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Last edited on 1998-10-09 05:21:15 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f106v = TH (Rene) = p218 (Stolfi)
Folio: f106
Panels: f106v
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Last edited on 1998-12-11 09:10:52 by stolfi


<f106v.P.1;C> fsheda. loain. opaiiral. oteo. daiin. chopchy. otair. kar. alalor. aiin. alm. kar-
<f106v.P.2;C> daiin. al. sheeodar. ychtain. sharotar. qokar. okar. shed. sheo. keorain. am. chy-
<f106v.P.3;C> yshedaiin. shckhy. cheokchy. sar. al. cholchedy. ytain. otas. al. eedy. daly. lody-
<f106v.P.4;C> ycheota. lsheo. aiin. chcthy. okain. chdal. chdam. charam=
<f106v.P.5;C> tshoar. oeey. qokain. shypchedy. opched. qopchedy. otaiin. chepar. aiin. octhy. dair. ry-
<f106v.P.6;C> daiin. shody. kchedy. sheody. olkaiin. shkar. chody. talshdy. qokain. kararo-
<f106v.P.7;C> soy. sheolsho. dy. chain. shol. kain. shokaiin. qotaiin. chodar. ail. dal. dar. loror-
<f106v.P.8;C> oraiin. cheo. rol. aiin. otaiin=
<f106v.P.9;C> tshodaiin. sholkais. orainkar. aiin. shtchy. qopchdy. qopchy. lolkair. sheas. am-
<f106v.P.10;C> ysheody. cheol. oteey. qodaiin. ytain. ychdy. oltydy=
<f106v.P.11;C> tchdys. archeda. oteeody. kshedy. qotchdy. qotas. shedy. qotedy. opchy. kaiin. sham-
<f106v.P.12;C> ycheey. qoeeda. chodain. otalchdy. qokaiin. chokaiin. chody. qokal. otal. otam-
<f106v.P.13;C> olkeealkchedy. qoeeey. ral. ches. al. ytar. shsy. lchey. ykaiin. shy. lkam-
<f106v.P.14;C> schedy. raiin. char. arshey. chedy. aiiin. alkam=
<f106v.P.15;C> kcheoakar. shedy. qofchdy. otshedy. qokchdy. qotshdy. qokchdy. kair. alo. dy-
<f106v.P.16;C> sarar. okeor. aiin. chotal. shody. qotchdy. qotarshedy. chodyal. chedy. qotam-
<f106v.P.17;C> salar. sheadar. okain. qodaiin. chodal=
<f106v.P.18;C> pshodalos. qokshdy. qokshy. opchdy. qokshd. ar. shdar. oeedy. qotaly. dairy-
<f106v.P.19;C> dasshy. otaiin. otal. chedy. rain. olaiin. otaiin. sain=
<f106v.P.20;C> polchs. lkaiir. shokar. choefy. shor. qokor. sheeo. kolshes. okcharain-
<f106v.P.21;C> ycheolk. aiin. cheol. chdaiin. osaiin. okal. sheedy. qokchedy=
<f106v.P.22;C> tshod. qokchy. qokaiin. okshy. qokar. shedy. shey. qopshedy. shdykairylam-
<f106v.P.23;C> olkaloy. shar. chor. okal. chdy. chol. chedy. qotaiin. oraiin. okeedy. qokain-
<f106v.P.24;C> soraiin. solshedy. qokchdy. qokol. chdaiin. chdal. air. odl. charain. okacfha-
<f106v.P.25;C> sar. sheol. chol. shar. chol. okarol=
<f106v.P.26;C> tar. air. kshdaiin. okal. chdy. lchedy. kshar. chopchy. otches. ar. al. opchdy-
<f106v.P.27;C> olcheo. odaiin. sheotal. shoor. qokeey. oarar=
<f106v.P.28;C> psheody. olkeedy. qokor. sheos. choty. qotaiin. oteody. otaiin. qokar. aty. dy-
<f106v.P.29;C> ycheey. olchey. chedy. qotaiin. cheos. otaiin. otain. chotar. olos. aiin. cheog-
