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Last edited on 1998-10-09 05:19:21 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f104v = TD (Rene) = p214 (Stolfi)
Folio: f104
Panels: f104v
Bifolio: bT2 = f104+f115
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Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:39:32 by stolfi

First study group:

<f104v.P.1;F> pchdaiin. opcheedy. orar. oltcheey. opchedy. ol. ear. air. aly. cheodaiin. cheekaiin. dam-
<f104v.P.2;F> ychedaiin. qoteed. *ockhy. otaiin. ydaiin. qokamdy. otarar. alched. otair. oram-
<f104v.P.3;F> shod. chedy. qotaiin. odaiin. okeol. ockhey. chol. qokeedy. qotair. oedaiin. ol. dl-
<f104v.P.4;F> qoteedy. chedaiin. chokar. qotol. qotched. chol. chey. qol. chedy. qoeeey. qokeedy-
<f104v.P.5;F> dcheol. chdeey. oeeodaiin. s*rol. chedal=
<f104v.P.6;F> solchd. shol. sheol. qokchy. qoka. lchedy. shedy. qokain. cheedy. cpheo. apchedy. qotady-
<f104v.P.7;F> scheo. lchody. cheey. qockhy. cheoain. ochedy. cheedy. chedy. sol. cheodalol=
<f104v.P.8;F> tchodls. cheeody. cheeol. ls. air. ykeedy. chotedy. qotchedy. chedy. qoeky. qoteeo. lo-
<f104v.P.9;F> ycheo. lcheod. otaiin. qokeedy. qokaiin. cheor. ol. chedaiin. qotar. ched. qoty. dal-
<f104v.P.10;F> shol. cheedy. qokaiin. qoteedy. otaiin. oteedy. qotedor. okaiin. cheos. cheeo. lchey-
<f104v.P.11;F> ycheedy. qocthey. ykchedor. cheeky. qokchd. qotol. qokol. qokol. daiin=
<f104v.P.12;F> polchechy. oteoy. chotchs. cheeta. otchey. oteedy. qoty. chedl. cheol. par. altedy. chedam-
<f104v.P.13;F> ycheol. cheody. qoeechdy. qokeol. qotaiin. chedar. cheolkaiin. cheetar. aiin. chataiin-
<f104v.P.14;F> ytched. qokeeo. lcheol. shedy. s. aiin. cheky. daiindl=
<f104v.P.15;F> tolkshey. chocthy. qokeochy. qokchy. qotcheo. qotcheo. dlchd. chedy. tchdy. qotchdy. ram-
<f104v.P.16;F> dcheedy. qockheey. chdor. ar. aiin. chcthey. dchdar. chdy. qokchedy. olkchy. qokaiin. dadam-
<f104v.P.17;F> ycheechy. cheey. cheos. *r. otkchedy. cholkchy. qotchdy. qotol. sheedy. oraiin. cheol-
<f104v.P.18;F> dcheeoy. qokaiin. qokaiin. lkar. ytaiin. otcheochy. saraiin=
<f104v.P.19;F> pcheor. chol. chpcheor. cholkshedy. qotol. sheedy. qokchy. qotched. sho. fchor. ols. aiin. chekal-
<f104v.P.20;F> or. sheeo. lcheedy. qokeey. qochey. qotcheedy. qotchedy. qokol. chor. chorol. chdar. otam-
<f104v.P.21;F> yshor. sheedy. qokaiin. shokchey. qokey. chodaiin=
<f104v.P.22;F> ytchedy. qokchedy. qotchy. qokchedy. qokchd. lsaiin. qchor. sheor. ytaiin. chey. tal-
<f104v.P.23;F> tchey. qokchey. qochey. qodeey. qodaiin. chodaiin. chckhdy. dairar. otar. qotair. *l-
<f104v.P.24;F> ykaiin. cheor. cheeey. daiin. cheo. dal. aiin. chockhedy. chedaiin. otor. qokar. ary-
<f104v.P.25;F> dsheey. qoykeey. lchedy. qokedaiin. archcthy. daiin. cheey. sair. ol. aiin. chedy-
<f104v.P.26;F> ysheor. sheey. qodaiin. chodar. chochs=
<f104v.P.27;F> pchoror. shor. sheol. sheol. sheol. qokchedy. chdor. shor. aiin. chpchs. aiin. al-
