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Page information on f102v1

f102v1 preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Pharmaceutical
Quire: S
Page in quire: L
Currier language: A
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 05:15:12 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f102v1 = SL (Rene) = p210 (Stolfi)
Folio: f102
Panels: f102v1
Bifolio: bS1 = f99+f102
Quire: S (Rene) = XVII (Beinecke)

This page is the innermost verso panel of a six-panel fold-out.


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: ? (Currier)
Subsets: P (Rene), pha (Stolfi)
Subject: pharmaceutical
Colors: ??? (Reeds)


Two blocks of text and and two rows of plants:

 [1,1]..[1,5] above parag 1; roots and leaves.
 [2,1]..[2,3] between pagas 1 and 2; roots and leaves.

There are also two containers (unlabeled?) crammed into the left margin; they look as if they were added as an afterthought.

"Fair copies" of some of these drawings are found elsewhere:

f102v1[2,2] = ... (herbal).

gathering number 19


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "labels on first row of plants"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 07:39:11 by stolfi


Takeshi Takahashi:

<f102v1.L1.0;H> ker. ron**=
<f102v1.L1.1;H> ykeody=
<f102v1.L1.2;H> okeody=
<f102v1.L1.3;H> doiisaly=
<f102v1.L1.4;H> ypory=
<f102v1.L1.5;H> opchytcy=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f102v1.L1.0;U> *********=
<f102v1.L1.1;U> okeody=
<f102v1.L1.2;U> okeody=
<f102v1.L1.3;U> daiisaly=
<f102v1.L1.4;U> ypary=
<f102v1.L1.5;U> opchy. tch*=

John Grove:

<f102v1.L1.1;V> okeody= {was <f102v2. X. 9;V>}
<f102v1.L1.2;V> okeody= {was <f102v2. X. 10;V>}
<f102v1.L1.3;V> daiisaly= {was <f102v2. X. 5;V>}
<f102v1.L1.4;V> ypary= {was <f102v2. X. 29;V>}
<f102v1.L1.5;V> opchytch= {was <f102v2. X. 16;V>}

Unit: "text"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 07:40:57 by stolfi

First study group:

<f102v1.P1.1;F> poaiin. ockhey. pchol. doiin. shey. sho. ckhsy. sheo. cthy. qokeody-
<f102v1.P1.2;F> dais*. ol. chey. ckheol. qokeor. osaiin. cheor. qokey. choky-
<f102v1.P1.3;F> teody. ckheey. qokeol. sheky. qockheor. os. cheo. rchol. qoteor. dar-
<f102v1.P1.4;F> kochor. ol. ydaiin. choraiin. cheey. ykeey. kor. shey. qokey. dy-
<f102v1.P1.5;F> sol. chol. qoaiin. qokal. cheol. chey. kol. cheey. daiin. cheody. dy-
<f102v1.P1.6;F> ycheol. cheol. daiir. shekcheor. sar. cheor. ckhey. pchodaiin=
<f102v1.P1.7;F> toiin. ol. daiin. qkol. cheol. daiin. qokar. oaiin. cheey. saiim-
<f102v1.P1.8;F> chor. cheor. ckhey. oteol. ackhckhy= {plant}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f102v1.P1.1;H> poaiin. ockhey. pchol. doiin. shey. shockhsy. sheo. cthy. qoteody-
<f102v1.P1.2;H> daisn. ol. chey. ckheol. qokeor. osaiin. cheor. qokey. choky-
<f102v1.P1.3;H> teody. ckheey. qokeol. sheky. qockheor. os. cheo. rchol. qoteor. dar-
<f102v1.P1.4;H> kochor. ol. ydaiin. choraiin. cheey. ykeey. kor. shey. qokey. dy-
<f102v1.P1.5;H> sol. chol. qooiin. qokal. cheol. chey. kolcheey. daiin. cheody. dy-
<f102v1.P1.6;H> ycheol. cheol. doiir. shekcheor. sar. cheor. ckhey. pchodaiin=
<f102v1.P1.7;H> toiin. ol. daiin. qkol. cheol. daiin. qokar. oaiin. cheey. saiim-
<f102v1.P1.8;H> chor. cheor. ckhey. oteol. aikheky= {plant}

