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Page information on f100r

f100r preview
Parsable information
Illustration type: Pharmaceutical
Quire: S
Page in quire: C
Currier language: A
Currier hand: unknown
Has non-Voynich text: no
Has key-like sequence: no
Has extraneous writing: no

Descriptive comments

Last edited on 1998-10-09 05:03:50 by stolfi


Title: ???
Page: f100r = SC (Rene) = p201 (Stolfi)
Folio: f100
Panels: f100r
Bifolio: bS2 = f100+f101
Quire: S (Rene) = XVII (Beinecke)

B&R p88, Brum Spec. p547, Brum p96, Way p138 Brumbaugh p86


Language: A (Currier)
Hand: 4? (Currier)
Subsets: P (Rene), pha (Stolfi)
Subject: pharmaceutical
Colors: red,green,b (Reeds)


two rows of plants, with (mostly) one word captions 4 line text paragraph one row of plants with one word captions in staggerd order 6 line text paragraph


All transcriptions are given in basic (lowercase) EVA. Use the extractor to get transcriptions in another format.

Unit: "panel 100r, top row of plant labels"

Last edited on 1998-12-24 23:55:30 by stolfi

There are 5 or 6 labels and 5 plants

Label above plant [1,1]


<f100r.L1.1;C> ches. aroshol=
<f100r.L1.2;C> socharcfh=
<f100r.L1.3;C> otear=
<f100r.L1.4;C> chofora=
<f100r.L1.5;C> sar. chas- {stem}daiind=

Karl Kluge:

<f100r.L1.1;K> chosaroshol= {was <f100r. 15A;K>}
<f100r.L1.2;K> sochorcfhy= {was <f100r. 16A;K>}
<f100r.L1.3;K> otear= {was <f100r. 17A;K>}
<f100r.L1.4;K> chofany= {was <f100r. 18A;K>}
<f100r.L1.5;K> sar. char- {stem}daiindy= {was <f100r. 19A;K>}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f100r.L1.1;H> chosaroshol=
<f100r.L1.2;H> sochorcfhy=
<f100r.L1.3;H> otear=
<f100r.L1.4;H> chofary=
<f100r.L1.5;H> sar. char- {stem}daiindy=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f100r.L1.1;U> chos. aroshol=
<f100r.L1.2;U> sochorcfhy=
<f100r.L1.3;U> otear=
<f100r.L1.4;U> chofary=
<f100r.L1.5;U> sar, char- {stem}daiindy=

John Grove:

<f100r.L1.1;V> chos. aroshol=
<f100r.L1.2;V> sochorcfhy=
<f100r.L1.3;V> otear=
<f100r.L1.4;V> chofary=
<f100r.L1.5;V> sarchar- {stem}daiindy=

Unit: "panel 100r, second row of plants and labels"

Last edited on 1998-12-24 23:22:51 by stolfi

label above plant [2,1]


<f100r.L2.1;C> osaro=
<f100r.L2.2;C> chalsain=
<f100r.L2.3;C> choity=
<f100r.L2.4;C> choram=
<f100r.L2.5;C> dakocth=
<f100r.L2.6;C> sofal=

Karl Kluge:

<f100r.L2.1;K> osano= {From photo in Brumbaugh}{was <f100r. 20A;K>}
<f100r.L2.2;K> chalsain= {was <f100r. 21A;K>}
<f100r.L2.3;K> soity= {was <f100r. 22A;K>}
<f100r.L2.4;K> sosam= {From photo in Brumbaugh}{was <f100r. 23A;K>}
<f100r.L2.5;K> dakocth= {was <f100r. 24A;K>}
<f100r.L2.6;K> = {missing in interlin16. evt?}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f100r.L2.1;H> osaro=
<f100r.L2.2;H> chalsain=
<f100r.L2.3;H> soity=
<f100r.L2.4;H> sosam=
<f100r.L2.5;H> dakocth=
<f100r.L2.6;H> sofal=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f100r.L2.1;U> or, aro=
<f100r.L2.2;U> chalsain=
<f100r.L2.3;U> soity=
<f100r.L2.4;U> sosam=
<f100r.L2.5;U> dakocth=
<f100r.L2.6;U> sofam=

John Grove:

<f100r.L2.1;V> or. aro=
<f100r.L2.2;V> chalsain=
<f100r.L2.3;V> soity=
<f100r.L2.4;V> sosam=
<f100r.L2.5;V> dakock=
<f100r.L2.6;V> sofam=

Father Th. Petersen:

<f100r.L2.1;P> oraro= {from Petersen, reported by K. Kluge}
<f100r.L2.4;P> sysam= {From Petersen, reported by K. Kluge}

Unit: "panel 100r, middle text"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 08:56:04 by stolfi

The two <t>s in <cthedat> below are actuallya single <t> with one leg ineach spot.


<f100r.P1.1;C> pcheol. sheod. qopeeckhil. ***. *oto. ch*eos. sheeil. chcthsho. s-
<f100r.P1.2;C> dsheor. cthey. qokeey. oteey. ykeeodain. sarary. daiin. daiin. deeom. chol-
<f100r.P1.3;C> shor. chkeey. qoteey. qokeody. qoteold. qokeol. so. raiin. otchl. ykeeeo- {plant}
<f100r.P1.4;C> dcheor. shol. qokeeol. chor. chol. qokeeody. dareen=

Currier, second choice:

<f100r.P1.4;D> dcheor. shol. qokeeol. chor. chol. qokeeody. dareu=

First study group:

<f100r.P1.1;F> pcheol. sheod. qocphee. ckhy. shodol. tedaoto. ch. os. sheey. chcthsho. s-
<f100r.P1.2;F> dsheor. cthey. qokeey. oteey. ykeeodaiin. ror. ary. daiin. daiin. deeam. chol-
<f100r.P1.3;F> shor. chkeey. qoteey. qokeody. qoteold. qokeol. so. raiin. otal. ykecho- {plant}
<f100r.P1.4;F> dcheor. shol. qokeeol. chor. chol. qokeeody. dariin=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f100r.P1.1;H> pcheol. sheod. qocpheeckhy. shodol. cthdaoto. ch. qeos. sheey. chcthso. s-
<f100r.P1.2;H> dsheor. cthey. qokeey. oteey. ykeeodain. sorary. daiin. daiin. deeamshol-
<f100r.P1.3;H> shor. chkeey. qoteey. qokeody. qoteold. qokeol. so. raiin. otal. ykecho- {plant}
<f100r.P1.4;H> dcheor. shol. qokeeol. chor. chol. qokeeody. dorean=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f100r.P1.1;U> pchsol. sheod. qocpheeckhy. shodol. cthedatoto. chqeos. sheey. chcthso. s-
<f100r.P1.2;U> dsheor. cthey. qokeey. oteey. ykeeodain. sorary, daiin. daiin. deeam. shol-
<f100r.P1.3;U> shor. chkeey. qoteey. qokeody. qoteold. qokeol. so, raiin. otal. ykecho- {plant}
<f100r.P1.4;U> dcheor. shol. qokeeol. chor. chol. qokeeody. daran=

Unit: "panel 100r, third row of plants and labels"

Last edited on 1998-12-10 08:51:30 by stolfi

There are 6 labels and 5 plants; not clear how they are to be paired.

No label on container?

plant [3,1] - dark leaves, flowers?

Label under leaves of plant [3,1]:


<f100r.L3.1;C> okeeos=
<f100r.L3.2a;C> chockhoy= {higher}
<f100r.L3.2b;C> orol=
<f100r.L3.3;C> olchiom=
<f100r.L3.4;C> otols=
<f100r.L3.5;C> oteol= {higher}

Karl Kluge:

<f100r.L3.1;K> okeeos= {was <f100r. 26Aa;K>}
<f100r.L3.2a;K> shockhey= {was <f100r. 27A;K>}
<f100r.L3.2b;K> orol= {was <f100r. 26Ab;K>}
<f100r.L3.3;K> olcheom= {was <f100r. 28A;K>}
<f100r.L3.4;K> okols= {was <f100r. 29A;K>}
<f100r.L3.5;K> oteol= {was <f100r. 30A;K>}

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f100r.L3.1;H> okeeos=
<f100r.L3.2a;H> shockhey=
<f100r.L3.2b;H> orol=
<f100r.L3.3;H> olcheom=
<f100r.L3.4;H> okols=
<f100r.L3.5;H> oteol=

Jorge Stolfi:

<f100r.L3.1;U> okeeos=
<f100r.L3.2a;U> shockhey=
<f100r.L3.2b;U> orol=
<f100r.L3.3;U> olcheom=
<f100r.L3.4;U> okols=
<f100r.L3.5;U> oteol=

John Grove:

<f100r.L3.1;V> okeeos=
<f100r.L3.2a;V> shockhey=
<f100r.L3.2b;V> orol=
<f100r.L3.3;V> olcheom=
<f100r.L3.4;V> okols=
<f100r.L3.5;V> oteol=

Unit: "panel 100r, bottom block of text"

Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:22:29 by stolfi


<f100r.P2.5;C> folshoy. choldaiin. fchod. ycheol. cphol. qotees. shey. asesoalcfhy-
<f100r.P2.6;C> soiin. chol. cphol. shol. qockhoy. chor. chol. sha. keey. eckhey. ykeeam-
<f100r.P2.7;C> saiichor. sheor. qockhody. odeor. yksheey. cholsheody. sai. sheol. raiin-
<f100r.P2.8;C> sheor. qkeeody. chol. daiin. ctheol. olcheal. cheky. cheol. cheockhy. okeol-
<f100r.P2.9;C> yaiin. chekeey. chol. cholody. chos. olchor. qokeol. okeeol. cheols. al-
<f100r.P2.10;C> chol. cheol. cho. chckheody. otolchey=

First study group:

<f100r.P2.5;F> folshody. chol. daiin. fchody. cheol. cphol. qotees. shey. areso. alcfhy-
<f100r.P2.6;F> saiin. chol. cphol. shol. shol. qockhol. chor. chol. sho. keey. ckhy. ykeeam-
<f100r.P2.7;F> saiinchor. shor. qockhody. odeor. yksheey. chol. sheody. sai. cheol. raiin-
<f100r.P2.8;F> sheor. qkeeody. chol. daiin. ctheol. olcheol. chckhy. cheal. checkhy. okeol-
<f100r.P2.9;F> yaiin. chckhy. chol. cholody. chos. olchor. qokeol. okeeol. cheol. sal-
<f100r.P2.10;F> chol. cheol. cho. chckheody. otolchey=

Takeshi Takahashi:

<f100r.P2.5;H> folshody. chol. daiin. fchodycheol. cphol. qotees. shey. oreso. alcfhy-
<f100r.P2.6;H> soiin. chol. cphol. shol. shol. qockhol. chor. chol. sho. keey. cckhhy. ykeeam-
<f100r.P2.7;H> saiichor. sheor. qockhody. odeor. yksheey. chol. sheody. sai. cheol. raiin-
<f100r.P2.8;H> sheor. qkeeody. chol. daiin. ctheol. olcheol. cheky. cheol. cheockhy. okeol-
<f100r.P2.9;H> yaiin. chekeey. chol. cholody. chos. olchor. qokeol. okeeol. cheols. al-
<f100r.P2.10;H> chol. cheol. cho. chckheody. otolchey=