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Last edited on 1998-10-09 05:20:12 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f105v = TF (Rene) = p216 (Stolfi)
Folio: f105
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Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:40:22 by stolfi

First study group:

<f105v.P.1;F> polairy. oair. olpcheey. ykaiin. olpchedy. opchedaiin. dairody. ypcheddy. sairy-
<f105v.P.2;F> ysheod. ykeeedy. keshed. qodaiin. oteodair. or. chkar. otaiin. chpor. or. otchy. otor-
<f105v.P.3;F> dshedy. qoedaiin. ytaiin. okair. qotal. dol. okoldy. qokedy. opched. oteedy. qotaiin-
<f105v.P.4;F> olkeeol. orchsey. qokeedy. chdor. olar. ol. keeol. chedaiin=
<f105v.P.5;F> pchedal. qopchdy. daiin. chedy. daiin. okaildy. opchedaiin. apcheo. olkeedy. sairom-
<f105v.P.6;F> dcheo. pcheeody. ckheey. da. aiin. al. dar. ar. daiindy. otedy. oteody. ytaiin. m-
<f105v.P.7;F> ycheeo. lkaiin. otair. ol. olkaiin. okairody. lchedr=
<f105v.P.8;F> fadal. kedar. olpchesd. araiin. ksheeol. opchedy. pchedy. opcheddl. pchdar. air. odar-
<f105v.P.9;F> lcheey. qoeees. ydaiin. okairy. otched. ockhedy. otchey. daiin. or. raiin. okam-
<f105v.P.10;F> ykeey. ky. che. oiiin. dal. kaiin. okairo. okair. chedy. sodar. air. al. oral. odam-
<f105v.P.11;F> roees. aiin. ol. okaiin. or. aiin. chckhoda. qoteedy. ckhddl. aiir. ypar. kaiishdy-
<f105v.P.12;F> ysheedy. aiin. okeol. ykedor. ar. ar. alkair. atos. otaiin. otal. tair. am-
<f105v.P.13;F> saiin. opchedy. qokchdy. otaral. kair. okees. ltchdal=
<f105v.P.14;F> pchedaiin. chckhdy. qokaiir. olpchedy. olord. aiin. tail. odar. kard. chtchy-
<f105v.P.15;F> ycheey. kar. ykeey. otaiin. otal. dar. chdos. kal. chedy. opchdy. daiin. oraiin. r-
<f105v.P.16;F> daiin. cheey. dal. chl. okair. aiin. cpheor. aiin. okal. chodaiin. otaiin. opaiim-
<f105v.P.17;F> olr. aiin. chey. lraiin. lkl. dl. lklor. daiin. olkaiin=
<f105v.P.18;F> pchor. chedaiin. okaiin. chol. kal. qolkaiin. oltchdy. qopchsd. opair. orair. karaim-
<f105v.P.19;F> ycheey. aiin. otleey. lkaiir. cheeo. taiin. okeed. ail. kchey. rokaix. am=
<f105v.P.20;F> porair. chopchdy. chedain. otair. otchod. aiin. alol. cheo. ypchedy. kair. odl. lpaim-
<f105v.P.21;F> ykeeo. daiim. sheey. qokaiin. cheot. daiin. qoek. eeykeody. qopaiin. or. ainkam-
<f105v.P.22;F> daiin. cheodaiin. chedal. air. okaiin. cheey=
<f105v.P.23;F> tchol. kaiin. odal. kl. chees. aiin. shees. qopdaiin. chodr. alkeey. paradam-
<f105v.P.24;F> alcheey. okaiin. otar. oto. daiin. ckheol. lkol. pchedy. paiin=
<f105v.P.25;F> kchdaldy. alfo. lpcheedy. ofaiir. opchey. fchedy. qotor. oeeeodr. qopar. acfhy. dl-
