*or. olkeedy. qokeedy. shdy. qofchedy. chcfhor. chedy. qokeeol. por. aiin. chepchar-
<f113r.P.17;T> dor. shar. shol. qokeey. qokchol. chedaiin. qoky. chokain. chotar. chokar. char. alom-
<f113r.P.18;T> ycheod. cheoaiin. chal. olkaiin. chkaiin. cheeey. lkeeo. aiiin. okeedy. qokcheey. rchedy-
<f113r.P.19;T> y*al. cheeo. rlaiin. chckhey. cheol=
<f113r.P.20;T> kshoraiin. qokeeoar. shoteol. lklcheol. qokar. chdain. cphocthy. chor. aiin. ckhydy-
<f113r.P.21;T> dar. shol. shedair. otchdy. shokchy. shaiiin. shckhey. lshor. air. okeody=
<f113r.P.22;T> tchoar. sheeodaiin. chkaiin. otchod. okchedy. qokaiin. chokain. sheor. qokchy. qopam-
<f113r.P.23;T> ykeoeshy. qokaiin. chal. chckhey. lkchey. qokal. chocthy. lkchor. lkchedy. lkaiin-
<f113r.P.24;T> dair. chor. chopchey. araiin. or. ral. arody=
<f113r.P.25;T> pchodair. shotedy. qopchody. chfchol. kchdaiin. chpchshdy. rair. shedy. qokchey. sairy-
<f113r.P.26;T> tol. cheshy. lkchedy. lchod. chal. char. lkeeody. oteeo. loaiin. okeedy=
<f113r.P.27;T> tchol. chol. lsheol. shar. kcheey. yraiin. sheol. tcheody. tchey. sheoky. lpchedy. qokam-
<f113r.P.28;T> sar. al. chal. os. akchy. daiin. cheeeerain. otain. chol. lcholkaiin. cheokedy. lodar-
<f113r.P.29;T> ysheeoaiin. alkeeol. chtchol. kcheody. lkchedy. okaiin. chal. taiin. oteedy=
<f113r.P.30;T> folchear. oteol. lshedy. lkshedy. sheeeky. otar. qchar. tar. shkchedy. qokchd. opy-
<f113r.P.31;T> ytaiin. okaiin. chear. ckhar. shal. shckhy. okain. kear. chor. chky. chakain. qoky-
<f113r.P.32;T> shodaiin. shkaiin. chcthal. okshedy. otal. okaiin. cphoal. otain. okaiin. chedy. qotal-
<f113r.P.33;T> ykeeor. chear. okain. chear. chockhy=
<f113r.P.34;T> palshsar. lshdaiin. otshsaiin. shocfhy. qopchear. shkair. qopchdy. qoteedy. rchedy. ldy-
<f113r.P.35;T> yshssheeo. lkeeos. aiin. qokeees. okchedy. qotaiin. otar. okar. ockhy. rchdy. qosain-
<f113r.P.36;T> dcheey. sheody. shedain=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f113r.P.1;H> pchesfchy. ypcheedy. fchdy. chetar. qopchedaiin. oteey. oty. lkchy. chodain. alar. chedy-
<f113r.P.2;H> dar. okeedy. oteeody. qokedy. otchechy. okeorl. al. keeos. ched. al. ar. chckhhy. ykol. air. ol-
<f113r.P.3;H> shchs. oal. chs. aiin. oteeosy=
<f113r.P.4;H> kcheeos. olkeedy. shoaiin. cheeody. qokchedy. chckhody. qokedy. qotaly. lkar. ar. alog-
<f113r.P.5;H> ycheeckhy. osaiin. cheoar. qokaiin. chekal. otar. shosaiin. chckhy. chdo. okol. chedy. chedy-
<f113r.P.6;H> sor. cheo. cheey. oteeos. aiin. otain. otal. ches. aiin. alchl. sheey. kchol. okeeo. l. kaiin. ol-
<f113r.P.7;H> chos. sheey. qokchey. sokal. okeey. char. laiin. olkain=
<f113r.P.8;H> pchosos. cheoar. keeol. qokeey. lkchey. qokar. chos. shey. qopchy. rchsy. chykeor. otal-
<f113r.P.9;H> dchos. aiin. oteey. qokaiin. cho. okaiin. cheo. daiin. chky. le. chody. chotaiin=
<f113r.P.10;H> pcheody. qokeody. cheoar. chy. kcheeor. ety. sheody. sheodaiin. qoteoor. otom. otchedy. qoty-
<f113r.P.11;H> daiin. cholchey. okecheey. chokeol. sheo. qoaiin. shoo. keeeol. keody. chor. chor. kal. liiram-
<f113r.P.12;H> yshoain. qoeey. qoaiin. shol. lkeeoar. chodaiin. otam. chosaiin=
<f113r.P.13;H> folchor. cheody. qotedy. lkeches. lkeeol. lkcheol. lkchedy. kotchy. lpchedy. qopchedy. ro-
<f113r.P.14;H> ycheo. lkcheo. lchol. oiiin. qoksheoy. qokcheody. lcheo. l. kchedy. chokchy. okchdar. al-