<f106v.P.30;C> otaiin. okochey. qoda. oien*ysar*. okeey. oteedy. ksheody. qokeedy. qotokody-
<f106v.P.31;C> sheeyko. shody. chosaiin. olcham=
<f106v.P.32;C> tolos. shdair. sheky. keedy. qoeedy. qofchedy. sair. al. pche*dy. ypodaiin. saram-
<f106v.P.33;C> choaiin. ody. qotar. chey. olaiin. chey. dychy=
<f106v.P.34;C> pchodaiin. kcheeoral. ky. shcthy. otos. ar. edal. pcheody. qotaiin. otor. alodam-
<f106v.P.35;C> shody. shockhy. qokeey. qokcholkchedy. shdy. kchedy. chedy. qockhey. okaiin. al-
<f106v.P.36;C> sol. sheedy. qokaiin. cholkaiin=
<f106v.P.37;C> pyoaly. cheoaiir. al. ksheodar. qodaiin. shcphaor. shedy. otedar. opol. fchedy. odr-
<f106v.P.38;C> okcheody. qokeey. otchey. qokeey. qokeedal. qotchkeey. qol. rody. raiin. oty-
<f106v.P.39;C> qokaiin. cheykar. oteol=
<f106v.P.40;C> kosheody. qody. cher. aiin. dair. air. opchedy. pchdy. kolchedy. tcheodas. podkos-
<f106v.P.41;C> otedy. qoar. cheey. kaiin. qoteeody. okaiin. oteey. qoteedy. choty=
<f106v.P.42;C> pychal. shedy. qoteedy. cheyky. okedaiin. otedy. odaiin. chda. chy. keedy. lkey-
<f106v.P.43;C> chegy. okay. qokeedy. okeey. sheey. qokaiin. al. alkalos. chedy. dkain. chcthy-
<f106v.P.44;C> cthey. chee. okal. chey. keey. rain. okeeo. otaiin. chedas. oteedy. otol. oty-
<f106v.P.45;C> ysois. okeey. cheodain. chey. tchar. oqotaiin. oty. rasa. oteey. sar. aindy-
<f106v.P.46;C> ytarokain. cheokaiin. chegy. okeeey. chkaiin. ol. oky. raiin. cheoar. chos-
<f106v.P.47;C> dcheoaiin. shky=

Currier, second choice:

<f106v.P.7;D> soy. shealsho. dy. chain. shol. kain. shokaiin. qotaiin. chodar. ail. deil. dar. loror-
<f106v.P.9;D> tshodaiin. sholkais. orainkar. aiin. shtchy. qopchdy. qopchy. lolkair. shear. am-
<f106v.P.11;D> tchdys. arsheda. oteeody. kshedy. qotchdy. qotas. shedy. qotedy. opchy. kaiin. sham-
<f106v.P.23;D> olkalol. shar. chor. okal. chdy. chol. chedy. qotaiin. oraiin. okeedy. qokain-
<f106v.P.28;D> psheody. olkeedy. qokor. sheos. choty. qotaiin. oteody. otaiin. qokar. oty. dy-
<f106v.P.34;D> pchodaiin. kcheeoral. ky. shcthy. otos. ar. adal. pcheody. qotaiin. otor. alodam-
<f106v.P.47;D> gcheoaiin. shky=

First study group:

<f106v.P.1;F> fsheda. loain. opaiiral. oteo. daiin. chopchy. otair. kar. alalor. aiin. aly. kar-
<f106v.P.2;F> daiin. al. sheeo. dar. ychtain. char. atar. qokar. okar. shed. sheo. keo. raiin. amchy-
<f106v.P.3;F> yshedaiin. shckhy. cheokchy. sar. al. chol. chedy. ytaiin. otar. al. chdy. daly. lody-
<f106v.P.4;F> ycheota. lsheo. aiin. chcthy. okaiin. chdal. chdam. charam=
<f106v.P.5;F> tshoar. oeey. qokaiin. shypchedy. opched. qopchedy. otaiin. chepar. aiin. octhy. dair. ry-
<f106v.P.6;F> daiin. shody. kchedy. sheody. olkaiin. shkar. chody. tal. shdy. qokaiin. kar. ara-
<f106v.P.7;F> soy. shealsha. dy. chaiin. shal. kaiin. shokaiin. qotaiin. chodar. ail. dal. dar. laror-
<f106v.P.8;F> oraiin. cheo. rol. aiin. otaiin=