<f105v.P.26;F> lkl. sheeodees. otaiin. otar. otal. or. aiin. chedor. alkaiin. chs. alkaiin. ry-
<f105v.P.27;F> sheoe. arxor. eesy. qopcheoaiin. or. kchdy. daiin. oteedy. kol. kair. otainlody-
<f105v.P.28;F> oeoar. ar. al. odor. ainl. otaiin=
<f105v.P.29;F> tdol. tor. oaldar. aiir. okokeedy. karody. qoeedy. sho. qopchedy. daiin. opairam-
<f105v.P.30;F> dchedy. cheey. qokor. otaiin. otai. otair. otair. okeedy. taiin. aiin. s. aiin. sy-
<f105v.P.31;F> ychtaiis. ainchy. dol. aiin. otaiin. aindy. okchd. otar. daiin=
<f105v.P.32;F> poar. keeo. daiin. qoair. ar. acpheey. qoeed. eody. qokaiin. qotedair. aporair. apy-
<f105v.P.33;F> lsheody. tair. oteey. oteeo. ol. otaiin. okeey. qokaiin. ar. aiir. al. dar-
<f105v.P.34;F> sheeo. daiin. chsd. qokeeey. dair. okaiin. otaiin. chedaiin. olkal. lkl. daiin-
<f105v.P.35;F> doee. okcheeo. lkaiin. otcheedy. chor. aiin. odaiin. chedy. otaiin. al. kaishd-
<f105v.P.36;F> laiin. sheod. okeeody. qoaiin. ytaiin. otair. chdal. dydaim. chdaiin. ockhy-
<f105v.P.37;F> yshey. ckhy. sheo. qoeeo. lkaiin. chs. okol. tchdy. sheey. okaiin. ar. aildy-
<f105v.P.38;F> cheody. oaiir. aiin. okshey=

John Tiltman:

<f105v.P.1;T> polairy. oair. olpcheey. ykaiin. olpchedy. opchedaiin. dairody. ypcheddy. sairy-
<f105v.P.2;T> ysheod. ykeeedy. keshed. qodaiin. oteodair. or. chkar. otaiin. chpor. or. otchy. otor-
<f105v.P.3;T> dshedy. qoedaiin. ytaiin. okair. qotol. dol. okoldy. qokedy. opched. oteedy. qotaiin-
<f105v.P.4;T> olkeeol. orchsey. qokeedy. chdor. olar. ol. keeol. chedaiin=
<f105v.P.5;T> pchedal. qopchdy. daiin. chedy. daiin. okairdy. opchedaiin. opcheo. olkeedy. sairom-
<f105v.P.6;T> dcheo. pcheeody. ckheey. dar. aiin. al. dar. ar. daiiidy. otedy. oteody. ykaiin. m-
<f105v.P.7;T> ycheeo. lkaiin. otair. ol. olkaiin. otairody. lchedr=
<f105v.P.8;T> fodal. kedar. olpchesd. araiin. ksheeol. opchedy. pchedy. opcheddl. pchdar. air. odar-
<f105v.P.9;T> lcheey. qoeees. ydaiin. okairy. otchedy. ockhedy. otchey. daiin. or. r. ail. lokam-
<f105v.P.10;T> ykeey. ky. che. oiiin. dal. kaiin. okairo. lkair. chedy. sodar. air. al. oral. odam-
<f105v.P.11;T> rochs. aiiin. ol. okaiin. or. aiin. chckhody. qoteedy. ckhddl. aiir. opar. kaiishdy-
<f105v.P.12;T> ysheedy. aiin. okeol. ykedor. ar. ar. alkair. otor. otaiin. otal. tair. am-
<f105v.P.13;T> saiin. opchedy. qokchdy. otar. al. kair. okees. lkeedal=
<f105v.P.14;T> pchedaiin. chckhdy. qokaiir. olpchedy. olord. aiiin. kair. odar. kard. chtchy-
<f105v.P.15;T> ycheey. kar. ykeey. otaiin. otal. dar. chdos. kalchedy. opchdy. daiin. oraiin. r-
<f105v.P.16;T> daiin. cheey. dal. chl. okair. aiin. cphchor. aiin. okal. chodaiin. otaiin. opaiim-
<f105v.P.17;T> olr. aiin. chey. lraiin. lkl. dl. lklor. diiin. olkaiin=