Jorge Stolfi:

<f102v1.P1.1;U> poaiin. ockhey. pchol. doiin. shey. shockhsy. sheocthy. qokeody-
<f102v1.P1.2;U> dairn. ol. chey. ckheol. qokeor. os, aiin. cheor. qokey. choky- {para break here?}
<f102v1.P1.3;U> teody. ckheey. qokeol. sheky. qockheor. or. cheo, rchol. qoteor. dar-
<f102v1.P1.4;U> kochor. ol. ydaiin. chor, aiin. sheey. ykeey. tor. shey. qoktey. dy-
<f102v1.P1.5;U> s, ol. chol. qoaiin. qokal. cheol. chey. kolcheey. daiin. cheody. dy-
<f102v1.P1.6;U> y, cheol. cheol. doiir. shekcheor. s, ar. cheor. ckhey. pchodaiin=
<f102v1.P1.7;U> toiin. ol. daiin. qkol. cheol. daiin. qokar. oaiin. cheey. saiim-
<f102v1.P1.8;U> chor. cheor. ckhey. oteol. aikhckhy= {plant}

Unit: "labels on second row of plants"

Last edited on 1998-12-02 01:07:01 by stolfi

plant [2,1] - four-lobed truncated tuber with bunch of roots
at the bottom; lanceolate leaves with serrated edges.

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f102v1.L2.1;H> ypcholdy=
<f102v1.L2.2;H> loralody=
<f102v1.L2.3;H> opchdard=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f102v1.L2.1;U> ypcholdy=
<f102v1.L2.2;U> loralody=
<f102v1.L2.3;U> opchdard=

John Grove:

<f102v1.L2.1;V> ypcholdy= {was <f102v2. X. 30;V>}
<f102v1.L2.2;V> losalody= {was <f102v2. X. 6;V>}
<f102v1.L2.3;V> opchdard= {was <f102v2. X. 15;V>}

Unit: "second block of text"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 07:41:32 by stolfi

First study group:

<f102v1.P2.9;F> fadaiin. dair. or. sheol. okeeol. qoteol- {plant}orockhey. olkey-
<f102v1.P2.10;F> soiin. shey. qokeey. qoeeol. qokeody. sheody. qoeteey. okeey. dam-
<f102v1.P2.11;F> qoeeody. ychey. okeody. deody. okody. cheo. daiin. cheody. sam-
<f102v1.P2.12;F> ykchody. chodaiin. qokeos. cheol. qool. chsey. oteody. okchy-
<f102v1.P2.13;F> ksheody. sho. qokey. sheody. qockhey. olcheor. odaiin. okchody-
<f102v1.P2.14;F> ysaiin. ckhey. qoor. cheol=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f102v1.P2.9;H> fodaiin. dair. or. sheol. okeeol. qoteol- {plant}orockhey. olkey-
<f102v1.P2.10;H> soiin. shey. qokeey. qoeeol. qokeody. sheody. qoeteey. okeey. dom-
<f102v1.P2.11;H> qoeeody. ychey. okeody. deody. okody. cheo. doiin. cheody. sam-
<f102v1.P2.12;H> ykchody. chodaiin. qokeos. cheol. qool. chsea. oteody. okchy-
<f102v1.P2.13;H> ksheody. sho. qokey. sheody. qockhey. olcheor. odain. okchoda-
<f102v1.P2.14;H> ysaiin. ckhey. qoor. cheol=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f102v1.P2.9;U> fadaiin. dair. or. sheol. okeeol. qoteol- {plant}orockhey. olkey-
<f102v1.P2.10;U> soiin. shey. qokeey. qoeeol. qokeody. sheody. qoeteey. okeey. dam-
<f102v1.P2.11;U> qoeeody. ychey. okeody. deody. okody. cheodaiin. cheody. sam-
<f102v1.P2.12;U> ykchody. chodaiin. qokeos. cheol. qool. chsey. oteody. okchy-
<f102v1.P2.13;U> ksheody. sho. qokey. sheody. qockhey. olcheor. odain. okchody-
<f102v1.P2.14;U> ysaiin. ckhey. qoor. cheol=