<f104v.P.28;F> olsho. lsair. olcheey. qokeechy. qokchy. daiin. chody. qodaiin. cheody=
<f104v.P.29;F> kche. shodaiin. qokeey. cheo. kcheo. lol. kaiin. qotchdy. lcheo. lchedy. lcheed. chaim-
<f104v.P.30;F> ycheol. kaiin. cheody. shaiin. qoeeol. otair. or. cheeody. okcheey. lkair. ar. ar. adam-
<f104v.P.31;F> ycheo. raiin. cthey. chol. sheody. qokair. qoeey. cheey. lkeedy=
<f104v.P.32;F> pchedy. tchedy. cheocphy. oraiin. cheeos. aiinro. lcheedy. lcheedy. qosiin. cfheo. arals. am-
<f104v.P.33;F> yteeey. cheeod. ykeey. kaiin. qokaiin. cheey. or. ol. ar. odar. chedaiin. etar. arair. ary-
<f104v.P.34;F> ycheo. lkeed. qotaiin. okaiin. chokaiin. okain. cheol. olcha=
<f104v.P.35;F> psheodar. sheedy. qotchedar. oteedy. qotaiin. okacfhey. sheody. qokedy. toraiin. am-
<f104v.P.36;F> sar. ainr. sheos. qoiin. okeedy. qokcheodaiin=
<f104v.P.37;F> posairy. yte*ar. chedy. shoefcheey. kechy. sar. od. air. shey. qopcheey. sol. aiin. arodam-
<f104v.P.38;F> okechey. chedy. chchy. qotaiin. qokaiin. chy. oraiin. cheo. oraiin. chedaiin. okam-
<f104v.P.39;F> yshey. rar. akaiin. char. lkeey. roiir. shey. cheey. kar. ar. lkchs. ary. rais. alod-
<f104v.P.40;F> qokeeey. okchedy. qokeey. aiin. odain. orchedy. qoky=
<f104v.P.41;F> tchedy. qotechy. otcheeo. lkeedy. qoty. raiin. cheedy. qotaiin. otchdy. qotaiin-
<f104v.P.42;F> oteedchey. qoeda. lchal. cheedy. qoteey. sheey. tcheo. dar. cheed. qotaiin. chedy-
<f104v.P.43;F> chey. keeey. qockheey. lkeey. okeeedy. qokeey. okchey. qoteodaiin. okaiin. oram-
<f104v.P.44;F> daiin. ycheeo. chey. okeeey. qokeeey. okeey. okeey=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f104v.P.1;H> pchdoiin. opcheedy. orar. oltcheey. opchedy. ol. ear. aiir. aly. cheodaiin. cheekain. dam-
<f104v.P.2;H> ychedaiin. qoteed. chockhy. otaiin. ydaiin. qokamdy. otarar. alched. otair. oram-
<f104v.P.3;H> shod. chedy. qotaiin. odaiin. okeol. ockhhy. chol. qokeedy. qotair. oeedaiin. ol. dl-
<f104v.P.4;H> qoteedy. chedaiin. chokar. qotol. qotched. chol. chey. qol. chedy. qoeeey. qokeedy-
<f104v.P.5;H> dcheol. chdeey. oeeodain. sairol. chedal=
<f104v.P.6;H> solchd. shol. sheol. qokchy. qoko. l. chedy. shedy. qokain. cheedy. cpheo. opchedy. qotody-
<f104v.P.7;H> o. scheo. lchody. cheey. qocky. cheoain. ochedy. cheedy. chedy. sol. cheodalol=
<f104v.P.8;H> tchodls. cheeody. cheeool. ls. air. ykeedy. chotedy. qotchedy. chedy. qoeky. qoteeo. lo-
<f104v.P.9;H> ycheo. lcheod. otaiin. qokeedy. qokaiin. cheor. ol. chedaiin. qotar. ched. qoty. dal-
<f104v.P.10;H> shol. cheedy. qokaiin. qoteedy. otaiin. oteedy. qotedor. okain. cheos. cheeo. lchey-
<f104v.P.11;H> ycheedy. qocthey. ykchedor. cheeky. qokchd. qotol. qokol. qokol. daiin=
<f104v.P.12;H> polchechy. oteoy. chotchs. cheeta. oteeey. oteedy. qoty. ched. l. cheol. par. oltedy. chedam-
<f104v.P.13;H> ycheol. cheody. qoeechdy. qokeol. qotaiin. chedar. cheo. lkaiin. cheetar. aiin. chataiin-