<f105v.P.18;T> pchor. chedaiin. okaiin. cholkal. qolkaiin. oltchdy. qopchsd. opair. orair. karaim-
<f105v.P.19;T> ycheey. aiin. otleey. lkaiir. cheeo. taiin. oteed. ail. kchey. rokaix. am=
<f105v.P.20;T> proair. chopchdy. chedain. otair. otchod. aiin. alol. cheo. ypchedy. kairodl. lpaim-
<f105v.P.21;T> ykeeo. daiim. sheey. qokaiin. cheotdaiin. qoekeey. keody. qopaiin. or. aiikam-
<f105v.P.22;T> daiin. cheodaiin. chedal. air. okaiin. cheey=
<f105v.P.23;T> tcholkaiin. odalkl. chees. aiiin. shees. qopdaiin. chodr. alkchy. paradam-
<f105v.P.24;T> alcheey. okaiin. otar. otodaiin. ckheol. lkol. fchedypaiin=
<f105v.P.25;T> kchdaldy. alfolfcheedy. ofaiir. opchey. fchedy. qotor. oeeeodr. qopar. acfhey. dl-
<f105v.P.26;T> lkl. sheeodees. otaiin. otar. otal. or. aiin. chedor. alkaiin. chs. alkaiin. ry-
<f105v.P.27;T> sheoe. arxor. eesy. qopcheoain. orkchdy. daiin. oteedo. kolkair. otaiilody-
<f105v.P.28;T> oeoar. ar. al. odor. aiil. otaiin=
<f105v.P.29;T> tdol. toroaldar. oiir. okokeedy. karody. qoeedy. sho. qopchedy. daiin. opairam-
<f105v.P.30;T> dchedy. cheey. qokor. otaiin. otair. otair. okeedy. kaiin. aiin. r. aiin. sy-
<f105v.P.31;T> ychtaiis. aiichy. dol. aiin. otaiin. aiidy. okchd. otor. daiin=
<f105v.P.32;T> poar. keeodaiin. qoair. ar. acpheey. qoeedeod*. qokaiin. qotedair. oporairapy-
<f105v.P.33;T> lsheody. tair. oteey. oteeo. ol. otaiin. okeey. qokaiin. or. aiir. al. dar-
<f105v.P.34;T> sheeo. daiin. chsd. qokeeey. dair. okaiin. otaiin. chedaiin. olkal. lkldain-
<f105v.P.35;T> doee. okcheeo. l. taiin. otcheedy. chor. aiin. odaiin. chedy. otaiin. al. kaishd-
<f105v.P.36;T> laiin. sheod. okeeody. qoaiin. ytaiin. otair. chdal. dydaim. chdaiin. ockhey-
<f105v.P.37;T> yshey. ckhy. sheo. qoeeo. lkaiin. chs. okol. tchdy. sheeey. okaiin. ar. aildy-
<f105v.P.38;T> cheody. oaiir. ain. okshey=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f105v.P.1;H> polairy. oair. olpcheey. ykaiin. olpchedy. opchedaiin. dairody. ypcheddy. sairy-
<f105v.P.2;H> ysheod. ykeeedy. keshed. qodaiin. oteodair. or. chkas. otaiin. chpor. or. otchy. otor-
<f105v.P.3;H> dshedy. qoedaiin. ytoiin. okair. qotol. dol. okoldy. qokedy. opched. oteedy. qotaiin-
<f105v.P.4;H> olkeeol. orchsey. qokeedy. chdor. olar. ol. keeol. chedaiin=
<f105v.P.5;H> pchedal. qopchdy. daiin. chedy. daiin. okaildy. opchedaiin. opcheo. olkeedy. sairom-
<f105v.P.6;H> dcheo. fcheeody. ckheey. dar. aiin. al. dar. ar. daiiidy. otedy. oteody. ytaiin. g-
<f105v.P.7;H> ycheeo. lkaiin. otair. ol. olkaiin. okairody. lchedr=
<f105v.P.8;H> fodal. kedar. olpchesd. araiin. ksheeol. opchedy. pchedy. opcheddl. pchdar. air. odar-