<f106v.P.9;F> tsho. daiin. shol. kair. oraiin. kar. aiin. shtchy. qopchdy. qopchy. lol. kair. shear. am-
<f106v.P.10;F> ysheody. cheol. oteey. qodaiin. ytaiin. ychdy. oltydy=
<f106v.P.11;F> tchdy. sar. shedy. oteeody. kshedy. qotchdy. qotar. shedy. qotedy. opchy. kaiin. sham-
<f106v.P.12;F> ycheey. qoeedy. chodaiin. otal. chdy. qokaiin. chokaiin. chody. qokal. otal. otam-
<f106v.P.13;F> olkeeal. kchedy. qoeey. ral. ches. al. ytar. shsy. lchey. ykaiin. shy. lkam-
<f106v.P.14;F> schedy. raiin. char. arshey. chedy. aiin. alkam=
<f106v.P.15;F> kcheay. kar. shedy. qopchdy. otshedy. qokchdy. qotshdy. qokchdy. kair. alody-
<f106v.P.16;F> sarar. okear. aiin. chatal. shady. qotchdy. qotar. shedy. chodal. chedy. qotam-
<f106v.P.17;F> salar. shea. dar. okaiin. qodaiin. chodal=
<f106v.P.18;F> psho. dalos. qokshdy. qokshy. opchdy. qokshd. ar. shdar. oeedy. qotaly. dairy-
<f106v.P.19;F> dar. shy. otaiin. otal. chedy. raiin. olaiin. otaiin. saiin=
<f106v.P.20;F> polshs. okaiir. shokar. choefy. shar. qokor. sheea. kol. shes. okcharaiin-
<f106v.P.21;F> ycheol. kaiin. cheo. lchdaiin. osaiin. okal. sheedy. qokchedy=
<f106v.P.22;F> tshod. qokchy. qokaiin. okshy. qokar. shedy. shey. qopshedy. shdy. kairylam-
<f106v.P.23;F> olkalol. shar. chor. okal. chdy. chol. chedy. qotaiin. oraiin. okeedy. qokaiin-
<f106v.P.24;F> saraiin. sal. shedy. qokchdy. qokol. chdaiin. chdal. airodl. charaiin. okacfhy-
<f106v.P.25;F> sar. sheal. chol. shar. chol. okarol=
<f106v.P.26;F> tar. air. kshdaiin. okal. chdy. lchedy. kshar. chopchy. otches. aral. opchdy-
<f106v.P.27;F> olcheo. odaiin. sho. tal. shoar. qokeey. oarar=
<f106v.P.28;F> psheody. olkeedy. qokor. sheos. choty. qotaiin. oteody. otaiin. qokar. oty. dy-
<f106v.P.29;F> ycheey. olchey. chedy. qotaiin. cheos. otaiin. otaiin. chotar. olos. aiin. cheom-
<f106v.P.30;F> otaiin. okochey. qody. o**ysarx. akeey. oteedy. ksheody. qokeedy. qoto. kody-
<f106v.P.31;F> sheeey. ka. shady. cho. saiin. olcham=
<f106v.P.32;F> tolos. shdair. sheky. keedy. qoeedy. qofchedy. sair. al. pchedy. ypodaiin. saram-
<f106v.P.33;F> choaiin. ody. qotar. chey. olaiin. chey. dychy=
<f106v.P.34;F> pchodaiin. kcheear. al. ky. shcthy. otor. ar. odal. pcheody. qotaiin. otor. alodam-
<f106v.P.35;F> shody. shockhy. qokeey. qokchol. kchedy. shdy. kchedy. chedy. qockhey. okaiin. al-
<f106v.P.36;F> sol. sheedy. qokaiin. cholkaiin=
<f106v.P.37;F> pyoaly. cheo. ainr. al. ksheodar. qodaiin. shcphoar. shedy. otedar. opal. fchedy. odr-
<f106v.P.38;F> okcheody. qokeey. otchey. qokeey. qokeedal. qokchkeey. qol. rody. raiin. oty-
<f106v.P.39;F> qokaiin. cheykar. oteol=
<f106v.P.40;F> ko. sheody. qody. ches. aiin. dairair. opchedy. pchdy. kolchedy. tcheodar. podkor-
<f106v.P.41;F> otedy. qoar. cheey. kaiin. qoteeody. okaiin. oteey. qoteedy. choty=