<f104v.P.14;H> ytchedy. qokeeo. lcheolshedy. s. aiin. cheky. daindl=
<f104v.P.15;H> tolkshey. chocthy. qokeochy. qokchy. qotcheo. qotcheo. dlchd. chedy. tchdy. qotchdy. ram-
<f104v.P.16;H> dcheedy. qockheey. chdor. as. aiin. chcthhy. dchdar. chdy. qokchedy. olkchy. qokain. dadam-
<f104v.P.17;H> ycheechy. cheey. cheos. air. otkchedy. cholkchy. qotchdy. qotol. sheedy. orain. cheol-
<f104v.P.18;H> dcheeoy. qokaiiin. qokaiin. lkar. ytaiin. otcheochy. sarain=
<f104v.P.19;H> pcheor. chol. chpcheor. cholkshedy. qotol. sheedy. qokchy. qotched. sho. fchor. ols. aiin. chekal-
<f104v.P.20;H> or. sheeo. lcheedy. qokeey. qochey. qotcheedy. qotchedy. qokol. chor. chorol. chdar. otam-
<f104v.P.21;H> yshor. sheedy. qokaiin. shokchey. qokeey. chodain=
<f104v.P.22;H> ytchedy. qokchedy. qotchy. qokchedy. qokchd. lsaiin. qchor. sheos. ytaiin. cheytal-
<f104v.P.23;H> tchey. qokchey. qochey. qodeey. qodaiin. chodaiin. chckhdy. dairar. otar. qotair. ol-
<f104v.P.24;H> ykoiin. cheor. cheeey. daiiin. cheo. dalaiin. chockhedy. chedaiin. otor. qokar. ary-
<f104v.P.25;H> dsheey. qoykeey. lchedy. qokedaiin. orchcthy. daiin. cheey. sair. ol. aiin. chedy-
<f104v.P.26;H> ysheor. cheey. qodaiin. chodar. chochs=
<f104v.P.27;H> pchoror. shor. sheol. sheol. sheol. qokchedy. chdor. sho. r. aiin. chpchs. aiin. al-
<f104v.P.28;H> olsho. lsair. olcheey. qokeechy. qokchy. daiin. chody. qodaiin. cheody=
<f104v.P.29;H> kche. shodaiin. qokeey. cheokcheo. lol. kaiin. qotchdy. lcheo. lchedy. lcheed. chaim-
<f104v.P.30;H> ycheol. kaiin. cheody. shaiin. qoeeol. otairor. cheeody. okcheey. lkair. ar. ar. adam-
<f104v.P.31;H> ycheoraiin. cthey. chol. sheody. qokair. qoeey. cheey. lkeedy=
<f104v.P.32;H> pchedy. kchedy. cheocphy. orain. cheeos. aiiinro. lcheedy. lcheedy. qosaiin. cfheo. arals. am-
<f104v.P.33;H> yteeey. cheeod. ykeey. kaiin. qokaiin. cheey. or. ol. ar. odar. chedain. etar. arair. ary-
<f104v.P.34;H> ycheo. lkeed. qotain. okaiin. chokain. okain. cheol. olcho=
<f104v.P.35;H> psheodar. sheedy. qotchedar. oteedy. qotaiin. okaifhhy. sheody. qokedy. topaiin. am-
<f104v.P.36;H> sar. aiir. sheos. qoiiin. okeedy. qokcheodaiin=
<f104v.P.37;H> posairy. ytedar. chedy. shoefcheey. kechy. sar. odl. air. shey. qopcheey. sol. ain. orodam-
<f104v.P.38;H> okechey. chedy. chchy. qotain. qokain. chey. or. aiin. cheo. or. aiin. chedain. okam-
<f104v.P.39;H> ysheey. rar. akain. char. lkeey. roiir. shey. cheey. kas. ar. lkchs. ar. y. rais. alod-
<f104v.P.40;H> qokeeey. okchedy. qokeey. aiin. odain. orchedy. qoky=
<f104v.P.41;H> tchedy. qotechy. otcheeo. lkeeda. qoty. raiin. cheedy. qotaiin. oteedy. qotain-
<f104v.P.42;H> oteedchey. qoeeda. lchal. cheedy. qoteey. sheey. tcheo. dar. cheed. qotain. chedy-
<f104v.P.43;H> chey. keeey. qockheey. okeey. okeeedy. qokeey. okeeey. qoteodaiin. okain. orom-
<f104v.P.44;H> daiin. ycheeo. chey. okeeey. qokeeey. okeey. okeey=