<f113r.P.15;H> chol. chr. s. aiin. chaiiin=
<f113r.P.16;H> pcheoor. olkeedy. qokeedy. shdy. qofchedy. chcfhor. chedy. qokeeol. por. aiin. chepchar-
<f113r.P.17;H> dor. shar. shol. qokeey. qokchol. chedaiin. qoky. chokain. chotar. chokar. char. alom-
<f113r.P.18;H> ycheod. cheoaiin. chal. olkaiin. chkaiin. cheeey. lkeeo. aiiin. okeedy. qokcheey. rchedy-
<f113r.P.19;H> yhal. cheeo. rlaiin. chckhey. cheol=
<f113r.P.20;H> kshoraiin. qokeeo. ar. shoteol. lklcheol. qokar. chdain. cphoithy. chor. aiin. ckhydy-
<f113r.P.21;H> oiin. shol. shedair. otchdy. shokchy. shaiiin. shckhey. lo{&O'}hor. air. okeody=
<f113r.P.22;H> tchoar. sheeodaiin. chkaiin. otchod. okchedy. qokaiin. chokain. sheor. qokchy. qopam-
<f113r.P.23;H> ykeoeshy. qokaiin. chol. kiin. chckhey. lkchey. qokal. chocthy. lkchor. lkchedy. lkaiin-
<f113r.P.24;H> dair. chor. chopchey. araiin. or. sal. arody=
<f113r.P.25;H> pchodair. shotedy. qopchody. chfchol. kchdaiin. chpchshdy. rair. shedy. qokchey. sairy-
<f113r.P.26;H> tol. cheshy. lkchedy. lchod. chal. char. lkeeody. oteeo. loaiin. okeedy=
<f113r.P.27;H> tchol. chol. lsheol. shor. kcheey. yraiin. sheol. tcheody. tchey. sheoky. lpchedy. qokam-
<f113r.P.28;H> sar. al. chal. os. akchy. daiin. cheeeo. rain. otiiin. chol. lcholkaiin. cheokedy. lodar-
<f113r.P.29;H> ysheeoaiin. alkeeol. chtchol. kcheody. lkchedy. okaiin. chal. taiin. oteedy=
<f113r.P.30;H> folchear. oteol. lshedy. lkshedy. sheeeky. otar. qchar. tar. shkchedy. qokchd. opy-
<f113r.P.31;H> ytaiin. okaiin. chear. ckhar. shal. shckhy. okain. okhar. chor. chky. chakain. qoky-
<f113r.P.32;H> shodaiin. shkaiin. chcthal. okshedy. otal. okaiin. cphoal. otain. okaiin. chedy. qotal-
<f113r.P.33;H> ykeeor. chear. okain. chear. chockhy=
<f113r.P.34;H> palshsar. lshdaiin. otshsaiin. shocfhy. qopchear. shkair. qopchdy. qoteedy. rchedy. ldy-
<f113r.P.35;H> yshs. sheeo. lkeeos. aiin. qokeees. okchedy. qotaiin. otar. okar. ockhy. rchedy. qosain-
<f113r.P.36;H> dcheey. sheody. shedain=
<f113r.P.37;H> tshedy. qokaiin. shedar. sheocphy. okchdy. pcheody. opchear. opchedy. lfchedy. otal-
<f113r.P.38;H> daiin. sheor. qoteey. daiin. okchedy. sheos. aiin=
<f113r.P.39;H> pcheockhy. lkchey. qofsheeey. lkeody. kcheodaiin. por. sheed. qopoeey. pokeey. rair. aly-
<f113r.P.40;H> tarar. cheey. cheokeol. chcheey. cthes. aiin. ctheey. ctharad. shee. qotchey. taram-
<f113r.P.41;H> dsheo. ain. okaiin. cheey. taiin. lkeechey. okain. sheey. qoees. okeeody=
<f113r.P.42;H> pcheodaiin. sholkeechy. or. alkar. otchedy. cheol. tcheor. qokchedy. pchor. aral-
<f113r.P.43;H> ykcheor. cseeod. lkar. ar. al. s. aiin. cheeey. ol. chedy. lchey. lkar. am. chedam-
<f113r.P.44;H> cheeky. lkedy. chedy. lkaiin=
<f113r.P.45;H> tchodairos. ar. chey. qotaiin. opchey. chtaiir. shedy. qotor. sheol. qotody. tedy-
<f113r.P.46;H> oaiin. cheokeeos. lkaiin. chkal. kar. cheeody. qokeeody. qokeey. chos. ar. aiin. ol-
<f113r.P.47;H> y. sheol. keechey. cholkeedy. qokaiin. chedal. lkches. ar. okain. qokaiin. oriim-
<f113r.P.48;H> tchoarorshy. qokaiin. shey. chckhhy. sheolkchy. qokeol. kaiin. checkhy. ralchs-
<f113r.P.49;H> sain. cheeey. cheo. kcheey. qokeey. lkeeey. okeeey. lkchey. lchor. aiin. otain. al-
<f113r.P.50;H> tchedy. okeey. cheeos. lkaiin. chey. otain. cheeody. qokeeody. okaiin. oteedy-
<f113r.P.51;H> ykeeol. qokaiin. olkal. airody. okaiin. okalal. loary=