<f106v.P.42;F> pychal. shedy. qoteedy. cheyky. okedaiin. otedy. odaiin. chdy. chy. keedy. lkey-
<f106v.P.43;F> chedy. okeey. qokeedy. okeey. sheey. qokaiin. alal. kalos. chedy. dkaiin. chcthy-
<f106v.P.44;F> cthey. chey. okal. chey. keey. raiin. okeeo. otaiin. chedar. oteedy. otol. oty-
<f106v.P.45;F> ysoir. okeey. cheo. daiin. chey. tchar. oqotaiin. oty. raral. oteey. sar. aldy-
<f106v.P.46;F> ytar. okaiin. cheokaiin. chedy. okeeey. chkaiin. ol. oky. raiin. cheoar. chos-
<f106v.P.47;F> dcheoeiin. shky=

John Tiltman:

<f106v.P.1;T> fsheda. looin. opaiiral. oteodaiin. chopchy. otair. kar. alalor. aiin. aly. kar-
<f106v.P.2;T> daiin. al. sheeodar. ychtain. char. otar. qotar. otar. shed. sheokeor. ain. amchy-
<f106v.P.3;T> yshedaiin. shckhy. cheokchy. saral. cholchedy. ytain. otar. al. shdy. daly. lody-
<f106v.P.4;T> ycheoto. lsheoaiin. chcthy. okain. chdal. chdam. charam=
<f106v.P.5;T> tshoar. ochy. qokain. shypchedy. opched. qopchedy. otaiin. cheparaiin. octhy. dair. ry-
<f106v.P.6;T> daiin. shody. kchedy. sheody. olkaiin. shkar. chody. talshdy. qokain. kararo-
<f106v.P.7;T> soy. sheol. shody. chain. shol. kain. shokaiin. qotaiin. chodar. ail. dal. dar. loror-
<f106v.P.8;T> oraiin. cheo. rol. aiin. otaiin=
<f106v.P.9;T> tshodaiin. sholkair. orainkaraiin. shtchy. qopchdy. qopchy. lolkair. shearam-
<f106v.P.10;T> ysheody. cheol. oteey. qodaiin. ytain. ychdy. oltydy=
<f106v.P.11;T> tchdys. ar. shedy. oteeody. kshedy. qotchdy. qotar. shedy. qotedy. opchy. kaiin. sham-
<f106v.P.12;T> ycheey. qoeedy. chodain. otalchdy. qokaiin. chokaiin. chody. qokal. otal. otam-
<f106v.P.13;T> olkeealkchedy. qoeeey. ral. ches. al. ytar. shsy. lchey. ykaiin. shy. lkam-
<f106v.P.14;T> schedy. raiin. char. arshey. chedy. aiiin. alkam=
<f106v.P.15;T> kcheoykar. shedy. qopchdy. otshedy. qokchdy. qotshdy. qokchdy. kair. alody-
<f106v.P.16;T> sarar. okear. aiin. chotal. shody. qotchdy. qotar. shedy. chodal. chedy. qotam-
<f106v.P.17;T> salor. sheodar. okain. qodaiin. chodal=
<f106v.P.18;T> pshodalos. qokshdy. qokshy. opchdy. qokshd. ar. shdar. oeedy. qotaly. dairy-
<f106v.P.19;T> dar. shy. otaiin. otal. shedy. rain. olaiin. otaiin. sain=
<f106v.P.20;T> polchs. lkaiir. shokar. choepy. shor. qokor. sheeo. kolshes. okcharain-
<f106v.P.21;T> ycheo. lkaiin. cheolchdaiin. osaiin. okal. sheedy. qokchedy=
<f106v.P.22;T> tchod. qokchy. qokaiin. okshy. qokar. shedy. shey. qopshedy. shdykairylam-
<f106v.P.23;T> olkalol. shar. chor. okal. chdy. chol. chedy. qotaiin. or. aiin. okeedy. qokain-
<f106v.P.24;T> soraiin. salshedy. qokchdy. qokol. chdaiin. chdal. air. odl. charain. okacfhy-
<f106v.P.25;T> sar. sheol. chol. shar. chol. okarol=
<f106v.P.26;T> tarair. kshdain. okal. chdy. lchedy. kshar. chopchy. otches. aral. opchdy-
<f106v.P.27;T> olcheo. odaiin. sheotal. shoor. qokeey. oarar=
<f106v.P.28;T> psheody. olkeedy. qokor. sheos. choty. qotaiin. oteody. otaiin. qokar. otydy-