<f105v.P.9;H> lcheey. qoeees. y. daiin. okairy. otchedy. ockhedy. otchey. daiin. or. r. ain. ookam-
<f105v.P.10;H> ykeey. ky. che. oiiin. dal. kaiin. okairo. lkair. chedy. sodar. air. al. oral. odam-
<f105v.P.11;H> roees. aiiin. ol. okaiin. os. aiin. chckhoda. qoteedy. ckhddl. aiis. opar. kaiishdy-
<f105v.P.12;H> ysheedy. aiin. okeol. ykedor. ar. ar. alkair. otos. otaiin. otal. tair. am-
<f105v.P.13;H> saiin. opchedy. qokchdy. otar. al. kair. okees. lkeedal=
<f105v.P.14;H> pchedaiin. chckhdy. qokaiir. olpchedy. olord. aiiin. kail. odar. kard. chtchy-
<f105v.P.15;H> ycheey. kar. ykeey. otaiin. otal. dar. chdos. kalchedy. opchdy. daiin. oraiin. r-
<f105v.P.16;H> daiin. cheey. dal. chl. okair. aiin. cpheor. aiin. okal. chodaiin. otaiin. opaiim-
<f105v.P.17;H> olr. aiin. chey. lraiin. lkl. dl. lklor. daiiiolkaiin=
<f105v.P.18;H> pchor. chedaiin. okaiin. cholkal. qolkaiin. oltchdy. qopchsd. opair. orair. karaim-
<f105v.P.19;H> ycheey. aiin. otleey. lkaiir. cheeo. taiin. okeed. ail. kchey. rokaix. am=
<f105v.P.20;H> porair. chopchdy. chedain. otair. otchod. aiin. alol. cheo. ypchedy. kair. odl. lpaim-
<f105v.P.21;H> ykeeo. daiim. sheey. qokaiin. cheotdaiin. qoekeeykeody. qopaiin. or. aiikam-
<f105v.P.22;H> daiin. cheodaiin. chedal. air. okaiin. cheey=
<f105v.P.23;H> tcholkaiin. odal. kl. chees. aiiin. shees. qopdaiin. chodr. alkeey. paradam-
<f105v.P.24;H> alcheey. okaiin. otar. oto. daiin. ckheol. lkol. fchedypaiin=
<f105v.P.25;H> kchdaldy. alfo. lfcheedy. ofaiis. opchey. fchedy. qotor. oeeeodr. qopar. aifhhy. dl-
<f105v.P.26;H> lkl. sheeodees. otaiin. otar. otal. or. aiin. chedor. alkaiin. chs. alkaiin. ry-
<f105v.P.27;H> sheoe. arxor. eesy. qopcheoain. orkchdy. daiin. oteedy. kol. kair. otaiilody-
<f105v.P.28;H> oeoar. ar. al. odor. aiil. otaiin=
<f105v.P.29;H> tdol. tor. oaldar. aiir. otokeedy. karody. qoeedy. sho. qopchedy. daiin. opairam-
<f105v.P.30;H> dchedy. cheey. qokor. otaiin. otair. otair. okeedy. taiin. aiin. s. aiin. sy-
<f105v.P.31;H> ychtaiis. aiichy. dol. aiin. otaiin. aiidy. okchd. otor. daiin=
<f105v.P.32;H> poar. keeo. daiin. qoair. ar. aiphhey. qoeedeody. qokaiin. qotedais. aporair. apy-
<f105v.P.33;H> lsheody. tair. oteey. oteeo. ol. otaiin. okeey. qokaiin. ar. aiir. al. dal-
<f105v.P.34;H> sheeo. daiin. chsd. qokeeey. dair. okaiin. otaiin. chedaiin. olkal. lkl. dain-
<f105v.P.35;H> doee. okcheeo. lkaiin. otcheedy. chor. aiin. odaiin. chedy. otaiin. al. kaishd-
<f105v.P.36;H> laiin. sheod. okeeody. qoaiin. ytaiin. otair. chdal. dydaim. chdaiin. ockhhy-
<f105v.P.37;H> yshey. ckhy. sheo. qoeeo. lkaiin. chs. okol. tchdy. sheeey. okaiin. ar. aildy-
<f105v.P.38;H> cheody. oaiir. aiin. okshey=