<f106v.P.29;T> ycheey. olchey. chedy. qotaiin. cheos. otaiin. otain. chotar. ol. os. aiin. cheom-
<f106v.P.30;T> otaiin. okochey. qody. oiinysarx. okeey. oteedy. ksheody. qokeedy. qotokody-
<f106v.P.31;T> sheey. ko. shody. chosaiin. olcham=
<f106v.P.32;T> polos. shdair. sheky. keedy. qoeedy. qofchedy. sairal. pchedy. ypodaiin. saram-
<f106v.P.33;T> choaiin. ody. qotar. chey. olaiin. cheydychy=
<f106v.P.34;T> pchodaiin. kcheeor. al. ky. shcthy. otor. ar. odal. pcheody. qotaiin. otor. alodam-
<f106v.P.35;T> shody. shockhy. qokeey. qokeeol. kchedy. shdy. kchedy. ched. qockhey. okaiin. al-
<f106v.P.36;T> sol. sheedy. qokaiin. cholkaiin=
<f106v.P.37;T> pyoaly. cheoaiir. al. kcheodar. qodaiin. shcphoor. shedy. otedar. opol. fchedy. odr-
<f106v.P.38;T> okcheody. qokeey. otchey. qokeey. qokeedal. qotchkeey. qol. rody. raiin. oty-
<f106v.P.39;T> qokaiin. cheykar. oteol=
<f106v.P.40;T> ko. sheody. qody. ches. aiin. dair. air. opchedy. pchdy. kolchedy. tcheodar. podkor-
<f106v.P.41;T> otedy. qoar. cheeykaiin. qokeeody. okaiin. oteey. qoteedy. choty=
<f106v.P.42;T> pychal. shedy. qoteedy. cheyky. okedaiin. otedy. odaiin. chdy. chy. keedy. lkey-
<f106v.P.43;T> chedy. okeey. qokeedy. okeey. sheey. qokaiin. al. al. kalos. chedy. dkain. chcthy-
<f106v.P.44;T> cthey. chey. okal. chey. keey. rain. okeeo. otaiin. chedar. oteedy. otol. oty-
<f106v.P.45;T> ysair. okeey. cheodain. chey. tchar. oqotaiin. oty. raral. oteey. sar. aindy-
<f106v.P.46;T> ytar. okain. cheokaiin. chedy. okeeey. chkaiinol. oky. raiin. cheoar. chos-
<f106v.P.47;T> dcheoaiin. shty=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f106v.P.1;H> fsheda. loain. opaiiral. oteo. daiin. chopchy. otair. kar. alalor. aiin. aly. kar-
<f106v.P.2;H> daiin. al. sheeodar. ychtain. chor. otar. qokar. okar. shed. sheo. keor. ain. amchy-
<f106v.P.3;H> yshedaiin. shckhy. cheokchy. sar. al. cholchedy. ytain. otar. ol. chdy. daly. lody-
<f106v.P.4;H> ycheoto. lsheo. aiin. chcthy. okain. chdal. chdam. charam=
<f106v.P.5;H> tshoar. oeey. qokain. shypchedy. opched. qopchedy. otaiin. chepar. aiin. octhy. dair. ry-
<f106v.P.6;H> daiin. shody. kchedy. sheody. olkaiin. shkar. chody. talshdy. qokain. kararo-
<f106v.P.7;H> soy. sheolshody. chain. shol. kain. shokaiin. qotaiin. chodar. ail. dal. dar. loror-
<f106v.P.8;H> oraiin. cheo. rol. aiin. otaiin=
<f106v.P.9;H> tshodaiin. sholkair. orain. kar. aiin. shtchy. qopchdy. qopchy. lolkair. sheas. am-
<f106v.P.10;H> ysheody. cheol. oteey. qodaiin. ytain. ychdy. oltydy=
<f106v.P.11;H> tchdys. ar. chedo. oteeody. kshedy. qotchdy. qotar. shedy. qotedy. opchy. kaiin. sham-
<f106v.P.12;H> ycheey. qoeedy. chodain. otal. chdy. qokaiin. chokaiin. chody. qokal. otal. otam-
<f106v.P.13;H> olkeeal. kchedy. qoeeey. ral. ches. al. ytar. shsy. lchey. ykaiin. shy. lkam-
<f106v.P.14;H> schedy. raiin. char. arshey. chedy. aiiin. alkam=
<f106v.P.15;H> kcheo. okar. shedy. qofchdy. otshedy. qokchdy. qotshdy. qokchdy. kair. alo. dy-
<f106v.P.16;H> sarar. okeor. aiin. chotal. shody. qotchdy. qotar. shedy. chodal. chedy. qotam-
<f106v.P.17;H> salar. sheodar. okain. qedaiin. chodal=
<f106v.P.18;H> pshodalos. qokshdy. qokshy. opchdy. qokshd. ar. shdar. oeedy. qotaly. dairy-
<f106v.P.19;H> dar. shy. otaiin. otal. chedy. rain. olaiin. otaiin. sain=
<f106v.P.20;H> polchs. lkaiir. shokar. choefy. shor. qokor. sheeo. kolshes. okcharaiin-
<f106v.P.21;H> ycheo. lkaiin. cheolchdaiin. osaiin. okal. sheedy. qokchedy=
<f106v.P.22;H> tshod. qokchy. qokaiin. okshy. qokar. shedy. shey. qopshedy. shdykairy. lam-
<f106v.P.23;H> olkalol. shor. chor. okal. chdy. chol. chedy. qotaiin. oraiin. okeedy. qokain-
<f106v.P.24;H> saraiin. solshedy. qokchdy. qokol. chdaiin. chdal. air. odl. charain. okaifhy-
<f106v.P.25;H> sar. sheol. chol. shar. chol. okarol=
<f106v.P.26;H> tar. air. kshdain. okal. chdy. lchedy. kshar. chopchy. otches. ar. al. opchdy-
<f106v.P.27;H> olcheo. odaiin. sheotal. shoor. qokeey. o. arar=
<f106v.P.28;H> psheody. olkeedy. qokor. sheos. choty. qotaiin. oteody. otaiin. qokar. oty. dy-
<f106v.P.29;H> ycheey. olchey. chedy. qotaiin. cheos. otaiin. otain. chotar. olos. aiin. cheom-
<f106v.P.30;H> otaiin. okochey. qody. oinysarx. okeey. oteedy. ksheody. qokeedy. qotokody-
<f106v.P.31;H> sheeey. ko. shody. chosaiin. olcham=
<f106v.P.32;H> tolos. shdair. sheky. keedy. qoeedy. qofchedy. sair. al. pchedy. ypodaiin. saram-
<f106v.P.33;H> choaiin. ody. qotar. chey. ol. aiin. chey. dychy=
<f106v.P.34;H> pchodaiin. kcheeor. al. ky. shcthy. otos. ar. odal. pcheody. qotaiin. otor. alodam-
<f106v.P.35;H> shody. shockhy. qokeey. qokchol. kchedy. shdy. kchedy. chedy. qockhey. okaiin. al-
<f106v.P.36;H> sol. sheedy. qokaiin. cholkaiin=
<f106v.P.37;H> pyoaly. cheo. aiir. al. kcheodar. qodaiin. shcphoor. shedy. otedar. opol. fchedy. odr-
<f106v.P.38;H> okcheody. qokeey. otchey. qokeey. qokeedal. qokchkeey. qol. rody. raiin. oty-
<f106v.P.39;H> qokaiin. chey. kar. oteol=
<f106v.P.40;H> ko. sheody. qody. ches. aiin. dairair. opchedy. pchdy. kolchedy. tcheodar. podkor-
<f106v.P.41;H> otedy. qoar. cheey. kaiin. qoteeody. okaiin. oteey. qoteedy. choty=
<f106v.P.42;H> pychal. shedy. qoteedy. cheyky. okedaiin. otedy. odaiin. chdy. chy. keedy. lkey-
<f106v.P.43;H> chedy. okeey. qokeedy. okeey. cheey. qokaiin. al. al. kalos. chedy. dkain. chcthy-
<f106v.P.44;H> cthey. chey. okal. chey. keey. rain. okeeo. otaiin. chedar. oteedy. otol. oty-
<f106v.P.45;H> ysoir. okeey. cheodain. chey. tchar. oqotaiin. oty. raral. oteey. sar. aildy-
<f106v.P.46;H> ytar. okain. cheokaiin. chedy. okeeey. chkaiin. ol. oky. raiin. cheoar. chos-
<f106v.P.47;H> dcheoain. shky=